309 lines
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309 lines
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Copyright 2017 the Heptio Ark contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package backup
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kuberrs "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
type resourceBackupperFactory interface {
log logrus.FieldLogger,
backupRequest *Request,
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper,
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{},
cohabitatingResources map[string]*cohabitatingResource,
podCommandExecutor podexec.PodCommandExecutor,
tarWriter tarWriter,
resticBackupper restic.Backupper,
resticSnapshotTracker *pvcSnapshotTracker,
blockStoreGetter BlockStoreGetter,
) resourceBackupper
type defaultResourceBackupperFactory struct{}
func (f *defaultResourceBackupperFactory) newResourceBackupper(
log logrus.FieldLogger,
backupRequest *Request,
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper,
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{},
cohabitatingResources map[string]*cohabitatingResource,
podCommandExecutor podexec.PodCommandExecutor,
tarWriter tarWriter,
resticBackupper restic.Backupper,
resticSnapshotTracker *pvcSnapshotTracker,
blockStoreGetter BlockStoreGetter,
) resourceBackupper {
return &defaultResourceBackupper{
log: log,
backupRequest: backupRequest,
dynamicFactory: dynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper: discoveryHelper,
backedUpItems: backedUpItems,
cohabitatingResources: cohabitatingResources,
podCommandExecutor: podCommandExecutor,
tarWriter: tarWriter,
resticBackupper: resticBackupper,
resticSnapshotTracker: resticSnapshotTracker,
blockStoreGetter: blockStoreGetter,
itemBackupperFactory: &defaultItemBackupperFactory{},
type resourceBackupper interface {
backupResource(group *metav1.APIResourceList, resource metav1.APIResource) error
type defaultResourceBackupper struct {
log logrus.FieldLogger
backupRequest *Request
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{}
cohabitatingResources map[string]*cohabitatingResource
podCommandExecutor podexec.PodCommandExecutor
tarWriter tarWriter
resticBackupper restic.Backupper
resticSnapshotTracker *pvcSnapshotTracker
itemBackupperFactory itemBackupperFactory
blockStoreGetter BlockStoreGetter
// backupResource backs up all the objects for a given group-version-resource.
func (rb *defaultResourceBackupper) backupResource(
group *metav1.APIResourceList,
resource metav1.APIResource,
) error {
var errs []error
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(group.GroupVersion)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error parsing GroupVersion %s", group.GroupVersion)
gr := schema.GroupResource{Group: gv.Group, Resource: resource.Name}
grString := gr.String()
log := rb.log.WithField("groupResource", grString)
log.Info("Evaluating resource")
clusterScoped := !resource.Namespaced
// If the resource we are backing up is NOT namespaces, and it is cluster-scoped, check to see if
// we should include it based on the IncludeClusterResources setting.
if gr != kuberesource.Namespaces && clusterScoped {
if rb.backupRequest.Spec.IncludeClusterResources == nil {
if !rb.backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes.IncludeEverything() {
// when IncludeClusterResources == nil (auto), only directly
// back up cluster-scoped resources if we're doing a full-cluster
// (all namespaces) backup. Note that in the case of a subset of
// namespaces being backed up, some related cluster-scoped resources
// may still be backed up if triggered by a custom action (e.g. PVC->PV).
// If we're processing namespaces themselves, we will not skip here, they may be
// filtered out later.
log.Info("Skipping resource because it's cluster-scoped and only specific namespaces are included in the backup")
return nil
} else if !*rb.backupRequest.Spec.IncludeClusterResources {
log.Info("Skipping resource because it's cluster-scoped")
return nil
if !rb.backupRequest.ResourceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(grString) {
log.Infof("Resource is excluded")
return nil
if cohabitator, found := rb.cohabitatingResources[resource.Name]; found {
if cohabitator.seen {
"cohabitatingResource1": cohabitator.groupResource1.String(),
"cohabitatingResource2": cohabitator.groupResource2.String(),
).Infof("Skipping resource because it cohabitates and we've already processed it")
return nil
cohabitator.seen = true
itemBackupper := rb.itemBackupperFactory.newItemBackupper(
namespacesToList := getNamespacesToList(rb.backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes)
// Check if we're backing up namespaces, and only certain ones
if gr == kuberesource.Namespaces && namespacesToList[0] != "" {
resourceClient, err := rb.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gv, resource, "")
if err != nil {
return err
var labelSelector labels.Selector
if rb.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector != nil {
labelSelector, err = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rb.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen...
return errors.Wrap(err, "invalid label selector")
for _, ns := range namespacesToList {
log.WithField("namespace", ns).Info("Getting namespace")
unstructured, err := resourceClient.Get(ns, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.Wrap(err, "error getting namespace"))
labels := labels.Set(unstructured.GetLabels())
if labelSelector != nil && !labelSelector.Matches(labels) {
log.WithField("name", unstructured.GetName()).Info("skipping item because it does not match the backup's label selector")
if err := itemBackupper.backupItem(log, unstructured, gr); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return kuberrs.NewAggregate(errs)
// If we get here, we're backing up something other than namespaces
if clusterScoped {
namespacesToList = []string{""}
for _, namespace := range namespacesToList {
resourceClient, err := rb.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gv, resource, namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
var labelSelector string
if selector := rb.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector; selector != nil {
labelSelector = metav1.FormatLabelSelector(selector)
log.WithField("namespace", namespace).Info("Listing items")
unstructuredList, err := resourceClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labelSelector})
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
// do the backup
items, err := meta.ExtractList(unstructuredList)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
log.WithField("namespace", namespace).Infof("Retrieved %d items", len(items))
for _, item := range items {
unstructured, ok := item.(runtime.Unstructured)
if !ok {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", item))
metadata, err := meta.Accessor(unstructured)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to get a metadata accessor"))
if gr == kuberesource.Namespaces && !rb.backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(metadata.GetName()) {
log.WithField("name", metadata.GetName()).Info("skipping namespace because it is excluded")
if err := itemBackupper.backupItem(log, unstructured, gr); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return kuberrs.NewAggregate(errs)
// getNamespacesToList examines ie and resolves the includes and excludes to a full list of
// namespaces to list. If ie is nil or it includes *, the result is just "" (list across all
// namespaces). Otherwise, the result is a list of every included namespace minus all excluded ones.
func getNamespacesToList(ie *collections.IncludesExcludes) []string {
if ie == nil {
return []string{""}
if ie.ShouldInclude("*") {
// "" means all namespaces
return []string{""}
var list []string
for _, i := range ie.GetIncludes() {
if ie.ShouldInclude(i) {
list = append(list, i)
return list
type cohabitatingResource struct {
resource string
groupResource1 schema.GroupResource
groupResource2 schema.GroupResource
seen bool
func newCohabitatingResource(resource, group1, group2 string) *cohabitatingResource {
return &cohabitatingResource{
resource: resource,
groupResource1: schema.GroupResource{Group: group1, Resource: resource},
groupResource2: schema.GroupResource{Group: group2, Resource: resource},
seen: false,