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Copyright 2017 the Heptio Ark contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package backup
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kuberrs "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
api "github.com/heptio/velero/pkg/apis/velero/v1"
kubeutil "github.com/heptio/velero/pkg/util/kube"
// BackupVersion is the current backup version for Velero.
const BackupVersion = 1
// Backupper performs backups.
type Backupper interface {
// Backup takes a backup using the specification in the api.Backup and writes backup and log data
// to the given writers.
Backup(logger logrus.FieldLogger, backup *Request, backupFile io.Writer, actions []ItemAction, blockStoreGetter BlockStoreGetter) error
// kubernetesBackupper implements Backupper.
type kubernetesBackupper struct {
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper
podCommandExecutor podexec.PodCommandExecutor
groupBackupperFactory groupBackupperFactory
resticBackupperFactory restic.BackupperFactory
resticTimeout time.Duration
type itemKey struct {
resource string
namespace string
name string
type resolvedAction struct {
resourceIncludesExcludes *collections.IncludesExcludes
namespaceIncludesExcludes *collections.IncludesExcludes
selector labels.Selector
func (i *itemKey) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("resource=%s,namespace=%s,name=%s", i.resource, i.namespace, i.name)
func cohabitatingResources() map[string]*cohabitatingResource {
return map[string]*cohabitatingResource{
"deployments": newCohabitatingResource("deployments", "extensions", "apps"),
"daemonsets": newCohabitatingResource("daemonsets", "extensions", "apps"),
"replicasets": newCohabitatingResource("replicasets", "extensions", "apps"),
"networkpolicies": newCohabitatingResource("networkpolicies", "extensions", "networking.k8s.io"),
"events": newCohabitatingResource("events", "", "events.k8s.io"),
// NewKubernetesBackupper creates a new kubernetesBackupper.
func NewKubernetesBackupper(
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper,
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory,
podCommandExecutor podexec.PodCommandExecutor,
resticBackupperFactory restic.BackupperFactory,
resticTimeout time.Duration,
) (Backupper, error) {
return &kubernetesBackupper{
discoveryHelper: discoveryHelper,
dynamicFactory: dynamicFactory,
podCommandExecutor: podCommandExecutor,
groupBackupperFactory: &defaultGroupBackupperFactory{},
resticBackupperFactory: resticBackupperFactory,
resticTimeout: resticTimeout,
}, nil
func resolveActions(actions []ItemAction, helper discovery.Helper) ([]resolvedAction, error) {
var resolved []resolvedAction
for _, action := range actions {
resourceSelector, err := action.AppliesTo()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
resources := getResourceIncludesExcludes(helper, resourceSelector.IncludedResources, resourceSelector.ExcludedResources)
namespaces := collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes(resourceSelector.IncludedNamespaces...).Excludes(resourceSelector.ExcludedNamespaces...)
selector := labels.Everything()
if resourceSelector.LabelSelector != "" {
if selector, err = labels.Parse(resourceSelector.LabelSelector); err != nil {
return nil, err
res := resolvedAction{
ItemAction: action,
resourceIncludesExcludes: resources,
namespaceIncludesExcludes: namespaces,
selector: selector,
resolved = append(resolved, res)
return resolved, nil
// getResourceIncludesExcludes takes the lists of resources to include and exclude, uses the
// discovery helper to resolve them to fully-qualified group-resource names, and returns an
// IncludesExcludes list.
func getResourceIncludesExcludes(helper discovery.Helper, includes, excludes []string) *collections.IncludesExcludes {
resources := collections.GenerateIncludesExcludes(
func(item string) string {
gvr, _, err := helper.ResourceFor(schema.ParseGroupResource(item).WithVersion(""))
if err != nil {
return ""
gr := gvr.GroupResource()
return gr.String()
return resources
// getNamespaceIncludesExcludes returns an IncludesExcludes list containing which namespaces to
// include and exclude from the backup.
func getNamespaceIncludesExcludes(backup *api.Backup) *collections.IncludesExcludes {
return collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes(backup.Spec.IncludedNamespaces...).Excludes(backup.Spec.ExcludedNamespaces...)
func getResourceHooks(hookSpecs []api.BackupResourceHookSpec, discoveryHelper discovery.Helper) ([]resourceHook, error) {
resourceHooks := make([]resourceHook, 0, len(hookSpecs))
for _, s := range hookSpecs {
h, err := getResourceHook(s, discoveryHelper)
if err != nil {
return []resourceHook{}, err
resourceHooks = append(resourceHooks, h)
return resourceHooks, nil
func getResourceHook(hookSpec api.BackupResourceHookSpec, discoveryHelper discovery.Helper) (resourceHook, error) {
// Use newer PreHooks if it's set
preHooks := hookSpec.PreHooks
if len(preHooks) == 0 {
// Fall back to Hooks otherwise (DEPRECATED)
preHooks = hookSpec.Hooks
h := resourceHook{
name: hookSpec.Name,
namespaces: collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes(hookSpec.IncludedNamespaces...).Excludes(hookSpec.ExcludedNamespaces...),
resources: getResourceIncludesExcludes(discoveryHelper, hookSpec.IncludedResources, hookSpec.ExcludedResources),
pre: preHooks,
post: hookSpec.PostHooks,
if hookSpec.LabelSelector != nil {
labelSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(hookSpec.LabelSelector)
if err != nil {
return resourceHook{}, errors.WithStack(err)
h.labelSelector = labelSelector
return h, nil
type BlockStoreGetter interface {
GetBlockStore(name string) (cloudprovider.BlockStore, error)
// Backup backs up the items specified in the Backup, placing them in a gzip-compressed tar file
// written to backupFile. The finalized api.Backup is written to metadata.
func (kb *kubernetesBackupper) Backup(logger logrus.FieldLogger, backupRequest *Request, backupFile io.Writer, actions []ItemAction, blockStoreGetter BlockStoreGetter) error {
gzippedData := gzip.NewWriter(backupFile)
defer gzippedData.Close()
tw := tar.NewWriter(gzippedData)
defer tw.Close()
log := logger.WithField("backup", kubeutil.NamespaceAndName(backupRequest))
log.Info("Starting backup")
if err := kb.writeBackupVersion(tw); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes = getNamespaceIncludesExcludes(backupRequest.Backup)
log.Infof("Including namespaces: %s", backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes.IncludesString())
log.Infof("Excluding namespaces: %s", backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes.ExcludesString())
backupRequest.ResourceIncludesExcludes = getResourceIncludesExcludes(kb.discoveryHelper, backupRequest.Spec.IncludedResources, backupRequest.Spec.ExcludedResources)
log.Infof("Including resources: %s", backupRequest.ResourceIncludesExcludes.IncludesString())
log.Infof("Excluding resources: %s", backupRequest.ResourceIncludesExcludes.ExcludesString())
var err error
backupRequest.ResourceHooks, err = getResourceHooks(backupRequest.Spec.Hooks.Resources, kb.discoveryHelper)
if err != nil {
return err
backupRequest.ResolvedActions, err = resolveActions(actions, kb.discoveryHelper)
if err != nil {
return err
podVolumeTimeout := kb.resticTimeout
if val := backupRequest.Annotations[api.PodVolumeOperationTimeoutAnnotation]; val != "" {
parsed, err := time.ParseDuration(val)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Errorf("Unable to parse pod volume timeout annotation %s, using server value.", val)
} else {
podVolumeTimeout = parsed
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), podVolumeTimeout)
defer cancelFunc()
var resticBackupper restic.Backupper
if kb.resticBackupperFactory != nil {
resticBackupper, err = kb.resticBackupperFactory.NewBackupper(ctx, backupRequest.Backup)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
gb := kb.groupBackupperFactory.newGroupBackupper(
var errs []error
for _, group := range kb.discoveryHelper.Resources() {
if err := gb.backupGroup(group); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = kuberrs.Flatten(kuberrs.NewAggregate(errs))
if err == nil {
log.Infof("Backup completed successfully")
} else {
log.Infof("Backup completed with errors: %v", err)
return err
func (kb *kubernetesBackupper) writeBackupVersion(tw *tar.Writer) error {
versionFile := filepath.Join(api.MetadataDir, "version")
versionString := fmt.Sprintf("%d\n", BackupVersion)
hdr := &tar.Header{
Name: versionFile,
Size: int64(len(versionString)),
Typeflag: tar.TypeReg,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: time.Now(),
if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if _, err := tw.Write([]byte(versionString)); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
type tarWriter interface {
Write([]byte) (int, error)
WriteHeader(*tar.Header) error