568 lines
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568 lines
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Copyright the Velero contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package backup
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// itemCollector collects items from the Kubernetes API according to
// the backup spec and writes them to files inside dir.
type itemCollector struct {
log logrus.FieldLogger
backupRequest *Request
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory
cohabitatingResources map[string]*cohabitatingResource
dir string
pageSize int
type kubernetesResource struct {
groupResource schema.GroupResource
preferredGVR schema.GroupVersionResource
namespace, name, path string
// getItemsFromResourceIdentifiers converts ResourceIdentifiers to
// kubernetesResources
func (r *itemCollector) getItemsFromResourceIdentifiers(resourceIDs []velero.ResourceIdentifier) []*kubernetesResource {
grResourceIDsMap := make(map[schema.GroupResource][]velero.ResourceIdentifier)
for _, resourceID := range resourceIDs {
grResourceIDsMap[resourceID.GroupResource] = append(grResourceIDsMap[resourceID.GroupResource], resourceID)
return r.getItems(grResourceIDsMap)
// getAllItems gets all relevant items from all API groups.
func (r *itemCollector) getAllItems() []*kubernetesResource {
return r.getItems(nil)
// getItems gets all relevant items from all API groups.
// If resourceIDsMap is nil, then all items from the cluster are
// pulled for each API group, subject to include/exclude rules.
// If resourceIDsMap is supplied, then only those resources are
// returned, with the appropriate APIGroup information filled in. In
// this case, include/exclude rules are not invoked, since we already
// have the list of items, we just need the item collector/discovery
// helper to fill in the missing GVR, etc. context.
func (r *itemCollector) getItems(resourceIDsMap map[schema.GroupResource][]velero.ResourceIdentifier) []*kubernetesResource {
var resources []*kubernetesResource
for _, group := range r.discoveryHelper.Resources() {
groupItems, err := r.getGroupItems(r.log, group, resourceIDsMap)
if err != nil {
r.log.WithError(err).WithField("apiGroup", group.String()).Error("Error collecting resources from API group")
resources = append(resources, groupItems...)
return resources
// getGroupItems collects all relevant items from a single API group.
// If resourceIDsMap is supplied, then only those items are returned,
// with GVR/APIResource metadata supplied.
func (r *itemCollector) getGroupItems(log logrus.FieldLogger, group *metav1.APIResourceList, resourceIDsMap map[schema.GroupResource][]velero.ResourceIdentifier) ([]*kubernetesResource, error) {
log = log.WithField("group", group.GroupVersion)
log.Infof("Getting items for group")
// Parse so we can check if this is the core group
gv, err := schema.ParseGroupVersion(group.GroupVersion)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error parsing GroupVersion %q", group.GroupVersion)
if gv.Group == "" {
// This is the core group, so make sure we process in the following order: pods, pvcs, pvs,
// everything else.
var items []*kubernetesResource
for _, resource := range group.APIResources {
resourceItems, err := r.getResourceItems(log, gv, resource, resourceIDsMap)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("resource", resource.String()).Error("Error getting items for resource")
items = append(items, resourceItems...)
return items, nil
// sortResourcesByOrder sorts items by the names specified in "order". Items are not in order will be put at the end in original order.
func sortResourcesByOrder(log logrus.FieldLogger, items []*kubernetesResource, order []string) []*kubernetesResource {
if len(order) == 0 {
return items
log.Debugf("Sorting resources using the following order %v...", order)
itemMap := make(map[string]*kubernetesResource)
for _, item := range items {
var fullname string
if item.namespace != "" {
fullname = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", item.namespace, item.name)
} else {
fullname = item.name
itemMap[fullname] = item
var sortedItems []*kubernetesResource
// First select items from the order
for _, name := range order {
if item, ok := itemMap[name]; ok {
sortedItems = append(sortedItems, item)
log.Debugf("%s added to sorted resource list.", item.name)
delete(itemMap, name)
} else {
log.Warnf("Cannot find resource '%s'.", name)
// Now append the rest in sortedGroupItems, maintain the original order
for _, item := range items {
var fullname string
if item.namespace != "" {
fullname = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", item.namespace, item.name)
} else {
fullname = item.name
if _, ok := itemMap[fullname]; !ok {
//This item has been inserted in the result
sortedItems = append(sortedItems, item)
log.Debugf("%s added to sorted resource list.", item.name)
return sortedItems
// getOrderedResourcesForType gets order of resourceType from orderResources.
func getOrderedResourcesForType(orderedResources map[string]string, resourceType string) []string {
if orderedResources == nil {
return nil
orderStr, ok := orderedResources[resourceType]
if !ok || len(orderStr) == 0 {
return nil
orders := strings.Split(orderStr, ",")
return orders
// getResourceItems collects all relevant items for a given group-version-resource.
// If resourceIDsMap is supplied, the items will be pulled from here
// rather than from the cluster and applying include/exclude rules.
func (r *itemCollector) getResourceItems(log logrus.FieldLogger, gv schema.GroupVersion, resource metav1.APIResource, resourceIDsMap map[schema.GroupResource][]velero.ResourceIdentifier) ([]*kubernetesResource, error) {
log = log.WithField("resource", resource.Name)
log.Info("Getting items for resource")
var (
gvr = gv.WithResource(resource.Name)
gr = gvr.GroupResource()
clusterScoped = !resource.Namespaced
orders := getOrderedResourcesForType(r.backupRequest.Backup.Spec.OrderedResources, resource.Name)
// Getting the preferred group version of this resource
preferredGVR, _, err := r.discoveryHelper.ResourceFor(gr.WithVersion(""))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
// If we have a resourceIDs map, then only return items listed in it
if resourceIDsMap != nil {
resourceIDs, ok := resourceIDsMap[gr]
if !ok {
log.Info("Skipping resource because no items found in supplied ResourceIdentifier list")
return nil, nil
var items []*kubernetesResource
for _, resourceID := range resourceIDs {
"namespace": resourceID.Namespace,
"name": resourceID.Name,
).Infof("Getting item")
resourceClient, err := r.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gv, resource, resourceID.Namespace)
unstructured, err := resourceClient.Get(resourceID.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Error("Error getting item")
path, err := r.writeToFile(unstructured)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error writing item to file")
items = append(items, &kubernetesResource{
groupResource: gr,
preferredGVR: preferredGVR,
namespace: resourceID.Namespace,
name: resourceID.Name,
path: path,
return items, nil
if !r.backupRequest.ResourceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(gr.String()) {
log.Infof("Skipping resource because it's excluded")
return nil, nil
if cohabitator, found := r.cohabitatingResources[resource.Name]; found {
if gv.Group == cohabitator.groupResource1.Group || gv.Group == cohabitator.groupResource2.Group {
if cohabitator.seen {
"cohabitatingResource1": cohabitator.groupResource1.String(),
"cohabitatingResource2": cohabitator.groupResource2.String(),
).Infof("Skipping resource because it cohabitates and we've already processed it")
return nil, nil
cohabitator.seen = true
namespacesToList := getNamespacesToList(r.backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes)
// Check if we're backing up namespaces for a less-than-full backup.
// We enter this block if resource is Namespaces and the namespace list is either empty or contains
// an explicit namespace list. (We skip this block if the list contains "" since that indicates
// a full-cluster backup
if gr == kuberesource.Namespaces && (len(namespacesToList) == 0 || namespacesToList[0] != "") {
resourceClient, err := r.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gv, resource, "")
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error getting dynamic client")
} else {
var labelSelector labels.Selector
if r.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector != nil {
labelSelector, err = metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(r.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen...
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "invalid label selector")
var items []*kubernetesResource
for _, ns := range namespacesToList {
log = log.WithField("namespace", ns)
log.Info("Getting namespace")
unstructured, err := resourceClient.Get(ns, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Error("Error getting namespace")
labels := labels.Set(unstructured.GetLabels())
if labelSelector != nil && !labelSelector.Matches(labels) {
log.Info("Skipping namespace because it does not match the backup's label selector")
path, err := r.writeToFile(unstructured)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error writing item to file")
items = append(items, &kubernetesResource{
groupResource: gr,
preferredGVR: preferredGVR,
name: ns,
path: path,
return items, nil
// If we get here, we're backing up something other than namespaces
if clusterScoped {
namespacesToList = []string{""}
var items []*kubernetesResource
for _, namespace := range namespacesToList {
// List items from Kubernetes API
log = log.WithField("namespace", namespace)
resourceClient, err := r.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gv, resource, namespace)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error getting dynamic client")
var orLabelSelectors []string
if r.backupRequest.Spec.OrLabelSelectors != nil {
for _, s := range r.backupRequest.Spec.OrLabelSelectors {
orLabelSelectors = append(orLabelSelectors, metav1.FormatLabelSelector(s))
} else {
orLabelSelectors = []string{}
log.Info("Listing items")
unstructuredItems := make([]unstructured.Unstructured, 0)
// Listing items for orLabelSelectors
errListingForNS := false
for _, label := range orLabelSelectors {
unstructuredItems, err = r.listItemsForLabel(unstructuredItems, gr, label, resourceClient)
if err != nil {
errListingForNS = true
if errListingForNS {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error listing items")
var labelSelector string
if selector := r.backupRequest.Spec.LabelSelector; selector != nil {
labelSelector = metav1.FormatLabelSelector(selector)
// Listing items for labelSelector (singular)
if len(orLabelSelectors) == 0 {
unstructuredItems, err = r.listItemsForLabel(unstructuredItems, gr, labelSelector, resourceClient)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error listing items")
log.Infof("Retrieved %d items", len(unstructuredItems))
// Collect items in included Namespaces
for i := range unstructuredItems {
item := &unstructuredItems[i]
if gr == kuberesource.Namespaces && !r.backupRequest.NamespaceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(item.GetName()) {
log.WithField("name", item.GetName()).Info("Skipping namespace because it's excluded")
path, err := r.writeToFile(item)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error writing item to file")
items = append(items, &kubernetesResource{
groupResource: gr,
preferredGVR: preferredGVR,
namespace: item.GetNamespace(),
name: item.GetName(),
path: path,
if len(orders) > 0 {
items = sortResourcesByOrder(r.log, items, orders)
return items, nil
func (r *itemCollector) writeToFile(item *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
f, err := os.CreateTemp(r.dir, "")
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "error creating temp file")
defer f.Close()
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(item)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "error converting item to JSON")
if _, err := f.Write(jsonBytes); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "error writing JSON to file")
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "error closing file")
return f.Name(), nil
// sortCoreGroup sorts the core API group.
func sortCoreGroup(group *metav1.APIResourceList) {
sort.SliceStable(group.APIResources, func(i, j int) bool {
return coreGroupResourcePriority(group.APIResources[i].Name) < coreGroupResourcePriority(group.APIResources[j].Name)
// These constants represent the relative priorities for resources in the core API group. We want to
// ensure that we process pods, then pvcs, then pvs, then anything else. This ensures that when a
// pod is backed up, we can perform a pre hook, then process pvcs and pvs (including taking a
// snapshot), then perform a post hook on the pod.
const (
pod = iota
// coreGroupResourcePriority returns the relative priority of the resource, in the following order:
// pods, pvcs, pvs, everything else.
func coreGroupResourcePriority(resource string) int {
switch strings.ToLower(resource) {
case "pods":
return pod
case "persistentvolumeclaims":
return pvc
case "persistentvolumes":
return pv
return other
// getNamespacesToList examines ie and resolves the includes and excludes to a full list of
// namespaces to list. If ie is nil or it includes *, the result is just "" (list across all
// namespaces). Otherwise, the result is a list of every included namespace minus all excluded ones.
func getNamespacesToList(ie *collections.IncludesExcludes) []string {
if ie == nil {
return []string{""}
if ie.ShouldInclude("*") {
// "" means all namespaces
return []string{""}
var list []string
for _, i := range ie.GetIncludes() {
if ie.ShouldInclude(i) {
list = append(list, i)
return list
type cohabitatingResource struct {
resource string
groupResource1 schema.GroupResource
groupResource2 schema.GroupResource
seen bool
func newCohabitatingResource(resource, group1, group2 string) *cohabitatingResource {
return &cohabitatingResource{
resource: resource,
groupResource1: schema.GroupResource{Group: group1, Resource: resource},
groupResource2: schema.GroupResource{Group: group2, Resource: resource},
seen: false,
// function to process pager client calls when the pageSize is specified
func (r *itemCollector) processPagerClientCalls(gr schema.GroupResource, label string, resourceClient client.Dynamic) (runtime.Object, error) {
// If limit is positive, use a pager to split list over multiple requests
// Use Velero's dynamic list function instead of the default
listPager := pager.New(pager.SimplePageFunc(func(opts metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return resourceClient.List(opts)
// Use the page size defined in the server config
// TODO allow configuration of page buffer size
listPager.PageSize = int64(r.pageSize)
// Add each item to temporary slice
list, paginated, err := listPager.List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
if err != nil {
r.log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Error("Error listing resources")
return list, err
if !paginated {
r.log.Infof("list for groupResource %s was not paginated", gr)
return list, nil
func (r *itemCollector) listItemsForLabel(unstructuredItems []unstructured.Unstructured, gr schema.GroupResource, label string, resourceClient client.Dynamic) ([]unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
if r.pageSize > 0 {
// process pager client calls
list, err := r.processPagerClientCalls(gr, label, resourceClient)
if err != nil {
return unstructuredItems, err
err = meta.EachListItem(list, func(object runtime.Object) error {
u, ok := object.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
if !ok {
r.log.WithError(errors.WithStack(fmt.Errorf("expected *unstructured.Unstructured but got %T", u))).Error("unable to understand entry in the list")
return fmt.Errorf("expected *unstructured.Unstructured but got %T", u)
unstructuredItems = append(unstructuredItems, *u)
return nil
if err != nil {
r.log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Error("unable to understand paginated list")
return unstructuredItems, err
} else {
unstructuredList, err := resourceClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: label})
if err != nil {
r.log.WithError(errors.WithStack(err)).Error("Error listing items")
return unstructuredItems, err
unstructuredItems = append(unstructuredItems, unstructuredList.Items...)
return unstructuredItems, nil