
308 lines
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Copyright 2018 the Velero contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package podvolume
import (
corev1api ""
metav1 ""
corev1client ""
velerov1api ""
clientset ""
// Backupper can execute restic backups of volumes in a pod.
type Backupper interface {
// BackupPodVolumes backs up all specified volumes in a pod.
BackupPodVolumes(backup *velerov1api.Backup, pod *corev1api.Pod, volumesToBackup []string, log logrus.FieldLogger) ([]*velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup, []error)
type backupper struct {
ctx context.Context
repoLocker *repository.RepoLocker
repoEnsurer *repository.RepositoryEnsurer
veleroClient clientset.Interface
pvcClient corev1client.PersistentVolumeClaimsGetter
pvClient corev1client.PersistentVolumesGetter
results map[string]chan *velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup
resultsLock sync.Mutex
func newBackupper(
ctx context.Context,
repoLocker *repository.RepoLocker,
repoEnsurer *repository.RepositoryEnsurer,
podVolumeBackupInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer,
veleroClient clientset.Interface,
pvcClient corev1client.PersistentVolumeClaimsGetter,
pvClient corev1client.PersistentVolumesGetter,
log logrus.FieldLogger,
) *backupper {
b := &backupper{
ctx: ctx,
repoLocker: repoLocker,
repoEnsurer: repoEnsurer,
veleroClient: veleroClient,
pvcClient: pvcClient,
pvClient: pvClient,
results: make(map[string]chan *velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup),
UpdateFunc: func(_, obj interface{}) {
pvb := obj.(*velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup)
if pvb.Status.Phase == velerov1api.PodVolumeBackupPhaseCompleted || pvb.Status.Phase == velerov1api.PodVolumeBackupPhaseFailed {
defer b.resultsLock.Unlock()
resChan, ok := b.results[resultsKey(pvb.Spec.Pod.Namespace, pvb.Spec.Pod.Name)]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("No results channel found for pod %s/%s to send pod volume backup %s/%s on", pvb.Spec.Pod.Namespace, pvb.Spec.Pod.Name, pvb.Namespace, pvb.Name)
resChan <- pvb
return b
func resultsKey(ns, name string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", ns, name)
func (b *backupper) BackupPodVolumes(backup *velerov1api.Backup, pod *corev1api.Pod, volumesToBackup []string, log logrus.FieldLogger) ([]*velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup, []error) {
if len(volumesToBackup) == 0 {
return nil, nil
repo, err := b.repoEnsurer.EnsureRepo(b.ctx, backup.Namespace, pod.Namespace, backup.Spec.StorageLocation)
if err != nil {
return nil, []error{err}
// get a single non-exclusive lock since we'll wait for all individual
// backups to be complete before releasing it.
defer b.repoLocker.Unlock(repo.Name)
resultsChan := make(chan *velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup)
b.results[resultsKey(pod.Namespace, pod.Name)] = resultsChan
var (
errs []error
podVolumeBackups []*velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup
podVolumes = make(map[string]corev1api.Volume)
mountedPodVolumes = sets.String{}
// put the pod's volumes in a map for efficient lookup below
for _, podVolume := range pod.Spec.Volumes {
podVolumes[podVolume.Name] = podVolume
for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
for _, volumeMount := range container.VolumeMounts {
var numVolumeSnapshots int
for _, volumeName := range volumesToBackup {
volume, ok := podVolumes[volumeName]
if !ok {
log.Warnf("No volume named %s found in pod %s/%s, skipping", volumeName, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
var pvc *corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim
if volume.PersistentVolumeClaim != nil {
pvc, err = b.pvcClient.PersistentVolumeClaims(pod.Namespace).Get(context.TODO(), volume.PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.Wrap(err, "error getting persistent volume claim for volume"))
// ignore non-running pods
if pod.Status.Phase != corev1api.PodRunning {
log.Warnf("Skipping volume %s in pod %s/%s - pod not running", volumeName, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
// hostPath volumes are not supported because they're not mounted into /var/lib/kubelet/pods, so our
// daemonset pod has no way to access their data.
isHostPath, err := isHostPathVolume(&volume, pvc, b.pvClient.PersistentVolumes())
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.Wrap(err, "error checking if volume is a hostPath volume"))
if isHostPath {
log.Warnf("Volume %s in pod %s/%s is a hostPath volume which is not supported for restic backup, skipping", volumeName, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
// volumes that are not mounted by any container should not be backed up, because
// its directory is not created
if !mountedPodVolumes.Has(volumeName) {
log.Warnf("Volume %s is declared in pod %s/%s but not mounted by any container, skipping", volumeName, pod.Namespace, pod.Name)
// TODO: Remove the hard-coded uploader type before v1.10 FC
volumeBackup := newPodVolumeBackup(backup, pod, volume, repo.Spec.ResticIdentifier, "restic", pvc)
if volumeBackup, err = b.veleroClient.VeleroV1().PodVolumeBackups(volumeBackup.Namespace).Create(context.TODO(), volumeBackup, metav1.CreateOptions{}); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
for i, count := 0, numVolumeSnapshots; i < count; i++ {
select {
case <-b.ctx.Done():
errs = append(errs, errors.New("timed out waiting for all PodVolumeBackups to complete"))
break ForEachVolume
case res := <-resultsChan:
switch res.Status.Phase {
case velerov1api.PodVolumeBackupPhaseCompleted:
podVolumeBackups = append(podVolumeBackups, res)
case velerov1api.PodVolumeBackupPhaseFailed:
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("pod volume backup failed: %s", res.Status.Message))
podVolumeBackups = append(podVolumeBackups, res)
delete(b.results, resultsKey(pod.Namespace, pod.Name))
return podVolumeBackups, errs
type pvcGetter interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, name string, opts metav1.GetOptions) (*corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
type pvGetter interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, name string, opts metav1.GetOptions) (*corev1api.PersistentVolume, error)
// isHostPathVolume returns true if the volume is either a hostPath pod volume or a persistent
// volume claim on a hostPath persistent volume, or false otherwise.
func isHostPathVolume(volume *corev1api.Volume, pvc *corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim, pvGetter pvGetter) (bool, error) {
if volume.HostPath != nil {
return true, nil
if pvc == nil || pvc.Spec.VolumeName == "" {
return false, nil
pv, err := pvGetter.Get(context.TODO(), pvc.Spec.VolumeName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return false, errors.WithStack(err)
return pv.Spec.HostPath != nil, nil
func newPodVolumeBackup(backup *velerov1api.Backup, pod *corev1api.Pod, volume corev1api.Volume, repoIdentifier, uploaderType string, pvc *corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim) *velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup {
pvb := &velerov1api.PodVolumeBackup{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: backup.Namespace,
GenerateName: backup.Name + "-",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: velerov1api.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
Kind: "Backup",
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Controller: boolptr.True(),
Labels: map[string]string{
velerov1api.BackupNameLabel: label.GetValidName(backup.Name),
velerov1api.BackupUIDLabel: string(backup.UID),
Spec: velerov1api.PodVolumeBackupSpec{
Node: pod.Spec.NodeName,
Pod: corev1api.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: pod.Namespace,
Name: pod.Name,
UID: pod.UID,
Volume: volume.Name,
Tags: map[string]string{
"backup": backup.Name,
"backup-uid": string(backup.UID),
"pod": pod.Name,
"pod-uid": string(pod.UID),
"ns": pod.Namespace,
"volume": volume.Name,
BackupStorageLocation: backup.Spec.StorageLocation,
RepoIdentifier: repoIdentifier,
UploaderType: uploaderType,
if pvc != nil {
// this annotation is used in pkg/restore to identify if a PVC
// has a restic backup.
pvb.Annotations = map[string]string{
PVCNameAnnotation: pvc.Name,
// this label is used by the pod volume backup controller to tell
// if a pod volume backup is for a PVC.
pvb.Labels[velerov1api.PVCUIDLabel] = string(pvc.UID)
// this tag is not used by velero, but useful for debugging.
pvb.Spec.Tags["pvc-uid"] = string(pvc.UID)
return pvb
func errorOnly(_ interface{}, err error) error {
return err