
260 lines
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Copyright the Velero contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package controller
import (
metav1 ""
ctrl ""
velerov1api ""
const (
// keep the enqueue period a smaller value to make sure the BSL can be validated as expected.
// The BSL validation frequency is 1 minute by default, if we set the enqueue period as 1 minute,
// this will cause the actual validation interval for each BSL to be 2 minutes
bslValidationEnqueuePeriod = 10 * time.Second
// BackupStorageLocationReconciler reconciles a BackupStorageLocation object
type backupStorageLocationReconciler struct {
ctx context.Context
client client.Client
defaultBackupLocationInfo storage.DefaultBackupLocationInfo
// use variables to refer to these functions so they can be
// replaced with fakes for testing.
newPluginManager func(logrus.FieldLogger) clientmgmt.Manager
backupStoreGetter persistence.ObjectBackupStoreGetter
log logrus.FieldLogger
// NewBackupStorageLocationReconciler initialize and return a backupStorageLocationReconciler struct
func NewBackupStorageLocationReconciler(
ctx context.Context,
client client.Client,
defaultBackupLocationInfo storage.DefaultBackupLocationInfo,
newPluginManager func(logrus.FieldLogger) clientmgmt.Manager,
backupStoreGetter persistence.ObjectBackupStoreGetter,
log logrus.FieldLogger) *backupStorageLocationReconciler {
return &backupStorageLocationReconciler{
ctx: ctx,
client: client,
defaultBackupLocationInfo: defaultBackupLocationInfo,
newPluginManager: newPluginManager,
backupStoreGetter: backupStoreGetter,
log: log,
func (r *backupStorageLocationReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
var unavailableErrors []string
var location velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
log := r.log.WithField("controller", constant.ControllerBackupStorageLocation).WithField(constant.ControllerBackupStorageLocation, req.NamespacedName.String())
log.Debug("Validating availability of BackupStorageLocation")
locationList, err := storage.ListBackupStorageLocations(r.ctx, r.client, req.Namespace)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("No BackupStorageLocations found, at least one is required")
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
pluginManager := r.newPluginManager(log)
defer pluginManager.CleanupClients()
// find the BSL that matches the request
for _, bsl := range locationList.Items {
if bsl.Name == req.Name && bsl.Namespace == req.Namespace {
location = bsl
if location.Name == "" || location.Namespace == "" {
log.WithError(err).Error("BackupStorageLocation is not found")
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
// decide the default BSL
defaultFound, err := r.ensureSingleDefaultBSL(locationList)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("failed to ensure single default bsl")
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
func() {
var err error
original := location.DeepCopy()
defer func() {
location.Status.LastValidationTime = &metav1.Time{Time: time.Now().UTC()}
if err != nil {
log.Info("BackupStorageLocation is invalid, marking as unavailable")
err = errors.Wrapf(err, "BackupStorageLocation %q is unavailable", location.Name)
unavailableErrors = append(unavailableErrors, err.Error())
location.Status.Phase = velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationPhaseUnavailable
location.Status.Message = err.Error()
} else {
log.Info("BackupStorageLocations is valid, marking as available")
location.Status.Phase = velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationPhaseAvailable
location.Status.Message = ""
if err := r.client.Patch(r.ctx, &location, client.MergeFrom(original)); err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error updating BackupStorageLocation phase")
backupStore, err := r.backupStoreGetter.Get(&location, pluginManager, log)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error getting a backup store")
log.Info("Validating BackupStorageLocation")
err = backupStore.IsValid()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("fail to validate backup store")
r.logReconciledPhase(defaultFound, locationList, unavailableErrors)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
func (r *backupStorageLocationReconciler) logReconciledPhase(defaultFound bool, locationList velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationList, errs []string) {
var availableBSLs []*velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
var unAvailableBSLs []*velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
var unknownBSLs []*velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
log := r.log.WithField("controller", constant.ControllerBackupStorageLocation)
for i, location := range locationList.Items {
phase := location.Status.Phase
switch phase {
case velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationPhaseAvailable:
availableBSLs = append(availableBSLs, &locationList.Items[i])
case velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationPhaseUnavailable:
unAvailableBSLs = append(unAvailableBSLs, &locationList.Items[i])
unknownBSLs = append(unknownBSLs, &locationList.Items[i])
numAvailable := len(availableBSLs)
numUnavailable := len(unAvailableBSLs)
numUnknown := len(unknownBSLs)
if numUnavailable+numUnknown == len(locationList.Items) { // no available BSL
if len(errs) > 0 {
log.Errorf("Current BackupStorageLocations available/unavailable/unknown: %v/%v/%v, %s)", numAvailable, numUnavailable, numUnknown, strings.Join(errs, "; "))
} else {
log.Errorf("Current BackupStorageLocations available/unavailable/unknown: %v/%v/%v)", numAvailable, numUnavailable, numUnknown)
} else if numUnavailable > 0 { // some but not all BSL unavailable
log.Warnf("Unavailable BackupStorageLocations detected: available/unavailable/unknown: %v/%v/%v, %s)", numAvailable, numUnavailable, numUnknown, strings.Join(errs, "; "))
if !defaultFound {
log.Warn("There is no existing BackupStorageLocation set as default. Please see `velero backup-location -h` for options.")
func (r *backupStorageLocationReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
g := kube.NewPeriodicalEnqueueSource(
r.log.WithField("controller", constant.ControllerBackupStorageLocation),
gp := kube.NewGenericEventPredicate(func(object client.Object) bool {
location := object.(*velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation)
return storage.IsReadyToValidate(location.Spec.ValidationFrequency, location.Status.LastValidationTime, r.defaultBackupLocationInfo.ServerValidationFrequency, r.log.WithField("controller", constant.ControllerBackupStorageLocation))
return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).
// As the "status.LastValidationTime" field is always updated, this triggers new reconciling process, skip the update event that include no spec change to avoid the reconcile loop
For(&velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation{}, builder.WithPredicates(kube.SpecChangePredicate{})).
WatchesRawSource(g, nil, builder.WithPredicates(gp)).
// ensureSingleDefaultBSL ensures that there is only one default BSL in the namespace.
// the default BSL priority is as follows:
// 1. follow the user's setting (the most recent validation BSL is the default BSL)
// 2. follow the server's setting ("velero server --default-backup-storage-location")
func (r *backupStorageLocationReconciler) ensureSingleDefaultBSL(locationList velerov1api.BackupStorageLocationList) (bool, error) {
// get all default BSLs
var defaultBSLs []*velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
var defaultFound bool
for i, location := range locationList.Items {
if location.Spec.Default {
defaultBSLs = append(defaultBSLs, &locationList.Items[i])
if len(defaultBSLs) > 1 { // more than 1 default BSL
// find the most recent updated default BSL
var mostRecentCreatedBSL *velerov1api.BackupStorageLocation
defaultFound = true
for _, bsl := range defaultBSLs {
if mostRecentCreatedBSL == nil {
mostRecentCreatedBSL = bsl
// For lack of a better way to compare timestamps, we use the CreationTimestamp
// it cloud not really find the most recent updated BSL, but it is good enough for now
bslTimestamp := bsl.CreationTimestamp
mostRecentTimestamp := mostRecentCreatedBSL.CreationTimestamp
if mostRecentTimestamp.Before(&bslTimestamp) {
mostRecentCreatedBSL = bsl
// unset all other default BSLs
for _, bsl := range defaultBSLs {
if bsl.Name != mostRecentCreatedBSL.Name {
bsl.Spec.Default = false
if err := r.client.Update(r.ctx, bsl); err != nil {
return defaultFound, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unset default backup storage location %q", bsl.Name)
r.log.Debugf("update default backup storage location %q to false", bsl.Name)
} else if len(defaultBSLs) == 0 { // no default BSL
defaultFound = false
} else { // only 1 default BSL
defaultFound = true
return defaultFound, nil