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Copyright 2017 the Heptio Ark contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package backup
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
kuberrs "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
api "github.com/heptio/ark/pkg/apis/ark/v1"
type itemBackupperFactory interface {
backup *api.Backup,
namespaces, resources *collections.IncludesExcludes,
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{},
actions []resolvedAction,
podCommandExecutor podCommandExecutor,
tarWriter tarWriter,
resourceHooks []resourceHook,
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper,
snapshotService cloudprovider.SnapshotService,
) ItemBackupper
type defaultItemBackupperFactory struct{}
func (f *defaultItemBackupperFactory) newItemBackupper(
backup *api.Backup,
namespaces, resources *collections.IncludesExcludes,
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{},
actions []resolvedAction,
podCommandExecutor podCommandExecutor,
tarWriter tarWriter,
resourceHooks []resourceHook,
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper,
snapshotService cloudprovider.SnapshotService,
) ItemBackupper {
ib := &defaultItemBackupper{
backup: backup,
namespaces: namespaces,
resources: resources,
backedUpItems: backedUpItems,
actions: actions,
tarWriter: tarWriter,
resourceHooks: resourceHooks,
dynamicFactory: dynamicFactory,
discoveryHelper: discoveryHelper,
snapshotService: snapshotService,
itemHookHandler: &defaultItemHookHandler{
podCommandExecutor: podCommandExecutor,
// this is for testing purposes
ib.additionalItemBackupper = ib
return ib
type ItemBackupper interface {
backupItem(logger logrus.FieldLogger, obj runtime.Unstructured, groupResource schema.GroupResource) error
type defaultItemBackupper struct {
backup *api.Backup
namespaces *collections.IncludesExcludes
resources *collections.IncludesExcludes
backedUpItems map[itemKey]struct{}
actions []resolvedAction
tarWriter tarWriter
resourceHooks []resourceHook
dynamicFactory client.DynamicFactory
discoveryHelper discovery.Helper
snapshotService cloudprovider.SnapshotService
itemHookHandler itemHookHandler
additionalItemBackupper ItemBackupper
// backupItem backs up an individual item to tarWriter. The item may be excluded based on the
// namespaces IncludesExcludes list.
func (ib *defaultItemBackupper) backupItem(logger logrus.FieldLogger, obj runtime.Unstructured, groupResource schema.GroupResource) error {
metadata, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return err
namespace := metadata.GetNamespace()
name := metadata.GetName()
log := logger.WithField("name", name)
if namespace != "" {
log = log.WithField("namespace", namespace)
// NOTE: we have to re-check namespace & resource includes/excludes because it's possible that
// backupItem can be invoked by a custom action.
if namespace != "" && !ib.namespaces.ShouldInclude(namespace) {
log.Info("Excluding item because namespace is excluded")
return nil
// NOTE: we specifically allow namespaces to be backed up even if IncludeClusterResources is
// false.
if namespace == "" && groupResource != kuberesource.Namespaces && ib.backup.Spec.IncludeClusterResources != nil && !*ib.backup.Spec.IncludeClusterResources {
log.Info("Excluding item because resource is cluster-scoped and backup.spec.includeClusterResources is false")
return nil
if !ib.resources.ShouldInclude(groupResource.String()) {
log.Info("Excluding item because resource is excluded")
return nil
key := itemKey{
resource: groupResource.String(),
namespace: namespace,
name: name,
if _, exists := ib.backedUpItems[key]; exists {
log.Info("Skipping item because it's already been backed up.")
return nil
ib.backedUpItems[key] = struct{}{}
log.Info("Backing up resource")
log.Debug("Executing pre hooks")
if err := ib.itemHookHandler.handleHooks(log, groupResource, obj, ib.resourceHooks, hookPhasePre); err != nil {
return err
backupErrs := make([]error, 0)
err = ib.executeActions(log, obj, groupResource, name, namespace, metadata)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("Error executing item actions")
backupErrs = append(backupErrs, err)
if groupResource == kuberesource.PersistentVolumes {
if ib.snapshotService == nil {
log.Debug("Skipping Persistent Volume snapshot because they're not enabled.")
} else {
if err := ib.takePVSnapshot(obj, ib.backup, log); err != nil {
backupErrs = append(backupErrs, err)
log.Debug("Executing post hooks")
if err := ib.itemHookHandler.handleHooks(log, groupResource, obj, ib.resourceHooks, hookPhasePost); err != nil {
backupErrs = append(backupErrs, err)
if len(backupErrs) != 0 {
return kuberrs.NewAggregate(backupErrs)
var filePath string
if namespace != "" {
filePath = filepath.Join(api.ResourcesDir, groupResource.String(), api.NamespaceScopedDir, namespace, name+".json")
} else {
filePath = filepath.Join(api.ResourcesDir, groupResource.String(), api.ClusterScopedDir, name+".json")
itemBytes, err := json.Marshal(obj.UnstructuredContent())
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
hdr := &tar.Header{
Name: filePath,
Size: int64(len(itemBytes)),
Typeflag: tar.TypeReg,
Mode: 0755,
ModTime: time.Now(),
if err := ib.tarWriter.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
if _, err := ib.tarWriter.Write(itemBytes); err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
func (ib *defaultItemBackupper) executeActions(log logrus.FieldLogger, obj runtime.Unstructured, groupResource schema.GroupResource, name, namespace string, metadata metav1.Object) error {
for _, action := range ib.actions {
if !action.resourceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(groupResource.String()) {
log.Debug("Skipping action because it does not apply to this resource")
if namespace != "" && !action.namespaceIncludesExcludes.ShouldInclude(namespace) {
log.Debug("Skipping action because it does not apply to this namespace")
if !action.selector.Matches(labels.Set(metadata.GetLabels())) {
log.Debug("Skipping action because label selector does not match")
log.Info("Executing custom action")
if logSetter, ok := action.ItemAction.(logging.LogSetter); ok {
if updatedItem, additionalItemIdentifiers, err := action.Execute(obj, ib.backup); err == nil {
obj = updatedItem
for _, additionalItem := range additionalItemIdentifiers {
gvr, resource, err := ib.discoveryHelper.ResourceFor(additionalItem.GroupResource.WithVersion(""))
if err != nil {
return err
client, err := ib.dynamicFactory.ClientForGroupVersionResource(gvr.GroupVersion(), resource, additionalItem.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
additionalItem, err := client.Get(additionalItem.Name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
if err = ib.additionalItemBackupper.backupItem(log, additionalItem, gvr.GroupResource()); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// We want this to show up in the log file at the place where the error occurs. When we return
// the error, it get aggregated with all the other ones at the end of the backup, making it
// harder to tell when it happened.
log.WithError(err).Error("error executing custom action")
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error executing custom action (groupResource=%s, namespace=%s, name=%s)", groupResource.String(), namespace, name)
return nil
// zoneLabel is the label that stores availability-zone info
// on PVs
const zoneLabel = "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"
// takePVSnapshot triggers a snapshot for the volume/disk underlying a PersistentVolume if the provided
// backup has volume snapshots enabled and the PV is of a compatible type. Also records cloud
// disk type and IOPS (if applicable) to be able to restore to current state later.
func (ib *defaultItemBackupper) takePVSnapshot(pv runtime.Unstructured, backup *api.Backup, log logrus.FieldLogger) error {
log.Info("Executing takePVSnapshot")
if backup.Spec.SnapshotVolumes != nil && !*backup.Spec.SnapshotVolumes {
log.Info("Backup has volume snapshots disabled; skipping volume snapshot action.")
return nil
metadata, err := meta.Accessor(pv)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
name := metadata.GetName()
var pvFailureDomainZone string
labels := metadata.GetLabels()
if labels[zoneLabel] != "" {
pvFailureDomainZone = labels[zoneLabel]
} else {
log.Infof("label %q is not present on PersistentVolume", zoneLabel)
volumeID, err := ib.snapshotService.GetVolumeID(pv)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error getting volume ID for PersistentVolume")
if volumeID == "" {
log.Info("PersistentVolume is not a supported volume type for snapshots, skipping.")
return nil
log = log.WithField("volumeID", volumeID)
tags := map[string]string{
"ark.heptio.com/backup": backup.Name,
"ark.heptio.com/pv": metadata.GetName(),
log.Info("Snapshotting PersistentVolume")
snapshotID, err := ib.snapshotService.CreateSnapshot(volumeID, pvFailureDomainZone, tags)
if err != nil {
// log+error on purpose - log goes to the per-backup log file, error goes to the backup
log.WithError(err).Error("error creating snapshot")
return errors.WithMessage(err, "error creating snapshot")
volumeType, iops, err := ib.snapshotService.GetVolumeInfo(volumeID, pvFailureDomainZone)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error getting volume info")
return errors.WithMessage(err, "error getting volume info")
if backup.Status.VolumeBackups == nil {
backup.Status.VolumeBackups = make(map[string]*api.VolumeBackupInfo)
backup.Status.VolumeBackups[name] = &api.VolumeBackupInfo{
SnapshotID: snapshotID,
Type: volumeType,
Iops: iops,
AvailabilityZone: pvFailureDomainZone,
return nil