
363 lines
16 KiB

Copyright the Velero contributors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package bslmgmt
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
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. ""
const (
// Please make sure length of this namespace should be shorter,
// otherwise ResticRepositories name verification will be wrong
// when making combination of ResticRepositories name(max length is 63)
bslDeletionTestNs = "bsl-deletion"
// Test backup and restore of Kibishi using restic
func BslDeletionWithSnapshots() {
func BslDeletionWithRestic() {
func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
var (
err error
less := func(a, b string) bool { return a < b }
BeforeEach(func() {
if useVolumeSnapshots && VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "kind" {
Skip("Volume snapshots not supported on kind")
var err error
UUIDgen, err = uuid.NewRandom()
if VeleroCfg.InstallVelero {
Expect(VeleroInstall(context.Background(), &VeleroCfg, useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed())
AfterEach(func() {
if !VeleroCfg.Debug {
By("Clean backups after test", func() {
DeleteBackups(context.Background(), *VeleroCfg.DefaultClient)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Delete sample workload namespace %s", bslDeletionTestNs), func() {
Expect(DeleteNamespace(context.Background(), *VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, bslDeletionTestNs,
true)).To(Succeed(), fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete the namespace %q",
if VeleroCfg.InstallVelero {
By("Uninstall Velero", func() {
Expect(VeleroUninstall(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
When("kibishii is the sample workload", func() {
It("Local backups and restic repos (if Velero was installed with Restic) will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted", func() {
if VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLProvider == "" {
Skip("no additional BSL provider given, not running multiple BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials tests")
if VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLBucket == "" {
Skip("no additional BSL bucket given, not running multiple BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials tests")
if VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials == "" {
Skip("no additional BSL credentials given, not running multiple BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials tests")
By(fmt.Sprintf("Add an additional plugin for provider %s", VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLProvider), func() {
Expect(VeleroAddPluginsForProvider(context.TODO(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLProvider,
VeleroCfg.AddBSLPlugins, VeleroCfg.Features)).To(Succeed())
additionalBsl := fmt.Sprintf("bsl-%s", UUIDgen)
secretName := fmt.Sprintf("bsl-credentials-%s", UUIDgen)
secretKey := fmt.Sprintf("creds-%s", VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLProvider)
files := map[string]string{
secretKey: VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials,
By(fmt.Sprintf("Create Secret for additional BSL %s", additionalBsl), func() {
Expect(CreateSecretFromFiles(context.TODO(), *VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, secretName, files)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Create additional BSL using credential %s", secretName), func() {
backupName_1 := "backup1-" + UUIDgen.String()
backupName_2 := "backup2-" + UUIDgen.String()
oneHourTimeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*60)
backupLocation_1 := "default"
backupLocation_2 := additionalBsl
podName_1 := "kibishii-deployment-0"
podName_2 := "kibishii-deployment-1"
label_1 := "for=1"
// TODO remove when issue is fixed
//label_2 := "for!=1"
label_2 := "for=2"
By("Create namespace for sample workload", func() {
Expect(CreateNamespace(oneHourTimeout, *VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, bslDeletionTestNs)).To(Succeed())
By("Deploy sample workload of Kibishii", func() {
Expect(KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, *VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg.CloudProvider,
bslDeletionTestNs, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.Features,
VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory, useVolumeSnapshots, DefaultKibishiiData)).To(Succeed())
// Restic can not backup PV only, so pod need to be labeled also
By("Label all 2 worker-pods of Kibishii", func() {
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), podName_1, bslDeletionTestNs, label_1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), "kibishii-deployment-1", bslDeletionTestNs, label_2)).To(Succeed())
By("Get all 2 PVCs of Kibishii and label them seprately ", func() {
pvc, err := GetPvcByPodName(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs, podName_1)
pvc1 := pvc[0]
pvc, err = GetPvcByPodName(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs, podName_2)
pvc2 := pvc[0]
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc1, bslDeletionTestNs, label_1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc2, bslDeletionTestNs, label_2)).To(Succeed())
var BackupCfg BackupConfig
BackupCfg.BackupName = backupName_1
BackupCfg.Namespace = bslDeletionTestNs
BackupCfg.BackupLocation = backupLocation_1
BackupCfg.UseVolumeSnapshots = useVolumeSnapshots
BackupCfg.Selector = label_1
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup one of PV of sample workload by label-1 - Kibishii by the first BSL %s", backupLocation_1), func() {
// TODO currently, the upgrade case covers the upgrade path from 1.6 to main and the velero v1.6 doesn't support "debug" command
// TODO move to "runDebug" after we bump up to 1.7 in the upgrade case
Expect(VeleroBackupNamespace(oneHourTimeout, VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, BackupCfg)).To(Succeed(), func() string {
RunDebug(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, BackupCfg.BackupName, "")
return "Fail to backup workload"
BackupCfg.BackupName = backupName_2
BackupCfg.BackupLocation = backupLocation_2
BackupCfg.Selector = label_2
By(fmt.Sprintf("Back up the other one PV of sample workload with label-2 into the additional BSL %s", backupLocation_2), func() {
Expect(VeleroBackupNamespace(oneHourTimeout, VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, BackupCfg)).To(Succeed(), func() string {
RunDebug(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, BackupCfg.BackupName, "")
return "Fail to backup workload"
if useVolumeSnapshots {
if VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "vsphere" {
// TODO - remove after upload progress monitoring is implemented
By("Waiting for vSphere uploads to complete", func() {
Expect(WaitForVSphereUploadCompletion(oneHourTimeout, time.Hour,
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot CR in backup %s should be created", backupName_1), func() {
Expect(SnapshotCRsCountShouldBe(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs,
backupName_1, 1)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot CR in backup %s should be created", backupName_2), func() {
Expect(SnapshotCRsCountShouldBe(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs,
backupName_2, 1)).To(Succeed())
var snapshotCheckPoint SnapshotCheckPoint
snapshotCheckPoint.NamespaceBackedUp = bslDeletionTestNs
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot of bsl %s should be created in cloud object store", backupLocation_1), func() {
snapshotCheckPoint, err = GetSnapshotCheckPoint(*VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg, 1, bslDeletionTestNs, backupName_1, []string{podName_1})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Fail to get Azure CSI snapshot checkpoint")
VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile, VeleroCfg.BSLBucket,
VeleroCfg.BSLConfig, backupName_1, snapshotCheckPoint)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot of bsl %s should be created in cloud object store", backupLocation_2), func() {
snapshotCheckPoint, err = GetSnapshotCheckPoint(*VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg, 1, bslDeletionTestNs, backupName_2, []string{podName_2})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Fail to get Azure CSI snapshot checkpoint")
var BSLCredentials, BSLConfig string
if VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "vsphere" {
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLConfig
} else { // Snapshotting with non-vSphere provider has nothing to do with BSL
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.BSLConfig
BSLCredentials, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLBucket,
BSLConfig, backupName_2, snapshotCheckPoint)).To(Succeed())
} else { // For Restics
By(fmt.Sprintf("Resticrepositories for BSL %s should be created in Velero namespace", backupLocation_1), func() {
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, bslDeletionTestNs+"-"+backupLocation_1, 1)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Resticrepositories for BSL %s should be created in Velero namespace", backupLocation_2), func() {
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, bslDeletionTestNs+"-"+backupLocation_2, 1)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup 1 %s should be created.", backupName_1), func() {
Expect(WaitForBackupToBeCreated(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
backupName_1, 10*time.Minute)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup 2 %s should be created.", backupName_2), func() {
Expect(WaitForBackupToBeCreated(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
backupName_2, 10*time.Minute)).To(Succeed())
backupsInBSL1, err := GetBackupsFromBsl(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, backupLocation_1)
backupsInBSL2, err := GetBackupsFromBsl(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, backupLocation_2)
backupsInBsl1AndBsl2 := append(backupsInBSL1, backupsInBSL2...)
By(fmt.Sprintf("Get all backups from 2 BSLs %s before deleting one of them", backupLocation_1), func() {
backupsBeforeDel, err := GetAllBackups(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI)
Expect(cmp.Diff(backupsInBsl1AndBsl2, backupsBeforeDel, cmpopts.SortSlices(less))).Should(BeEmpty())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup1 %s should exist in cloud object store before bsl deletion", backupName_1), func() {
Expect(ObjectsShouldBeInBucket(VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile,
VeleroCfg.BSLBucket, VeleroCfg.BSLPrefix, VeleroCfg.BSLConfig,
backupName_1, BackupObjectsPrefix)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Delete one of backup locations - %s", backupLocation_1), func() {
Expect(DeleteBslResource(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, backupLocation_1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(WaitForBackupsToBeDeleted(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, backupsInBSL1, 10*time.Minute)).To(Succeed())
By("Get all backups from 2 BSLs after deleting one of them", func() {
backupsAfterDel, err := GetAllBackups(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI)
// Default BSL is deleted, so backups in additional BSL should be left only
Expect(cmp.Diff(backupsInBSL2, backupsAfterDel, cmpopts.SortSlices(less))).Should(BeEmpty())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup1 %s should still exist in cloud object store after bsl deletion", backupName_1), func() {
Expect(ObjectsShouldBeInBucket(VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile,
VeleroCfg.BSLBucket, VeleroCfg.BSLPrefix, VeleroCfg.BSLConfig,
backupName_1, BackupObjectsPrefix)).To(Succeed())
// TODO: Choose additional BSL to be deleted as an new test case
// By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup %s should still exist in cloud object store", backupName_2), func() {
// Expect(ObjectsShouldBeInBucket(VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials,
// VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLBucket, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLPrefix, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLConfig,
// backupName_2, BackupObjectsPrefix)).To(Succeed())
// })
if useVolumeSnapshots {
if VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "vsphere" {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot in backup %s should still exist, because snapshot CR will be deleted 24 hours later if the status is a success", backupName_2), func() {
Expect(SnapshotCRsCountShouldBe(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs,
backupName_1, 1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(SnapshotCRsCountShouldBe(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs,
backupName_2, 1)).To(Succeed())
var snapshotCheckPoint SnapshotCheckPoint
snapshotCheckPoint.NamespaceBackedUp = bslDeletionTestNs
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot should not be deleted in cloud object store after deleting bsl %s", backupLocation_1), func() {
snapshotCheckPoint, err = GetSnapshotCheckPoint(*VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg, 1, bslDeletionTestNs, backupName_1, []string{podName_1})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Fail to get Azure CSI snapshot checkpoint")
VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile, VeleroCfg.BSLBucket,
VeleroCfg.BSLConfig, backupName_1, snapshotCheckPoint)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot should not be deleted in cloud object store after deleting bsl %s", backupLocation_2), func() {
var BSLCredentials, BSLConfig string
if VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "vsphere" {
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLConfig
} else {
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.BSLConfig
snapshotCheckPoint, err = GetSnapshotCheckPoint(*VeleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, VeleroCfg, 1, bslDeletionTestNs, backupName_2, []string{podName_2})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Fail to get Azure CSI snapshot checkpoint")
BSLCredentials, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLBucket,
BSLConfig, backupName_2, snapshotCheckPoint)).To(Succeed())
} else { // For Restic
By(fmt.Sprintf("Resticrepositories for BSL %s should be deleted in Velero namespace", backupLocation_1), func() {
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, bslDeletionTestNs+"-"+backupLocation_1, 0)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Resticrepositories for BSL %s should still exist in Velero namespace", backupLocation_2), func() {
VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, bslDeletionTestNs+"-"+backupLocation_2, 1)).To(Succeed())
fmt.Printf("|| EXPECTED || - Backup deletion test completed successfully\n")