- [v0.7.1](#v071) - [v0.7.0](#v070) ## v0.7.1 #### 2018-02-22 ### Download - https://github.com/heptio/ark/releases/tag/v0.7.1 ### Bug Fixes: * Run the Ark server in its own namespace, separate from backups/schedules/restores/config (#322, @ncdc) ## v0.7.0 #### 2018-02-15 ### Download - https://github.com/heptio/ark/releases/tag/v0.7.0 ### New Features: * Run the Ark server in any namespace (#272, @ncdc) * Add ability to delete backups and their associated data (#252, @skriss) * Support both pre and post backup hooks (#243, @ncdc) ### Bug Fixes / Other Changes: * Switch from Update() to Patch() when updating Ark resources (#241, @skriss) * Don't fail the backup if a PVC is not bound to a PV (#256, @skriss) * Restore serviceaccounts prior to workload controllers (#258, @ncdc) * Stop removing annotations from PVs when restoring them (#263, @skriss) * Update GCP client libraries (#249, @skriss) * Clarify backup and restore creation messages (#270, @nrb) * Update S3 bucket creation docs for us-east-1 (#285, @lypht)