/* Copyright 2017 the Heptio Ark contributors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package backup import ( "fmt" "testing" "time" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" v1 "github.com/heptio/velero/pkg/apis/velero/v1" "github.com/heptio/velero/pkg/util/collections" velerotest "github.com/heptio/velero/pkg/util/test" ) type mockItemHookHandler struct { mock.Mock } func (h *mockItemHookHandler) handleHooks(log logrus.FieldLogger, groupResource schema.GroupResource, obj runtime.Unstructured, resourceHooks []resourceHook, phase hookPhase) error { args := h.Called(log, groupResource, obj, resourceHooks, phase) return args.Error(0) } func TestHandleHooksSkips(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string groupResource string item runtime.Unstructured hooks []resourceHook }{ { name: "not a pod", groupResource: "widget.group", }, { name: "pod without annotation / no spec hooks", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie( ` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "foo" } } `, ), }, { name: "spec hooks not applicable", groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie( ` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "foo", "labels": { "color": "blue" } } } `, ), hooks: []resourceHook{ { name: "ns exclude", namespaces: collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Excludes("ns"), }, { name: "resource exclude", resources: collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes("widgets.group"), }, { name: "label selector mismatch", labelSelector: parseLabelSelectorOrDie("color=green"), }, { name: "missing exec hook", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ {}, {}, }, }, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { podCommandExecutor := &velerotest.MockPodCommandExecutor{} defer podCommandExecutor.AssertExpectations(t) h := &defaultItemHookHandler{ podCommandExecutor: podCommandExecutor, } groupResource := schema.ParseGroupResource(test.groupResource) err := h.handleHooks(velerotest.NewLogger(), groupResource, test.item, test.hooks, hookPhasePre) assert.NoError(t, err) }) } } func TestHandleHooks(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string phase hookPhase groupResource string item runtime.Unstructured hooks []resourceHook hookErrorsByContainer map[string]error expectedError error expectedPodHook *v1.ExecHook expectedPodHookError error }{ { name: "pod, no annotation, spec (multiple pre hooks) = run spec", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name" } }`), hooks: []resourceHook{ { name: "hook1", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1a", Command: []string{"pre-1a"}, }, }, { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1b", Command: []string{"pre-1b"}, }, }, }, }, { name: "hook2", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "2a", Command: []string{"2a"}, }, }, { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "2b", Command: []string{"2b"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: "pod, no annotation, spec (multiple post hooks) = run spec", phase: hookPhasePost, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name" } }`), hooks: []resourceHook{ { name: "hook1", post: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1a", Command: []string{"pre-1a"}, }, }, { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1b", Command: []string{"pre-1b"}, }, }, }, }, { name: "hook2", post: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "2a", Command: []string{"2a"}, }, }, { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "2b", Command: []string{"2b"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: "pod, annotation (legacy), no spec = run annotation", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, }, }, { name: "pod, annotation (pre), no spec = run annotation", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "pre.hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "pre.hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, }, }, { name: "pod, annotation (post), no spec = run annotation", phase: hookPhasePost, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "post.hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "post.hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, }, }, { name: "pod, annotation & spec = run annotation", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, }, hooks: []resourceHook{ { name: "hook1", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1a", Command: []string{"1a"}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { name: "pod, annotation, onError=fail = return error", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls", "hook.backup.velero.io/on-error": "Fail" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeFail, }, expectedPodHookError: errors.New("pod hook error"), expectedError: errors.New("pod hook error"), }, { name: "pod, annotation, onError=continue = return nil", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name", "annotations": { "hook.backup.velero.io/container": "c", "hook.backup.velero.io/command": "/bin/ls", "hook.backup.velero.io/on-error": "Continue" } } }`), expectedPodHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "c", Command: []string{"/bin/ls"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeContinue, }, expectedPodHookError: errors.New("pod hook error"), expectedError: nil, }, { name: "pod, spec, onError=fail = don't run other hooks", phase: hookPhasePre, groupResource: "pods", item: velerotest.UnstructuredOrDie(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "namespace": "ns", "name": "name" } }`), hooks: []resourceHook{ { name: "hook1", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1a", Command: []string{"1a"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeContinue, }, }, { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "1b", Command: []string{"1b"}, }, }, }, }, { name: "hook2", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "2", Command: []string{"2"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeFail, }, }, }, }, { name: "hook3", pre: []v1.BackupResourceHook{ { Exec: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "3", Command: []string{"3"}, }, }, }, }, }, hookErrorsByContainer: map[string]error{ "1a": errors.New("1a error, but continue"), "2": errors.New("2 error, fail"), }, expectedError: errors.New("2 error, fail"), }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { podCommandExecutor := &velerotest.MockPodCommandExecutor{} defer podCommandExecutor.AssertExpectations(t) h := &defaultItemHookHandler{ podCommandExecutor: podCommandExecutor, } if test.expectedPodHook != nil { podCommandExecutor.On("ExecutePodCommand", mock.Anything, test.item.UnstructuredContent(), "ns", "name", "", test.expectedPodHook).Return(test.expectedPodHookError) } else { hookLoop: for _, resourceHook := range test.hooks { for _, hook := range resourceHook.pre { hookError := test.hookErrorsByContainer[hook.Exec.Container] podCommandExecutor.On("ExecutePodCommand", mock.Anything, test.item.UnstructuredContent(), "ns", "name", resourceHook.name, hook.Exec).Return(hookError) if hookError != nil && hook.Exec.OnError == v1.HookErrorModeFail { break hookLoop } } for _, hook := range resourceHook.post { hookError := test.hookErrorsByContainer[hook.Exec.Container] podCommandExecutor.On("ExecutePodCommand", mock.Anything, test.item.UnstructuredContent(), "ns", "name", resourceHook.name, hook.Exec).Return(hookError) if hookError != nil && hook.Exec.OnError == v1.HookErrorModeFail { break hookLoop } } } } groupResource := schema.ParseGroupResource(test.groupResource) err := h.handleHooks(velerotest.NewLogger(), groupResource, test.item, test.hooks, test.phase) if test.expectedError != nil { assert.EqualError(t, err, test.expectedError.Error()) return } require.NoError(t, err) }) } } func TestGetPodExecHookFromAnnotations(t *testing.T) { phases := []hookPhase{"", hookPhasePre, hookPhasePost} for _, phase := range phases { tests := []struct { name string annotations map[string]string expectedHook *v1.ExecHook }{ { name: "missing command annotation", expectedHook: nil, }, { name: "malformed command json array", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "[blarg", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"[blarg"}, }, }, { name: "valid command json array", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): `["a","b","c"]`, }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"a", "b", "c"}, }, }, { name: "command as a string", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, }, }, { name: "hook mode set to continue", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookOnErrorAnnotationKey): string(v1.HookErrorModeContinue), }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeContinue, }, }, { name: "hook mode set to fail", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookOnErrorAnnotationKey): string(v1.HookErrorModeFail), }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeFail, }, }, { name: "use the specified timeout", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookTimeoutAnnotationKey): "5m3s", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, Timeout: metav1.Duration{Duration: 5*time.Minute + 3*time.Second}, }, }, { name: "invalid timeout is ignored", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookTimeoutAnnotationKey): "invalid", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, }, }, { name: "use the specified container", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookContainerAnnotationKey): "some-container", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "some-container", Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, }, }, { name: "legacy ark-based annotations are supported", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookContainerAnnotationKey): "some-container", phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/foo", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "some-container", Command: []string{"/usr/bin/foo"}, }, }, { name: "when both current and legacy ark-based annotations are specified, current takes precedence", annotations: map[string]string{ phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookContainerAnnotationKey): "current-container", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/current", phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookOnErrorAnnotationKey): string(v1.HookErrorModeContinue), phasedKey(phase, podBackupHookTimeoutAnnotationKey): "10m", phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookContainerAnnotationKey): "legacy-container", phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookCommandAnnotationKey): "/usr/bin/legacy", phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookOnErrorAnnotationKey): string(v1.HookErrorModeFail), phasedKey(phase, arkPodBackupHookTimeoutAnnotationKey): "5m", }, expectedHook: &v1.ExecHook{ Container: "current-container", Command: []string{"/usr/bin/current"}, OnError: v1.HookErrorModeContinue, Timeout: metav1.Duration{Duration: 10 * time.Minute}, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s (phase=%q)", test.name, phase), func(t *testing.T) { hook := getPodExecHookFromAnnotations(test.annotations, phase) assert.Equal(t, test.expectedHook, hook) }) } } } func TestResourceHookApplicableTo(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string includedNamespaces []string excludedNamespaces []string includedResources []string excludedResources []string labelSelector string namespace string resource schema.GroupResource labels labels.Set expected bool }{ { name: "allow anything", namespace: "foo", resource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "foo", Resource: "bar"}, expected: true, }, { name: "namespace in included list", includedNamespaces: []string{"a", "b"}, excludedNamespaces: []string{"c", "d"}, namespace: "b", expected: true, }, { name: "namespace not in included list", includedNamespaces: []string{"a", "b"}, namespace: "c", expected: false, }, { name: "namespace excluded", excludedNamespaces: []string{"a", "b"}, namespace: "a", expected: false, }, { name: "resource in included list", includedResources: []string{"foo.a", "bar.b"}, excludedResources: []string{"baz.c"}, resource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "a", Resource: "foo"}, expected: true, }, { name: "resource not in included list", includedResources: []string{"foo.a", "bar.b"}, resource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "c", Resource: "baz"}, expected: false, }, { name: "resource excluded", excludedResources: []string{"foo.a", "bar.b"}, resource: schema.GroupResource{Group: "b", Resource: "bar"}, expected: false, }, { name: "label selector matches", labelSelector: "a=b", labels: labels.Set{"a": "b"}, expected: true, }, { name: "label selector doesn't match", labelSelector: "a=b", labels: labels.Set{"a": "c"}, expected: false, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) { h := resourceHook{ namespaces: collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes(test.includedNamespaces...).Excludes(test.excludedNamespaces...), resources: collections.NewIncludesExcludes().Includes(test.includedResources...).Excludes(test.excludedResources...), } if test.labelSelector != "" { selector, err := labels.Parse(test.labelSelector) require.NoError(t, err) h.labelSelector = selector } result := h.applicableTo(test.resource, test.namespace, test.labels) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, result) }) } }