# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Modifications Copyright 2020 the Velero contributors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The binary to build (just the basename). BIN ?= velero # This repo's root import path (under GOPATH). PKG := github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero # Where to push the docker image. REGISTRY ?= velero # Image name IMAGE ?= $(REGISTRY)/$(BIN) # We allow the Dockerfile to be configurable to enable the use of custom Dockerfiles # that pull base images from different registries. VELERO_DOCKERFILE ?= Dockerfile BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE ?= hack/build-image/Dockerfile # Calculate the realpath of the build-image Dockerfile as we `cd` into the hack/build # directory before this Dockerfile is used and any relative path will not be valid. BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE_REALPATH := $(shell realpath $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)) # Build image handling. We push a build image for every changed version of # /hack/build-image/Dockerfile. We tag the dockerfile with the short commit hash # of the commit that changed it. When determining if there is a build image in # the registry to use we look for one that matches the current "commit" for the # Dockerfile else we make one. # In the case where the Dockerfile for the build image has been overridden using # the BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE variable, we always force a build. ifneq "$(origin BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)" "file" BUILDER_IMAGE_TAG := "custom" else BUILDER_IMAGE_TAG := $(shell git log -1 --pretty=%h $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)) endif BUILDER_IMAGE := $(REGISTRY)/build-image:$(BUILDER_IMAGE_TAG) BUILDER_IMAGE_CACHED := $(shell docker images -q ${BUILDER_IMAGE} 2>/dev/null ) HUGO_IMAGE := hugo-builder # Which architecture to build - see $(ALL_ARCH) for options. # if the 'local' rule is being run, detect the ARCH from 'go env' # if it wasn't specified by the caller. local : ARCH ?= $(shell go env GOOS)-$(shell go env GOARCH) ARCH ?= linux-amd64 VERSION ?= main TAG_LATEST ?= false ifeq ($(TAG_LATEST), true) IMAGE_TAGS ?= $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) $(IMAGE):latest else IMAGE_TAGS ?= $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) endif ifeq ($(shell docker buildx inspect 2>/dev/null | awk '/Status/ { print $$2 }'), running) BUILDX_ENABLED ?= true else BUILDX_ENABLED ?= false endif define BUILDX_ERROR buildx not enabled, refusing to run this recipe see: https://velero.io/docs/main/build-from-source/#making-images-and-updating-velero for more info endef # The version of restic binary to be downloaded RESTIC_VERSION ?= 0.15.0 CLI_PLATFORMS ?= linux-amd64 linux-arm linux-arm64 darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64 windows-amd64 linux-ppc64le BUILDX_PLATFORMS ?= $(subst -,/,$(ARCH)) BUILDX_OUTPUT_TYPE ?= docker # set git sha and tree state GIT_SHA = $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) ifneq ($(shell git status --porcelain 2> /dev/null),) GIT_TREE_STATE ?= dirty else GIT_TREE_STATE ?= clean endif # The default linters used by lint and local-lint LINTERS ?= "gosec,goconst,gofmt,goimports,unparam" ### ### These variables should not need tweaking. ### platform_temp = $(subst -, ,$(ARCH)) GOOS = $(word 1, $(platform_temp)) GOARCH = $(word 2, $(platform_temp)) GOPROXY ?= https://proxy.golang.org # If you want to build all binaries, see the 'all-build' rule. # If you want to build all containers, see the 'all-containers' rule. all: @$(MAKE) build @$(MAKE) build BIN=velero-restore-helper build-%: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory ARCH=$* build @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory ARCH=$* build BIN=velero-restore-helper all-build: $(addprefix build-, $(CLI_PLATFORMS)) all-containers: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory container @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory container BIN=velero-restore-helper local: build-dirs # Add DEBUG=1 to enable debug locally GOOS=$(GOOS) \ GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ VERSION=$(VERSION) \ REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) \ PKG=$(PKG) \ BIN=$(BIN) \ GIT_SHA=$(GIT_SHA) \ GIT_TREE_STATE=$(GIT_TREE_STATE) \ OUTPUT_DIR=$$(pwd)/_output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) \ ./hack/build.sh build: _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/$(BIN) _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/$(BIN): build-dirs @echo "building: $@" $(MAKE) shell CMD="-c '\ GOOS=$(GOOS) \ GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ VERSION=$(VERSION) \ REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) \ PKG=$(PKG) \ BIN=$(BIN) \ GIT_SHA=$(GIT_SHA) \ GIT_TREE_STATE=$(GIT_TREE_STATE) \ OUTPUT_DIR=/output/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) \ ./hack/build.sh'" TTY := $(shell tty -s && echo "-t") # Example: make shell CMD="date > datefile" shell: build-dirs build-env @# bind-mount the Velero root dir in at /github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero @# because the Kubernetes code-generator tools require the project to @# exist in a directory hierarchy ending like this (but *NOT* necessarily @# under $GOPATH). @docker run \ -e GOFLAGS \ -e GOPROXY \ -i $(TTY) \ --rm \ -u $$(id -u):$$(id -g) \ -v "$$(pwd):/github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/_output/bin:/output:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/pkg:/go/pkg:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/std:/go/std:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/std/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH):/usr/local/go/pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)_static:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/go-build:/.cache/go-build:delegated" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/golangci-lint:/.cache/golangci-lint:delegated" \ -w /github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero \ $(BUILDER_IMAGE) \ /bin/sh $(CMD) container: ifneq ($(BUILDX_ENABLED), true) $(error $(BUILDX_ERROR)) endif @docker buildx build --pull \ --output=type=$(BUILDX_OUTPUT_TYPE) \ --platform $(BUILDX_PLATFORMS) \ $(addprefix -t , $(IMAGE_TAGS)) \ --build-arg=GOPROXY=$(GOPROXY) \ --build-arg=PKG=$(PKG) \ --build-arg=BIN=$(BIN) \ --build-arg=VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --build-arg=GIT_SHA=$(GIT_SHA) \ --build-arg=GIT_TREE_STATE=$(GIT_TREE_STATE) \ --build-arg=REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) \ --build-arg=RESTIC_VERSION=$(RESTIC_VERSION) \ -f $(VELERO_DOCKERFILE) . @echo "container: $(IMAGE):$(VERSION)" ifeq ($(BUILDX_OUTPUT_TYPE)_$(REGISTRY), registry_velero) docker pull $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) rm -f $(BIN)-$(VERSION).tar docker save $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) -o $(BIN)-$(VERSION).tar gzip -f $(BIN)-$(VERSION).tar endif SKIP_TESTS ?= test: build-dirs ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/test.sh $(WHAT)'" endif test-local: build-dirs ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) hack/test.sh $(WHAT) endif verify: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/verify-all.sh'" endif lint: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/lint.sh $(LINTERS)'" endif local-lint: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @hack/lint.sh $(LINTERS) endif lint-all: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/lint.sh $(LINTERS) true'" endif local-lint-all: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @hack/lint.sh $(LINTERS) true endif update: @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/update-all.sh'" build-dirs: @mkdir -p _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) @mkdir -p .go/src/$(PKG) .go/pkg .go/bin .go/std/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) .go/go-build .go/golangci-lint build-env: @# if we have overridden the value for the build-image Dockerfile, @# force a build using that Dockerfile @# if we detect changes in dockerfile force a new build-image @# else if we dont have a cached image make one @# finally use the cached image ifneq "$(origin BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)" "file" @echo "Dockerfile for builder image has been overridden to $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)" @echo "Preparing a new builder-image" $(MAKE) build-image else ifneq ($(shell git diff --quiet HEAD -- $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE); echo $$?), 0) @echo "Local changes detected in $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)" @echo "Preparing a new builder-image" $(MAKE) build-image else ifneq ($(BUILDER_IMAGE_CACHED),) @echo "Using Cached Image: $(BUILDER_IMAGE)" else @echo "Trying to pull build-image: $(BUILDER_IMAGE)" docker pull -q $(BUILDER_IMAGE) || $(MAKE) build-image endif build-image: @# When we build a new image we just untag the old one. @# This makes sure we don't leave the orphaned image behind. $(eval old_id=$(shell docker image inspect --format '{{ .ID }}' ${BUILDER_IMAGE} 2>/dev/null)) ifeq ($(BUILDX_ENABLED), true) @cd hack/build-image && docker buildx build --build-arg=GOPROXY=$(GOPROXY) --output=type=docker --pull -t $(BUILDER_IMAGE) -f $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE_REALPATH) . else @cd hack/build-image && docker build --build-arg=GOPROXY=$(GOPROXY) --pull -t $(BUILDER_IMAGE) -f $(BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE_REALPATH) . endif $(eval new_id=$(shell docker image inspect --format '{{ .ID }}' ${BUILDER_IMAGE} 2>/dev/null)) @if [ "$(old_id)" != "" ] && [ "$(old_id)" != "$(new_id)" ]; then \ docker rmi -f $$id || true; \ fi push-build-image: @# this target will push the build-image it assumes you already have docker @# credentials needed to accomplish this. @# Pushing will be skipped if a custom Dockerfile was used to build the image. ifneq "$(origin BUILDER_IMAGE_DOCKERFILE)" "file" @echo "Dockerfile for builder image has been overridden" @echo "Skipping push of custom image" else docker push $(BUILDER_IMAGE) endif build-image-hugo: cd site && docker build --pull -t $(HUGO_IMAGE) . clean: # if we have a cached image then use it to run go clean --modcache # this test checks if we there is an image id in the BUILDER_IMAGE_CACHED variable. ifneq ($(strip $(BUILDER_IMAGE_CACHED)),) $(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'go clean --modcache'" docker rmi -f $(BUILDER_IMAGE) || true endif rm -rf .go _output docker rmi $(HUGO_IMAGE) .PHONY: modules modules: go mod tidy .PHONY: verify-modules verify-modules: modules @if !(git diff --quiet HEAD -- go.sum go.mod); then \ echo "go module files are out of date, please commit the changes to go.mod and go.sum"; exit 1; \ fi ci: verify-modules verify all test changelog: hack/release-tools/changelog.sh # release builds a GitHub release using goreleaser within the build container. # # To dry-run the release, which will build the binaries/artifacts locally but # will *not* create a GitHub release: # GITHUB_TOKEN=an-invalid-token-so-you-dont-accidentally-push-release \ # RELEASE_NOTES_FILE=changelogs/CHANGELOG-1.2.md \ # PUBLISH=false \ # make release # # To run the release, which will publish a *DRAFT* GitHub release in github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero # (you still need to review/publish the GitHub release manually): # GITHUB_TOKEN=your-github-token \ # RELEASE_NOTES_FILE=changelogs/CHANGELOG-1.2.md \ # PUBLISH=true \ # make release release: $(MAKE) shell CMD="-c '\ GITHUB_TOKEN=$(GITHUB_TOKEN) \ RELEASE_NOTES_FILE=$(RELEASE_NOTES_FILE) \ PUBLISH=$(PUBLISH) \ REGISTRY=$(REGISTRY) \ ./hack/release-tools/goreleaser.sh'" serve-docs: build-image-hugo docker run \ --rm \ -v "$$(pwd)/site:/srv/hugo" \ -it -p 1313:1313 \ $(HUGO_IMAGE) \ hugo server --bind= --enableGitInfo=false # gen-docs generates a new versioned docs directory under site/content/docs. # Please read the documentation in the script for instructions on how to use it. gen-docs: @hack/release-tools/gen-docs.sh .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: local $(MAKE) -e VERSION=$(VERSION) -C test/e2e run