# -*- mode: Python -*- k8s_yaml([ 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_backups.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_backupstoragelocations.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_deletebackuprequests.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_downloadrequests.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_podvolumebackups.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_podvolumerestores.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_resticrepositories.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_restores.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_schedules.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_serverstatusrequests.yaml', 'config/crd/bases/velero.io_volumesnapshotlocations.yaml', ]) # default values settings = { "default_registry": "", "enable_restic": False, "enable_debug": False, "debug_continue_on_start": True, # Continue the velero process by default when in debug mode "create_backup_locations": False, "setup-minio": False, } # global settings settings.update(read_json( "tilt-resources/tilt-settings.json", default = {}, )) k8s_yaml(kustomize('tilt-resources')) k8s_yaml('tilt-resources/deployment.yaml') if settings.get("enable_debug"): k8s_resource('velero', port_forwards = '2345') # TODO: Need to figure out how to apply port forwards for all restic pods if settings.get("enable_restic"): k8s_yaml('tilt-resources/restic.yaml') if settings.get("create_backup_locations"): k8s_yaml('tilt-resources/velero_v1_backupstoragelocation.yaml') if settings.get("setup-minio"): k8s_yaml('examples/minio/00-minio-deployment.yaml', allow_duplicates = True) # By default, Tilt automatically allows Minikube, Docker for Desktop, Microk8s, Red Hat CodeReady Containers, Kind, K3D, and Krucible. allow_k8s_contexts(settings.get("allowed_contexts")) default_registry(settings.get("default_registry")) local_goos = str(local("go env GOOS", quiet = True, echo_off = True)).strip() git_sha = str(local("git rev-parse HEAD", quiet = True, echo_off = True)).strip() tilt_helper_dockerfile_header = """ # Tilt image FROM golang:1.15.3 as tilt-helper # Support live reloading with Tilt RUN wget --output-document /restart.sh --quiet https://raw.githubusercontent.com/windmilleng/rerun-process-wrapper/master/restart.sh && \ wget --output-document /start.sh --quiet https://raw.githubusercontent.com/windmilleng/rerun-process-wrapper/master/start.sh && \ chmod +x /start.sh && chmod +x /restart.sh """ additional_docker_helper_commands = """ # Install delve to allow debugging RUN go get github.com/go-delve/delve/cmd/dlv RUN wget -qO- https://dl.k8s.io/v1.19.2/kubernetes-client-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar xvz RUN wget -qO- https://get.docker.com | sh """ additional_docker_build_commands = """ COPY --from=tilt-helper /go/bin/dlv /usr/bin/dlv COPY --from=tilt-helper /usr/bin/docker /usr/bin/docker COPY --from=tilt-helper /go/kubernetes/client/bin/kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl """ ############################## # Setup Velero ############################## def get_debug_flag(): """ Returns the flag to enable debug building of Velero if debug mode is enabled. """ if settings.get('enable_debug'): return "DEBUG=1" return "" # Set up a local_resource build of the Velero binary. The binary is written to _tiltbuild/velero. local_resource( "velero_server_binary", cmd = 'cd ' + '.' + ';mkdir -p _tiltbuild;PKG=. BIN=velero GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 GIT_SHA=' + git_sha + ' VERSION=main GIT_TREE_STATE=dirty OUTPUT_DIR=_tiltbuild ' + get_debug_flag() + ' ./hack/build.sh', deps = ["cmd", "internal", "pkg"], ignore = ["pkg/cmd"], ) local_resource( "velero_local_binary", cmd = 'cd ' + '.' + ';mkdir -p _tiltbuild/local;PKG=. BIN=velero GOOS=' + local_goos + ' GOARCH=amd64 GIT_SHA=' + git_sha + ' VERSION=main GIT_TREE_STATE=dirty OUTPUT_DIR=_tiltbuild/local ' + get_debug_flag() + ' ./hack/build.sh', deps = ["internal", "pkg/cmd"], ) local_resource( "restic_binary", cmd = 'cd ' + '.' + ';mkdir -p _tiltbuild/restic; BIN=velero GOOS=' + local_goos + ' GOARCH=amd64 RESTIC_VERSION=0.12.0 OUTPUT_DIR=_tiltbuild/restic ./hack/download-restic.sh', ) # Note: we need a distro with a bash shell to exec into the Velero container tilt_dockerfile_header = """ FROM ubuntu:focal as tilt RUN apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qq -y ca-certificates tzdata && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* WORKDIR / COPY --from=tilt-helper /start.sh . COPY --from=tilt-helper /restart.sh . COPY velero . COPY restic/restic /usr/bin/restic """ dockerfile_contents = "\n".join([ tilt_helper_dockerfile_header, additional_docker_helper_commands, tilt_dockerfile_header, additional_docker_build_commands, ]) def get_velero_entrypoint(): """ Returns the entrypoint for the Velero container image. """ entrypoint = ["sh", "/start.sh"] if settings.get("enable_debug"): # If debug mode is enabled, start the velero process using Delve entrypoint.extend( ["dlv", "--listen=:2345", "--headless=true", "--api-version=2", "--accept-multiclient", "exec"]) # Set whether or not to continue the debugged process on start # See https://github.com/go-delve/delve/blob/master/Documentation/usage/dlv_exec.md if settings.get("debug_continue_on_start"): entrypoint.append("--continue") entrypoint.append("--") entrypoint.append("/velero") return entrypoint # Set up an image build for Velero. The live update configuration syncs the output from the local_resource # build into the container. docker_build( ref = "velero/velero", context = "_tiltbuild", dockerfile_contents = dockerfile_contents, target = "tilt", entrypoint = get_velero_entrypoint(), live_update = [ sync("./_tiltbuild/velero", "/velero"), run("sh /restart.sh"), ]) ############################## # Setup plugins ############################## def load_provider_tiltfiles(): all_providers = settings.get("providers", {}) enable_providers = settings.get("enable_providers", []) providers = [] ## Load settings only for providers to enable for name in enable_providers: repo = all_providers.get(name) if not repo: print("Enabled provider '{}' does not exist in list of supported providers".format(name)) continue file = repo + "/tilt-provider.json" if not os.path.exists(file): print("Provider settings not found for \"{}\". Please ensure this plugin repository has a tilt-provider.json file included.".format(name)) continue provider_details = read_json(file, default = {}) if type(provider_details) == "dict": provider_details["name"] = name if "context" in provider_details: provider_details["context"] = os.path.join(repo, "/", provider_details["context"]) else: provider_details["context"] = repo if "go_main" not in provider_details: provider_details["go_main"] = "main.go" providers.append(provider_details) return providers # Enable each provider def enable_providers(providers): if not providers: print("No providers to enable.") return for p in providers: enable_provider(p) # Configures a provider by doing the following: # # 1. Enables a local_resource go build of the provider's local binary # 2. Configures a docker build for the provider, with live updating of the local binary def enable_provider(provider): name = provider.get("name") plugin_name = provider.get("plugin_name") # Note: we need a distro with a shell to do a copy of the plugin binary tilt_dockerfile_header = """ FROM ubuntu:focal as tilt WORKDIR / COPY --from=tilt-helper /start.sh . COPY --from=tilt-helper /restart.sh . COPY """ + plugin_name + """ . """ dockerfile_contents = "\n".join([ tilt_helper_dockerfile_header, additional_docker_helper_commands, tilt_dockerfile_header, additional_docker_build_commands, ]) context = provider.get("context") go_main = provider.get("go_main", "main.go") live_reload_deps = [] for d in provider.get("live_reload_deps", []): live_reload_deps.append(os.path.join(context, "/", d)) # Set up a local_resource build of the plugin binary. The main.go path must be provided via go_main option. The binary is written to _tiltbuild/. local_resource( name + "_plugin", cmd = 'cd ' + context + ';mkdir -p _tiltbuild;PKG=' + context + ' BIN=' + go_main + ' GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 OUTPUT_DIR=_tiltbuild ./hack/build.sh', deps = live_reload_deps, ) # Set up an image build for the plugin. The live update configuration syncs the output from the local_resource # build into the init container, and that restarts the Velero container. docker_build( ref = provider.get("image"), context = os.path.join(context, "/_tiltbuild/"), dockerfile_contents = dockerfile_contents, target = "tilt", entrypoint = ["/bin/bash", "-c", "cp /" + plugin_name + " /target/."], live_update = [ sync(os.path.join(context, "/_tiltbuild/", plugin_name), os.path.join("/", plugin_name)) ] ) ############################## # Start ############################# enable_providers(load_provider_tiltfiles())