--- title: "Support Process" layout: docs --- ## Weekly Rotation The Velero maintainers use a weekly rotation to manage community support. Each week, a different maintainer is the point person for responding to incoming support issues via Slack, GitHub, and the Google group. The point person is *not* expected to be on-call 24x7. Instead, they choose one or more hour(s) per day to be available/responding to incoming issues. They will communicate to the community what that time slot will be each week. ## Start of Week We will update the public Slack channel's topic to indicate that you are the point person for the week, and what hours you'll be available. ## During the Week ### Where we will monitor - `#velero` public Slack channel in Kubernetes org - [all Velero-related repos][0] in GitHub (`velero`, `velero-plugin-for-[aws|gcp|microsoft-azure|csi]`, `helm-charts`) - [Project Velero Google Group][1] ### GitHub issue flow Generally speaking, new GitHub issues will fall into one of several categories. We use the following process for each: 1. **Feature request** - Label the issue with `Enhancement/User` or `Enhancement/Dev` - Leave the issue in the `New Issues` swimlane for triage by product mgmt 1. **Bug** - Label the issue with `Bug` - Leave the issue in the `New Issues` swimlane for triage by product mgmt 1. **User question/problem** that does not clearly fall into one of the previous categories - When you start investigating/responding, label the issue with `Investigating` - Add comments as you go, so both the user and future support people have as much context as possible - Use the `Needs Info` label to indicate an issue is waiting for information from the user. Remove/re-add the label as needed. - If you resolve the issue with the user, close it out - If the issue ends up being a feature request or a bug, update the title and follow the appropriate process for it - If the reporter becomes unresponsive after multiple pings, close out the issue due to inactivity and comment that the user can always reach out again as needed ## End of Week We ensure all GitHub issues worked on during the week on are labeled with `Investigating` and `Needs Info` (if appropriate), and have updated comments so the next person can pick them up. [0]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu?q=velero&type=&language= [1]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/projectvelero