# Velero Adopters
If you're using Velero and want to add your organization to this list,
[follow these directions][1]!
## Success Stories
Below is a list of adopters of Velero in **production environments** that have
publicly shared the details of how they use it.
BitGo uses Velero backup and restore capabilities to seamlessly provision and scale fullnode statefulsets on the fly as well as having it serve an integral piece for our kubernetes disaster-recovery story.
We use Velero for managing backups of an internal instance of our on-premise clustered solution. We also recommend our users of [on-premise Bugsnag installations][31] use Velero for [managing their own backups][32].
**[Banzai Cloud][60]**
[Banzai Cloud Pipeline][61] is a Kubernetes-based microservices platform that integrates services needed for Day-1 and Day-2 operations along with first-class support both for on-prem and hybrid multi-cloud deployments. We use Velero to periodically [backup and restore these clusters in case of disasters][62].
## Solutions built with Velero
Below is a list of solutions where Velero is being used as a component.
We have integrated our [solution with Velero][11] to provide our customers with out of box backup/DR.
Kyma [integrates with Velero][41] to effortlessly back up and restore Kyma clusters with all its resources. Velero capabilities allow Kyma users to define and run manual and scheduled backups in order to successfully handle a disaster-recovery scenario.
**[Red Hat][50]**
Red Hat has developed the [Cluster Application Migration Tool][51] which uses [Velero and Restic][52] to drive the migration of applications between OpenShift clusters.
**[Dell EMC][70]**
For Kubernetes environments, [PowerProtect Data Manager][71] leverages the Container Storage Interface (CSI) framework to take snapshots to back up the persistent data or the data that the application creates e.g. databases. [Dell EMC leverages Velero][72] to backup the namespace configuration files (also known as Namespace meta data) for enterprise grade data protection.
SIGHUP integrates Velero in its [Fury Kubernetes Distribution][81] providing predefined schedules and configurations to ensure an optimized disaster recovery experience.
[Fury Kubernetes Disaster Recovery Module][82] is ready to be deployed into any Kubernetes cluster running anywhere.
MayaData is a large user of Velero as well as a contributor. MayaData offers a Data Agility platform called [OpenEBS Director][91], that helps customers confidently and easily manage stateful workloads in Kubernetes. Velero is one of the core software building block of the OpenEBS Director's [DMaaS or data migration as a service offering][92] used to enable data protection strategies.
Okteto integrates Velero in [Okteto Cloud][94] and [Okteto Enterprise][95] to periodically backup and restore our clusters for disaster recovery. Velero is also a core software building block to provide namespace cloning capabilities, a feature that allows our users cloning staging environments into their personal development namespace for providing production-like development environments.
## Adding your organization to the list of Velero Adopters
If you are using Velero and would like to be included in the list of `Velero Adopters`, add an SVG version of your logo to the `site/img/adopters` directory in this repo and submit a [pull request][3] with your change. Name the image file something that reflects your company (e.g., if your company is called Acme, name the image acme.png). See this for an example [PR][4].
### Adding a logo to velero.io
If you would like to add your logo to a future `Adopters of Velero` section on [velero.io][2], follow the steps above to add your organization to the list of Velero Adopters. Our community will follow up and publish it to the [velero.io][2] website.
[1]: #adding-a-logo-to-veleroio
[2]: https://velero.io
[3]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/pulls
[4]: https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/pull/2242
[10]: https://www.nirmata.com/2019/08/14/kubernetes-disaster-recovery-using-velero-and-nirmata/
[11]: https://nirmata.com
[20]: https://bitgo.com
[30]: https://bugsnag.com
[31]: https://www.bugsnag.com/on-premise
[32]: https://docs.bugsnag.com/on-premise/clustered/backup-restore/
[40]: https://kyma-project.io
[41]: https://kyma-project.io/docs/components/backup/#overview-overview
[50]: https://redhat.com
[51]: https://github.com/fusor/mig-operator
[52]: https://github.com/fusor/mig-operator/blob/master/docs/usage/2.md
[60]: https://banzaicloud.com
[61]: https://banzaicloud.com/products/pipeline/
[62]: https://banzaicloud.com/blog/vault-backup-velero/
[70]: https://dellemc.com
[71]: https://dellemc.com/dataprotection
[72]: https://www.dellemc.com/resources/en-us/asset/briefs-handouts/solutions/h18141-dellemc-dpd-kubernetes.pdf
[80]: https://sighup.io
[81]: https://github.com/sighupio/fury-distribution
[82]: https://github.com/sighupio/fury-kubernetes-dr
[90]: https://mayadata.io
[91]: https://director.mayadata.io/
[92]: https://help.mayadata.io/hc/en-us/articles/360033401591-DMaaS
[93]: https://okteto.com
[94]: https://cloud.okteto.com
[95]: https://okteto.com/enterprise/