# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Modifications Copyright 2017 the Heptio Ark contributors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The binary to build (just the basename). BIN := ark # This repo's root import path (under GOPATH). PKG := github.com/heptio/ark # Where to push the docker image. REGISTRY ?= gcr.io/heptio-images # Which architecture to build - see $(ALL_ARCH) for options. ARCH ?= linux-amd64 VERSION ?= master ### ### These variables should not need tweaking. ### SRC_DIRS := cmd pkg # directories which hold app source (not vendored) CLI_PLATFORMS := linux-amd64 linux-arm linux-arm64 darwin-amd64 windows-amd64 CONTAINER_PLATFORMS := linux-amd64 linux-arm linux-arm64 platform_temp = $(subst -, ,$(ARCH)) GOOS = $(word 1, $(platform_temp)) GOARCH = $(word 2, $(platform_temp)) # TODO(ncdc): support multiple image architectures once gcr.io supports manifest lists # Set default base image dynamically for each arch ifeq ($(GOARCH),amd64) DOCKERFILE ?= Dockerfile.alpine endif #ifeq ($(GOARCH),arm) # DOCKERFILE ?= Dockerfile.arm #armel/busybox #endif #ifeq ($(GOARCH),arm64) # DOCKERFILE ?= Dockerfile.arm64 #aarch64/busybox #endif IMAGE := $(REGISTRY)/$(BIN) BUILD_IMAGE ?= gcr.io/heptio-images/golang:1.9-alpine3.6 # If you want to build all binaries, see the 'all-build' rule. # If you want to build all containers, see the 'all-container' rule. # If you want to build AND push all containers, see the 'all-push' rule. all: build build-%: @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory ARCH=$* build #container-%: # @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory ARCH=$* container #push-%: # @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory ARCH=$* push all-build: $(addprefix build-, $(CLI_PLATFORMS)) #all-container: $(addprefix container-, $(CONTAINER_PLATFORMS)) #all-push: $(addprefix push-, $(CONTAINER_PLATFORMS)) build: _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/$(BIN) _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/$(BIN): build-dirs @echo "building: $@" @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c '\ GOOS=$(GOOS) \ GOARCH=$(GOARCH) \ VERSION=$(VERSION) \ PKG=$(PKG) \ BIN=$(BIN) \ OUTPUT_DIR=/output/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) \ ./hack/build.sh'" TTY := $(shell tty -s && echo "-t") # Example: make shell CMD="date > datefile" shell: build-dirs @docker run \ -i $(TTY) \ --rm \ -u $$(id -u):$$(id -g) \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/pkg:/go/pkg" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/src:/go/src" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/std:/go/std" \ -v "$$(pwd):/go/src/$(PKG)" \ -v "$$(pwd)/_output/bin:/output" \ -v "$$(pwd)/.go/std/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH):/usr/local/go/pkg/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)_static" \ -w /go/src/$(PKG) \ $(BUILD_IMAGE) \ /bin/sh $(CMD) DOTFILE_IMAGE = $(subst :,_,$(subst /,_,$(IMAGE))-$(VERSION)) container: verify test .container-$(DOTFILE_IMAGE) container-name .container-$(DOTFILE_IMAGE): _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/$(BIN) $(DOCKERFILE) @cp $(DOCKERFILE) _output/.dockerfile-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH) @docker build -t $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) -f _output/.dockerfile-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH) _output @docker images -q $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) > $@ container-name: @echo "container: $(IMAGE):$(VERSION)" push: .push-$(DOTFILE_IMAGE) push-name .push-$(DOTFILE_IMAGE): .container-$(DOTFILE_IMAGE) ifeq ($(findstring gcr.io,$(REGISTRY)),gcr.io) @gcloud docker -- push $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) else @docker push $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) endif @docker images -q $(IMAGE):$(VERSION) > $@ push-name: @echo "pushed: $(IMAGE):$(VERSION)" SKIP_TESTS ?= test: build-dirs ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/test.sh $(SRC_DIRS)'" endif verify: ifneq ($(SKIP_TESTS), 1) @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/verify-all.sh'" endif update: @$(MAKE) shell CMD="-c 'hack/update-all.sh'" release: all-tar-bin checksum checksum: @cd _output/release; \ sha256sum *.tar.gz > CHECKSUM; \ cat CHECKSUM; \ sha256sum CHECKSUM all-tar-bin: $(addprefix tar-bin-, $(CLI_PLATFORMS)) tar-bin-%: @$(MAKE) ARCH=$* tar-bin GIT_DESCRIBE = $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) tar-bin: build mkdir -p _output/release # We do the subshell & wildcard ls so we can pick up $(BIN).exe for windows (cd _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) && ls $(BIN)*) | \ tar \ -C _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) \ --files-from=- \ -zcf _output/release/$(BIN)-$(GIT_DESCRIBE)-$(GOOS)-$(GOARCH).tar.gz build-dirs: @mkdir -p _output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) @mkdir -p .go/src/$(PKG) .go/pkg .go/bin .go/std/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH) clean: container-clean bin-clean container-clean: rm -rf .container-* _output/.dockerfile-* .push-* bin-clean: rm -rf .go _output ci: hack/verify-all.sh hack/test.sh $(SRC_DIRS) GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) VERSION=$(VERSION) PKG=$(PKG) BIN=$(BIN) ./hack/build.sh