# Output file format A backup is a gzip-compressed tar file whose name matches the Backup API resource's `metadata.name` (what is specified during `ark backup create `). In cloud object storage, *each backup file is stored in its own subdirectory* beneath the bucket specified in the Ark server configuration. This subdirectory includes an additional file called `ark-backup.json`. The JSON file explicitly lists all info about your associated Backup resource--including any default values used--so that you have a complete historical record of its configuration. It also specifies `status.version`, which corresponds to the output file format. All together, the directory structure in your cloud storage may look like: ``` rootBucket/ backup1234/ ark-backup.json backup1234.tar.gz ``` ## `ark-backup.json` An example of this file looks like the following: ``` { "kind": "Backup", "apiVersion": "ark.heptio.com/v1", "metadata": { "name": "test-backup", "namespace": "heptio-ark", "selfLink": "/apis/ark.heptio.com/v1/namespaces/heptio-ark/backups/testtest", "uid": "a12345cb-75f5-11e7-b4c2-abcdef123456", "resourceVersion": "337075", "creationTimestamp": "2017-07-31T13:39:15Z" }, "spec": { "includedNamespaces": [ "*" ], "excludedNamespaces": null, "includedResources": [ "*" ], "excludedResources": null, "labelSelector": null, "snapshotVolumes": true, "ttl": "24h0m0s" }, "status": { "version": 1, "expiration": "2017-08-01T13:39:15Z", "phase": "Completed", "volumeBackups": { "pvc-e1e2d345-7583-11e7-b4c2-abcdef123456": { "snapshotID": "snap-04b1a8e11dfb33ab0", "type": "gp2", "iops": 100 } }, "validationErrors": null } } ``` Note that this file includes detailed info about your volume snapshots in the `status.volumeBackups` field, which can be helpful if you want to manually check them in your cloud provider GUI. ## file format version: 1 When unzipped, a typical backup directory (e.g. `backup1234.tar.gz`) looks like the following: ``` resources/ persistentvolumes/ cluster/ pv01.json ... configmaps/ namespaces/ namespace1/ myconfigmap.json ... namespace2/ ... pods/ namespaces/ namespace1/ mypod.json ... namespace2/ ... jobs/ namespaces/ namespace1/ awesome-job.json ... namespace2/ ... deployments/ namespaces/ namespace1/ cool-deployment.json ... namespace2/ ... ... ```