#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script assumes that 2 environment variables are defined outside of it: # VELERO_VERSION - a full version version string, starting with v. example: v1.4.2 # HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN - the GitHub API token that the brew command will use to create a PR on the user's behalf. # Check if brew is found on the user's $PATH; exit if not. if [ -z $(which brew) ]; then echo "Homebrew must first be installed to use this script!" exit 1 fi # GitHub URL which contains the source code archive for the tagged release URL=https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/archive/$VELERO_VERSION.tar.gz # Update brew so we're sure we have the latest Velero formula brew update # Invoke brew's helper function, which will run all their tests and end up opening a browser with the resulting PR. brew bump-formula-pr velero --url=$URL