VolumeInfo contains several sub-structures. They are filled for
different scenarios. Do not generate empty structure for the
not filled sub-structures.
Signed-off-by: Xun Jiang <jxun@vmware.com>
Use informer cache with dynamic client for Get calls on restore
When enabled, also make the Get call before create.
Add server and install parameter to allow disabling this feature,
but enable by default
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago@redhat.com>
Enhance the restore priorities list to support specifying the low prioritized resources that need to be r
estored in the last
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin(尹文开) <yinw@vmware.com>
* This also required an update to use github.com/bombsimon/logrusr/v3
* 'WithClusterName' removed as per the k8s doc reasoning:
* https://github.com/kubernetes/apimachinery/blob/release-1.24/pkg/apis/meta/v1/types.go\#L257-L259
* ('ClusterName was a legacy field that was always cleared by the system and never used')
* Test was updated accordingly
Signed-off-by: Kira Boyle <kira@replicated.com>
The RIA refactoring moved velero.RestoreItemAction into a separate
(restoreitemaction) v1 package. Unfortunately, this change would require
plugins to make code changes to locate the RestoreItemActionExecuteInput
and RestoreItemActionExecuteOutput structs.
This commit restores those structs to the original velero package, leaving
just the RestoreItemAction interface in the new v1 package.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago@redhat.com>
This commit splits the pkg/restic package into several packages to support Kopia integration works
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin(尹文开) <yinw@vmware.com>
When iterating over applicable restore actions, if a non-matching label
selector is found, velero should continue to the next action rather than
returning from the restoreItem func, which ends up preventing the item's
restore entirely.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago@redhat.com>
Check the existence of the expected service when ignoring the NodePort already allocated error
Fixes 2308
Signed-off-by: Wenkai Yin(尹文开) <yinw@vmware.com>
* Consolidated code for resolving actions and plugins into ActionResolver. Added BackupWithResolvers and
RestoreWithResolvers. Introduces ItemSnapshooterResolver to bring ItemSnapshotter plugins into backup and
restore. ItemSnapshotters are not used yet.
Added action_resolver_test
Signed-off-by: Dave Smith-Uchida <dsmithuchida@vmware.com>
* Addressed review comments
Signed-off-by: Dave Smith-Uchida <dsmithuchida@vmware.com>
Instead of converting the unstructured item to check for the presence of
the `kube-aggregator.kubernetes.io/automanaged` label, use this label in
the `AppliesTo` to enable the restore logic to select the item. This
means that any item that matches the selector will have restore skipped.
Also add a new test case to the restore action test to check that label
selectors are applied correctly.
Signed-off-by: Bridget McErlean <bmcerlean@vmware.com>
* Only remove the UID from a PV's claimRef
The UID is the only part of a claimRef that might prevent it from being
rebound correctly on a restore. The namespace and name within the
claimRef should be preserved in order to ensure that the PV is claimed
by the correct PVC on restore.
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Remap PVs claimRef.namespace on relevant restores
When remapping namespaces, any included PVs need to have their claimRef
updated to point remapped namespaces to the new namespace name in order
to be bound to the correct PVC.
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Update tests and ensure claimRef namespace remaps
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Remove lowercased uid field from unstructured PV
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Fix issues that prevented PVs from being restored
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Add changelog
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Dynamically reprovision volumes without snapshots
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Update test for lower case uid field
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Remove stray debugging print statement
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* Fix typo, remove extra code, add tests.
Signed-off-by: Nolan Brubaker <brubakern@vmware.com>
* fix: rename the PV if VolumeSnapshotter has modified the PV name
When VolumeSnapshotter sets the PV name via SetVolumeID and PV is
not there in the cluster, velero does not rename the PV. Which causes
the pvc to be in the lost state as pvc points to the old PV but pv object
has been renamed by VolumeSnapshotter.
Signed-off-by: Pawan <pawan@mayadata.io>
* adding a test case for pv rename
Signed-off-by: Pawan <pawan@mayadata.io>