enabled, before executing the action.
The DeleteItemAction is not checked, because the DIA doesn't have a
method to get the action's plugin name.
This should be OK, because the CSI will check whether the VS and VSC
have a backup name annotation. If the VS and VSC is not handled by
the CSI plugin, then they don't have the annotation.
Signed-off-by: Xun Jiang <jxun@vmware.com>
Refactors the framework package to implement the plugin versioning changes
needed for BIA v1 and overall package refactoring to support plugin versions
in different packages. This should be all that's needed to move on to
v2 for BackupItemAction. The remaining plugin types still need similar
refactoring to what's being done here for BIA before attempting a
v2 implementation.
Signed-off-by: Scott Seago <sseago@redhat.com>
* Consolidated code for resolving actions and plugins into ActionResolver. Added BackupWithResolvers and
RestoreWithResolvers. Introduces ItemSnapshooterResolver to bring ItemSnapshotter plugins into backup and
restore. ItemSnapshotters are not used yet.
Added action_resolver_test
Signed-off-by: Dave Smith-Uchida <dsmithuchida@vmware.com>
* Addressed review comments
Signed-off-by: Dave Smith-Uchida <dsmithuchida@vmware.com>