Use labels instead of regex to filter E2E test cases.

Signed-off-by: Xun Jiang <>
Xun Jiang 2024-07-23 14:39:01 +08:00
parent 442cc76417
commit e862b976a4
7 changed files with 240 additions and 174 deletions

View File

@ -67,16 +67,12 @@ jobs:
- 1.27.10
- 1.28.6
- 1.29.1
# tests to focus on, use `|` to concatenate multiple regexes to run on the same job
# ordered according to e2e_suite_test.go order
- Basic\]\[ClusterResource
- ResourceFiltering
- ResourceModifier|Backups|PrivilegesMgmt\]\[SSR
- Schedule\]\[OrderedResources
- NamespaceMapping\]\[Single\]\[Restic|NamespaceMapping\]\[Multiple\]\[Restic
- Basic\]\[Nodeport
- Basic\]\[StorageClass
# labels are used to filter running E2E cases
- Basic && (ClusterResource || NodePort || StorageClass)
- ResourceFiltering && !Restic
- ResourceModifier || (Backups && BackupsSync) || PrivilegesMgmt || OrderedResources
- (NamespaceMapping && Single && Restic) || (NamespaceMapping && Multiple && Restic)
fail-fast: false
- name: Set up Go
@ -128,13 +124,18 @@ jobs:
curl -LO${{ matrix.k8s }}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER=aws BSL_CONFIG=region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://$(hostname -i):9000 \
CREDS_FILE=/tmp/credential BSL_BUCKET=bucket \
ADDITIONAL_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER=aws ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG=region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://$(hostname -i):9000 \
ADDITIONAL_CREDS_FILE=/tmp/credential ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET=additional-bucket \
GINKGO_FOCUS='${{ matrix.focus }}' VELERO_IMAGE=velero:pr-test \
GINKGO_SKIP='SKIP_KIND|pv-backup|Restic|Snapshot|LongTime' \
GOPATH=~/go \
BSL_CONFIG=region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://$(hostname -i):9000 \
CREDS_FILE=/tmp/credential \
BSL_BUCKET=bucket \
ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG=region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://$(hostname -i):9000 \
ADDITIONAL_CREDS_FILE=/tmp/credential \
ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET=additional-bucket \
VELERO_IMAGE=velero:pr-test \
GINKGO_LABELS="${{ matrix.labels }}" \
make -C test/ run-e2e
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Upload debug bundle

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
# ignore the config/.../crd.go file as it's generated binary data that is edited elswhere.
skip: .git,*.png,*.jpg,*.woff,*.ttf,*.gif,*.ico,./config/crd/v1beta1/crds/crds.go,./config/crd/v1/crds/crds.go,./config/crd/v2alpha1/crds/crds.go,./go.sum,./LICENSE
ignore_words_list: iam,aks,ist,bridget,ue,shouldnot,atleast,notin,sme
ignore_words_list: iam,aks,ist,bridget,ue,shouldnot,atleast,notin,sme,optin
check_filenames: true
check_hidden: true

View File

@ -47,10 +47,9 @@ TOOLS_BIN_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/$(BIN_DIR)
GINKGO := $(GOBIN)/ginkgo
OUTPUT_DIR := _output/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/bin
SKIP_STR := $(foreach var, $(subst ., ,$(GINKGO_SKIP)),-skip "$(var)")
FOCUS_STR := $(foreach var, $(subst ., ,$(GINKGO_FOCUS)),-focus "$(var)")
# Please reference to this document for Ginkgo label spec format.
VELERO_CLI ?=$$(pwd)/../_output/bin/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/velero
VELERO_IMAGE ?= velero/velero:main
@ -129,26 +128,26 @@ VELERO_POD_CPU_REQUEST ?= 2
COMMON_ARGS := -velerocli=$(VELERO_CLI) \
-velero-image=$(VELERO_IMAGE) \
-plugins=$(PLUGINS) \
-velero-version=$(VERSION) \
-restore-helper-image=$(RESTORE_HELPER_IMAGE) \
-velero-namespace=$(VELERO_NAMESPACE) \
-credentials-file=$(CREDS_FILE) \
-bucket=$(BSL_BUCKET) \
-prefix=$(BSL_PREFIX) \
-bsl-config=$(BSL_CONFIG) \
-vsl-config=$(VSL_CONFIG) \
-cloud-provider=$(CLOUD_PROVIDER) \
-object-store-provider="$(OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER)" \
-features=$(FEATURES) \
-install-velero=$(INSTALL_VELERO) \
-registry-credential-file=$(REGISTRY_CREDENTIAL_FILE) \
-debug-e2e-test=$(DEBUG_E2E_TEST) \
-velero-server-debug-mode=$(VELERO_SERVER_DEBUG_MODE) \
-uploader-type=$(UPLOADER_TYPE) \
COMMON_ARGS := --velerocli=$(VELERO_CLI) \
--velero-image=$(VELERO_IMAGE) \
--plugins=$(PLUGINS) \
--velero-version=$(VERSION) \
--restore-helper-image=$(RESTORE_HELPER_IMAGE) \
--velero-namespace=$(VELERO_NAMESPACE) \
--credentials-file=$(CREDS_FILE) \
--bucket=$(BSL_BUCKET) \
--prefix=$(BSL_PREFIX) \
--bsl-config=$(BSL_CONFIG) \
--vsl-config=$(VSL_CONFIG) \
--cloud-provider=$(CLOUD_PROVIDER) \
--object-store-provider="$(OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER)" \
--features=$(FEATURES) \
--install-velero=$(INSTALL_VELERO) \
--registry-credential-file=$(REGISTRY_CREDENTIAL_FILE) \
--debug-e2e-test=$(DEBUG_E2E_TEST) \
--velero-server-debug-mode=$(VELERO_SERVER_DEBUG_MODE) \
--uploader-type=$(UPLOADER_TYPE) \
# Make sure ginkgo is in $GOBIN
@ -166,31 +165,36 @@ run-e2e: ginkgo
(echo "Bucket to store the backups from E2E tests is required, please re-run with BSL_BUCKET=<BucketName>"; exit 1 )
@[ "${CLOUD_PROVIDER}" ] && echo "Using cloud provider ${CLOUD_PROVIDER}" || \
(echo "Cloud provider for target cloud/plugin provider is required, please rerun with CLOUD_PROVIDER=<aws,azure,kind,vsphere>"; exit 1)
@$(GINKGO) run -v $(FOCUS_STR) $(SKIP_STR) --junit-report report.xml ./e2e -- $(COMMON_ARGS) \
-upgrade-from-velero-cli=$(UPGRADE_FROM_VELERO_CLI) \
-upgrade-from-velero-version=$(UPGRADE_FROM_VELERO_VERSION) \
-migrate-from-velero-cli=$(MIGRATE_FROM_VELERO_CLI) \
-migrate-from-velero-version=$(MIGRATE_FROM_VELERO_VERSION) \
-additional-bsl-plugins=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_PLUGINS) \
-additional-bsl-object-store-provider="$(ADDITIONAL_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER)" \
-additional-bsl-credentials-file=$(ADDITIONAL_CREDS_FILE) \
-additional-bsl-bucket=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET) \
-additional-bsl-prefix=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_PREFIX) \
-additional-bsl-config=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG) \
-default-cluster-context=$(DEFAULT_CLUSTER) \
-standby-cluster-context=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER) \
-snapshot-move-data=$(SNAPSHOT_MOVE_DATA) \
-data-mover-plugin=$(DATA_MOVER_PLUGIN) \
-standby-cluster-cloud-provider=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_CLOUD_PROVIDER) \
-standby-cluster-plugins=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_PLUGINS) \
-standby-cluster-object-store-provider=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER) \
-default-cluster-name=$(DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME) \
-standby-cluster-name=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_NAME) \
-eks-policy-arn=$(EKS_POLICY_ARN) \
-default-cls-service-account-name=$(DEFAULT_CLS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME) \
-kibishii-directory=$(KIBISHII_DIRECTORY) \
@$(GINKGO) run \
-v \
--junit-report report.xml \
--label-filter="$(GINKGO_LABELS)" \
./e2e \
--upgrade-from-velero-cli=$(UPGRADE_FROM_VELERO_CLI) \
--upgrade-from-velero-version=$(UPGRADE_FROM_VELERO_VERSION) \
--migrate-from-velero-cli=$(MIGRATE_FROM_VELERO_CLI) \
--migrate-from-velero-version=$(MIGRATE_FROM_VELERO_VERSION) \
--additional-bsl-plugins=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_PLUGINS) \
--additional-bsl-object-store-provider="$(ADDITIONAL_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER)" \
--additional-bsl-credentials-file=$(ADDITIONAL_CREDS_FILE) \
--additional-bsl-bucket=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET) \
--additional-bsl-prefix=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_PREFIX) \
--additional-bsl-config=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG) \
--default-cluster-context=$(DEFAULT_CLUSTER) \
--standby-cluster-context=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER) \
--snapshot-move-data=$(SNAPSHOT_MOVE_DATA) \
--data-mover-plugin=$(DATA_MOVER_PLUGIN) \
--standby-cluster-cloud-provider=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_CLOUD_PROVIDER) \
--standby-cluster-plugins=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_PLUGINS) \
--standby-cluster-object-store-provider=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER) \
--default-cluster-name=$(DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME) \
--standby-cluster-name=$(STANDBY_CLUSTER_NAME) \
--eks-policy-arn=$(EKS_POLICY_ARN) \
--default-cls-service-account-name=$(DEFAULT_CLS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME) \
--kibishii-directory=$(KIBISHII_DIRECTORY) \
.PHONY: run-perf
run-perf: ginkgo
@ -200,20 +204,25 @@ run-perf: ginkgo
(echo "Bucket to store the backups from E2E tests is required, please re-run with BSL_BUCKET=<BucketName>"; exit 1 )
@[ "${CLOUD_PROVIDER}" ] && echo "Using cloud provider ${CLOUD_PROVIDER}" || \
(echo "Cloud provider for target cloud/plugin provider is required, please rerun with CLOUD_PROVIDER=<aws,azure,kind,vsphere>"; exit 1)
@$(GINKGO) run -v $(FOCUS_STR) $(SKIP_STR) --junit-report report.xml ./perf -- $(COMMON_ARGS) \
-nfs-server-path=$(NFS_SERVER_PATH) \
-test-case-describe=$(TEST_CASE_DESCRIBE) \
-backup-for-restore=$(BACKUP_FOR_RESTORE) \
-delete-cluster-resource=$(Delete_Cluster_Resource) \
-node-agent-pod-cpu-limit=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_CPU_LIMIT) \
-node-agent-pod-mem-limit=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_MEM_LIMIT) \
-node-agent-pod-cpu-request=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_CPU_REQUEST) \
-node-agent-pod-mem-request=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_MEM_REQUEST) \
-velero-pod-cpu-limit=$(VELERO_POD_CPU_LIMIT) \
-velero-pod-mem-limit=$(VELERO_POD_MEM_LIMIT) \
-velero-pod-cpu-request=$(VELERO_POD_CPU_REQUEST) \
-velero-pod-mem-request=$(VELERO_POD_MEM_REQUEST) \
@$(GINKGO) run \
-v \
--junit-report report.xml \
--label-filter="$(GINKGO_LABELS)" \
./perf \
--nfs-server-path=$(NFS_SERVER_PATH) \
--test-case-describe=$(TEST_CASE_DESCRIBE) \
--backup-for-restore=$(BACKUP_FOR_RESTORE) \
--delete-cluster-resource=$(Delete_Cluster_Resource) \
--node-agent-pod-cpu-limit=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_CPU_LIMIT) \
--node-agent-pod-mem-limit=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_MEM_LIMIT) \
--node-agent-pod-cpu-request=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_CPU_REQUEST) \
--node-agent-pod-mem-request=$(NODE_AGENT_POD_MEM_REQUEST) \
--velero-pod-cpu-limit=$(VELERO_POD_CPU_LIMIT) \
--velero-pod-mem-limit=$(VELERO_POD_MEM_LIMIT) \
--velero-pod-cpu-request=$(VELERO_POD_CPU_REQUEST) \
--velero-pod-mem-request=$(VELERO_POD_MEM_REQUEST) \
build: ginkgo
mkdir -p $(OUTPUT_DIR)

View File

@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ Basic examples:
Please refer to `velero-plugin-for-microsoft-azure` documentation for instruction to [set up permissions for Velero]( and to [set up azure storage account and blob container](
1. Run Ginko-focused Restore Multi-API Groups tests using Minio as the backup storage location:
1. Run Multi-API group and version tests using MinIO as the backup storage location:
BSL_CONFIG="region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=\"true\",s3Url=<ip address>:9000" BSL_PREFIX=<prefix> BSL_BUCKET=<bucket> CREDS_FILE=<absolute path to minio credentials file> CLOUD_PROVIDER=kind OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER=aws VELERO_NAMESPACE="velero" GINKGO_FOCUS="API group versions" make test-e2e
BSL_CONFIG="region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle=\"true\",s3Url=<ip address>:9000" BSL_PREFIX=<prefix> BSL_BUCKET=<bucket> CREDS_FILE=<absolute path to minio credentials file> CLOUD_PROVIDER=kind OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER=aws VELERO_NAMESPACE="velero" GINKGO_LABELS="APIGroup && APIVersion" make test-e2e
1. Run Velero tests in a kind cluster with AWS (or Minio) as the storage provider and use Microsoft Azure as the storage provider for an additional Backup Storage Location:
@ -208,60 +208,66 @@ Migration examples:
1. Datamover tests:
1. Data mover tests:
The example shows all essential `make` variables for a Datamover test which is migrate from a AKS cluster to a EKS cluster.
The example shows all essential `make` variables for a data mover test which is migrate from a AKS cluster to a EKS cluster.
Note: STANDBY_CLUSTER_CLOUD_PROVIDER and STANDBY_CLUSTER_OBJECT_STORE_PROVIDER is essential here, it is for identify plugins to be installed on target cluster, since DEFAULT cluster's provider is different from STANDBY cluster, plugins are different as well.
GINKGO_LABELS="Migration" \
make test-e2e
## Filtering tests
Velero E2E tests uses [Ginkgo]( testing framework which allows a subset of the tests to be run using the [`-focus` and `-skip`]( flags to ginkgo.
In release-1.15, Velero bumps the [Ginkgo]( version to [v2](
Velero E2E start to use [labels]( to filter cases instead of [`-focus` and `-skip`]( parameters.
For filtering tests, using `make` variables `GINKGO_FOCUS` and `GINKGO_SKIP` :
1. `GINKGO_FOCUS`: Dot-separated list of labels to be included for Ginkgo description-based filtering. Optional. The `-focus` flag is passed to ginkgo using the `GINKGO_FOCUS` `make` variable. This can be used to focus on specific tests.
1. `GINKGO_SKIP`: Dot-separated list of labels to be excluded for Ginkgo description-based filtering.Optional. The `-skip ` flag is passed to ginkgo using the `GINKGO_SKIP` `make` variable. This can be used to skip specific tests.
Both `make run-e2e` and `make run-perf` CLI support using parameter `GINKGO_LABELS` to filter test cases.
`GINKGO_LABELS` is interpreted into `ginkgo run` CLI's parameter [`--label-filter`](
`GINKGO_FOCUS`/`GINKGO_SKIP` can be interpreted into multiple `-focus`/`-skip ` describe in [Description-Based Filtering]( by dot-separated format for test execution management please refer to examples below.:
For example, E2E tests can be run with specific cases to be included and/or excluded using the commands below:
### Examples
E2E tests can be run with specific cases to be included and/or excluded using the commands below:
1. Run Velero tests with specific cases to be included:
GINKGO_LABELS="Basic && Restic" \
BSL_BUCKET=example-bucket \
CREDS_FILE=/path/to/aws-creds \
make test-e2e \
GINKGO_FOCUS =Basic\][\Restic \
In this example, only case `[Basic][Restic]` is included.
In this example, only case have both `Basic` and `Restic` labels are included.
1. Run Velero tests with specific cases to be excluded:
make test-e2e \
GINKGO_SKIP=Scale.Schedule.TTL.Upgrade\]\[Restic.Migration\][\Restic \
GINKGO_LABELS="!Scale || !Schedule || !TTL || !(Upgrade && Restic) || !(Migration && Restic)" \
BSL_BUCKET=example-bucket \
CREDS_FILE=/path/to/aws-creds \
make test-e2e
In this example, case `Scale`, `Schedule`, `TTL`, `[Upgrade][Restic]` and `[Migration][Restic]` will be skipped.
In this example, cases are labelled as
* `Scale`
* `Schedule`
* `TTL`
* `Upgrade` and `Restic`
* `Migration` and `Restic`
will be skipped.
## Full Tests execution

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ type apiGropuVersionsTest struct {
want map[string]map[string]string
func APIGropuVersionsTest() {
func APIGroupVersionsTest() {
var (
group string
err error

View File

@ -112,79 +112,126 @@ func init() {
// caused by no expected snapshot found. If we use retain as reclaim policy, then this label can be ignored, all test
// cases can be executed as expected successful result.
var _ = Describe("[APIGroup][APIVersion][SKIP_KIND] Velero tests with various CRD API group versions", APIGropuVersionsTest)
var _ = Describe("[APIGroup][APIExtensions][SKIP_KIND] CRD of apiextentions v1beta1 should be B/R successfully from cluster(k8s version < 1.22) to cluster(k8s version >= 1.22)", APIExtensionsVersionsTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests with various CRD API group versions",
Label("APIGroup", "APIVersion", "SKIP_KIND"), APIGroupVersionsTest)
var _ = Describe("CRD of apiextentions v1beta1 should be B/R successfully from cluster(k8s version < 1.22) to cluster(k8s version >= 1.22)",
Label("APIGroup", "APIExtensions", "SKIP_KIND"), APIExtensionsVersionsTest)
// Test backup and restore of Kibishi using restic
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithRestic)
// Test backup and restore of Kibishii using restic
var _ = Describe("Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups",
Label("Basic", "Restic"), BackupRestoreWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups",
Label("Basic", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), BackupRestoreWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Snapshot][RetainPV] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupRestoreRetainedPVWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups",
Label("Basic", "Snapshot", "RetainPV"), BackupRestoreRetainedPVWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Restic][RetainPV] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupRestoreRetainedPVWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups",
Label("Basic", "Restic", "RetainPV"), BackupRestoreRetainedPVWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][ClusterResource] Backup/restore of cluster resources", ResourcesCheckTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup/restore of cluster resources",
Label("Basic", "ClusterResource"), ResourcesCheckTest)
var _ = Describe("[Scale][LongTime] Backup/restore of 2500 namespaces", MultiNSBackupRestore)
var _ = Describe("Service NodePort reservation during restore is configurable",
Label("Basic", "NodePort"), NodePortTest)
// Upgrade test by Kibishi using restic
var _ = Describe("[Upgrade][Restic] Velero upgrade tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups", BackupUpgradeRestoreWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Upgrade][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Velero upgrade tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupUpgradeRestoreWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Storage class of persistent volumes and persistent volume claims can be changed during restores",
Label("Basic", "StorageClass"), StorageClasssChangingTest)
var _ = Describe("Node selectors of persistent volume claims can be changed during restores",
Label("Basic", "SelectedNode", "SKIP_KIND"), PVCSelectedNodeChangingTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup/restore of 2500 namespaces",
Label("Scale", "LongTime"), MultiNSBackupRestore)
// Upgrade test by Kibishii using Restic
var _ = Describe("Velero upgrade tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups",
Label("Upgrade", "Restic"), BackupUpgradeRestoreWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("Velero upgrade tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups",
Label("Upgrade", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), BackupUpgradeRestoreWithSnapshots)
// test filter objects by namespace, type, or labels when backup or restore.
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ExcludeFromBackup] Resources with the label are not included in backup", ExcludeFromBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ExcludeNamespaces][Backup] Velero test on exclude namespace from the cluster backup", BackupWithExcludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ExcludeNamespaces][Restore] Velero test on exclude namespace from the cluster restore", RestoreWithExcludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ExcludeResources][Backup] Velero test on exclude resources from the cluster backup", BackupWithExcludeResources)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ExcludeResources][Restore] Velero test on exclude resources from the cluster restore", RestoreWithExcludeResources)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][IncludeNamespaces][Backup] Velero test on include namespace from the cluster backup", BackupWithIncludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][IncludeNamespaces][Restore] Velero test on include namespace from the cluster restore", RestoreWithIncludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][IncludeResources][Backup] Velero test on include resources from the cluster backup", BackupWithIncludeResources)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][IncludeResources][Restore] Velero test on include resources from the cluster restore", RestoreWithIncludeResources)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][LabelSelector] Velero test on backup include resources matching the label selector", BackupWithLabelSelector)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceFiltering][ResourcePolicies][Restic] Velero test on skip backup of volume by resource policies", ResourcePoliciesTest)
var _ = Describe("Resources with the label are not included in backup",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ExcludeFromBackup"), ExcludeFromBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on exclude namespace from the cluster backup",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ExcludeNamespaces", "Backup"), BackupWithExcludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on exclude namespace from the cluster restore",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ExcludeNamespaces", "Restore"), RestoreWithExcludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on exclude resources from the cluster backup",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ExcludeResources", "Backup"), BackupWithExcludeResources)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on exclude resources from the cluster restore",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ExcludeResources", "Restore"), RestoreWithExcludeResources)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on include namespace from the cluster backup",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "IncludeNamespaces", "Backup"), BackupWithIncludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on include namespace from the cluster restore",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "IncludeNamespaces", "Restore"), RestoreWithIncludeNamespaces)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on include resources from the cluster backup",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "IncludeResources", "Backup"), BackupWithIncludeResources)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on include resources from the cluster restore",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "IncludeResources", "Restore"), RestoreWithIncludeResources)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on backup include resources matching the label selector",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "LabelSelector"), BackupWithLabelSelector)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on skip backup of volume by resource policies",
Label("ResourceFiltering", "ResourcePolicies", "Restic"), ResourcePoliciesTest)
// backup VolumeInfo test
var _ = Describe("[BackupVolumeInfo][SkippedVolume]", SkippedVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("[BackupVolumeInfo][FilesystemUpload]", FilesystemUploadVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("[BackupVolumeInfo][CSIDataMover]", CSIDataMoverVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("[BackupVolumeInfo][CSISnapshot]", CSISnapshotVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("[BackupVolumeInfo][NativeSnapshot]", NativeSnapshotVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("", Label("BackupVolumeInfo", "SkippedVolume"), SkippedVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("", Label("BackupVolumeInfo", "FilesystemUpload"), FilesystemUploadVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("", Label("BackupVolumeInfo", "CSIDataMover"), CSIDataMoverVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("", Label("BackupVolumeInfo", "CSISnapshot"), CSISnapshotVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("", Label("BackupVolumeInfo", "NativeSnapshot"), NativeSnapshotVolumeInfoTest)
var _ = Describe("[ResourceModifier][Restore] Velero test on resource modifiers from the cluster restore", ResourceModifiersTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on resource modifiers from the cluster restore",
Label("ResourceModifier", "Restore"), ResourceModifiersTest)
var _ = Describe("[Backups][Deletion][Restic] Velero tests of Restic backup deletion", BackupDeletionWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Backups][Deletion][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Velero tests of snapshot backup deletion", BackupDeletionWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[Backups][TTL][LongTime][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Local backups and restic repos will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted", TTLTest)
var _ = Describe("[Backups][BackupsSync] Backups in object storage are synced to a new Velero and deleted backups in object storage are synced to be deleted in Velero", BackupsSyncTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests of Restic backup deletion",
Label("Backups", "Deletion", "Restic"), BackupDeletionWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("Velero tests of snapshot backup deletion",
Label("Backups", "Deletion", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), BackupDeletionWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Local backups and Restic repos will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted",
Label("Backups", "TTL", "LongTime", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), TTLTest)
var _ = Describe("Backups in object storage are synced to a new Velero and deleted backups in object storage are synced to be deleted in Velero",
Label("Backups", "BackupsSync"), BackupsSyncTest)
var _ = Describe("[Schedule][BR][Pause][LongTime] Backup will be created periodly by schedule defined by a Cron expression", ScheduleBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("[Schedule][OrderedResources] Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", ScheduleOrderedResources)
var _ = Describe("[Schedule][BackupCreation][SKIP_KIND] Schedule controller wouldn't create a new backup when it still has pending or InProgress backup", ScheduleBackupCreationTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup will be created periodically by schedule defined by a Cron expression",
Label("Schedule", "BR", "Pause", "LongTime"), ScheduleBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("Schedule", "OrderedResources"), ScheduleOrderedResources)
var _ = Describe("Schedule controller wouldn't create a new backup when it still has pending or InProgress backup",
Label("Schedule", "BackupCreation", "SKIP_KIND"), ScheduleBackupCreationTest)
var _ = Describe("[PrivilegesMgmt][SSR] Velero test on ssr object when controller namespace mix-ups", SSRTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on ssr object when controller namespace mix-ups",
Label("PrivilegesMgmt", "SSR"), SSRTest)
var _ = Describe("[BSL][Deletion][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Local backups will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted", BslDeletionWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[BSL][Deletion][Restic] Local backups and restic repos will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted", BslDeletionWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("Local backups will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted",
Label("BSL", "Deletion", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), BslDeletionWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Local backups and Restic repos will be deleted once the corresponding backup storage location is deleted",
Label("BSL", "Deletion", "Restic"), BslDeletionWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Migration][Restic] Migrate resources between clusters by Restic", MigrationWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Migration][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Migrate resources between clusters by snapshot", MigrationWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("Migrate resources between clusters by Restic",
Label("Migration", "Restic"), MigrationWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("Migrate resources between clusters by snapshot",
Label("Migration", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), MigrationWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[NamespaceMapping][Single][Restic] Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", OneNamespaceMappingResticTest)
var _ = Describe("[NamespaceMapping][Multiple][Restic] Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", MultiNamespacesMappingResticTest)
var _ = Describe("[NamespaceMapping][Single][Snapshot][SkipVanillaZfs] Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", OneNamespaceMappingSnapshotTest)
var _ = Describe("[NamespaceMapping][Multiple][Snapshot]SkipVanillaZfs] Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", MultiNamespacesMappingSnapshotTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("NamespaceMapping", "Single", "Restic"), OneNamespaceMappingResticTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("NamespaceMapping", "Multiple", "Restic"), MultiNamespacesMappingResticTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("NamespaceMapping", "Single", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), OneNamespaceMappingSnapshotTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("NamespaceMapping", "Multiple", "Snapshot", "SkipVanillaZfs"), MultiNamespacesMappingSnapshotTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", Label("pv-backup", "Opt-In"), OptInPVBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule", Label("pv-backup", "Opt-Out"), OptOutPVBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("PVBackup", "OptIn"), OptInPVBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("Backup resources should follow the specific order in schedule",
Label("PVBackup", "OptOut"), OptOutPVBackupTest)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Nodeport] Service nodeport reservation during restore is configurable", NodePortTest)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][StorageClass] Storage class of persistent volumes and persistent volume claims can be changed during restores", StorageClasssChangingTest)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][SelectedNode][SKIP_KIND] Node selectors of persistent volume claims can be changed during restores", PVCSelectedNodeChangingTest)
var _ = Describe("[UploaderConfig][ParallelFilesUpload] Velero test on parallel files upload", ParallelFilesUploadTest)
var _ = Describe("[UploaderConfig][ParallelFilesDownload] Velero test on parallel files download", ParallelFilesDownloadTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on parallel files upload",
Label("UploaderConfig", "ParallelFilesUpload"), ParallelFilesUploadTest)
var _ = Describe("Velero test on parallel files download",
Label("UploaderConfig", "ParallelFilesDownload"), ParallelFilesDownloadTest)
func GetKubeconfigContext() error {
var err error

View File

@ -94,11 +94,14 @@ func initConfig() error {
return nil
var _ = Describe("[PerformanceTest][BackupAndRestore] Velero test on both backup and restore resources", test.TestFunc(&basic.BasicTest{}))
var _ = Describe("Velero test on both backup and restore resources",
Label("PerformanceTest", "BackupAndRestore"), test.TestFunc(&basic.BasicTest{}))
var _ = Describe("[PerformanceTest][Backup] Velero test on only backup resources", test.TestFunc(&backup.BackupTest{}))
var _ = Describe("Velero test on only backup resources",
Label("PerformanceTest", "Backup"), test.TestFunc(&backup.BackupTest{}))
var _ = Describe("[PerformanceTest][Restore] Velero test on only restore resources", test.TestFunc(&restore.RestoreTest{}))
var _ = Describe("Velero test on only restore resources",
Label("PerformanceTest", "Restore"), test.TestFunc(&restore.RestoreTest{}))
func TestE2e(t *testing.T) {