Merge pull request #4996 from danfengliu/fix-bsl-deletion-test-bucket-issue
Fix wrong bucket issue in BSL deletion E2E testpull/4999/head
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
snapshotCheckPoint, err = GetSnapshotCheckPoint(client, VeleroCfg, 1, bslDeletionTestNs, backupName_1, []string{podName_1})
Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred(), "Fail to get Azure CSI snapshot checkpoint")
VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile, VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLBucket,
VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile, VeleroCfg.BSLBucket,
VeleroCfg.BSLConfig, backupName_1, snapshotCheckPoint)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot of bsl %s should be created in cloud object store", backupLocation_2), func() {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
if VeleroCfg.CloudProvider == "vsphere" {
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLConfig
} else {
} else { // Snapshotting with non-vSphere provider has nothing to do with BSL
BSLCredentials = VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile
BSLConfig = VeleroCfg.BSLConfig
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ type ObjectsInStorage interface {
func ObjectsShouldBeInBucket(cloudProvider, cloudCredentialsFile, bslBucket, bslPrefix, bslConfig, backupName, subPrefix string) error {
fmt.Printf("|| VERIFICATION || - %s %s should exist in storage [%s]\n", subPrefix, backupName, bslPrefix)
exist, _ := IsObjectsInBucket(cloudProvider, cloudCredentialsFile, bslBucket, bslPrefix, bslConfig, backupName, subPrefix)
exist, err := IsObjectsInBucket(cloudProvider, cloudCredentialsFile, bslBucket, bslPrefix, bslConfig, backupName, subPrefix)
if !exist {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("|| UNEXPECTED ||Backup object %s is not exist in object store after backup as expected\n", backupName))
return errors.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("|| UNEXPECTED ||Backup object %s is not exist in object store after backup as expected\n", backupName))
fmt.Printf("|| EXPECTED || - Backup %s exist in object storage bucket %s\n", backupName, bslBucket)
return nil
Reference in New Issue