Modify upgrade and migration cases.
Signed-off-by: Xun Jiang <>pull/8371/head
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ These configuration parameters are expected as values to the following command l
1. `--standby-cluster-object-store-provider`: Object store provider for standby cluster.
1. `--debug-velero-pod-restart`: A switch for debugging velero pod restart.
1. `--fail-fast`: A switch for for failing fast on meeting error.
1. `--disable-vsphere-plugin`: A switch for not install the Velero vSphere plugin when the provider is set to `vsphere`.
1. `--has-vsphere-plugin`: A switch to indicate whether the Velero vSphere plugin is installed for vSphere environment.
These configurations or parameters are used to generate install options for Velero for each test suite.
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Below is a mapping between `make` variables to E2E configuration flags.
1. `INSTALL_VELERO `: `-install-velero`. Optional.
1. `DEBUG_VELERO_POD_RESTART`: `-debug-velero-pod-restart`. Optional.
1. `FAIL_FAST`: `--fail-fast`. Optional.
1. `DISABLE_VSPHERE_PLUGIN`: `--diable-vsphere-plugin`. Optional.
1. `HAS_VSPHERE_PLUGIN`: `--has-vsphere-plugin`. Optional.
@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ BSL_PREFIX=nightly \
||| \
ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG=region=us-east-1 \
ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET=nightly-normal-account4-test \
ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET=nightly-restrict-account-test \
|||| \
|||| \
@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(backupRestoreTestConfig BackupRestoreTestConfig) {
bsls := []string{"default", additionalBsl}
BSLs := []string{"default", additionalBsl}
for _, bsl := range bsls {
for _, bsl := range BSLs {
backupName = fmt.Sprintf("backup-%s", bsl)
restoreName = fmt.Sprintf("restore-%s", bsl)
// We limit the length of backup name here to avoid the issue of vsphere plugin
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(backupRestoreTestConfig BackupRestoreTestConfig) {
restoreName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", restoreName, UUIDgen)
veleroCfg.ProvideSnapshotsVolumeParam = !provideSnapshotVolumesParmInBackup
workloadNmespace := kibishiiNamespace + bsl
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(veleroCfg, backupName, restoreName, bsl, workloadNmespace, useVolumeSnapshots, !useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed(),
workloadNS := kibishiiNamespace + bsl
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(veleroCfg, backupName, restoreName, bsl, workloadNS, useVolumeSnapshots, !useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed(),
"Failed to successfully backup and restore Kibishii namespace using BSL %s", bsl)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ const (
bslDeletionTestNs = "bsl-deletion"
// Test backup and restore of Kibishi using restic
// Test backup and restore of Kibishii using restic
func BslDeletionWithSnapshots() {
@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
podName1 := "kibishii-deployment-0"
podName2 := "kibishii-deployment-1"
label_1 := "for=1"
label1 := "for=1"
// TODO remove when issue is fixed
//label_2 := "for!=1"
label_2 := "for=2"
//label2 := "for!=1"
label2 := "for=2"
By("Create namespace for sample workload", func() {
Expect(CreateNamespace(oneHourTimeout, *veleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero, bslDeletionTestNs)).To(Succeed())
@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
// Restic can not backup PV only, so pod need to be labeled also
By("Label all 2 worker-pods of Kibishii", func() {
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), podName1, bslDeletionTestNs, label_1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), "kibishii-deployment-1", bslDeletionTestNs, label_2)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), podName1, bslDeletionTestNs, label1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPod(context.Background(), "kibishii-deployment-1", bslDeletionTestNs, label2)).To(Succeed())
By("Get all 2 PVCs of Kibishii and label them separately ", func() {
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
pvc2 := pvc[0]
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc1, bslDeletionTestNs, label_1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc2, bslDeletionTestNs, label_2)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc1, bslDeletionTestNs, label1)).To(Succeed())
Expect(AddLabelToPvc(context.Background(), pvc2, bslDeletionTestNs, label2)).To(Succeed())
var BackupCfg BackupConfig
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
BackupCfg.BackupLocation = backupLocation1
BackupCfg.UseVolumeSnapshots = useVolumeSnapshots
BackupCfg.DefaultVolumesToFsBackup = !useVolumeSnapshots
BackupCfg.Selector = label_1
BackupCfg.Selector = label1
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup one of PV of sample workload by label-1 - Kibishii by the first BSL %s", backupLocation1), func() {
// TODO currently, the upgrade case covers the upgrade path from 1.6 to main and the velero v1.6 doesn't support "debug" command
// TODO move to "runDebug" after we bump up to 1.7 in the upgrade case
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
BackupCfg.BackupName = backupName2
BackupCfg.BackupLocation = backupLocation2
BackupCfg.Selector = label_2
BackupCfg.Selector = label2
By(fmt.Sprintf("Back up the other one PV of sample workload with label-2 into the additional BSL %s", backupLocation2), func() {
Expect(VeleroBackupNamespace(oneHourTimeout, veleroCfg.VeleroCLI,
veleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, BackupCfg)).To(Succeed(), func() string {
@ -205,8 +205,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
if useVolumeSnapshots {
if veleroCfg.CloudProvider == Vsphere {
// TODO - remove after upload progress monitoring is implemented
if veleroCfg.HasVspherePlugin {
By("Waiting for vSphere uploads to complete", func() {
Expect(WaitForVSphereUploadCompletion(oneHourTimeout, time.Hour,
bslDeletionTestNs, 2)).To(Succeed())
@ -324,7 +323,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
// })
if useVolumeSnapshots {
if veleroCfg.CloudProvider == Vsphere {
if veleroCfg.HasVspherePlugin {
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot in backup %s should still exist, because snapshot CR will be deleted 24 hours later if the status is a success", backupName2), func() {
Expect(SnapshotCRsCountShouldBe(context.Background(), bslDeletionTestNs,
backupName1, 1)).To(Succeed())
@ -332,6 +331,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
backupName2, 1)).To(Succeed())
var snapshotCheckPoint SnapshotCheckPoint
snapshotCheckPoint.NamespaceBackedUp = bslDeletionTestNs
By(fmt.Sprintf("Snapshot should not be deleted in cloud object store after deleting bsl %s", backupLocation1), func() {
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
util ""
@ -142,38 +141,12 @@ func MigrationTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool, veleroCLI2Version VeleroCLI2Version)
if veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion == "self" {
veleroCLI2Version.VeleroCLI = veleroCfg.VeleroCLI
} else {
fmt.Printf("Using default images address of Velero CLI %s\n", veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion)
OriginVeleroCfg.VeleroImage = ""
OriginVeleroCfg.RestoreHelperImage = ""
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = ""
OriginVeleroCfg, err = SetImagesToDefaultValues(
Expect(err).To(Succeed(), "Fail to set images for the migrate-from Velero installation.")
versionWithoutPatch := semver.MajorMinor(veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion)
// Read migration case needs plugins from the PluginsMatrix map.
migrationNeedPlugins, ok := PluginsMatrix[versionWithoutPatch]
if OriginVeleroCfg.CloudProvider == Azure {
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = migrationNeedPlugins[Azure][0]
if OriginVeleroCfg.CloudProvider == AWS {
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = migrationNeedPlugins[AWS][0]
// If HasVspherePlugin is false, only install the AWS plugin.
// If do nothing here, the default behavior is
// installing both AWS and vSphere plugins.
if OriginVeleroCfg.CloudProvider == Vsphere &&
!OriginVeleroCfg.HasVspherePlugin {
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = migrationNeedPlugins[AWS][0]
// Because Velero CSI plugin is deprecated in v1.14,
// only need to install it for version lower than v1.14.
if strings.Contains(OriginVeleroCfg.Features, FeatureCSI) &&
semver.Compare(versionWithoutPatch, "v1.14") < 0 {
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins + "," + migrationNeedPlugins[CSI][0]
if OriginVeleroCfg.SnapshotMoveData && OriginVeleroCfg.CloudProvider == Azure {
OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins = OriginVeleroCfg.Plugins + "," + migrationNeedPlugins[AWS][0]
veleroCLI2Version.VeleroCLI, err = InstallVeleroCLI(veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion)
@ -124,14 +124,16 @@ func BackupUpgradeRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool, veleroCLI2Version VeleroC
veleroCfg.GCFrequency = ""
By(fmt.Sprintf("Install the expected old version Velero (%s) for upgrade",
veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion), func() {
//Set VeleroImage and RestoreHelperImage to blank
//VeleroImage and RestoreHelperImage should be the default value in originalCli
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall := veleroCfg
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.UpgradeFromVeleroVersion = veleroCLI2Version.VeleroVersion
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.VeleroCLI = veleroCLI2Version.VeleroCLI
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.VeleroImage = ""
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.RestoreHelperImage = ""
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.Plugins = ""
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall, err = SetImagesToDefaultValues(
Expect(err).To(Succeed(), "Fail to set the images for upgrade-from Velero installation.")
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.UploaderType = ""
version, err := GetVeleroVersion(oneHourTimeout, tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.VeleroCLI, true)
Expect(err).To(Succeed(), "Fail to get Velero version")
@ -145,9 +147,6 @@ func BackupUpgradeRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool, veleroCLI2Version VeleroC
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.UseRestic = !useVolumeSnapshots
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.UseNodeAgent = false
//TODO: Remove this setting when upgrade path is from 1.13 to higher
//TODO: version, or self version 1.12 and older versions have no this parameter.
tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.WithoutDisableInformerCacheParam = true
Expect(VeleroInstall(context.Background(), &tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall, false)).To(Succeed())
Expect(CheckVeleroVersion(context.Background(), tmpCfgForOldVeleroInstall.VeleroCLI,
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ const AWS = "aws"
const GCP = "gcp"
const Vsphere = "vsphere"
const CSI = "csi"
const Velero = "velero"
const VeleroRestoreHelper = "velero-restore-helper"
const UploaderTypeRestic = "restic"
@ -65,8 +65,15 @@ func GetKibishiiPVCNameList(workerCount int) []string {
// RunKibishiiTests runs kibishii tests on the provider.
func RunKibishiiTests(veleroCfg VeleroConfig, backupName, restoreName, backupLocation, kibishiiNamespace string,
useVolumeSnapshots, defaultVolumesToFsBackup bool) error {
func RunKibishiiTests(
veleroCfg VeleroConfig,
backupName string,
restoreName string,
backupLocation string,
kibishiiNamespace string,
useVolumeSnapshots bool,
defaultVolumesToFsBackup bool,
) error {
pvCount := len(KibishiiPVCNameList)
client := *veleroCfg.ClientToInstallVelero
oneHourTimeout, ctxCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*60)
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import (
ver ""
kbclient ""
@ -54,67 +55,126 @@ const BackupObjectsPrefix = "backups"
const RestoreObjectsPrefix = "restores"
const PluginsObjectsPrefix = "plugins"
var PluginsMatrix = map[string]map[string][]string{
var ImagesMatrix = map[string]map[string][]string{
"v1.10": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"v1.11": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"v1.12": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"v1.13": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"csi": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"v1.14": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"v1.15": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
"main": {
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"aws": {""},
"azure": {""},
"vsphere": {""},
"gcp": {""},
"datamover": {""},
"velero": {""},
"velero-restore-helper": {""},
func SetImagesToDefaultValues(config VeleroConfig, version string) (VeleroConfig, error) {
fmt.Printf("Get the images for version %s\n", version)
ret := config
ret.Plugins = ""
versionWithoutPatch := semver.MajorMinor(version)
// Read migration case needs images from the PluginsMatrix map.
images, ok := ImagesMatrix[versionWithoutPatch]
if !ok {
return config, fmt.Errorf("fail to read the images for version %s from the ImagesMatrix",
ret.VeleroImage = images[Velero][0]
ret.RestoreHelperImage = images[VeleroRestoreHelper][0]
if ret.CloudProvider == Azure {
ret.Plugins = images[Azure][0]
if ret.CloudProvider == AWS {
ret.Plugins = images[AWS][0]
// If HasVspherePlugin is false, only install the AWS plugin.
// If do nothing here, the default behavior is
// installing both AWS and vSphere plugins.
if ret.CloudProvider == Vsphere &&
!ret.HasVspherePlugin {
ret.Plugins = images[AWS][0]
// Because Velero CSI plugin is deprecated in v1.14,
// only need to install it for version lower than v1.14.
if strings.Contains(ret.Features, FeatureCSI) &&
semver.Compare(versionWithoutPatch, "v1.14") < 0 {
ret.Plugins = ret.Plugins + "," + images[CSI][0]
if ret.SnapshotMoveData && ret.CloudProvider == Azure {
ret.Plugins = ret.Plugins + "," + images[AWS][0]
return ret, nil
func getPluginsByVersion(version string, cloudProvider string, needDataMoverPlugin bool) ([]string, error) {
var cloudMap map[string][]string
arr := strings.Split(version, ".")
if len(arr) >= 3 {
cloudMap = PluginsMatrix[arr[0]+"."+arr[1]]
cloudMap = ImagesMatrix[arr[0]+"."+arr[1]]
if len(cloudMap) == 0 {
cloudMap = PluginsMatrix["main"]
cloudMap = ImagesMatrix["main"]
if len(cloudMap) == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("fail to get plugins by version: main")
Reference in New Issue