Add CSI plugin in E2E test
Signed-off-by: danfengl <>pull/4789/head
@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET ?=
ginkgo: # Make sure ginkgo is in $GOPATH/bin
go get
@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ run: ginkgo
-additional-bsl-bucket=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_BUCKET) \
-additional-bsl-prefix=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_PREFIX) \
-additional-bsl-config=$(ADDITIONAL_BSL_CONFIG) \
-features=$(FEATURES) \
-install-velero=$(INSTALL_VELERO) \
-registry-credential-file=$(REGISTRY_CREDENTIAL_FILE) \
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
var (
backupName, restoreName string
kibishiiNamespace := "kibishii-workload"
client, err := NewTestClient()
Expect(err).To(Succeed(), "Failed to instantiate cluster client for backup tests")
@ -55,11 +55,14 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
UUIDgen, err = uuid.NewRandom()
if VeleroCfg.InstallVelero {
Expect(VeleroInstall(context.Background(), &VeleroCfg, "", useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed())
Expect(VeleroInstall(context.Background(), &VeleroCfg, "EnableCSI", useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed())
AfterEach(func() {
DeleteNamespace(context.Background(), client, kibishiiNamespace, true)
Expect(err).To(Succeed(), fmt.Sprintf("failed to delete the namespace %q", kibishiiNamespace))
if VeleroCfg.InstallVelero {
err = VeleroUninstall(context.Background(), VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace)
@ -72,11 +75,11 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
restoreName = "restore-" + UUIDgen.String()
// Even though we are using Velero's CloudProvider plugin for object storage, the kubernetes cluster is running on
// KinD. So use the kind installation for Kibishii.
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(client, VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, backupName, restoreName, "", useVolumeSnapshots, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed(),
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(client, VeleroCfg, backupName, restoreName, "", kibishiiNamespace, useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed(),
"Failed to successfully backup and restore Kibishii namespace")
It("should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials", func() {
XIt("should successfully back up and restore to an additional BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials", func() {
if VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLProvider == "" {
Skip("no additional BSL provider given, not running multiple BackupStorageLocation with unique credentials tests")
@ -125,7 +128,7 @@ func BackupRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
backupName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", backupName, UUIDgen)
restoreName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", restoreName, UUIDgen)
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(client, VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, backupName, restoreName, bsl, useVolumeSnapshots, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed(),
Expect(RunKibishiiTests(client, VeleroCfg, backupName, restoreName, bsl, kibishiiNamespace, useVolumeSnapshots)).To(Succeed(),
"Failed to successfully backup and restore Kibishii namespace using BSL %s", bsl)
@ -75,16 +75,23 @@ func backup_deletion_test(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
When("kibishii is the sample workload", func() {
It("Deleted backups are deleted from object storage and backups deleted from object storage can be deleted locally", func() {
backupName = "backup-" + UUIDgen.String()
Expect(runBackupDeletionTests(client, VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI, VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace, backupName, "", useVolumeSnapshots, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.BSLPrefix, VeleroCfg.BSLConfig, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed(),
Expect(runBackupDeletionTests(client, VeleroCfg, backupName, "", useVolumeSnapshots, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed(),
"Failed to run backup deletion test")
// runUpgradeTests runs upgrade test on the provider by kibishii.
func runBackupDeletionTests(client TestClient, veleroCLI, providerName, veleroNamespace, backupName, backupLocation string,
useVolumeSnapshots bool, registryCredentialFile, bslPrefix, bslConfig, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
func runBackupDeletionTests(client TestClient, veleroCfg VerleroConfig, backupName, backupLocation string,
useVolumeSnapshots bool, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
oneHourTimeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*60)
veleroCLI := VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI
providerName := VeleroCfg.CloudProvider
veleroNamespace := VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace
registryCredentialFile := VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile
bslPrefix := VeleroCfg.BSLPrefix
bslConfig := VeleroCfg.BSLConfig
veleroFeatures := VeleroCfg.Features
if err := CreateNamespace(oneHourTimeout, client, deletionTest); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create namespace %s to install Kibishii workload", deletionTest)
@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ func runBackupDeletionTests(client TestClient, veleroCLI, providerName, veleroNa
if err := KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, providerName, deletionTest, registryCredentialFile, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
if err := KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, providerName, deletionTest, registryCredentialFile, veleroFeatures, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to install and prepare data for kibishii %s", deletionTest)
err := ObjectsShouldNotBeInBucket(VeleroCfg.CloudProvider, VeleroCfg.CloudCredentialsFile, VeleroCfg.BSLBucket, VeleroCfg.BSLPrefix, VeleroCfg.BSLConfig, backupName, BackupObjectsPrefix, 1)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func BslDeletionTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool) {
By("Deploy sample workload of Kibishii", func() {
Expect(KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, VeleroCfg.CloudProvider,
bslDeletionTestNs, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed())
bslDeletionTestNs, VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile, VeleroCfg.Features, VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed())
// Restic can not backup PV only, so pod need to be labeled also
@ -63,14 +63,15 @@ func init() {
flag.StringVar(&VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLPrefix, "additional-bsl-prefix", "", "prefix under which all Velero data should be stored within the bucket for additional backup storage location. Optional.")
flag.StringVar(&VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLConfig, "additional-bsl-config", "", "configuration to use for the additional backup storage location. Format is key1=value1,key2=value2")
flag.StringVar(&VeleroCfg.AdditionalBSLCredentials, "additional-bsl-credentials-file", "", "file containing credentials for additional backup storage location provider. Required if testing multiple credentials support.")
flag.StringVar(&VeleroCfg.Features, "features", "", "Comma-separated list of features to enable for this Velero process.")
var _ = Describe("[APIGroup] Velero tests with various CRD API group versions", APIGropuVersionsTest)
// Test backup and restore of Kibishi using restic
var _ = Describe("[Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Restic] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and Restic for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithRestic)
var _ = Describe("[Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[Basic][Snapshot] Velero tests on cluster using the plugin provider for object storage and snapshots for volume backups", BackupRestoreWithSnapshots)
var _ = Describe("[Basic] Backup/restore of cluster resources", ResourcesCheckTest)
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ type VerleroConfig struct {
AddBSLPlugins string
InstallVelero bool
KibishiiDirectory string
Features string
type SnapshotCheckPoint struct {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ func BackupUpgradeRestoreTest(useVolumeSnapshots bool, upgradeFromVelero Upgrade
By("Deploy sample workload of Kibishii", func() {
Expect(KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, tmpCfg1.CloudProvider,
upgradeNamespace, tmpCfg1.RegistryCredentialFile, tmpCfg1.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed())
upgradeNamespace, tmpCfg1.RegistryCredentialFile, tmpCfg1.Features, tmpCfg1.KibishiiDirectory)).To(Succeed())
By(fmt.Sprintf("Backup namespace %s", upgradeNamespace), func() {
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
name: velero
|||| "true"
deletionPolicy: Retain
@ -136,3 +136,8 @@ func AddLabelToPod(ctx context.Context, podName, namespace, label string) error
return exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", args...).Run()
func KubectlApplyByFile(ctx context.Context, file string) error {
args := []string{"apply", "-f", file, "--force=true"}
return exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", args...).Run()
@ -20,38 +20,43 @@ import (
veleroexec ""
. ""
. ""
. ""
const (
kibishiiNamespace = "kibishii-workload"
jumpPadPod = "jump-pad"
jumpPadPod = "jump-pad"
// RunKibishiiTests runs kibishii tests on the provider.
func RunKibishiiTests(client TestClient, providerName, veleroCLI, veleroNamespace, backupName, restoreName, backupLocation string,
useVolumeSnapshots bool, registryCredentialFile string, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
func RunKibishiiTests(client TestClient, veleroCfg VerleroConfig, backupName, restoreName, backupLocation, kibishiiNamespace string,
useVolumeSnapshots bool) error {
oneHourTimeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute*60)
veleroCLI := VeleroCfg.VeleroCLI
providerName := VeleroCfg.CloudProvider
veleroNamespace := VeleroCfg.VeleroNamespace
registryCredentialFile := VeleroCfg.RegistryCredentialFile
veleroFeatures := VeleroCfg.Features
kibishiiDirectory := VeleroCfg.KibishiiDirectory
if err := CreateNamespace(oneHourTimeout, client, kibishiiNamespace); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create namespace %s to install Kibishii workload", kibishiiNamespace)
defer func() {
if err := DeleteNamespace(context.Background(), client, kibishiiNamespace, true); err != nil {
fmt.Println(errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete the namespace %q", kibishiiNamespace))
if err := KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, providerName, kibishiiNamespace, registryCredentialFile, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
if err := KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout, client, providerName,
kibishiiNamespace, registryCredentialFile, veleroFeatures, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to install and prepare data for kibishii %s", kibishiiNamespace)
if err := VeleroBackupNamespace(oneHourTimeout, veleroCLI, veleroNamespace, backupName, kibishiiNamespace, backupLocation, useVolumeSnapshots, ""); err != nil {
if err := VeleroBackupNamespace(oneHourTimeout, veleroCLI, veleroNamespace, backupName,
kibishiiNamespace, backupLocation, useVolumeSnapshots, ""); err != nil {
RunDebug(context.Background(), veleroCLI, veleroNamespace, backupName, "")
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to backup kibishii namespace %s", kibishiiNamespace)
@ -90,10 +95,14 @@ func RunKibishiiTests(client TestClient, providerName, veleroCLI, veleroNamespac
return nil
func installKibishii(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cloudPlatform string, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
func installKibishii(ctx context.Context, namespace string, cloudPlatform, veleroFeatures, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
if strings.EqualFold(cloudPlatform, "azure") && strings.EqualFold(veleroFeatures, "EnableCSI") {
cloudPlatform = "azure-csi"
// We use kustomize to generate YAML for Kibishii from the checked-in yaml directories
kibishiiInstallCmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "kubectl", "apply", "-n", namespace, "-k",
_, stderr, err := veleroexec.RunCommand(kibishiiInstallCmd)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to install kibishii, stderr=%s", stderr)
@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ func waitForKibishiiPods(ctx context.Context, client TestClient, kibishiiNamespa
return WaitForPods(ctx, client, kibishiiNamespace, []string{"jump-pad", "etcd0", "etcd1", "etcd2", "kibishii-deployment-0", "kibishii-deployment-1"})
func KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout context.Context, client TestClient, providerName, kibishiiNamespace, registryCredentialFile, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
func KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout context.Context, client TestClient, providerName, kibishiiNamespace, registryCredentialFile, veleroFeatures, kibishiiDirectory string) error {
serviceAccountName := "default"
// wait until the service account is created before patch the image pull secret
@ -161,7 +170,7 @@ func KibishiiPrepareBeforeBackup(oneHourTimeout context.Context, client TestClie
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to patch the service account %q under the namespace %q", serviceAccountName, kibishiiNamespace)
if err := installKibishii(oneHourTimeout, kibishiiNamespace, providerName, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
if err := installKibishii(oneHourTimeout, kibishiiNamespace, providerName, veleroFeatures, kibishiiDirectory); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Failed to install Kibishii workload")
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
@ -199,6 +200,14 @@ func installVeleroServer(ctx context.Context, cli string, options *installOption
if len(options.Features) > 0 {
args = append(args, "--features", options.Features)
if strings.EqualFold(options.Features, "EnableCSI") {
if strings.EqualFold(options.ProviderName, "Azure") {
if err := KubectlApplyByFile(ctx, "util/csi/AzureVolumeSnapshotClass.yaml"); err != nil {
return err
if err := createVelereResources(ctx, cli, namespace, args, options.RegistryCredentialFile, options.ResticHelperImage); err != nil {
Reference in New Issue