add diagnostic for data mover exposer

Signed-off-by: Lyndon-Li <>
Lyndon-Li 2024-12-04 14:30:54 +08:00
parent 8087c7f13a
commit 1e2ef374d6
11 changed files with 996 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Fix issue #8125, add diagnostic info for data mover exposers when expose timeout

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@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func (e *csiSnapshotExposer) DiagnoseExpose(ctx context.Context, ownerObject cor
if vs != nil {
diag += csi.DiagnoseVS(vs)
if vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != nil && *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != "" {
if vs.Status != nil && vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != nil && *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != "" {
if vsc, err := e.csiSnapshotClient.VolumeSnapshotContents().Get(ctx, *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error getting backup vsc %s, err: %v\n", *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName, err)
} else {

View File

@ -959,3 +959,403 @@ func Test_csiSnapshotExposer_createBackupPVC(t *testing.T) {
func Test_csiSnapshotExposer_DiagnoseExpose(t *testing.T) {
backup := &velerov1.Backup{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: velerov1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
Kind: "Backup",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
UID: "fake-uid",
backupPodWithoutNodeName := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodPending,
Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
Type: corev1.PodInitialized,
Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
Message: "fake-pod-message",
backupPodWithNodeName := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
NodeName: "fake-node",
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodPending,
Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
Type: corev1.PodInitialized,
Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
Message: "fake-pod-message",
backupPVCWithoutVolumeName := corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{
Phase: corev1.ClaimPending,
backupPVCWithVolumeName := corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Spec: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{
VolumeName: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{
Phase: corev1.ClaimPending,
backupPV := corev1.PersistentVolume{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeStatus{
Phase: corev1.VolumePending,
Message: "fake-pv-message",
readyToUse := false
vscMessage := "fake-vsc-message"
backupVSC := snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{
Message: &vscMessage,
backupVSWithoutStatus := snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
backupVSWithoutVSC := snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{},
vsMessage := "fake-vs-message"
backupVSWithVSC := snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-backup",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: backup.APIVersion,
Kind: backup.Kind,
Name: backup.Name,
UID: backup.UID,
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{
BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName: &backupVSC.Name,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{
Message: &vsMessage,
nodeAgentPod := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "node-agent-pod-1",
Labels: map[string]string{"name": "node-agent"},
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
NodeName: "fake-node",
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodRunning,
tests := []struct {
name string
ownerBackup *velerov1.Backup
kubeClientObj []runtime.Object
snapshotClientObj []runtime.Object
expected string
name: "no pod, pvc, vs",
ownerBackup: backup,
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
error getting backup pod fake-backup, err: pods "fake-backup" not found
error getting backup pvc fake-backup, err: persistentvolumeclaims "fake-backup" not found
error getting backup vs fake-backup, err: "fake-backup" not found
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pod without node name, pvc without volume name, vs without status",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pod without node name, pvc without volume name, vs without VSC",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pod with node name, no node agent",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
node-agent is not running in node fake-node
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pod with node name, node agent is running",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pvc with volume name, no pv",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
error getting backup pv fake-pv, err: persistentvolumes "fake-pv" not found
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "pvc with volume name, pv exists",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
PV fake-pv, phase Pending, reason , message fake-pv-message
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "vs with vsc, vsc doesn't exist",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
PV fake-pv, phase Pending, reason , message fake-pv-message
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage fake-vs-message
error getting backup vsc fake-vsc, err: "fake-vsc" not found
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
name: "vs with vsc, vsc exists",
ownerBackup: backup,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
snapshotClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
Pod velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-backup, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
PV fake-pv, phase Pending, reason , message fake-pv-message
VS velero/fake-backup, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage fake-vs-message
VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage fake-vsc-message, handle
***************************end diagnose CSI exposer[velero/fake-backup]***************************
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fakeKubeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset(tt.kubeClientObj...)
fakeSnapshotClient := snapshotFake.NewSimpleClientset(tt.snapshotClientObj...)
e := &csiSnapshotExposer{
kubeClient: fakeKubeClient,
csiSnapshotClient: fakeSnapshotClient.SnapshotV1(),
log: velerotest.NewLogger(),
var ownerObject corev1.ObjectReference
if tt.ownerBackup != nil {
ownerObject = corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: tt.ownerBackup.Kind,
Namespace: tt.ownerBackup.Namespace,
Name: tt.ownerBackup.Name,
UID: tt.ownerBackup.UID,
APIVersion: tt.ownerBackup.APIVersion,
diag := e.DiagnoseExpose(context.Background(), ownerObject)
assert.Equal(t, tt.expected, diag)

View File

@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ func (e *genericRestoreExposer) DiagnoseExpose(ctx context.Context, ownerObject
pod, err := e.kubeClient.CoreV1().Pods(ownerObject.Namespace).Get(ctx, restorePodName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error to get restore pod %s, err: %v\n", restorePodName, err)
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error getting restore pod %s, err: %v\n", restorePodName, err)
pvc, err := e.kubeClient.CoreV1().PersistentVolumeClaims(ownerObject.Namespace).Get(ctx, restorePVCName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error to get restore pvc %s, err: %v\n", restorePVCName, err)
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error getting restore pvc %s, err: %v\n", restorePVCName, err)
if pod != nil {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ func (e *genericRestoreExposer) DiagnoseExpose(ctx context.Context, ownerObject
if pvc.Spec.VolumeName != "" {
if pv, err := e.kubeClient.CoreV1().PersistentVolumes().Get(ctx, pvc.Spec.VolumeName, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error getting backup pv %s, err: %v\n", pvc.Spec.VolumeName, err)
diag += fmt.Sprintf("error getting restore pv %s, err: %v\n", pvc.Spec.VolumeName, err)
} else {
diag += kube.DiagnosePV(pv)

View File

@ -507,3 +507,265 @@ func TestRestorePeekExpose(t *testing.T) {
func Test_ReastoreDiagnoseExpose(t *testing.T) {
restore := &velerov1.Restore{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: velerov1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
Kind: "Restore",
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-restore",
UID: "fake-uid",
restorePodWithoutNodeName := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-restore",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: restore.APIVersion,
Kind: restore.Kind,
Name: restore.Name,
UID: restore.UID,
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodPending,
Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
Type: corev1.PodInitialized,
Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
Message: "fake-pod-message",
restorePodWithNodeName := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-restore",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: restore.APIVersion,
Kind: restore.Kind,
Name: restore.Name,
UID: restore.UID,
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
NodeName: "fake-node",
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodPending,
Conditions: []corev1.PodCondition{
Type: corev1.PodInitialized,
Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
Message: "fake-pod-message",
restorePVCWithoutVolumeName := corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-restore",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: restore.APIVersion,
Kind: restore.Kind,
Name: restore.Name,
UID: restore.UID,
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{
Phase: corev1.ClaimPending,
restorePVCWithVolumeName := corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "fake-restore",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{
APIVersion: restore.APIVersion,
Kind: restore.Kind,
Name: restore.Name,
UID: restore.UID,
Spec: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{
VolumeName: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{
Phase: corev1.ClaimPending,
restorePV := corev1.PersistentVolume{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1.PersistentVolumeStatus{
Phase: corev1.VolumePending,
Message: "fake-pv-message",
nodeAgentPod := corev1.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: velerov1.DefaultNamespace,
Name: "node-agent-pod-1",
Labels: map[string]string{"name": "node-agent"},
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
NodeName: "fake-node",
Status: corev1.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1.PodRunning,
tests := []struct {
name string
ownerRestore *velerov1.Restore
kubeClientObj []runtime.Object
expected string
name: "no pod, pvc",
ownerRestore: restore,
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
error getting restore pod fake-restore, err: pods "fake-restore" not found
error getting restore pvc fake-restore, err: persistentvolumeclaims "fake-restore" not found
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pod without node name, pvc without volume name, vs without status",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pod without node name, pvc without volume name",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pod with node name, no node agent",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
node-agent is not running in node fake-node
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pod with node name, node agent is running",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pvc with volume name, no pv",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
error getting restore pv fake-pv, err: persistentvolumes "fake-pv" not found
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
name: "pvc with volume name, pv exists",
ownerRestore: restore,
kubeClientObj: []runtime.Object{
expected: `***************************begin diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
Pod velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, node name fake-node
Pod condition Initialized, status True, reason , message fake-pod-message
PVC velero/fake-restore, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv
PV fake-pv, phase Pending, reason , message fake-pv-message
***************************end diagnose restore exposer[velero/fake-restore]***************************
for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
fakeKubeClient := fake.NewSimpleClientset(test.kubeClientObj...)
e := genericRestoreExposer{
kubeClient: fakeKubeClient,
log: velerotest.NewLogger(),
var ownerObject corev1api.ObjectReference
if test.ownerRestore != nil {
ownerObject = corev1api.ObjectReference{
Kind: test.ownerRestore.Kind,
Namespace: test.ownerRestore.Namespace,
Name: test.ownerRestore.Name,
UID: test.ownerRestore.UID,
APIVersion: test.ownerRestore.APIVersion,
diag := e.DiagnoseExpose(context.Background(), ownerObject)
assert.Equal(t, test.expected, diag)

View File

@ -776,42 +776,48 @@ func WaitUntilVSCHandleIsReady(
func DiagnoseVS(vs *snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot) string {
vscName := ""
if vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != nil {
vscName = *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName
readyToUse := false
if vs.Status.ReadyToUse != nil {
readyToUse = *vs.Status.ReadyToUse
errMessage := ""
if vs.Status.Error != nil && vs.Status.Error.Message != nil {
errMessage = *vs.Status.Error.Message
if vs.Status != nil {
if vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName != nil {
vscName = *vs.Status.BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName
if vs.Status.ReadyToUse != nil {
readyToUse = *vs.Status.ReadyToUse
if vs.Status.Error != nil && vs.Status.Error.Message != nil {
errMessage = *vs.Status.Error.Message
diag := fmt.Sprintf("VS %s/%s, bind to %s, readToUse %v, errMessage %s\n", vs.Namespace, vs.Name, vscName, readyToUse, errMessage)
diag := fmt.Sprintf("VS %s/%s, bind to %s, readyToUse %v, errMessage %s\n", vs.Namespace, vs.Name, vscName, readyToUse, errMessage)
return diag
func DiagnoseVSC(vsc *snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent) string {
handle := ""
if vsc.Status.SnapshotHandle != nil {
handle = *vsc.Status.SnapshotHandle
readyToUse := false
if vsc.Status.ReadyToUse != nil {
readyToUse = *vsc.Status.ReadyToUse
errMessage := ""
if vsc.Status.Error != nil && vsc.Status.Error.Message != nil {
errMessage = *vsc.Status.Error.Message
if vsc.Status != nil {
if vsc.Status.SnapshotHandle != nil {
handle = *vsc.Status.SnapshotHandle
if vsc.Status.ReadyToUse != nil {
readyToUse = *vsc.Status.ReadyToUse
if vsc.Status.Error != nil && vsc.Status.Error.Message != nil {
errMessage = *vsc.Status.Error.Message
diag := fmt.Sprintf("VSC %s, readToUse %v, errMessage %s, handle %s\n", vsc.Name, readyToUse, errMessage, handle)
diag := fmt.Sprintf("VSC %s, readyToUse %v, errMessage %s, handle %s\n", vsc.Name, readyToUse, errMessage, handle)
return diag

View File

@ -1655,3 +1655,197 @@ func TestWaitUntilVSCHandleIsReady(t *testing.T) {
func TestDiagnoseVS(t *testing.T) {
vscName := "fake-vsc"
readyToUse := true
message := "fake-message"
testCases := []struct {
name string
vs *snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot
expected string
name: "VS with no status",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage \n",
name: "VS with empty status",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{},
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to , readyToUse false, errMessage \n",
name: "VS with VSC name",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{
BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName: &vscName,
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage \n",
name: "VS with VSC name+ready",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{
BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName: &vscName,
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage \n",
name: "VS with VSC name+ready+empty error",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{
BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName: &vscName,
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{},
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage \n",
name: "VS with VSC name+ready+error",
vs: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshot{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vs",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotStatus{
BoundVolumeSnapshotContentName: &vscName,
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{
Message: &message,
expected: "VS fake-ns/fake-vs, bind to fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage fake-message\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
diag := DiagnoseVS(tc.vs)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expected, diag)
func TestDiagnoseVSC(t *testing.T) {
readyToUse := true
message := "fake-message"
handle := "fake-handle"
testCases := []struct {
name string
vsc *snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent
expected string
name: "VS with no status",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage , handle \n",
name: "VSC with empty status",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{},
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse false, errMessage , handle \n",
name: "VSC with ready",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage , handle \n",
name: "VSC with ready+handle",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
SnapshotHandle: &handle,
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage , handle fake-handle\n",
name: "VSC with ready+handle+empty error",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
SnapshotHandle: &handle,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{},
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage , handle fake-handle\n",
name: "VSC with ready+handle+error",
vsc: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContent{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-vsc",
Status: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotContentStatus{
ReadyToUse: &readyToUse,
SnapshotHandle: &handle,
Error: &snapshotv1api.VolumeSnapshotError{
Message: &message,
expected: "VSC fake-vsc, readyToUse true, errMessage fake-message, handle fake-handle\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
diag := DiagnoseVSC(tc.vsc)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expected, diag)

View File

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ func DiagnosePod(pod *corev1api.Pod) string {
diag := fmt.Sprintf("Pod %s/%s, phase %s, node name %s\n", pod.Namespace, pod.Name, pod.Status.Phase, pod.Spec.NodeName)
for _, condition := range pod.Status.Conditions {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("Pod condition %s, reason %s, message %s\n", condition.Type, condition.Reason, condition.Message)
diag += fmt.Sprintf("Pod condition %s, status %s, reason %s, message %s\n", condition.Type, condition.Status, condition.Reason, condition.Message)
return diag

View File

@ -846,3 +846,49 @@ func TestToSystemAffinity(t *testing.T) {
func TestDiagnosePod(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pod *corev1api.Pod
expected string
name: "pod with all info",
pod: &corev1api.Pod{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-pod",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Spec: corev1api.PodSpec{
NodeName: "fake-node",
Status: corev1api.PodStatus{
Phase: corev1api.PodPending,
Conditions: []corev1api.PodCondition{
Type: corev1api.PodInitialized,
Status: corev1api.ConditionTrue,
Reason: "fake-reason-1",
Message: "fake-message-1",
Type: corev1api.PodScheduled,
Status: corev1api.ConditionFalse,
Reason: "fake-reason-2",
Message: "fake-message-2",
expected: "Pod fake-ns/fake-pod, phase Pending, node name fake-node\nPod condition Initialized, status True, reason fake-reason-1, message fake-message-1\nPod condition PodScheduled, status False, reason fake-reason-2, message fake-message-2\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
diag := DiagnosePod(tc.pod)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expected, diag)

View File

@ -414,15 +414,7 @@ func GetPVCForPodVolume(vol *corev1api.Volume, pod *corev1api.Pod, crClient crcl
func DiagnosePVC(pvc *corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim) string {
diag := fmt.Sprintf("PVC %s/%s, phase %s\n", pvc.Namespace, pvc.Name, pvc.Status.Phase)
for _, condition := range pvc.Status.Conditions {
diag += fmt.Sprintf("PVC condition %s, reason %s, message %s\n", condition.Type, condition.Reason, condition.Message)
diag += fmt.Sprintf("PVC is binding to %s\n", pvc.Spec.VolumeName)
return diag
return fmt.Sprintf("PVC %s/%s, phase %s, binding to %s\n", pvc.Namespace, pvc.Name, pvc.Status.Phase, pvc.Spec.VolumeName)
func DiagnosePV(pv *corev1api.PersistentVolume) string {

View File

@ -1465,4 +1465,63 @@ func TestMakePodPVCAttachment(t *testing.T) {
func TestDiagnosePVC(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pvc *corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim
expected string
name: "pvc with all info",
pvc: &corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaim{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-pvc",
Namespace: "fake-ns",
Spec: corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{
VolumeName: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1api.PersistentVolumeClaimStatus{
Phase: corev1api.ClaimPending,
expected: "PVC fake-ns/fake-pvc, phase Pending, binding to fake-pv\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
diag := DiagnosePVC(tc.pvc)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expected, diag)
func TestDiagnosePV(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
pv *corev1api.PersistentVolume
expected string
name: "pv with all info",
pv: &corev1api.PersistentVolume{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "fake-pv",
Status: corev1api.PersistentVolumeStatus{
Phase: corev1api.VolumePending,
Message: "fake-message",
Reason: "fake-reason",
expected: "PV fake-pv, phase Pending, reason fake-reason, message fake-message\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
diag := DiagnosePV(tc.pv)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expected, diag)