When opening a pull request, please fill out the checklist supplied the template. This will help others properly categorize and review your pull request.
## Adding a changelog
Authors are expected to include a changelog file with their pull requests. The changelog file
should be a new file created in the `changelogs/unreleased` folder. The file should follow the
naming convention of `pr-username` and the contents of the file should be your text for the
velero/changelogs/unreleased <-folder
000-username <-file
Add that to the PR.
If a PR does not warrant a changelog, the CI check for a changelog can be skipped by applying a `changelog-not-required` label on the PR. If you are making a PR on a release branch, you should still make a new file in the `changelogs/unreleased` folder on the release branch for your change.
## Copyright header
Whenever a source code file is being modified, the copyright notice should be updated to our standard copyright notice. That is, it should read “Copyright the Velero contributors.”
For new files, the entire copyright and license header must be added.
Please note that doc files do not need a copyright header.
## Code
- Log messages are capitalized.
- Error messages are kept lower-cased.
- Wrap/add a stack only to errors that are being directly returned from non-velero code, such as an API call to the Kubernetes server.
- Prefer to use the utilities in the Kubernetes package [`sets`](https://godoc.org/github.com/kubernetes/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets).