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package analysis
import (
swspec ""
// FlattenOpts configuration for flattening a swagger specification.
type FlattenOpts struct {
Spec *Spec
BasePath string
_ struct{} // require keys
// ExpandOpts creates a spec.ExpandOptions to configure expanding a specification document.
func (f *FlattenOpts) ExpandOpts(skipSchemas bool) *swspec.ExpandOptions {
return &swspec.ExpandOptions{RelativeBase: f.BasePath, SkipSchemas: skipSchemas}
// Swagger gets the swagger specification for this flatten operation
func (f *FlattenOpts) Swagger() *swspec.Swagger {
return f.Spec.spec
// Flatten an analyzed spec.
// To flatten a spec means:
// Expand the parameters, responses, path items, parameter items and header items.
// Import external (http, file) references so they become internal to the document.
// Move every inline schema to be a definition with an auto-generated name in a depth-first fashion.
// Rewritten schemas get a vendor extension x-go-gen-location so we know in which package they need to be rendered.
func Flatten(opts FlattenOpts) error {
// recursively expand responses, parameters, path items and items
err := swspec.ExpandSpec(opts.Swagger(), opts.ExpandOpts(true))
if err != nil {
return err
opts.Spec.reload() // re-analyze
// at this point there are no other references left but schemas
if err := importExternalReferences(&opts); err != nil {
return err
opts.Spec.reload() // re-analyze
// rewrite the inline schemas (schemas that aren't simple types or arrays of simple types)
if err := nameInlinedSchemas(&opts); err != nil {
return err
opts.Spec.reload() // re-analyze
// TODO: simplifiy known schema patterns to flat objects with properties?
return nil
func nameInlinedSchemas(opts *FlattenOpts) error {
namer := &inlineSchemaNamer{Spec: opts.Swagger(), Operations: opRefsByRef(gatherOperations(opts.Spec, nil))}
depthFirst := sortDepthFirst(opts.Spec.allSchemas)
for _, key := range depthFirst {
sch := opts.Spec.allSchemas[key]
if sch.Schema != nil && sch.Schema.Ref.String() == "" && !sch.TopLevel { // inline schema
asch, err := Schema(SchemaOpts{Schema: sch.Schema, Root: opts.Swagger(), BasePath: opts.BasePath})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("schema analysis [%s]: %v", sch.Ref.String(), err)
if !asch.IsSimpleSchema { // complex schemas get moved
if err := namer.Name(key, sch.Schema, asch); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var depthGroupOrder = []string{"sharedOpParam", "opParam", "codeResponse", "defaultResponse", "definition"}
func sortDepthFirst(data map[string]SchemaRef) (sorted []string) {
// group by category (shared params, op param, statuscode response, default response, definitions)
// sort groups internally by number of parts in the key and lexical names
// flatten groups into a single list of keys
grouped := make(map[string]keys, len(data))
for k := range data {
split := keyParts(k)
var pk string
if split.IsSharedOperationParam() {
pk = "sharedOpParam"
if split.IsOperationParam() {
pk = "opParam"
if split.IsStatusCodeResponse() {
pk = "codeResponse"
if split.IsDefaultResponse() {
pk = "defaultResponse"
if split.IsDefinition() {
pk = "definition"
grouped[pk] = append(grouped[pk], key{len(split), k})
for _, pk := range depthGroupOrder {
res := grouped[pk]
for _, v := range res {
sorted = append(sorted, v.Key)
type key struct {
Segments int
Key string
type keys []key
func (k keys) Len() int { return len(k) }
func (k keys) Swap(i, j int) { k[i], k[j] = k[j], k[i] }
func (k keys) Less(i, j int) bool {
return k[i].Segments > k[j].Segments || (k[i].Segments == k[j].Segments && k[i].Key < k[j].Key)
type inlineSchemaNamer struct {
Spec *swspec.Swagger
Operations map[string]opRef
func opRefsByRef(oprefs map[string]opRef) map[string]opRef {
result := make(map[string]opRef, len(oprefs))
for _, v := range oprefs {
result[v.Ref.String()] = v
return result
func (isn *inlineSchemaNamer) Name(key string, schema *swspec.Schema, aschema *AnalyzedSchema) error {
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("naming inlined schema at %s", key)
parts := keyParts(key)
for _, name := range namesFromKey(parts, aschema, isn.Operations) {
if name != "" {
// create unique name
newName := uniqifyName(isn.Spec.Definitions, swag.ToJSONName(name))
// clone schema
sch, err := cloneSchema(schema)
if err != nil {
return err
// replace values on schema
if err := rewriteSchemaToRef(isn.Spec, key, swspec.MustCreateRef("#/definitions/"+newName)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("name inlined schema: %v", err)
sch.AddExtension("x-go-gen-location", genLocation(parts))
// fmt.Printf("{\n %q,\n \"\",\n spec.MustCreateRef(%q),\n \"\",\n},\n", key, "#/definitions/"+newName)
// save cloned schema to definitions
saveSchema(isn.Spec, newName, sch)
return nil
func genLocation(parts splitKey) string {
if parts.IsOperation() {
return "operations"
if parts.IsDefinition() {
return "models"
return ""
func uniqifyName(definitions swspec.Definitions, name string) string {
if name == "" {
name = "oaiGen"
if len(definitions) == 0 {
return name
if _, ok := definitions[name]; !ok {
return name
name += "OAIGen"
var idx int
unique := name
_, known := definitions[unique]
for known {
unique = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", name, idx)
_, known = definitions[unique]
return unique
func namesFromKey(parts splitKey, aschema *AnalyzedSchema, operations map[string]opRef) []string {
var baseNames [][]string
var startIndex int
if parts.IsOperation() {
// params
if parts.IsOperationParam() || parts.IsSharedOperationParam() {
piref := parts.PathItemRef()
if piref.String() != "" && parts.IsOperationParam() {
if op, ok := operations[piref.String()]; ok {
startIndex = 5
baseNames = append(baseNames, []string{op.ID, "params", "body"})
} else if parts.IsSharedOperationParam() {
pref := parts.PathRef()
for k, v := range operations {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, pref.String()) {
startIndex = 4
baseNames = append(baseNames, []string{v.ID, "params", "body"})
// responses
if parts.IsOperationResponse() {
piref := parts.PathItemRef()
if piref.String() != "" {
if op, ok := operations[piref.String()]; ok {
startIndex = 6
baseNames = append(baseNames, []string{op.ID, parts.ResponseName(), "body"})
// definitions
if parts.IsDefinition() {
nm := parts.DefinitionName()
if nm != "" {
startIndex = 2
baseNames = append(baseNames, []string{parts.DefinitionName()})
var result []string
for _, segments := range baseNames {
nm := parts.BuildName(segments, startIndex, aschema)
if nm != "" {
result = append(result, nm)
return result
const (
pths = "paths"
responses = "responses"
parameters = "parameters"
definitions = "definitions"
var ignoredKeys map[string]struct{}
func init() {
ignoredKeys = map[string]struct{}{
"schema": {},
"properties": {},
"not": {},
"anyOf": {},
"oneOf": {},
type splitKey []string
func (s splitKey) IsDefinition() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == definitions
func (s splitKey) DefinitionName() string {
if !s.IsDefinition() {
return ""
return s[1]
func (s splitKey) BuildName(segments []string, startIndex int, aschema *AnalyzedSchema) string {
for _, part := range s[startIndex:] {
if _, ignored := ignoredKeys[part]; !ignored {
if part == "items" || part == "additionalItems" {
if aschema.IsTuple || aschema.IsTupleWithExtra {
segments = append(segments, "tuple")
} else {
segments = append(segments, "items")
if part == "additionalItems" {
segments = append(segments, part)
segments = append(segments, part)
return strings.Join(segments, " ")
func (s splitKey) IsOperation() bool {
return len(s) > 1 && s[0] == pths
func (s splitKey) IsSharedOperationParam() bool {
return len(s) > 2 && s[0] == pths && s[2] == parameters
func (s splitKey) IsOperationParam() bool {
return len(s) > 3 && s[0] == pths && s[3] == parameters
func (s splitKey) IsOperationResponse() bool {
return len(s) > 3 && s[0] == pths && s[3] == responses
func (s splitKey) IsDefaultResponse() bool {
return len(s) > 4 && s[0] == pths && s[3] == responses && s[4] == "default"
func (s splitKey) IsStatusCodeResponse() bool {
isInt := func() bool {
_, err := strconv.Atoi(s[4])
return err == nil
return len(s) > 4 && s[0] == pths && s[3] == responses && isInt()
func (s splitKey) ResponseName() string {
if s.IsStatusCodeResponse() {
code, _ := strconv.Atoi(s[4])
return http.StatusText(code)
if s.IsDefaultResponse() {
return "Default"
return ""
var validMethods map[string]struct{}
func init() {
validMethods = map[string]struct{}{
"GET": {},
"HEAD": {},
"OPTIONS": {},
"PATCH": {},
"POST": {},
"PUT": {},
"DELETE": {},
func (s splitKey) PathItemRef() swspec.Ref {
if len(s) < 3 {
return swspec.Ref{}
pth, method := s[1], s[2]
if _, validMethod := validMethods[strings.ToUpper(method)]; !validMethod && !strings.HasPrefix(method, "x-") {
return swspec.Ref{}
return swspec.MustCreateRef("#" + path.Join("/", pths, jsonpointer.Escape(pth), strings.ToUpper(method)))
func (s splitKey) PathRef() swspec.Ref {
if !s.IsOperation() {
return swspec.Ref{}
return swspec.MustCreateRef("#" + path.Join("/", pths, jsonpointer.Escape(s[1])))
func keyParts(key string) splitKey {
var res []string
for _, part := range strings.Split(key[1:], "/") {
if part != "" {
res = append(res, jsonpointer.Unescape(part))
return res
func rewriteSchemaToRef(spec *swspec.Swagger, key string, ref swspec.Ref) error {
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("rewriting schema to ref for %s with %s", key, ref.String())
pth := key[1:]
ptr, err := jsonpointer.New(pth)
if err != nil {
return err
value, _, err := ptr.Get(spec)
if err != nil {
return err
switch refable := value.(type) {
case *swspec.Schema:
return rewriteParentRef(spec, key, ref)
case *swspec.SchemaOrBool:
if refable.Schema != nil {
refable.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case *swspec.SchemaOrArray:
if refable.Schema != nil {
refable.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case swspec.Schema:
return rewriteParentRef(spec, key, ref)
return fmt.Errorf("no schema with ref found at %s for %T", key, value)
return nil
func rewriteParentRef(spec *swspec.Swagger, key string, ref swspec.Ref) error {
pth := key[1:]
parent, entry := path.Dir(pth), path.Base(pth)
if swspec.Debug {
log.Println("getting schema holder at:", parent)
pptr, err := jsonpointer.New(parent)
if err != nil {
return err
pvalue, _, err := pptr.Get(spec)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't get parent for %s: %v", parent, err)
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("rewriting holder for %T", pvalue)
switch container := pvalue.(type) {
case swspec.Response:
if err := rewriteParentRef(spec, "#"+parent, ref); err != nil {
return err
case *swspec.Response:
container.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case *swspec.Responses:
statusCode, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
resp := container.StatusCodeResponses[statusCode]
resp.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
container.StatusCodeResponses[statusCode] = resp
case map[string]swspec.Response:
resp := container[entry]
resp.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
container[entry] = resp
case swspec.Parameter:
if err := rewriteParentRef(spec, "#"+parent, ref); err != nil {
return err
case map[string]swspec.Parameter:
param := container[entry]
param.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
container[entry] = param
case []swspec.Parameter:
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
param := container[idx]
param.Schema = &swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
container[idx] = param
case swspec.Definitions:
container[entry] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case map[string]swspec.Schema:
container[entry] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case []swspec.Schema:
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
container[idx] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case *swspec.SchemaOrArray:
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
container.Schemas[idx] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
return fmt.Errorf("unhandled parent schema rewrite %s (%T)", key, pvalue)
return nil
func cloneSchema(schema *swspec.Schema) (*swspec.Schema, error) {
var sch swspec.Schema
if err := swag.FromDynamicJSON(schema, &sch); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("name inlined schema: %v", err)
return &sch, nil
func importExternalReferences(opts *FlattenOpts) error {
groupedRefs := reverseIndexForSchemaRefs(opts)
for refStr, entry := range groupedRefs {
if !entry.Ref.HasFragmentOnly {
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("importing external schema for [%s] from %s", strings.Join(entry.Keys, ", "), refStr)
// resolve to actual schema
sch, err := swspec.ResolveRefWithBase(opts.Swagger(), &entry.Ref, opts.ExpandOpts(false))
if err != nil {
return err
if sch == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no schema found at %s for [%s]", refStr, strings.Join(entry.Keys, ", "))
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("importing external schema for [%s] from %s", strings.Join(entry.Keys, ", "), refStr)
// generate a unique name
newName := uniqifyName(opts.Swagger().Definitions, nameFromRef(entry.Ref))
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("new name for [%s]: %s", strings.Join(entry.Keys, ", "), newName)
// rewrite the external refs to local ones
for _, key := range entry.Keys {
if err := updateRef(opts.Swagger(), key, swspec.MustCreateRef("#"+path.Join("/definitions", newName))); err != nil {
return err
// add the resolved schema to the definitions
saveSchema(opts.Swagger(), newName, sch)
return nil
type refRevIdx struct {
Ref swspec.Ref
Keys []string
func reverseIndexForSchemaRefs(opts *FlattenOpts) map[string]refRevIdx {
collected := make(map[string]refRevIdx)
for key, schRef := range opts.Spec.references.schemas {
if entry, ok := collected[schRef.String()]; ok {
entry.Keys = append(entry.Keys, key)
collected[schRef.String()] = entry
} else {
collected[schRef.String()] = refRevIdx{
Ref: schRef,
Keys: []string{key},
return collected
func nameFromRef(ref swspec.Ref) string {
u := ref.GetURL()
if u.Fragment != "" {
return swag.ToJSONName(path.Base(u.Fragment))
if u.Path != "" {
bn := path.Base(u.Path)
if bn != "" && bn != "/" {
ext := path.Ext(bn)
if ext != "" {
return swag.ToJSONName(bn[:len(bn)-len(ext)])
return swag.ToJSONName(bn)
return swag.ToJSONName(strings.Replace(u.Host, ".", " ", -1))
func saveSchema(spec *swspec.Swagger, name string, schema *swspec.Schema) {
if schema == nil {
if spec.Definitions == nil {
spec.Definitions = make(map[string]swspec.Schema, 150)
spec.Definitions[name] = *schema
func updateRef(spec *swspec.Swagger, key string, ref swspec.Ref) error {
if swspec.Debug {
log.Printf("updating ref for %s with %s", key, ref.String())
pth := key[1:]
ptr, err := jsonpointer.New(pth)
if err != nil {
return err
value, _, err := ptr.Get(spec)
if err != nil {
return err
switch refable := value.(type) {
case *swspec.Schema:
refable.Ref = ref
case *swspec.SchemaOrBool:
if refable.Schema != nil {
refable.Schema.Ref = ref
case *swspec.SchemaOrArray:
if refable.Schema != nil {
refable.Schema.Ref = ref
case swspec.Schema:
parent, entry := path.Dir(pth), path.Base(pth)
if swspec.Debug {
log.Println("getting schema holder at:", parent)
pptr, err := jsonpointer.New(parent)
if err != nil {
return err
pvalue, _, err := pptr.Get(spec)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't get parent for %s: %v", parent, err)
switch container := pvalue.(type) {
case swspec.Definitions:
container[entry] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case map[string]swspec.Schema:
container[entry] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case []swspec.Schema:
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
container[idx] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
case *swspec.SchemaOrArray:
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(entry)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not a number: %v", pth, err)
container.Schemas[idx] = swspec.Schema{SchemaProps: swspec.SchemaProps{Ref: ref}}
return fmt.Errorf("no schema with ref found at %s for %T", key, value)
return nil
func containsString(names []string, name string) bool {
for _, nm := range names {
if nm == name {
return true
return false
type opRef struct {
Method string
Path string
Key string
ID string
Op *swspec.Operation
Ref swspec.Ref
type opRefs []opRef
func (o opRefs) Len() int { return len(o) }
func (o opRefs) Swap(i, j int) { o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i] }
func (o opRefs) Less(i, j int) bool { return o[i].Key < o[j].Key }
func gatherOperations(specDoc *Spec, operationIDs []string) map[string]opRef {
var oprefs opRefs
for method, pathItem := range specDoc.Operations() {
for pth, operation := range pathItem {
vv := *operation
oprefs = append(oprefs, opRef{
Key: swag.ToGoName(strings.ToLower(method) + " " + pth),
Method: method,
Path: pth,
ID: vv.ID,
Op: &vv,
Ref: swspec.MustCreateRef("#" + path.Join("/paths", jsonpointer.Escape(pth), method)),
operations := make(map[string]opRef)
for _, opr := range oprefs {
nm := opr.ID
if nm == "" {
nm = opr.Key
oo, found := operations[nm]
if found && oo.Method != opr.Method && oo.Path != opr.Path {
nm = opr.Key
if len(operationIDs) == 0 || containsString(operationIDs, opr.ID) || containsString(operationIDs, nm) {
opr.ID = nm
opr.Op.ID = nm
operations[nm] = opr
return operations