Velero supports restoring resources into different namespaces than they were backed up from.
This enables a user to, among other things, clone a namespace within a cluster.
However, if the namespace being cloned uses persistent volume claims, Velero cannot currently create a second copy of the original persistent volume when restoring.
This limitation is documented in detail in [issue #192](
This document proposes a solution that allows new copies of persistent volumes to be created during a namespace clone.
## Goals
- Enable persistent volumes to be cloned when using `velero restore create --namespace-mappings ...` to create a second copy of a namespace within a cluster.
During a restore, Velero will detect that it needs to assign a new name to a persistent volume being restored if and only if both of the following conditions are met:
- the persistent volume is claimed by a persistent volume claim in a namespace that's being remapped using `velero restore create --namespace-mappings ...`
- a persistent volume already exists in the cluster with the original name
If these conditions exist, Velero will give the persistent volume a new arbitrary name before restoring it.
It will also update the `spec.volumeName` of the related persistent volume claim.
In `pkg/restore/restore.go`, around [line 872](, Velero has special-case code for persistent volumes.
Importantly, the name change will occur **before** [line 890](, where Velero checks to see if it should restore the persistent volume.
Additionally, the old and new persistent volume names will be recorded in a new field that will be added to the `context` struct, `renamedPVs map[string]string`.
In the special-case code for persistent volume claims starting on [line 987](, Velero will check to see if the claimed persistent volume has been renamed by looking in `ctx.renamedPVs`.
If so, Velero will update the persistent volume claim's `spec.volumeName` to the new name.
## Alternatives Considered
One alternative approach is to add a new CLI flag and API field for restores, e.g. `--clone-pvs`, that a user could provide to indicate they want to create copies of persistent volumes.
This approach would work fine, but it does require the user to be aware of this flag/field and to properly specify it when needed.
It seems like a better UX to detect the typical conditions where this behavior is needed, and to automatically apply it.
Additionally, the design proposed here does not preclude such a flag/field from being added later, if it becomes necessary to cover other use cases.