2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
/ *
Copyright the Velero contributors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package controller
import (
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clocks "k8s.io/utils/clock"
ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"
velerov1api "github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/pkg/apis/velero/v1"
const (
defaultRestoreOperationsFrequency = 10 * time . Second
type restoreOperationsReconciler struct {
client . Client
namespace string
logger logrus . FieldLogger
clock clocks . WithTickerAndDelayedExecution
frequency time . Duration
itemOperationsMap * itemoperationmap . RestoreItemOperationsMap
newPluginManager func ( logger logrus . FieldLogger ) clientmgmt . Manager
backupStoreGetter persistence . ObjectBackupStoreGetter
metrics * metrics . ServerMetrics
func NewRestoreOperationsReconciler (
logger logrus . FieldLogger ,
namespace string ,
client client . Client ,
frequency time . Duration ,
newPluginManager func ( logrus . FieldLogger ) clientmgmt . Manager ,
backupStoreGetter persistence . ObjectBackupStoreGetter ,
metrics * metrics . ServerMetrics ,
itemOperationsMap * itemoperationmap . RestoreItemOperationsMap ,
) * restoreOperationsReconciler {
abor := & restoreOperationsReconciler {
Client : client ,
logger : logger ,
namespace : namespace ,
clock : clocks . RealClock { } ,
frequency : frequency ,
itemOperationsMap : itemOperationsMap ,
newPluginManager : newPluginManager ,
backupStoreGetter : backupStoreGetter ,
metrics : metrics ,
if abor . frequency <= 0 {
abor . frequency = defaultRestoreOperationsFrequency
return abor
func ( r * restoreOperationsReconciler ) SetupWithManager ( mgr ctrl . Manager ) error {
s := kube . NewPeriodicalEnqueueSource ( r . logger , mgr . GetClient ( ) , & velerov1api . RestoreList { } , r . frequency , kube . PeriodicalEnqueueSourceOption { } )
gp := kube . NewGenericEventPredicate ( func ( object client . Object ) bool {
restore := object . ( * velerov1api . Restore )
return ( restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperations ||
restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperationsPartiallyFailed )
} )
return ctrl . NewControllerManagedBy ( mgr ) .
For ( & velerov1api . Restore { } , builder . WithPredicates ( kube . FalsePredicate { } ) ) .
Watches ( s , nil , builder . WithPredicates ( gp ) ) .
Complete ( r )
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=velero.io,resources=restores,verbs=get;list;watch;update
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=velero.io,resources=restores/status,verbs=get
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=velero.io,resources=restorestoragelocations,verbs=get
func ( r * restoreOperationsReconciler ) Reconcile ( ctx context . Context , req ctrl . Request ) ( ctrl . Result , error ) {
log := r . logger . WithField ( "restore operations for restore" , req . String ( ) )
log . Debug ( "restoreOperationsReconciler getting restore" )
original := & velerov1api . Restore { }
if err := r . Get ( ctx , req . NamespacedName , original ) ; err != nil {
if apierrors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
log . WithError ( err ) . Error ( "restore not found" )
return ctrl . Result { } , nil
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrapf ( err , "error getting restore %s" , req . String ( ) )
restore := original . DeepCopy ( )
log . Debugf ( "restore: %s" , restore . Name )
log = r . logger . WithFields (
logrus . Fields {
"restore" : req . String ( ) ,
} ,
switch restore . Status . Phase {
case velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperations , velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperationsPartiallyFailed :
// only process restores waiting for plugin operations to complete
default :
log . Debug ( "Restore has no ongoing plugin operations, skipping" )
return ctrl . Result { } , nil
info , err := r . fetchBackupInfo ( restore . Spec . BackupName )
if err != nil {
log . Warnf ( "Cannot check progress on Restore operations because backup info is unavailable %s; marking restore PartiallyFailed" , err . Error ( ) )
restore . Status . Phase = velerov1api . RestorePhasePartiallyFailed
err2 := r . updateRestoreAndOperationsJSON ( ctx , original , restore , nil , & itemoperationmap . OperationsForRestore { ErrsSinceUpdate : [ ] string { err . Error ( ) } } , false , false )
if err2 != nil {
log . WithError ( err2 ) . Error ( "error updating Restore" )
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrap ( err , "error getting backup info" )
if info . location . Spec . AccessMode == velerov1api . BackupStorageLocationAccessModeReadOnly {
log . Infof ( "Cannot check progress on Restore operations because backup storage location %s is currently in read-only mode; marking restore PartiallyFailed" , info . location . Name )
restore . Status . Phase = velerov1api . RestorePhasePartiallyFailed
err := r . updateRestoreAndOperationsJSON ( ctx , original , restore , nil , & itemoperationmap . OperationsForRestore { ErrsSinceUpdate : [ ] string { "BSL is read-only" } } , false , false )
if err != nil {
log . WithError ( err ) . Error ( "error updating Restore" )
return ctrl . Result { } , nil
pluginManager := r . newPluginManager ( r . logger )
defer pluginManager . CleanupClients ( )
backupStore , err := r . backupStoreGetter . Get ( info . location , pluginManager , r . logger )
if err != nil {
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrap ( err , "error getting backup store" )
operations , err := r . itemOperationsMap . GetOperationsForRestore ( backupStore , restore . Name )
if err != nil {
err2 := r . updateRestoreAndOperationsJSON ( ctx , original , restore , backupStore , & itemoperationmap . OperationsForRestore { ErrsSinceUpdate : [ ] string { err . Error ( ) } } , false , false )
if err2 != nil {
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrap ( err2 , "error updating Restore" )
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrap ( err , "error getting restore operations" )
stillInProgress , changes , opsCompleted , opsFailed , errs := getRestoreItemOperationProgress ( restore , pluginManager , operations . Operations )
// if len(errs)>0, need to update restore errors and error log
operations . ErrsSinceUpdate = append ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate , errs ... )
restore . Status . Errors += len ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate )
completionChanges := false
if restore . Status . RestoreItemOperationsCompleted != opsCompleted || restore . Status . RestoreItemOperationsFailed != opsFailed {
completionChanges = true
restore . Status . RestoreItemOperationsCompleted = opsCompleted
restore . Status . RestoreItemOperationsFailed = opsFailed
if changes {
operations . ChangesSinceUpdate = true
// if stillInProgress is false, restore moves to terminal phase and needs update
// if operations.ErrsSinceUpdate is not empty, then restore phase needs to change to
// RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperationsPartiallyFailed and needs update
// If the only changes are incremental progress, then no write is necessary, progress can remain in memory
if ! stillInProgress {
if len ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate ) > 0 {
restore . Status . Phase = velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperationsPartiallyFailed
if restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhaseWaitingForPluginOperations {
log . Infof ( "Marking restore %s completed" , restore . Name )
restore . Status . Phase = velerov1api . RestorePhaseCompleted
r . metrics . RegisterRestoreSuccess ( restore . Spec . ScheduleName )
} else {
log . Infof ( "Marking restore %s FinalizingPartiallyFailed" , restore . Name )
restore . Status . Phase = velerov1api . RestorePhasePartiallyFailed
r . metrics . RegisterRestorePartialFailure ( restore . Spec . ScheduleName )
err = r . updateRestoreAndOperationsJSON ( ctx , original , restore , backupStore , operations , changes , completionChanges )
if err != nil {
return ctrl . Result { } , errors . Wrap ( err , "error updating Restore" )
return ctrl . Result { } , nil
// fetchBackupInfo checks the backup lister for a backup that matches the given name. If it doesn't
// find it, it returns an error.
func ( r * restoreOperationsReconciler ) fetchBackupInfo ( backupName string ) ( backupInfo , error ) {
return fetchBackupInfoInternal ( r . Client , r . namespace , backupName )
func ( r * restoreOperationsReconciler ) updateRestoreAndOperationsJSON (
ctx context . Context ,
original , restore * velerov1api . Restore ,
backupStore persistence . BackupStore ,
operations * itemoperationmap . OperationsForRestore ,
changes bool ,
completionChanges bool ) error {
if len ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate ) > 0 {
// FIXME: download/upload results
2023-04-25 03:27:27 +00:00
r . logger . WithField ( "restore" , restore . Name ) . Infof ( "Restore has %d errors" , len ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate ) )
2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
removeIfComplete := true
defer func ( ) {
// remove local operations list if complete
if removeIfComplete && ( restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhaseCompleted ||
restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhasePartiallyFailed ) {
r . itemOperationsMap . DeleteOperationsForRestore ( restore . Name )
} else if changes {
r . itemOperationsMap . PutOperationsForRestore ( operations , restore . Name )
} ( )
// update restore and upload progress if errs or complete
if len ( operations . ErrsSinceUpdate ) > 0 ||
restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhaseCompleted ||
restore . Status . Phase == velerov1api . RestorePhasePartiallyFailed {
// update file store
if backupStore != nil {
if err := r . itemOperationsMap . UploadProgressAndPutOperationsForRestore ( backupStore , operations , restore . Name ) ; err != nil {
removeIfComplete = false
return err
// update restore
err := r . Client . Patch ( ctx , restore , client . MergeFrom ( original ) )
if err != nil {
removeIfComplete = false
return errors . Wrapf ( err , "error updating Restore %s" , restore . Name )
} else if completionChanges {
// If restore is still incomplete and no new errors are found but there are some new operations
// completed, patch restore to reflect new completion numbers, but don't upload detailed json file
err := r . Client . Patch ( ctx , restore , client . MergeFrom ( original ) )
if err != nil {
return errors . Wrapf ( err , "error updating Restore %s" , restore . Name )
return nil
func getRestoreItemOperationProgress (
restore * velerov1api . Restore ,
pluginManager clientmgmt . Manager ,
operationsList [ ] * itemoperation . RestoreOperation ) ( bool , bool , int , int , [ ] string ) {
inProgressOperations := false
changes := false
var errs [ ] string
var completedCount , failedCount int
for _ , operation := range operationsList {
2023-03-21 22:54:03 +00:00
if operation . Status . Phase == itemoperation . OperationPhaseNew ||
operation . Status . Phase == itemoperation . OperationPhaseInProgress {
2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
ria , err := pluginManager . GetRestoreItemActionV2 ( operation . Spec . RestoreItemAction )
if err != nil {
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseFailed
operation . Status . Error = err . Error ( )
errs = append ( errs , err . Error ( ) )
changes = true
failedCount ++
operationProgress , err := ria . Progress ( operation . Spec . OperationID , restore )
if err != nil {
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseFailed
operation . Status . Error = err . Error ( )
errs = append ( errs , err . Error ( ) )
changes = true
failedCount ++
if operation . Status . NCompleted != operationProgress . NCompleted {
operation . Status . NCompleted = operationProgress . NCompleted
changes = true
if operation . Status . NTotal != operationProgress . NTotal {
operation . Status . NTotal = operationProgress . NTotal
changes = true
if operation . Status . OperationUnits != operationProgress . OperationUnits {
operation . Status . OperationUnits = operationProgress . OperationUnits
changes = true
if operation . Status . Description != operationProgress . Description {
operation . Status . Description = operationProgress . Description
changes = true
started := metav1 . NewTime ( operationProgress . Started )
2023-03-21 22:54:03 +00:00
if operation . Status . Started == nil && ! operationProgress . Started . IsZero ( ) ||
operation . Status . Started != nil && * ( operation . Status . Started ) != started {
2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
operation . Status . Started = & started
changes = true
updated := metav1 . NewTime ( operationProgress . Updated )
2023-03-21 22:54:03 +00:00
if operation . Status . Updated == nil && ! operationProgress . Updated . IsZero ( ) ||
operation . Status . Updated != nil && * ( operation . Status . Updated ) != updated {
2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
operation . Status . Updated = & updated
changes = true
if operationProgress . Completed {
if operationProgress . Err != "" {
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseFailed
operation . Status . Error = operationProgress . Err
errs = append ( errs , operationProgress . Err )
changes = true
failedCount ++
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseCompleted
changes = true
completedCount ++
// cancel operation if past timeout period
if operation . Status . Created . Time . Add ( restore . Spec . ItemOperationTimeout . Duration ) . Before ( time . Now ( ) ) {
_ = ria . Cancel ( operation . Spec . OperationID , restore )
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseFailed
operation . Status . Error = "Asynchronous action timed out"
errs = append ( errs , operation . Status . Error )
changes = true
failedCount ++
2023-03-21 22:54:03 +00:00
if operation . Status . Phase == itemoperation . OperationPhaseNew &&
operation . Status . Started != nil {
operation . Status . Phase = itemoperation . OperationPhaseInProgress
changes = true
2023-03-10 17:40:20 +00:00
// if we reach this point, the operation is still running
inProgressOperations = true
} else if operation . Status . Phase == itemoperation . OperationPhaseCompleted {
completedCount ++
} else if operation . Status . Phase == itemoperation . OperationPhaseFailed {
failedCount ++
return inProgressOperations , changes , completedCount , failedCount , errs