To integrate Ark with Azure, you must create an Ark-specific [service principal][17]. Note that seven environment variables must be set for Ark to work properly.
1. Obtain your Azure Account Subscription ID and Tenant ID:
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=`az account list --query '[?isDefault].id' -o tsv`
AZURE_TENANT_ID=`az account list --query '[?isDefault].tenantId' -o tsv`
1. Set the name of the Resource Group that contains your Kubernetes cluster.
# Make sure this is the name of the second resource group. See warning.
WARNING: `AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP` must be set to the name of the second resource group that is created when you provision your cluster in Azure. Your cluster is provisioned in the resource group that you specified when you created the cluster. Your disks, however, are provisioned in the second resource group.
If you are unsure of the Resource Group name, run the following command to get a list that you can select from. Then set the `AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP` environment variable to the appropriate value.
az group list --query '[].{ ResourceGroup: name, Location:location }'
1. Create a service principal with `Contributor` role. This will have subscription-wide access, so protect this credential. You can specify a password or let the `az ad sp create-for-rbac` command create one for you.
# Create service principal and specify your own password
# After creating the service principal, obtain the client id
AZURE_CLIENT_ID=`az ad sp list --display-name "heptio-ark" --query '[0].appId' -o tsv`
## Credentials and configuration
In the Ark root directory, run the following to first set up namespaces, RBAC, and other scaffolding. To run in a custom namespace, make sure that you have edited the YAML file to specify the namespace. See [Run in custom namespace][0].
kubectl apply -f examples/common/00-prereqs.yaml
Now you need to create a Secret that contains all the seven environment variables you just set. The command looks like the following:
Now that you have your Azure credentials stored in a Secret, you need to replace some placeholder values in the template files. Specifically, you need to change the following: