Heptio Ark requires an object storage bucket to store backups in, preferrably unique to a single Kubernetes cluster (see the [FAQ][20] for more details). Create an S3 bucket, replacing placeholders appropriately:
> If you'll be using Ark to backup multiple clusters with multiple S3 buckets, it may be desirable to create a unique username per cluster rather than the default `heptio-ark`.
4. Create an Ark-specific credentials file (`credentials-ark`) in your local directory:
where the access key id and secret are the values returned from the `create-access-key` request.
## Credentials and configuration
In the Ark root directory, run the following to first set up namespaces, RBAC, and other scaffolding. To run in a custom namespace, make sure that you have edited the YAML files to specify the namespace. See [Run in custom namespace][0].
kubectl apply -f examples/common/00-prereqs.yaml
Create a Secret. In the directory of the credentials file you just created, run:
* Replace `<YOUR_BUCKET>` and `<YOUR_REGION>` (for S3, region is optional and will be queried from the AWS S3 API if not provided). See the [Config definition][6] for details.
[Kube2iam](https://github.com/jtblin/kube2iam) is a Kubernetes application that allows managing AWS IAM permissions for pod via annotations rather than operating on API keys.
> This path assumes you have `kube2iam` already running in your Kubernetes cluster. If that is not the case, please install it first, following the docs here: https://github.com/jtblin/kube2iam
It can be set up for Ark by creating a role that will have required permissions, and later by adding the permissions annotation on the ark deployment to define which role it should use internally.
1. Create a Trust Policy document to allow the role being used for EC2 management & assume kube2iam role: