161 lines
3.9 KiB
161 lines
3.9 KiB
#ifndef CONFIG_H_
#define CONFIG_H_
#include <pthread.h>
//#include <linux/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "lpd8806led.h"
#include "zone_ctrl.h"
#define PIN_CFGS 10
#define MAX_GPIO 25
#define MQTT_ID_LEN 25
#define CFGFILE "./config.cfg"
#define LABEL_SIZE 40
#define NON_ZONE_DZIDS 3
#define COMMAND_SIZE 512
struct CALENDARday {
int hour;
int minute;
int *zruntimes;
struct RunB4CalStart {
int mins;
char command[256];
struct GPIOextra {
char command_high[COMMAND_SIZE];
char command_low[COMMAND_SIZE];
struct GPIOcfg {
int pin;
int input_output;
int set_pull_updown;
int receive_mode; // INT_EDGE_RISING Mode to pass to wiringPi function wiringPiISR
//int receive_state; // LOW | HIGH State from wiringPi function digitalRead (PIN)
int last_event_state; // 0 or 1
int on_state; // this is the on state should be if pin is on high or low 1 or 0
long last_event_time;
char name[LABEL_SIZE];
int startup_state;
int shutdown_state;
int dz_idx;
//int ignore_requests;
int zone;
int default_runtime;
char *command_on;
char *command_off;
//bool master_valve;
//struct GPIOextra *extra;
struct DZcache {
int idx;
int status;
struct sprinklerdcfg {
char socket_port[6];
char name[20];
char docroot[512];
char mqtt_address[128];
char mqtt_user[50];
char mqtt_passwd[50];
char mqtt_topic[50];
char mqtt_dz_sub_topic[128];
char mqtt_dz_pub_topic[128];
char mqtt_ha_dis_topic[128];
char mqtt_ID[MQTT_ID_LEN];
int dzidx_calendar;
int dzidx_24hdelay;
int dzidx_allzones;
int dzidx_status;
int dzidx_rainsensor;
bool enableMQTTdz;
bool enableMQTTaq;
bool enableMQTTha;
int zones;
int inputs;
//int pincfgs;
bool calendar;
bool delay24h;
long delay24h_time;
bool master_valve;
int precipChanceDelay;
float precipInchDelay1day;
float precipInchDelay2day;
struct DZcache *dz_cache;
struct GPIOcfg *zonecfg;
struct GPIOcfg *inputcfg;
//struct GPIOcfg *gpiocfg;
struct CALENDARday cron[7];
//time_t cron_update;
long cron_update;
int log_level;
struct szRunning currentZone;
struct RunB4CalStart *runBeforeCmd;
int runBeforeCmds;
char cache_file[512];
//bool eventToUpdateHappened;
uint8_t updateEventMask;
int todayRainChance;
float todayRainTotal;
//struct GPIOcfg _sdconfig_[NUM_CFGS];
extern struct sprinklerdcfg _sdconfig_;
//struct HTTPDcfg _httpdconfig_;
void readCfg (char *cfgFile);
bool remount_root_ro(bool readonly);
void write_cache();
void read_cache();
// Few states not definen in wiringPI
#define TOGGLE 2
#define BOTH 3
#define NONE -1
#define BOUNCE_LOW 4
#define BOUNCE_HIGH 5
#define YES true
#define NO false
#define ON 0
#define OFF 1
#define UPDATE_RAINTOTAL (1 << 0) //
#define UPDATE_RAINPROBABILITY (1 << 1) //
#define UPDATE_ZONES (1 << 2) //
#define UPDATE_STATUS (1 << 3) //
#define isEventRainTotal ((_sdconfig_.updateEventMask & UPDATE_RAINTOTAL) == UPDATE_RAINTOTAL)
#define isEventRainProbability ((_sdconfig_.updateEventMask & UPDATE_RAINPROBABILITY) == UPDATE_RAINPROBABILITY)
#define isEventZones ((_sdconfig_.updateEventMask & UPDATE_ZONES) == UPDATE_ZONES)
#define isEventStatus ((_sdconfig_.updateEventMask & UPDATE_STATUS) == UPDATE_STATUS)
#define setEventRainTotal (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask |= UPDATE_RAINTOTAL)
#define setEventRainProbability (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask |= UPDATE_RAINPROBABILITY)
#define setEventZones (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask |= UPDATE_ZONES)
#define setEventStatus (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask |= UPDATE_STATUS)
#define clearEventRainTotal (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask &= ~UPDATE_RAINTOTAL)
#define clearEventRainProbability (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask &= ~UPDATE_RAINPROBABILITY)
#define clearEventZones (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask &= ~UPDATE_ZONES)
#define clearEventStatus (_sdconfig_.updateEventMask &= ~UPDATE_STATUS)
#define NO_CHANGE 2
#endif /* CONFIG_H_ */