
285 lines
12 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "json_messages.h"
#include "config.h"
//#include "aq_programmer.h"
#include "utils.h"
//#include "web_server.h"
int build_sprinkler_cal_JSON(char* buffer, int size)
int day;
int zone;
int length = build_sprinkler_JSON(buffer, size);
length = length-1;
for (zone=1; zone <= _sdconfig_.zones ; zone++)
length += sprintf(buffer+length, ", \"z%d-runtime\" : %d, \"z%d-name\" : \"%s\" ",
//logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Zone %d, length %d limit %d\n",i,length,size);
for (day=0; day <= 6; day++) {
if (_sdconfig_.cron[day].hour >= 0 && _sdconfig_.cron[day].minute >= 0) {
length += sprintf(buffer+length, ", \"d%d-starttime\" : \"%.2d:%.2d\" ",day,_sdconfig_.cron[day].hour,_sdconfig_.cron[day].minute);
for (zone=0; zone < _sdconfig_.zones; zone ++) {
if (_sdconfig_.cron[day].zruntimes[zone] >= 0) {
length += sprintf(buffer+length, ", \"d%dz%d-runtime\" : %d",day,zone+1,_sdconfig_.cron[day].zruntimes[zone]);
//logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Zone %d, length %d limit %d\n",zone,length,size);
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "}");
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
int build_sprinkler_JSON(char* buffer, int size)
int i;
memset(&buffer[0], 0, size);
int length = 0;
char status[50];
sprintf(status,"Active: Zone %d : time left %02d:%02d",_sdconfig_.currentZone.zone, _sdconfig_.currentZone.timeleft / 60, _sdconfig_.currentZone.timeleft % 60 );
else if (_sdconfig_.todayRainChance > 0 || _sdconfig_.todayRainTotal > 0)
sprintf(status, "Today:- Chance of rain: %d%%, Rain total: %.2f\\\"", _sdconfig_.todayRainChance, _sdconfig_.todayRainTotal);
status[0] = '\0';
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{ \"title\" : \"%s\",\"calendar\" : \"%s\", \"24hdelay\" : \"%s\", \"allz\" : \"%s\", \"zones\" : \"%d\", \"24hdelay-offtime\" : %li, \"status\" : \"%s\", \"raindelaychance\" : \"%d\", \"raindelaytotal1\" : \"%.1f\", \"raindelaytotal2\" : \"%.1f\", \"todaychanceofrain\" : \"%d\", \"todayraintotal\" : \"%.2f\"",
for (i=1; i <= _sdconfig_.zones ; i++)
length += sprintf(buffer+length, ", \"z%d\" : \"%s\" ",
//logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Zone %d, length %d limit %d\n",i,length,size);
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "}");
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
int build_advanced_sprinkler_JSON(char* buffer, int size)
int i, day;
memset(&buffer[0], 0, size);
int length = 0;
bool cal = false;
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{ \"title\" : \"%s\",\"calendar\" : \"%s\", \"24hdelay\" : \"%s\", \"allz\" : \"%s\", \"#zones\" : %d, \"24hdelay-offtime\" : %li",
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{ \"title\" : \"%s\",\"calendar\" : \"%s\", \"24hdelay\" : \"%s\", \"allz\" : \"%s\", \"zones\" : \"%d\", \"24hdelay-offtime\" : %li, \"raindelaychance\" : \"%d\", \"raindelaytotal1\" : \"%.1f\", \"raindelaytotal2\" : \"%.1f\", \"todaychanceofrain\" : \"%d\", \"todayraintotal\" : \"%.2f\"",
length += sprintf(buffer+length, ", \"zones\": {");
for (i=1; i <= _sdconfig_.zones ; i++)
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "\"zone %d\": {\"number\": %d, \"name\": \"%s\", \"state\": \"%s\", \"runtime\": %d },",
if (_sdconfig_.currentZone.type != zcNONE)
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "\"active\": {\"zone\": %d, \"name\": \"%s\"},",_sdconfig_.currentZone.zone, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[_sdconfig_.currentZone.zone].name);
length -= 1;
length += sprintf( buffer+length , "}, \"calendar\": {" );
for (day=0; day <= 6; day++) {
if (_sdconfig_.cron[day].hour >= 0 && _sdconfig_.cron[day].minute >= 0) {
cal = true;
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "\"day %d\" : { \"start time\" : \"%.2d:%.2d\", ",day,_sdconfig_.cron[day].hour,_sdconfig_.cron[day].minute);
for (i=1; i < _sdconfig_.zones; i ++) {
if (_sdconfig_.cron[day].zruntimes[i] >= 0) {
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "\"Zone %d\" : %d,",i+1,_sdconfig_.cron[day].zruntimes[i]);
//logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Zone %d, length %d limit %d\n",i+1,length,size);
length -= 1;
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "},");
if (cal) {
length -= 1;
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "}}");
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
int build_homebridge_sprinkler_JSON(char* buffer, int size)
int i;
memset(&buffer[0], 0, size);
int length = 0;
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{ \"title\" : \"%s\", ", _sdconfig_.name);
length += sprintf(buffer+length, " \"devices\": [");
for (i=(_sdconfig_.master_valve?0:1); i <= _sdconfig_.zones ; i++)
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\" : \"zone\", \"zone\": %d, \"name\": \"%s\", \"state\": \"%s\", \"duration\": %d, \"id\" : \"zone%d\" },",
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].default_runtime * 60,
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\" : \"zone\", \"zone\": %d, \"name\": \"Cycle all zones\", \"state\": \"%s\", \"duration\": 0, \"id\" : \"cycleallzones\" },",
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\" : \"switch\", \"zone\": -1, \"name\": \"24h Rain Delay\", \"state\": \"%s\", \"duration\": 0, \"id\" : \"24hdelay\" },",
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\" : \"switch\", \"zone\": -1, \"name\": \"Run on calendar schedule\", \"state\": \"%s\", \"duration\": 0, \"id\" : \"calendar\" }",
length += sprintf(buffer+length, "]}");
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
int build_dz_mqtt_status_JSON(char* buffer, int size, int idx, int nvalue, float tvalue)
memset(&buffer[0], 0, size);
int length = 0;
if (tvalue == TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
length = sprintf(buffer, "{\"idx\":%d,\"nvalue\":%d,\"svalue\":\"\"}", idx, nvalue);
} else {
length = sprintf(buffer, "{\"idx\":%d,\"nvalue\":%d,\"svalue\":\"%.2f\"}", idx, nvalue, tvalue);
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
int build_dz_status_message_JSON(char* buffer, int size, int idx, int nvalue, char *svalue)
memset(&buffer[0], 0, size);
int length = 0;
length = sprintf(buffer, "{\"idx\":%d,\"nvalue\":%d,\"svalue\":\"%s\"}", idx, nvalue, svalue);
buffer[length] = '\0';
return strlen(buffer);
bool parseJSONmqttrequest(const char *str, size_t len, int *idx, int *nvalue, char *svalue, const char *svalue_str) {
int i = 0;
int found = 0;
svalue[0] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < len && str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (str[i] == '"') {
if (strncmp("\"idx\"", (char *)&str[i], 5) == 0) {
i = i + 5;
for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (str[i] == ':') {
*idx = atoi(&str[i + 1]);
//if (*idx == 45)
// printf("%s\n",str);
} else if (strncmp("\"nvalue\"", (char *)&str[i], 8) == 0) {
i = i + 8;
for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (str[i] == ':') {
*nvalue = atoi(&str[i + 1]);
//} else if (strncmp("\"svalue1\"", (char *)&str[i], 9) == 0) {
} else if (strncmp(svalue_str, (char *)&str[i], 9) == 0) {
i = i + 9;
for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (str[i] == ':') {
while(str[i] == ':' || str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '"' || str[i] == '\'') i++;
int j=i+1;
while(str[j] != '"' && str[j] != '\'' && str[j] != ',' && str[j] != '}') j++;
strncpy(svalue, &str[i], ((j-i)>DZ_SVALUE_LEN?DZ_SVALUE_LEN:(j-i)));
svalue[((j-i)>DZ_SVALUE_LEN?DZ_SVALUE_LEN:(j-i))] = '\0'; // Simply force the last termination
if (found >= 4) {
return true;
// Just incase svalue is not found, we really don;t care for most devices.
if (found >= 2) {
return true;
return false;