493 lines
17 KiB
493 lines
17 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
//#include "sd_GPIO.h"
#include "GPIO_Pi.h"
#include "minIni.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "config.h"
#define sizearray(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
#define MAXCFGLINE 256
struct sprinklerdcfg _sdconfig_;
bool remount_root_ro(bool readonly) {
// NSF Check if config is RO_ROOT set
if (readonly) {
logMessage(LOG_INFO, "reMounting root RO\n");
return true;
} else {
struct statvfs fsinfo;
statvfs("/", &fsinfo);
if ((fsinfo.f_flag & ST_RDONLY) == 0) // We are readwrite, ignore
return false;
logMessage(LOG_INFO, "reMounting root RW\n");
mount (NULL, "/", NULL, MS_REMOUNT, NULL);
return true;
void write_cache() {
bool state = remount_root_ro(false);
FILE *fp;
int zone;
fp = fopen(_sdconfig_.cache_file, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Open file failed '%s'\n", _sdconfig_.cache_file);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", _sdconfig_.calendar);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", _sdconfig_.delay24h);
fprintf(fp, "%li\n", _sdconfig_.delay24h_time);
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", _sdconfig_.precipChanceDelay);
fprintf(fp, "%.1f\n", _sdconfig_.precipInchDelay1day);
fprintf(fp, "%.1f\n", _sdconfig_.precipInchDelay2day);
fprintf(fp, "-1\n");
for (zone=1; zone <= _sdconfig_.zones; zone ++) {
fprintf(fp, "%d\n", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[zone].default_runtime);
logMessage(LOG_INFO, "Wrote cache\n");
void read_cache() {
FILE *fp;
int i;
float f;
int c = 0;
bool z = false;
int zs = 0;
fp = fopen(_sdconfig_.cache_file, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Open file failed '%s'\n", _sdconfig_.cache_file);
//while (EOF != fscanf (fp, "%d", &i)) {
while (EOF != fscanf (fp, "%f", &f)) {
if (f == -1) {
z = true;
zs = c;
i = (int)f;
if (z == true) {
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[ (c - zs) ].default_runtime = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read default_runtime '%d' for zone %d\n", i, (c - zs) );
} else if (c == 0){
_sdconfig_.calendar = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Calendar '%s' from cache\n", _sdconfig_.calendar?"ON":"OFF");
} else if (c == 1){
_sdconfig_.delay24h = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read delay24h '%s' from cache\n", _sdconfig_.delay24h?"ON":"OFF");
} else if (c == 2){
_sdconfig_.delay24h_time = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read delay24h endtime '%li' from cache\n",_sdconfig_.delay24h_time);
} else if (c == 3){
_sdconfig_.precipChanceDelay = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Chance of Rain delay '%d' from cache\n",_sdconfig_.precipChanceDelay);
} else if (c == 4){
_sdconfig_.precipInchDelay1day = f;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Rain 1d delay '%f'in from cache\n",_sdconfig_.precipInchDelay1day);
} else if (c == 5){
_sdconfig_.precipInchDelay2day = f;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read Rain 2d delay '%f'in from cache\n",_sdconfig_.precipInchDelay2day);
}/* else if ( c-1 <= _sdconfig_.zones) {
_sdconfig_.gpiocfg[c-1].default_runtime = i;
logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Read default_runtime '%d' for zone %d\n", i, c-1);
fclose (fp);
char *trimwhitespace(char *str)
char *end;
// Trim leading space
while(isspace(*str)) str++;
if(*str == 0) // All spaces?
return str;
// Trim trailing space
end = str + strlen(str) - 1;
while(end > str && isspace(*end)) end--;
// Write new null terminator
*(end+1) = 0;
return str;
char *cleanalloc(char*str)
char *result;
str = trimwhitespace(str);
result = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1);
strcpy ( result, str );
return result;
char *cleanallocindex(char*str, int index)
char *result;
int i;
int found = 1;
int loc1=0;
int loc2=strlen(str);
for(i=0;i<loc2;i++) {
if ( str[i] == ';' ) {
if (found == index)
loc1 = i;
else if (found == (index+1))
loc2 = i;
if (found < index)
return NULL;
// Trim leading & trailing spaces
while(isspace(str[loc1])) loc1++;
while(isspace(str[loc2])) loc2--;
// Allocate and copy
result = (char*)malloc(loc2-loc1+2*sizeof(char));
strncpy ( result, &str[loc1], loc2-loc1+1 );
result[loc2-loc1+1] = '\0';
return result;
int cleanint(char*str)
if (str == NULL)
return 0;
str = trimwhitespace(str);
return atoi(str);
bool text2bool(char *str)
str = trimwhitespace(str);
if (strcasecmp (str, "YES") == 0 || strcasecmp (str, "ON") == 0)
return true;
return false;
void readCfg(char *inifile)
char str[100];
//long n;
int i;
int idx=0;
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "LOG_LEVEL", "WARNING", str, sizearray(str), inifile);
if (_sdconfig_.log_level != LOG_DEBUG)
_sdconfig_.log_level = text2elevel(str);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "NAME", "None", _sdconfig_.name, sizearray(_sdconfig_.name), inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "PORT", "8888", _sdconfig_.socket_port, sizearray(_sdconfig_.socket_port), inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "DOCUMENTROOT", "./", _sdconfig_.docroot, sizearray(_sdconfig_.docroot), inifile);
//ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "CACHE", "/tmp/sprinklerd.cache", _sdconfig_.cache_file, sizearray(_sdconfig_.cache_file), inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "CACHE", "/tmp/sprinklerd.cache", _sdconfig_.cache_file, 512, inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_ADDRESS", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_address, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_address), inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_USER", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_user, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_user), inifile);
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_PASSWD", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_passwd, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_passwd), inifile);
if ( ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQT_TOPIC", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_topic, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_topic), inifile) > 0 )
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTaq = true;
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTaq = false;
//if ( ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_HA_DIS_TOPIC", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_ha_dis_topic, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_ha_dis_topic), inifile) > 0 )
if ( ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_DZ_PUB_TOPIC", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_pub_topic, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_pub_topic), inifile) > 0 &&
ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_DZ_SUB_TOPIC", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_sub_topic, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_sub_topic), inifile) > 0)
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTdz = true;
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTdz = false;
if ( ini_gets("SPRINKLERD", "MQTT_HA_DIS_TOPIC", NULL, _sdconfig_.mqtt_ha_dis_topic, sizearray(_sdconfig_.mqtt_ha_dis_topic), inifile) > 0 )
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTha = true;
_sdconfig_.enableMQTTha = false;
if (_sdconfig_.enableMQTTaq == true ) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config mqtt_topic '%s'\n",_sdconfig_.mqtt_topic);
if (_sdconfig_.enableMQTTdz == true) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config mqtt_dz_pub_topic '%s'\n",_sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_pub_topic);
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config mqtt_dz_sub_topic '%s'\n",_sdconfig_.mqtt_dz_sub_topic);
if (_sdconfig_.enableMQTTha == true) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config mqtt_ha_dis_topic '%s'\n",_sdconfig_.mqtt_ha_dis_topic);
} else {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config mqtt 'disabeled'\n");
_sdconfig_.dzidx_calendar = ini_getl("SPRINKLERD", "DZIDX_CALENDAR", 0, inifile);
_sdconfig_.dzidx_24hdelay = ini_getl("SPRINKLERD", "DZIDX_24HDELAY", 0, inifile);
_sdconfig_.dzidx_allzones = ini_getl("SPRINKLERD", "DZIDX_ALL_ZONES", 0, inifile);
_sdconfig_.dzidx_status = ini_getl("SPRINKLERD", "DZIDX_STATUS", 0, inifile);
_sdconfig_.dzidx_rainsensor = ini_getl("SPRINKLERD", "DZIDX_RAINSENSOR", 0, inifile);
logMessage (LOG_INFO, "Name = %s\n", _sdconfig_.name);
logMessage (LOG_INFO, "Port = %s\n", _sdconfig_.socket_port);
logMessage (LOG_INFO, "Docroot = %s\n", _sdconfig_.docroot);
int pin=-1;
_sdconfig_.zones = 0;
// Caculate how many zones we have
for (i=1; i <= 24; i++) // 24 = Just some arbutary number (max GPIO without expansion board)
sprintf(str, "ZONE:%d", i);
pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (pin == -1)
_sdconfig_.zones = i;
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "Found %d ZONES\n", _sdconfig_.zones);
_sdconfig_.master_valve = false;
//_sdconfig_.dz_cache = malloc((_sdconfig_.zones + NON_ZONE_DZIDS + 1) * sizeof(struct DZcache));
_sdconfig_.dz_cache = calloc((_sdconfig_.zones + NON_ZONE_DZIDS + 1), sizeof(struct DZcache));
if ( _sdconfig_.zones != 0) {
// n= _sdconfig_.zones+1;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg = malloc((_sdconfig_.zones + 1) * sizeof(struct GPIOcfg));
for (i=0; i <= _sdconfig_.zones; i++)
sprintf(str, "ZONE:%d", i);
pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (pin != -1) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "ZONE = %d\n", i);
if (i==0) {
_sdconfig_.master_valve = true;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].input_output = OUTPUT; // Zone is always output
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].receive_mode = BOTH; // Zone always needs trigger on both (high or low)
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].zone = i;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].pin = pin;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].on_state = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_ON_STATE", NO, inifile);
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].startup_state = !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].on_state;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].shutdown_state = !_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].on_state;
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].set_pull_updown = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_PULL_UPDN", -1, inifile);
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].dz_idx = ini_getl(str, "DOMOTICZ_IDX", -1, inifile);
//_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].master_valve = ini_getl(str, "MASTER_VALVE", NO, inifile);
_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].default_runtime = ini_getl(str, "DEFAULT_RUNTIME", 10, inifile);
//ini_gets(str, "NAME", NULL, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[idx].name, sizearray(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[idx].name), inifile);
ini_gets(str, "NAME", NULL, _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].name, sizearray(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].name), inifile);
//#ifndef USE_WIRINGPI
if ( ! validGPIO(pin) ) {
logMessage (LOG_ERR, "GPIO pin %d is not valid, found in ZONE:%d of configuration file %s \n",pin, i, inifile);
pin = -1;
sprintf(_sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].name, "ERROR");
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Zone Config : %s\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n",
"Set pull up/down", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].set_pull_updown,
"ON state", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].on_state,
"Master valve", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].master_valve,
"Domoticz IDX", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].dz_idx);
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Zone Config : %s\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n",
"Set pull up/down", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].set_pull_updown,
"ON state", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].on_state,
"Domoticz IDX", _sdconfig_.zonecfg[i].dz_idx);
} else {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "No Information for ZONE = %d\n", i);
if (i > 0) // We may not have zone 0, but much have zone 1 and all zones in sequence
//_sdconfig_.pinscfgs = idx;
//logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Config: total GPIO pins = %d\n",_sdconfig_.pinscfgs);
_sdconfig_.cron[0].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[1].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[2].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[3].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[4].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[5].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
_sdconfig_.cron[6].zruntimes = malloc(_sdconfig_.zones * sizeof(int));
} else {
printf("ERROR no config zones set\n");
logMessage (LOG_ERR," no config zones set\n");
_sdconfig_.inputs = 0;
// Caculate how many inputs we have
for (i=1; i <= 24; i++) // 24 = Just some arbutary number (max GPIO without expansion board)
sprintf(str, "INPUT:%d", i);
pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (pin == -1)
_sdconfig_.inputs = i;
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "Found %d INPUTS\n", _sdconfig_.inputs);
if ( _sdconfig_.inputs != 0) {
// n= _sdconfig_.zones+1;
_sdconfig_.inputcfg = malloc((_sdconfig_.inputs + 1) * sizeof(struct GPIOcfg));
for (i=0; i < _sdconfig_.inputs; i++)
sprintf(str, "INPUT:%d", i+1);
pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (! validGPIO(pin) ) {
logMessage (LOG_ERR, "GPIO pin %d is not valid, found in INPUT:%d of configuration file %s \n",pin, i+1, inifile);
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "INPUT = %d\n", i+1);
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].input_output = INPUT; // Zone is always input
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].receive_mode = BOTH; // Zone always needs trigger on both (high or low)
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].zone = i+1;
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].pin = pin;
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].on_state = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_ON_STATE", NO, inifile);
//_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].startup_state = !_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].on_state;
//_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].shutdown_state = !_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].on_state;
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].set_pull_updown = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_PULL_UPDN", -1, inifile);
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].dz_idx = ini_getl(str, "DOMOTICZ_IDX", -1, inifile); // Not used at the moment.
ini_gets(str, "NAME", NULL, _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].name, sizearray(_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].name), inifile);
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].command_on = malloc(COMMAND_SIZE * sizeof(char));
_sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].command_off = malloc(COMMAND_SIZE * sizeof(char));
ini_gets(str, "COMMAND_ON", NULL, _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].command_on, COMMAND_SIZE, inifile);
ini_gets(str, "COMMAND_OFF", NULL, _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].command_off, COMMAND_SIZE, inifile);
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Input Config : %s\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n%25s : %d\n",
"Set pull up/down", _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].set_pull_updown,
"ON state", _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].on_state,
"Domoticz IDX", _sdconfig_.inputcfg[i].dz_idx);
_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmds = 0;
// Caculate how many external command to run
for (i=1; i <= 10; i++) // 10 = Just some arbutary number
sprintf(str, "EXTERNAL:%d", i);
pin = ini_getl(str, "RUNB4STARTTIME", -1, inifile);
if (pin == -1)
_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmds = i;
if ( _sdconfig_.runBeforeCmds != 0) {
// n= _sdconfig_.zones+1;
_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd = malloc((_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmds) * sizeof(struct RunB4CalStart));
for (i=0; i < _sdconfig_.runBeforeCmds; i++)
sprintf(str, "EXTERNAL:%d", i+1);
_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].mins = ini_getl(str, "RUNB4STARTTIME", -1, inifile);
ini_gets(str, "COMMAND", NULL, _sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].command, sizearray(_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].command), inifile);
//if (_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].mins <= 0 || _sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].mins > 120) {
// logMessage (LOG_ERR, "RUNB4STARTTIME %d is not valid, found in EXTERNAL:%d of configuration file %s \n",_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].mins, i+1, inifile);
// continue;
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG,"Run external command '%s', %d mins before start time\n",_sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].command, _sdconfig_.runBeforeCmd[i].mins);
// Caculate how many gpio cfg we have
for (i=1; i <= 24; i++) // 24 = Just some arbutary number (max GPIO without expansion board)
sprintf(str, "GPIO:%d", i);
pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (pin == -1)
_sdconfig_.pincfgs = i;
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "Found %d GPIO PINS\n", _sdconfig_.pincfgs);
if ( _sdconfig_.pincfgs != 0) {
// n= _sdconfig_.zones+1;
_sdconfig_.gpiocfg = malloc((_sdconfig_.pincfgs + 1) * sizeof(struct GPIOcfg));
for (i=0; i <= _sdconfig_.pincfgs; i++)
sprintf(str, "GPIO:%d", i);
int pin = ini_getl(str, PIN_CFG_NAME, -1, inifile);
if (pin != -1) {
logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "ZONE = %d\n", i);
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].input_output = OUTPUT; // Zone is always output
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].receive_mode = BOTH; // Zone always needs trigger on both (high or low)
ini_gets(str, "NAME", NULL, _sdconfig_.pincfgs[idx].name, sizearray(_sdconfig_.pincfgs[idx].name), inifile);
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].pin = pin;
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].on_state = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_ON_STATE", NO, inifile);
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].startup_state = !_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].on_state;
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].shutdown_state = !_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].on_state;
_sdconfig_.pincfgs[i].set_pull_updown = ini_getl(str, "GPIO_PULL_UPDN", -1, inifile);