mirror of https://github.com/sfeakes/AqualinkD.git
1958 lines
72 KiB
1958 lines
72 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017 Shaun Feakes - All rights reserved
* You may use redistribute and/or modify this code under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
* Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this license,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* https://github.com/sfeakes/aqualinkd
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 // for strcasestr & strptime
#define __USE_XOPEN 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h> // Need GNU_SOURCE & XOPEN defined for strptime
#include "mongoose.h"
#include "aqualink.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "aq_serial.h"
#include "aq_panel.h"
#include "aq_programmer.h"
#include "net_services.h"
#include "pda_menu.h"
#include "pda.h"
#include "devices_pentair.h"
#include "pda_aq_programmer.h"
#include "packetLogger.h"
#include "devices_jandy.h"
#include "onetouch.h"
#include "onetouch_aq_programmer.h"
#include "iaqtouch.h"
#include "iaqtouch_aq_programmer.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "rs_msg_utils.h"
#include "serialadapter.h"
#include "debug_timer.h"
#include "serial_logger.h"
#if defined AQ_DEBUG || defined AQ_TM_DEBUG
#include "timespec_subtract.h"
//#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE "./aqualinkd.conf"
static volatile bool _keepRunning = true;
static volatile bool _restart = false;
//char** _argv;
//static struct aqconfig _aqconfig_;
static struct aqualinkdata _aqualink_data;
char *_self;
char *_cfgFile;
int _cmdln_loglevel = -1;
bool _cmdln_debugRS485 = false;
bool _cmdln_lograwRS485 = false;
#ifdef AQ_TM_DEBUG
//struct timespec _rs_packet_readitme;
int _rs_packet_timer;
void main_loop();
int startup(char *self, char *cfgFile);
void intHandler(int sig_num)
_keepRunning = false;
if (sig_num == SIGRESTART) {
// If we are deamonized, we need to use the system
if (_aqconfig_.deamonize) {
if(fork() == 0) {
char *newargv[] = {"/bin/systemctl", "restart", "aqualinkd", NULL};
char *newenviron[] = { NULL };
execve(newargv[0], newargv, newenviron);
} else {
_restart = true;
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Stopping!\n");
//if (dummy){}// stop compile warnings
// In blocking mode, die as cleanly as possible.
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed < 0) {
// This should force port to close and do somewhat gracefull exit.
// This should force port to close and do somewhat gracefull exit.
if (serial_blockingmode())
void processLEDstate()
int i = 0;
int byte;
int bit;
for (byte = 0; byte < 5; byte++)
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit += 2)
if (((_aqualink_data.raw_status[byte] >> (bit + 1)) & 1) == 1)
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[i].state = FLASH;
else if (((_aqualink_data.raw_status[byte] >> bit) & 1) == 1)
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[i].state = ON;
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[i].state = OFF;
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG,"Led %d state %d",i+1,_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[i].state);
// Reset enabled state for heaters, as they take 2 led states
if (_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[POOL_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state == OFF && _aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[POOL_HTR_LED_INDEX].state == ON)
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[POOL_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state = ENABLE;
if (_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SPA_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state == OFF && _aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SPA_HTR_LED_INDEX].state == ON)
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SPA_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state = ENABLE;
if (_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SOLAR_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state == OFF && _aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SOLAR_HTR_LED_INDEX].state == ON)
_aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[SOLAR_HTR_LED_INDEX - 1].state = ENABLE;
for (i=0; i < TOTAL_BUTTONS; i++) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "%s = %d", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].name, _aqualink_data.aqualinkleds[i].state);
bool checkAqualinkTime()
static time_t last_checked = 0;
time_t now = time(0); // get time now
int time_difference;
struct tm aq_tm;
time_t aqualink_time;
if (_aqconfig_.sync_panel_time != true)
return true;
time_difference = (int)difftime(now, last_checked);
if (time_difference < TIME_CHECK_INTERVAL)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "time not checked, will check in %d seconds\n", TIME_CHECK_INTERVAL - time_difference);
return true;
last_checked = now;
//return false;
char datestr[DATE_STRING_LEN];
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL) {
// date is simply a day or week for PDA.
localtime_r(&now, &aq_tm);
int real_wday = aq_tm.tm_wday; // NSF Need to do this better, we could be off by 7 days
snprintf(datestr, DATE_STRING_LEN, "%.12s %.8s",_aqualink_data.date,_aqualink_data.time);
if (strptime(datestr, "%a %I:%M%p", &aq_tm) == NULL) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Could not convert PDA RS time string '%s'", datestr);
last_checked = (time_t)NULL;
return true;
if (real_wday != aq_tm.tm_wday) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_INFO, "PDA Day of the week incorrect - request time set\n");
return false;
#endif // AQ_PDA
strcpy(&datestr[0], _aqualink_data.date);
datestr[8] = ' ';
strcpy(&datestr[9], _aqualink_data.time);
//datestr[16] = ' ';
if (strlen(_aqualink_data.time) <= 7) {
datestr[13] = ' ';
datestr[16] ='\0';
} else {
datestr[14] = ' ';
datestr[17] ='\0';
if (strptime(datestr, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", &aq_tm) == NULL)
//sprintf(datestr, "%s %s", _aqualink_data.date, _aqualink_data.time);
//if (strptime(datestr, "%m/%d/%y %a %I:%M %p", &aq_tm) == NULL)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Could not convert RS time string '%s'\n", datestr);
last_checked = (time_t)NULL;
return true;
aq_tm.tm_isdst = localtime(&now)->tm_isdst; // ( Might need to use -1) set daylight savings to same as system time
aq_tm.tm_sec = 0; // Set seconds to time. Really messes up when we don't do this.
char buff[30];
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Aqualinkd created time from : %s\n", datestr);
strftime(buff, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %a", &aq_tm);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Aqualinkd created time : %s\n", buff);
aqualink_time = mktime(&aq_tm);
strftime(buff, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&aqualink_time));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Aqualinkd converted time : %s\n", buff);
strftime(buff, 30, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "System time : %s\n", buff);
time_difference = (int)difftime(now, aqualink_time);
strftime(buff, 30, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", localtime(&now));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_INFO, "Aqualink time '%s' is off system time '%s' by %d seconds...\n", datestr, buff, time_difference);
if (abs(time_difference) < ACCEPTABLE_TIME_DIFF)
// Time difference is less than or equal to ACCEPTABLE_TIME_DIFF seconds (1 1/2 minutes).
// Set the return value to true.
return true;
return false;
void setUnits(char *msg)
char buf[AQ_MSGLEN*3];
rsm_strncpy(buf, (unsigned char *)msg, AQ_MSGLEN*3, AQ_MSGLONGLEN);
//ascii(buf, msg);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Getting temp units from message '%s', looking at '%c'\n", buf, buf[strlen(buf) - 1]);
if (msg[strlen(msg) - 1] == 'F')
_aqualink_data.temp_units = FAHRENHEIT;
else if (msg[strlen(msg) - 1] == 'C')
_aqualink_data.temp_units = CELSIUS;
_aqualink_data.temp_units = UNKNOWN;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_INFO, "Temp Units set to %d (F=0, C=1, Unknown=2)\n", _aqualink_data.temp_units);
// Defined as int16_t so 16 bits to mask
#define MSG_FREEZE (1 << 0) // 1
#define MSG_SERVICE (1 << 1) // 1
#define MSG_SWG (1 << 2)
#define MSG_BOOST (1 << 3)
#define MSG_TIMEOUT (1 << 4)
#define MSG_RS13BUTTON (1 << 5)
#define MSG_RS14BUTTON (1 << 6)
#define MSG_RS15BUTTON (1 << 7)
#define MSG_RS16BUTTON (1 << 8)
#define MSG_BATTERY_LOW (1 << 9)
#define MSG_SWG_DEVICE (1 << 10)
#define SET_FLAG(n, f) ((n) |= (f))
#define CHK_FLAG(n, f) ((n) & (f))
#ifdef AQ_RS16
int16_t RS16_endswithLEDstate(char *msg)
char *sp;
int i;
aqledstate state = LED_S_UNKNOWN;
//if (_aqconfig_.rs_panel_size < 16)
if (PANEL_SIZE() < 16)
return false;
sp = strrchr(msg, ' ');
if( sp == NULL )
return false;
if (strncasecmp(sp, " on", 3) == 0)
state = ON;
else if (strncasecmp(sp, " off", 4) == 0)
state = OFF;
else if (strncasecmp(sp, " enabled", 8) == 0) // Total guess, need to check
state = ENABLE;
else if (strncasecmp(sp, " no idea", 8) == 0) // need to figure out these states
state = FLASH;
if (state == LED_S_UNKNOWN)
return false;
// Only need to start at Aux B5->B8 (12-15)
// Loop over only aqdata->aqbuttons[13] to aqdata->aqbuttons[16]
for (i = _aqualink_data.rs16_vbutton_start; i <= _aqualink_data.rs16_vbutton_end; i++) {
if ( stristr(msg, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].label) != NULL) {
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].led->state = state;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_INFO, "Set %s to %d\n", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].label, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].led->state);
// Return true should be the result, but in the if we want to continue to display message
//return true;
if (i == 13)
return MSG_RS13BUTTON;
else if (i == 14)
return MSG_RS14BUTTON;
else if (i == 15)
return MSG_RS15BUTTON;
else if (i == 16)
return MSG_RS16BUTTON;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "RS16 Button Set error %s to %d, %d is out of scope\n", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].label, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].led->state, i);
return false;
return false;
void _processMessage(char *message, bool reset);
void processMessage(char *message)
_processMessage(message, false);
void processMessageReset()
_processMessage(NULL, true);
void _processMessage(char *message, bool reset)
char *msg;
static bool _initWithRS = false;
//static bool _gotREV = false;
//static int freeze_msg_count = 0;
//static int service_msg_count = 0;
//static int swg_msg_count = 0;
//static int boost_msg_count = 0;
static int16_t msg_loop = 0;
// NSF replace message with msg
#ifdef AQ_RS16
int16_t rs16;
//msg = stripwhitespace(message);
//strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_message, msg);
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "RS Message :- '%s'\n", msg);
// Check long messages in this if/elseif block first, as some messages are similar.
// ie "POOL TEMP" and "POOL TEMP IS SET TO" so want correct match first.
//if (stristr(msg, "JANDY AquaLinkRS") != NULL) {
if (!reset) {
msg = stripwhitespace(message);
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_message, msg);
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "RS Message :- '%s'\n", msg);
// Just set this to off, it will re-set since it'll be the only message we get if on
_aqualink_data.service_mode_state = OFF;
} else {
//_aqualink_data.display_message = NULL;
_aqualink_data.last_display_message[0] = ' ';
_aqualink_data.last_display_message[1] = '\0';
// Anything that wasn't on during the last set of messages, turn off
if ((msg_loop & MSG_FREEZE) != MSG_FREEZE)
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_state = OFF;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_SERVICE) != MSG_SERVICE &&
(msg_loop & MSG_TIMEOUT) != MSG_TIMEOUT ) {
_aqualink_data.service_mode_state = OFF; // IF we get this message then Service / Timeout is off
if ( ((msg_loop & MSG_SWG_DEVICE) != MSG_SWG_DEVICE) && _aqualink_data.swg_led_state != LED_S_UNKNOWN) {
// No Additional SWG devices messages like "no flow"
if ((msg_loop & MSG_SWG) != MSG_SWG && _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[PUMP_INDEX].led->state == OFF )
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_OFF);
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_ON);
// If no AQUAPURE message, either (no SWG, it's set 0, or it's off).
if ((msg_loop & MSG_SWG) != MSG_SWG && _aqualink_data.swg_led_state != LED_S_UNKNOWN ) {
if (_aqualink_data.swg_percent != 0 || _aqualink_data.swg_led_state == ON) {
// Something is wrong here. Let's check pump, if on set SWG to 0, if off turn SWE off
if ( _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[PUMP_INDEX].led->state == OFF) {
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "No AQUAPURE message in cycle, pump is off so setting SWG to off\n");
} else {
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "No AQUAPURE message in cycle, pump is on so setting SWG to 0%%\n");
changeSWGpercent(&_aqualink_data, 0);
} else if (isIAQT_ENABLED == false && isONET_ENABLED == false && READ_RSDEV_SWG == false ) {
//We have no other way to read SWG %=0, so turn SWG on with pump
if ( _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[PUMP_INDEX].led->state == ON) {
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "No AQUAPURE message in cycle, pump is off so setting SWG to off\n");
//changeSWGpercent(&_aqualink_data, 0);
// NSF Need something to catch startup when SWG=0 so we set it to enabeled.
// when other ways/protocols to detect SWG=0 are turned off.
// AQUAPURE=0 we never get that message on ALLBUTTON so don't turn off unless filter pump if off
if ((msg_loop & MSG_SWG) != MSG_SWG && _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[PUMP_INDEX].led->state == OFF ) {
//_aqualink_data.ar_swg_status = SWG_STATUS_OFF;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_BOOST) != MSG_BOOST) {
_aqualink_data.boost = false;
_aqualink_data.boost_msg[0] = '\0';
//if (_aqualink_data.swg_percent >= 101)
// _aqualink_data.swg_percent = 0;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_BATTERY_LOW) != MSG_BATTERY_LOW)
_aqualink_data.battery = OK;
#ifdef AQ_RS16
//if ( _aqconfig_.rs_panel_size >= 16) {
//if ( (int)PANEL_SIZE >= 16) { // NSF No idea why this fails on RS-4, but it does. Come back and find out why
if ( PANEL_SIZE() >= 16 ) {
//printf("Panel size %d What the fuck am I doing here\n",PANEL_SIZE());
if ((msg_loop & MSG_RS13BUTTON) != MSG_RS13BUTTON)
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[13].led->state = OFF;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_RS14BUTTON) != MSG_RS14BUTTON)
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[14].led->state = OFF;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_RS15BUTTON) != MSG_RS15BUTTON)
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[15].led->state = OFF;
if ((msg_loop & MSG_RS16BUTTON) != MSG_RS16BUTTON)
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[16].led->state = OFF;
msg_loop = 0;
if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_BATTERY_LOW) != NULL)
_aqualink_data.battery = LOW;
msg_loop |= MSG_BATTERY_LOW;
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg); // Also display the message on web UI
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_POOL_TEMP_SET) != NULL)
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "**************** pool htr long message: %s", &message[20]);
_aqualink_data.pool_htr_set_point = atoi(message + 20);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_SPA_TEMP_SET) != NULL)
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "spa htr long message: %s", &message[19]);
_aqualink_data.spa_htr_set_point = atoi(message + 19);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_FREEZE_PROTECTION_SET) != NULL)
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "frz protect long message: %s", &message[28]);
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_set_point = atoi(message + 28);
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_state = ENABLE;
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
else if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_AIR_TEMP, MSG_AIR_TEMP_LEN) == 0)
_aqualink_data.air_temp = atoi(msg + MSG_AIR_TEMP_LEN);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
else if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_POOL_TEMP, MSG_POOL_TEMP_LEN) == 0)
_aqualink_data.pool_temp = atoi(msg + MSG_POOL_TEMP_LEN);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
else if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_SPA_TEMP, MSG_SPA_TEMP_LEN) == 0)
_aqualink_data.spa_temp = atoi(msg + MSG_SPA_TEMP_LEN);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
// NSF If get water temp rather than pool or spa in some cases, then we are in Pool OR Spa ONLY mode
else if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_WATER_TEMP, MSG_WATER_TEMP_LEN) == 0)
_aqualink_data.pool_temp = atoi(msg + MSG_WATER_TEMP_LEN);
_aqualink_data.spa_temp = atoi(msg + MSG_WATER_TEMP_LEN);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
if (isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL != true)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_ERR, "AqualinkD set to 'Combo Pool & Spa' but detected 'Only Pool OR Spa' panel, please change config\n");
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_WATER_TEMP1_SET) != NULL)
_aqualink_data.pool_htr_set_point = atoi(message + 28);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
if (isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL != true)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_ERR, "AqualinkD set to 'Combo Pool & Spa' but detected 'Only Pool OR Spa' panel, please change config\n");
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_WATER_TEMP2_SET) != NULL)
_aqualink_data.spa_htr_set_point = atoi(message + 27);
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN)
if (isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL != true)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_ERR, "AqualinkD set to 'Combo Pool & Spa' but detected 'Only Pool OR Spa' panel, please change config\n");
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_SERVICE_ACTIVE) != NULL)
if (_aqualink_data.service_mode_state == OFF)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD set to Service Mode\n");
_aqualink_data.service_mode_state = ON;
msg_loop |= MSG_SERVICE;
//service_msg_count = 0;
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_TIMEOUT_ACTIVE) != NULL)
if (_aqualink_data.service_mode_state == OFF)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD set to Timeout Mode\n");
_aqualink_data.service_mode_state = FLASH;
msg_loop |= MSG_TIMEOUT;
//service_msg_count = 0;
msg_loop |= MSG_FREEZE;
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_state = ON;
//freeze_msg_count = 0;
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg); // Also display the message on web UI
/* // Not sure when to do with these for the moment, so no need to compile in the test.
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_CHEM_FEED_ON) != NULL) {
else if (stristr(msg, LNG_MSG_CHEM_FEED_OFF) != NULL) {
else if (msg[2] == '/' && msg[5] == '/' && msg[8] == ' ')
{ // date in format '08/29/16 MON'
strcpy(_aqualink_data.date, msg);
else if (stristr(msg, MSG_SWG_PCT) != NULL)
if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_SWG_PCT, MSG_SWG_PCT_LEN) == 0 && strncasecmp(msg, "AQUAPURE HRS", 12) != 0) {
changeSWGpercent(&_aqualink_data, atoi(msg + MSG_SWG_PCT_LEN));
else if (strncasecmp(msg, "AQUAPURE HRS", 12) != 0 && strncasecmp(msg, "SET AQUAPURE", 12) != 0)
if (strcasestr(msg, MSG_SWG_NO_FLOW) != NULL)
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_NO_FLOW);
else if (strcasestr(msg, MSG_SWG_LOW_SALT) != NULL)
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_LOW_SALT);
else if (strcasestr(msg, MSG_SWG_HIGH_SALT) != NULL)
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_HI_SALT);
else if (strcasestr(msg, MSG_SWG_FAULT) != NULL)
setSWGdeviceStatus(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON, SWG_STATUS_CHECK_PCB);
// Any of these messages want to display.
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg);
msg_loop |= MSG_SWG_DEVICE;
msg_loop |= MSG_SWG;
else if (strncasecmp(msg, MSG_SWG_PPM, MSG_SWG_PPM_LEN) == 0)
_aqualink_data.swg_ppm = atoi(msg + MSG_SWG_PPM_LEN);
msg_loop |= MSG_SWG;
else if ((msg[1] == ':' || msg[2] == ':') && msg[strlen(msg) - 1] == 'M')
{ // time in format '9:45 AM'
strcpy(_aqualink_data.time, msg);
// Setting time takes a long time, so don't try until we have all other programmed data.
if (_initWithRS == true && strlen(_aqualink_data.date) > 1 && checkAqualinkTime() != true)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "RS time is NOT accurate '%s %s', re-setting on controller!\n", _aqualink_data.time, _aqualink_data.date);
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_TIME, NULL, &_aqualink_data);
else if (_initWithRS == false || _aqconfig_.sync_panel_time == false)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "RS time '%s %s' not checking\n", _aqualink_data.time, _aqualink_data.date);
else if (_initWithRS == true)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "RS time is accurate '%s %s'\n", _aqualink_data.time, _aqualink_data.date);
// If we get a time message before REV, the controller didn't see us as we started too quickly.
/* Don't need to check this anymore with the check for probe before startup.
if (_gotREV == false)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Getting control panel information\n", msg);
aq_programmer(AQ_GET_DIAGNOSTICS_MODEL, NULL, &_aqualink_data);
_gotREV = true; // Force it to true just incase we don't understand the model#
else if (strstr(msg, " REV ") != NULL || strstr(msg, " REV. ") != NULL)
{ // '8157 REV MMM'
// A master firmware revision message.
strcpy(_aqualink_data.version, msg);
rsm_get_revision(_aqualink_data.revision, msg, strlen(msg));
//_gotREV = true;
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Control Panel version %s\n", _aqualink_data.version);
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Control Panel revision %s\n", _aqualink_data.revision);
if (_initWithRS == false)
//LOG(ALLBUTTON,LOG_NOTICE, "Standard protocol initialization complete\n");
queueGetProgramData(ALLBUTTON, &_aqualink_data);
//queueGetExtendedProgramData(ALLBUTTON, &_aqualink_data, _aqconfig_.use_panel_aux_labels);
_initWithRS = true;
else if (stristr(msg, " TURNS ON") != NULL)
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Program data '%s'\n", msg);
else if (_aqconfig_.override_freeze_protect == TRUE && strncasecmp(msg, "Press Enter* to override Freeze Protection with", 47) == 0)
//send_cmd(KEY_ENTER, aq_data);
//aq_programmer(AQ_SEND_CMD, (char *)KEY_ENTER, &_aqualink_data);
// Process any button states (fake LED) for RS12 and above keypads
// Text will be button label on or off ie Aux_B2 off or WaterFall off
#ifdef AQ_RS16
//else if ( _aqconfig_.rs_panel_size >= 16 && (rs16 = RS16_endswithLEDstate(msg)) != 0 )
else if (PANEL_SIZE() >= 16 && (rs16 = RS16_endswithLEDstate(msg)) != 0 )
msg_loop |= rs16;
// Do nothing, just stop other else if statments executing
// make sure we also display the message.
// Note we only get ON messages here, Off messages will not be sent if something else turned it off
// use the Onetouch or iAqua equiptment page for off.
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg);
else if (((msg[4] == ':') || (msg[6] == ':')) && (strncasecmp(msg, "AUX", 3) == 0) )
{ // Should probable check we are in programming mode.
// 'Aux3: No Label'
// 'Aux B1: No Label'
int labelid;
int ni = 3;
if (msg[4] == 'B') { ni = 5; }
labelid = atoi(msg + ni);
if (labelid > 0 && _aqconfig_.use_panel_aux_labels == true)
if (ni == 5)
labelid = labelid + 8;
labelid = labelid + 1;
// Aux1: on panel = Button 3 in aqualinkd (button 2 in array)
if (strncasecmp(msg+ni+3, "No Label", 8) != 0) {
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid].label = prittyString(cleanalloc(msg+ni+2));
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "AUX ID %s label set to '%s'\n", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid].name, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid].label);
} else {
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "AUX ID %s has no control panel label using '%s'\n", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid].name, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid].label);
//_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[labelid + 1].label = cleanalloc(msg + 5);
else if ( (strncasecmp(msg, "BOOST POOL", 10) == 0) && (strcasestr(msg, "REMAINING") != NULL) ) {
// Ignore messages if in programming mode. We get one of these turning off for some strange reason.
if (in_programming_mode(&_aqualink_data) == false) {
snprintf(_aqualink_data.boost_msg, 6, "%s", &msg[11]);
_aqualink_data.boost = true;
msg_loop |= MSG_BOOST;
msg_loop |= MSG_SWG;
//if (_aqualink_data.ar_swg_status != SWG_STATUS_ON) {_aqualink_data.ar_swg_status = SWG_STATUS_ON;}
if (_aqualink_data.swg_percent != 101) {changeSWGpercent(&_aqualink_data, 101);}
//boost_msg_count = 0;
//if (_aqualink_data.active_thread.thread_id == 0)
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg); // Also display the message on web UI if not in programming mode
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Ignoring '%s'\n", msg);
//_aqualink_data.display_message = msg;
if (in_programming_mode(&_aqualink_data) == false && _aqualink_data.simulate_panel == false &&
stristr(msg, "JANDY AquaLinkRS") == NULL &&
//stristr(msg, "PUMP O") == NULL &&// Catch 'PUMP ON' and 'PUMP OFF' but not 'PUMP WILL TURN ON'
strncasecmp(msg, "PUMP O", 6) != 0 &&// Catch 'PUMP ON' and 'PUMP OFF' but not 'PUMP WILL TURN ON'
stristr(msg, "MAINTAIN") == NULL && // Catch 'MAINTAIN TEMP IS OFF'
stristr(msg, "0 PSI") == NULL /* // Catch some erronious message on test harness
stristr(msg, "CLEANER O") == NULL &&
stristr(msg, "SPA O") == NULL &&
stristr(msg, "AUX") == NULL*/
{ // Catch all AUX1 AUX5 messages
//_aqualink_data.display_last_message = true;
strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg);
//rsm_strncpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, (unsigned char *)msg, AQ_MSGLONGLEN, AQ_MSGLONGLEN);
// Send every message if we are in simulate panel mode
//if (_aqualink_data.simulate_panel)
// strcpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg);
//rsm_strncpy(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, (unsigned char *)msg, AQ_MSGLONGLEN, AQ_MSGLONGLEN);
//ascii(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, msg);
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "RS Message loop :- '%d'\n", msg_loop);
// We processed the next message, kick any threads waiting on the message.
//printf ("Message kicking\n");
kick_aq_program_thread(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON);
bool process_packet(unsigned char *packet, int length)
bool rtn = false;
//static unsigned char last_packet[AQ_MAXPKTLEN];
static unsigned char last_checksum;
static char message[AQ_MSGLONGLEN + 1];
static int processing_long_msg = 0;
// Check packet against last check if different.
// Should only use the checksum, not whole packet since it's status messages.
if ( packet[PKT_CMD] == CMD_STATUS && (memcmp(packet, last_packet, length) == 0))
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "RS Received duplicate, ignoring.\n", length);
return rtn;
memcpy(last_packet, packet, length);
_aqualink_data.last_packet_type = packet[PKT_CMD];
rtn = true;
_aqualink_data.last_packet_type = packet[PKT_CMD];
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL)
return process_pda_packet(packet, length);
if ( packet[PKT_CMD] == CMD_STATUS && packet[length-3] == last_checksum && ! in_programming_mode(&_aqualink_data) )
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "RS Received duplicate, ignoring.\n", length);
return false;
last_checksum = packet[length-3];
rtn = true;
if (processing_long_msg > 0 && packet[PKT_CMD] != CMD_MSG_LONG)
processing_long_msg = 0;
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "RS failed to receive complete long message, received '%s'\n",message);
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "RS didn't finished receiving of MSG_LONG '%s'\n",message);
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "RS Received packet type 0x%02hhx length %d.\n", packet[PKT_CMD], length);
switch (packet[PKT_CMD])
case CMD_ACK:
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "RS Received ACK length %d.\n", length);
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "RS Received STATUS length %d.\n", length);
memcpy(_aqualink_data.raw_status, packet + 4, AQ_PSTLEN);
if (_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[PUMP_INDEX].led->state == OFF)
_aqualink_data.pool_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.spa_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
//_aqualink_data.spa_temp = _aqconfig_.report_zero_spa_temp?-18:TEMP_UNKNOWN;
else if (_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[SPA_INDEX].led->state == OFF && isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL != true)
//_aqualink_data.spa_temp = _aqconfig_.report_zero_spa_temp?-18:TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.spa_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
else if (_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[SPA_INDEX].led->state == ON && isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL != true)
_aqualink_data.pool_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
// COLOR MODE programming relies on state changes, so let any threads know
//if (_aqualink_data.active_thread.ptype == AQ_SET_LIGHTPROGRAM_MODE) {
if ( in_light_programming_mode(&_aqualink_data) ) {
kick_aq_program_thread(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON);
case CMD_MSG:
int index = packet[PKT_DATA]; // Will get 0x00 for complete message, 0x01 for start on long message 0x05 last of long message
//printf("RSM received message at index %d '%.*s'\n",index,AQ_MSGLEN,(char *)packet + PKT_DATA + 1);
if (index <= 1){
memset(message, 0, AQ_MSGLONGLEN + 1);
//strncpy(message, (char *)packet + PKT_DATA + 1, AQ_MSGLEN);
rsm_strncpy(message, packet + PKT_DATA + 1, AQ_MSGLONGLEN, AQ_MSGLEN);
processing_long_msg = index;
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Message %s\n",message);
} else {
//strncpy(&message[(processing_long_msg * AQ_MSGLEN)], (char *)packet + PKT_DATA + 1, AQ_MSGLEN);
//rsm_strncpy(&message[(processing_long_msg * AQ_MSGLEN)], (unsigned char *)packet + PKT_DATA + 1, AQ_MSGLONGLEN, AQ_MSGLEN);
rsm_strncpy(&message[( (index-1) * AQ_MSGLEN)], (unsigned char *)packet + PKT_DATA + 1, AQ_MSGLONGLEN, AQ_MSGLEN);
//LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Long Message %s\n",message);
if (++processing_long_msg != index) {
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Long message index %d doesn't match buffer %d\n",index,processing_long_msg);
//printf("RSM Long message index %d doesn't match buffer %d\n",index,processing_long_msg);
kick_aq_program_thread(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON);
if (index == 0 || index == 5) {
//printf("RSM process message '%s'\n",message);
// MOVED FROM LINE 701 see if less errors
//kick_aq_program_thread(&_aqualink_data, ALLBUTTON);
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Processing Message - '%s'\n",message);
processMessage(message); // This will kick thread
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "RS Received PROBE length %d.\n", length);
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_INFO, "Synch'ing with Aqualink master device...\n");
rtn = false;
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "RS Received message loop start\n");
rtn = false;
LOG(AQRS_LOG,LOG_INFO, "RS Received unknown packet, 0x%02hhx\n", packet[PKT_CMD]);
rtn = false;
return rtn;
void action_delayed_request()
char sval[10];
snprintf(sval, 9, "%d", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
// If we don't know the units yet, we can't action setpoint, so wait until we do.
if (_aqualink_data.temp_units == UNKNOWN &&
(_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == POOL_HTR_SETOINT || _aqualink_data.unactioned.type == SPA_HTR_SETOINT || _aqualink_data.unactioned.type == FREEZE_SETPOINT))
if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == POOL_HTR_SETOINT)
_aqualink_data.unactioned.value = setpoint_check(POOL_HTR_SETOINT, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value, &_aqualink_data);
if (_aqualink_data.pool_htr_set_point != _aqualink_data.unactioned.value)
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_POOL_HEATER_TEMP, sval, &_aqualink_data);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Setting pool heater setpoint to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Pool heater setpoint is already %d, not changing\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == SPA_HTR_SETOINT)
_aqualink_data.unactioned.value = setpoint_check(SPA_HTR_SETOINT, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value, &_aqualink_data);
if (_aqualink_data.spa_htr_set_point != _aqualink_data.unactioned.value)
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_SPA_HEATER_TEMP, sval, &_aqualink_data);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Setting spa heater setpoint to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Spa heater setpoint is already %d, not changing\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == FREEZE_SETPOINT)
_aqualink_data.unactioned.value = setpoint_check(FREEZE_SETPOINT, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value, &_aqualink_data);
if (_aqualink_data.frz_protect_set_point != _aqualink_data.unactioned.value)
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_FRZ_PROTECTION_TEMP, sval, &_aqualink_data);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Setting freeze protect to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Freeze setpoint is already %d, not changing\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == SWG_SETPOINT)
_aqualink_data.unactioned.value = setpoint_check(SWG_SETPOINT, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value, &_aqualink_data);
//if (_aqualink_data.ar_swg_status == SWG_STATUS_OFF)
if (_aqualink_data.swg_led_state == OFF)
// SWG is off, can't set %, so delay the set until it's on.
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "SWG is off, delaying request to set %% to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
_aqualink_data.swg_delayed_percent = _aqualink_data.unactioned.value;
if (_aqualink_data.swg_percent != _aqualink_data.unactioned.value)
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_SWG_PERCENT, sval, &_aqualink_data);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Setting SWG %% to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "SWG % is already %d, not changing\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
// Let's just tell everyone we set it, before we actually did. Makes homekit happy, and it will re-correct on error.
//_aqualink_data.swg_percent = _aqualink_data.unactioned.value;
setSWGpercent(&_aqualink_data, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == SWG_BOOST)
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "SWG BOST to %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
//if (_aqualink_data.ar_swg_status == SWG_STATUS_OFF) {
if (_aqualink_data.swg_led_state == OFF) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "SWG is off, can't Boost pool\n");
} else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.value == _aqualink_data.boost ) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Request to turn Boost %s ignored, Boost is already %s\n",_aqualink_data.unactioned.value?"On":"Off", _aqualink_data.boost?"On":"Off");
} else {
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_BOOST, sval, &_aqualink_data);
// Let's just tell everyone we set it, before we actually did. Makes homekit happy, and it will re-correct on error.
_aqualink_data.boost = _aqualink_data.unactioned.value;
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == PUMP_RPM)
snprintf(sval, 9, "%1d|%d", _aqualink_data.unactioned.id, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
//printf("**** program string '%s'\n",sval);
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_PUMP_RPM, sval, &_aqualink_data);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == PUMP_VSPROGRAM)
snprintf(sval, 9, "%1d|%d", _aqualink_data.unactioned.id, _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
//printf("**** program string '%s'\n",sval);
aq_programmer(AQ_SET_PUMP_VS_PROGRAM, sval, &_aqualink_data);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == POOL_HTR_INCREMENT && isRSSA_ENABLED) // RSSA for this to work
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Changing pool heater setpoint by %d | %s\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value, sval);
aq_programmer(AQ_ADD_RSSADAPTER_POOL_HEATER_TEMP, sval, &_aqualink_data);
else if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type == SPA_HTR_INCREMENT && isRSSA_ENABLED) // RSSA for this to work
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Changing spa heater setpoint by %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.value);
aq_programmer(AQ_ADD_RSSADAPTER_SPA_HEATER_TEMP, sval, &_aqualink_data);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Unknown request of type %d\n", _aqualink_data.unactioned.type);
_aqualink_data.unactioned.type = NO_ACTION;
_aqualink_data.unactioned.value = -1;
_aqualink_data.unactioned.id = -1;
_aqualink_data.unactioned.requested = 0;
void printHelp()
printf("\t-h (this message)\n");
printf("\t-d (do not deamonize)\n");
printf("\t-c <file> (Configuration file)\n");
printf("\t-v (Debug logging)\n");
printf("\t-vv (Serial Debug logging)\n");
printf("\t-rsd (RS485 debug)\n");
printf("\t-rsrd (RS485 raw debug)\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
_restart = false;
char defaultCfg[] = "./aqualinkd.conf";
char *cfgFile;
//printf ("TIMER = %d\n",TIMR_LOG);
#ifdef AQ_MEMCMP
memset(&_aqualink_data, 0, sizeof (struct aqualinkdata));
_aqualink_data.num_pumps = 0;
_aqualink_data.num_lights = 0;
#ifdef AQ_TM_DEBUG
init_aqd_timer(); // Must clear timers.
// Any debug logging masks
if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)
return 0;
// struct lws_context_creation_info info;
// Log only NOTICE messages and above. Debug and info messages
// will not be logged to syslog.
#ifndef AQ_MANAGER
if (getuid() != 0)
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "%s Can only be run as root\n", argv[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %s Can only be run as root\n", argv[0]);
// Initialize the daemon's parameters.
cfgFile = defaultCfg;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0)
return 0;
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0)
_aqconfig_.deamonize = false;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0)
cfgFile = argv[++i];
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-vv") == 0)
_cmdln_loglevel = LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0)
_cmdln_loglevel = LOG_DEBUG;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-rsd") == 0)
_cmdln_debugRS485 = true;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-rsrd") == 0)
_cmdln_lograwRS485 = true;
// Set this here, so it doesn;t get reset if the manager restarts the AqualinkD process.
_aqualink_data.aqManagerActive = false;
return startup(argv[0], cfgFile);
int startup(char *self, char *cfgFile)
int i, j;
_self = self;
_cfgFile = cfgFile;
read_config(&_aqualink_data, cfgFile);
// Sanity check on Device ID's against panel type
if (isRS_PANEL) {
if (_aqconfig_.device_id >= 0x08 && _aqconfig_.device_id <= 0x0B) {
// We are good
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Device ID 0x%02hhx does not match RS panel, please check config!\n", _aqconfig_.device_id);
} else if (isPDA_PANEL) {
if (_aqconfig_.device_id >= 0x60 && _aqconfig_.device_id <= 0x63) {
// We are good
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Device ID 0x%02hhx does not match PDA panel, please check config!\n", _aqconfig_.device_id);
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Error unknown panel type, please check config!\n");
if (_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id != 0x00) {
if (_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id >= 0x48 && _aqconfig_.rssa_device_id <= 0x4B ) {
// We are good
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "RSSA Device ID 0x%02hhx does not match RS panel, please check config!\n", _aqconfig_.rssa_device_id);
#if defined AQ_ONETOUCH || defined AQ_IAQTOUCH
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id != 0x00) {
if ( (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id >= 0x30 && _aqconfig_.extended_device_id <= 0x33) ||
(_aqconfig_.extended_device_id >= 0x40 && _aqconfig_.extended_device_id <= 0x43) ) {
// We are good
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Extended Device ID 0x%02hhx does not match OneTouch or AqualinkTouch ID, please check config!\n", _aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
// Just so we catch the heaters, make all panels RS8 or RS16
//_aqualink_data.total_buttons = _aqconfig_.rs_panel_size + 4; // This would be correct if we re-index heaters.
#ifdef AQ_RS16
if (_aqconfig_.rs_panel_size >= 12)
_aqualink_data.total_buttons = 20;
_aqualink_data.total_buttons = 12;
if (_cmdln_loglevel != -1)
_aqconfig_.log_level = _cmdln_loglevel;
if (_cmdln_debugRS485)
_aqconfig_.log_protocol_packets = true;
if (_cmdln_lograwRS485)
_aqconfig_.log_raw_bytes = true;
if (_aqconfig_.display_warnings_web == true)
setLoggingPrms(_aqconfig_.log_level, _aqconfig_.deamonize, _aqconfig_.log_file, _aqualink_data.last_display_message);
setLoggingPrms(_aqconfig_.log_level, _aqconfig_.deamonize, _aqconfig_.log_file, NULL);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Panel set to %s%s-%d %s%s %s\n",
isPDA_PANEL?"PDA":"", // No need for both of these, but for error validation leave it in.
isCOMBO_PANEL?"Combo Pool/Spa":"",
isSINGLE_DEV_PANEL?"Pool/Spa Only":"",
isDUAL_EQPT_PANEL?"Dual Equipment":"");
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Panel set to %s\n", getPanelString());
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config log_level = %d\n", _aqconfig_.log_level);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config device_id = 0x%02hhx\n", _aqconfig_.device_id);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config rssa_device_id = 0x%02hhx\n", _aqconfig_.rssa_device_id);
#if defined AQ_ONETOUCH || defined AQ_IAQTOUCH
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config extra_device_id = 0x%02hhx\n", _aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config extra_device_prog = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config serial_port = %s\n", _aqconfig_.serial_port);
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config rs_panel_size = %d\n", _aqconfig_.rs_panel_size);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config socket_port = %s\n", _aqconfig_.socket_port);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config web_directory = %s\n", _aqconfig_.web_directory);
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config read_all_devices = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.read_all_devices));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config use_aux_labels = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.use_panel_aux_labels));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config override frz prot = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.override_freeze_protect));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_server = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_server);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_dz_sub_topic = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_dz_sub_topic);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_dz_pub_topic = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_dz_pub_topic);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_aq_topic = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_aq_topic);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_user = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_user);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_passwd = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_passwd);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config mqtt_ID = %s\n", _aqconfig_.mqtt_ID);
if (_aqconfig_.dzidx_air_temp !=TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx water temp = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_air_temp);
if (_aqconfig_.dzidx_pool_water_temp !=TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx pool temp = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_pool_water_temp);
if (_aqconfig_.dzidx_spa_water_temp !=TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx spa temp = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_spa_water_temp);
if (_aqconfig_.dzidx_swg_percent !=TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx SWG Percent = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_swg_percent);
if (_aqconfig_.dzidx_swg_ppm !=TEMP_UNKNOWN) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx SWG PPM = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_swg_ppm);
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config PDA Mode = %s\n", bool2text(isPDA_PANEL));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config PDA Sleep Mode = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.pda_sleep_mode));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config force SWG = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.force_swg));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config force PS setpoint = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.force_ps_setpoints));
/* removed until domoticz has a better virtual thermostat
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx pool thermostat = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_pool_thermostat);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config idx spa thermostat = %d\n", _aqconfig_.dzidx_spa_thermostat);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config deamonize = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.deamonize));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config log_file = %s\n", _aqconfig_.log_file);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config enable scheduler = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.enable_scheduler));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config light_pgm_mode = %.2f\n", _aqconfig_.light_programming_mode);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Debug RS485 protocol = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.log_protocol_packets));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Debug RS485 protocol raw = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.log_raw_bytes));
if ( _aqconfig_.RSSD_LOG_filter != NUL)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Log RS485 packets from = 0x%02hhx\n", _aqconfig_.RSSD_LOG_filter);
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Use PDA 4 auxiliary info = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.use_PDA_auxiliary));
//LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Read Pentair Packets = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.read_pentair_packets));
// logMessage (LOG_NOTICE, "Config serial_port = %s\n", config_parameters->serial_port);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Display warnings in web = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.display_warnings_web));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Keep panel time in sync = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.sync_panel_time));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Read SWG direct = %s\n", bool2text(READ_RSDEV_SWG));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Read ePump direct = %s\n", bool2text(READ_RSDEV_ePUMP));
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Read vsfPump direct = %s\n", bool2text(READ_RSDEV_vsfPUMP));
if (READ_RSDEV_SWG && _aqconfig_.swg_zero_ignore != DEFAULT_SWG_ZERO_IGNORE_COUNT)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Ignore SWG 0 msg count = %d\n", _aqconfig_.swg_zero_ignore);
if (_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write == true)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Serial Read Ahead Write = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write));
if (_aqconfig_.ftdi_low_latency == true)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Serial FTDI low latency = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.ftdi_low_latency));
if (_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack == true)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Serial Prioritize Ack = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack));
if (_aqconfig_.thread_netservices)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Thread Network Services = %s\n", bool2text(_aqconfig_.thread_netservices));
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed < 0 && !_aqconfig_.thread_netservices) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Negative RS Poll Speed is only valid when using Thread Network Services, resetting to %d\n",DEFAULT_POLL_SPEED_NON_THREADDED);
_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed = DEFAULT_POLL_SPEED_NON_THREADDED;
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed != DEFAULT_POLL_SPEED)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "RS Poll Speed = %d\n", _aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed);
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed < 0 && _aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Serial Read Ahead Write is not valid when using Negative RS Poll Speed, turning Serial Read Ahead Write off\n");
_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write = false;
//for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_BUTONS; i++)
for (i = 0; i < _aqualink_data.total_buttons; i++)
//char ext[] = " VSP ID None | AL ID 0 ";
char ext[40];
ext[0] = '\0';
for (j = 0; j < _aqualink_data.num_pumps; j++) {
if (_aqualink_data.pumps[j].button == &_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i]) {
sprintf(ext, "VSP ID 0x%02hhx | PumpID %-1d |",_aqualink_data.pumps[j].pumpID, _aqualink_data.pumps[j].pumpIndex);
for (j = 0; j < _aqualink_data.num_lights; j++) {
if (_aqualink_data.lights[j].button == &_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i]) {
sprintf(ext,"Light Progm | CTYPE %-1d |",_aqualink_data.lights[j].lightType);
if (_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].dz_idx > 0)
sprintf(ext+strlen(ext), "dzidx %-3d", _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].dz_idx);
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config BTN %-13s = label %-15s | PDAlabel %-15s | %s\n",
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].name, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].label,
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].pda_label, ext);
} else
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Config BTN %-13s = label %-15s | %s\n",
_aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].name, _aqualink_data.aqbuttons[i].label, ext);
if (_aqconfig_.deamonize == true)
char pidfile[256];
// sprintf(pidfile, "%s/%s.pid",PIDLOCATION, basename(argv[0]));
//sprintf(pidfile, "%s/%s.pid", "/run", basename(argv[0]));
sprintf(pidfile, "%s/%s.pid", "/run", basename(self));
daemonise(pidfile, main_loop);
#define MAX_BLOCK_ACK 12
/* Point of this is to sent ack as quickly as possible, all checks should be done prior to calling this.*/
void caculate_ack_packet(int rs_fd, unsigned char *packet_buffer, emulation_type source)
switch (source) {
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD]==CMD_MSG_LONG?ACK_SCREEN_BUSY_SCROLL:ACK_NORMAL), pop_aq_cmd(&_aqualink_data));
//DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"AllButton Emulation type Processed packet in");
send_jandy_command(rs_fd, get_rssa_cmd(packet_buffer[PKT_CMD]), 4);
if (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD] == CMD_PROBE)
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, 0x00, 0x05);
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, 0x00, 0x00);*/
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, ACK_ONETOUCH, pop_ot_cmd(packet_buffer[PKT_CMD]));
//DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"OneTouch Emulation type Processed packet in");
if (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD] != CMD_IAQ_CTRL_READY)
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, ACK_IAQ_TOUCH, pop_iaqt_cmd(packet_buffer[PKT_CMD]));
else {
unsigned char *cmd;
int size = ref_iaqt_control_cmd(&cmd);
send_jandy_command(rs_fd, cmd, size);
//DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"AquaTouch Emulation type Processed packet in");
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (_aqconfig_.pda_sleep_mode && pda_shouldSleep()) {
LOG(PDA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "PDA Aqualink daemon in sleep mode\n");
} else {
send_extended_ack(rs_fd, ACK_PDA, pop_aq_cmd(&_aqualink_data));
//DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"PDA Emulation type Processed packet in");
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Can't caculate ACK, No idea what packet this source packet was for!\n");
//DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"Unknown Emulation type Processed packet in");
#ifdef AQ_TM_DEBUG
static struct timespec now;
static struct timespec elapsed;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
timespec_subtract(&elapsed, &now, &_rs_packet_readitme);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Emulation type %d. Processed packet in %d.%02ld sec (%08ld ns)\n",source, elapsed.tv_sec, elapsed.tv_nsec / 1000000L, elapsed.tv_nsec);
unsigned char find_unused_address(unsigned char* packet) {
static int ID[4] = {0,0,0,0}; // 0=0x08, 1=0x09, 2=0x0A, 3=0x0B
static unsigned char lastID = 0x00;
if (packet[PKT_DEST] >= 0x08 && packet[PKT_DEST] <= 0x0B && packet[PKT_CMD] == CMD_PROBE) {
//printf("Probe packet to keypad ID 0x%02hhx\n",packet[PKT_DEST]);
lastID = packet[PKT_DEST];
} else if (packet[PKT_DEST] == DEV_MASTER && lastID != 0x00) {
lastID = 0x00;
} else if (lastID != 0x00) {
if (ID[lastID-8] >= 3) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Found valid unused ID 0x%02hhx\n",lastID);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Please add 'device_id=0x%02hhx', to AqualinkD's configuration file\n",lastID);
return lastID;
lastID = 0x00;
} else {
lastID = 0x00;
return 0x00;
void main_loop()
int rs_fd;
int packet_length;
unsigned char packet_buffer[AQ_MAXPKTLEN+1];
int i;
//int delayAckCnt = 0;
bool got_probe = false;
bool got_probe_extended = false;
bool got_probe_rssa = false;
bool print_once = false;
int blank_read_reconnect = MAX_ZERO_READ_BEFORE_RECONNECT_BLOCKING; // Will get reset if non blocking
sprintf(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, "%s", "Connecting to Control Panel");
_aqualink_data.simulate_panel = false;
_aqualink_data.active_thread.thread_id = 0;
_aqualink_data.air_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.pool_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.spa_temp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_set_point = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.pool_htr_set_point = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.spa_htr_set_point = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.unactioned.type = NO_ACTION;
_aqualink_data.swg_percent = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.swg_ppm = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.ar_swg_device_status = SWG_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.swg_led_state = LED_S_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.swg_delayed_percent = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.temp_units = UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.service_mode_state = OFF;
_aqualink_data.frz_protect_state = OFF;
_aqualink_data.battery = OK;
_aqualink_data.open_websockets = 0;
_aqualink_data.ph = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.orp = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
pthread_mutex_init(&_aqualink_data.active_thread.thread_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&_aqualink_data.active_thread.thread_cond, NULL);
for (i=0; i < MAX_PUMPS; i++) {
_aqualink_data.pumps[i].rpm = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.pumps[i].gpm = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
_aqualink_data.pumps[i].watts = TEMP_UNKNOWN;
if (_aqconfig_.force_swg == true) {
//_aqualink_data.ar_swg_device_status = SWG_STATUS_OFF;
_aqualink_data.swg_led_state = OFF;
_aqualink_data.swg_percent = 0;
_aqualink_data.swg_ppm = 0;
signal(SIGINT, intHandler);
signal(SIGTERM, intHandler);
signal(SIGQUIT, intHandler);
signal(SIGRESTART, intHandler);
if (!start_net_services(&_aqualink_data))
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Can not start webserver on port %s.\n", _aqconfig_.socket_port);
int blank_read = 0;
rs_fd = init_serial_port(_aqconfig_.serial_port);
if (rs_fd == -1) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Error Aqualink setting serial port: %s\n", _aqconfig_.serial_port);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Listening to Aqualink RS8 on serial port: %s\n", _aqconfig_.serial_port);
if (!serial_blockingmode())
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL) {
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id != 0x00)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Aqualink daemon can't use extended_device_id in PDA mode, ignoring value '0x%02hhx' from cfg\n",_aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
_aqconfig_.extended_device_id = 0x00;
_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming = false;
#if defined AQ_ONETOUCH || defined AQ_IAQTOUCH
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id != 0x00)
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id >= 0x40 && _aqconfig_.extended_device_id <= 0x43)
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id >= 0x30 && _aqconfig_.extended_device_id <= 0x33)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Aqualink daemon has no valid extended_device_id, ignoring value '0x%02hhx' from cfg\n",_aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
_aqconfig_.extended_device_id = 0x00;
_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming = false;
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming == true && (isONET_ENABLED || isIAQT_ENABLED) )
} else {
got_probe_extended = true;
// Just to stop any confusion from bad cfg enteries
if (_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming == true)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Aqualink daemon has no valid extended_device_id, ignoring value 'extended_device_id_programming' from cfg\n");
_aqconfig_.extended_device_id_programming = false;
// If no extended protocol, we can't test for probe
got_probe_extended = true;
// Enable or disable rs serial adapter interface.
if (_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id != 0x00)
got_probe_rssa = true;
if (_aqconfig_.device_id == 0x00) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Searching for valid ID, please configure one for faster startup\n");
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Waiting for Control Panel probe\n");
// Turn off read ahead while dealing with probes
bool read_ahead = _aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write;
_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write = false;
// Loop until we get the probe messages, that means we didn;t start too soon after last shutdown.
while ( (got_probe == false || got_probe_rssa == false || got_probe_extended == false ) && _keepRunning == true)
if (blank_read == blank_read_reconnect) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Nothing read on '%s', are you sure that's right?\n",_aqconfig_.serial_port);
} else if (blank_read == blank_read_reconnect*2) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "I'm done, exiting, please check '%s'\n",_aqconfig_.serial_port);
if (_aqconfig_.log_raw_RS_bytes)
packet_length = get_packet_lograw(rs_fd, packet_buffer);
packet_length = get_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer);
packet_length = get_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer);
if (packet_length > 0 && _aqconfig_.device_id == 0x00) {
blank_read = 0;
_aqconfig_.device_id = find_unused_address(packet_buffer);
else if (packet_length > 0 && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.device_id && got_probe == false) {
blank_read = 0;
if (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD] == CMD_PROBE) {
got_probe = true;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got probe on '0x%02hhx' Standard Protocol\n",_aqconfig_.device_id);
} else {
if(!print_once) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got message but no probe on '0x%02hhx', did we start too soon? (waiting for probe)\n",_aqconfig_.device_id);
// NSF Should put some form of timeout here and exit.
else if (packet_length > 0 && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.rssa_device_id && got_probe_rssa == false) {
blank_read = 0;
if (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD] == CMD_PROBE) {
got_probe_rssa = true;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got probe on '0x%02hhx' RS SerialAdapter Protocol\n",_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id);
} else {
if(!print_once) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got message but no probe on '0x%02hhx', did we start too soon? (waiting for probe)\n",_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id);
// NSF Should put some form of timeout here and exit.
#if defined AQ_ONETOUCH || defined AQ_IAQTOUCH
else if (packet_length > 0 && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.extended_device_id && got_probe_extended == false) {
blank_read = 0;
if (packet_buffer[PKT_CMD] == CMD_PROBE) {
got_probe_extended = true;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got probe on '0x%02hhx' Extended Protocol\n",_aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
} else {
if(!print_once) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Got message but no probe on '0x%02hhx', did we start too soon? (waiting for probe)\n",_aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
// NSF Should put some form of timeout here and continue with no extended ID
else if (packet_length <= 0) {
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed < 0)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Blank RS485 read\n");
if (serial_blockingmode())
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Blank RS485 read\n");
else if (packet_length > 0) {
blank_read = 0;
if (i++ > 1000) {
if(!got_probe) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "No probe on '0x%02hhx', giving up! (please check config)\n",_aqconfig_.device_id);
if(!got_probe_rssa) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "No probe on '0x%02hhx', giving up! (please check config)\n",_aqconfig_.rssa_device_id);
#if defined AQ_ONETOUCH || defined AQ_IAQTOUCH
if(!got_probe_extended) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "No probe on '0x%02hhx', giving up! (please check config)\n",_aqconfig_.extended_device_id);
* This is the main loop
//int max_blank_read = 0;
_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write = read_ahead;
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Starting communication with Control Panel\n");
// Not the best way to do this, but ok for moment
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed == 0)
blank_read_reconnect = blank_read_reconnect * 50;
blank_read = 0;
// OK, Now go into infinate loop
while (_keepRunning == true)
//printf("%d ",blank_read);
while ((rs_fd < 0 || blank_read >= blank_read_reconnect) && _keepRunning == true)
//printf("rs_fd =% d\n",rs_fd);
if (rs_fd < 0)
// sleep(1);
sprintf(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, CONNECTION_ERROR);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Aqualink daemon waiting to connect to master device...\n");
_aqualink_data.updated = true;
// broadcast_aqualinkstate_error(mgr.active_connections, "No connection to RS control panel");
sprintf(_aqualink_data.last_display_message, CONNECTION_ERROR);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Aqualink daemon looks like serial error, resetting.\n");
_aqualink_data.updated = true;
rs_fd = init_serial_port(_aqconfig_.serial_port);
blank_read = 0;
if (_aqualink_data.run_slogger) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Starting serial_logger, this will take some time!\n");
serial_logger(rs_fd, _aqconfig_.serial_port, getSystemLogLevel());
_aqualink_data.run_slogger = false;
packet_length = get_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer);
if (packet_length <= 0)
if (_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed < 0) {
//if (!_aqconfig_.readahead_b4_write) {
if (serial_blockingmode()) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_ERR, "Nothing read on blocking serial port\n");
blank_read = blank_read_reconnect;
} else if (packet_length == AQSERR_READ) {
blank_read = blank_read_reconnect;
} else {
// In non blocking, so sleep for 2 milliseconds
//if (blank_read > max_blank_read) {
// LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_NOTICE, "Nothing read on serial %d\n",blank_read);
// max_blank_read = blank_read;
else if (packet_length > 0)
blank_read = 0;
//changed = false;
if (packet_length > 0 && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.device_id && getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == JANDY)
if (getLogLevel(AQUA_LOG) >= LOG_DEBUG) {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "RS received packet of type %s length %d\n", get_packet_type(packet_buffer, packet_length), packet_length);
logPacketRead(packet_buffer, packet_length);
if (!_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack) {
_aqualink_data.updated = process_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length);
} else {
// If we did not process the packet, above we need to record it for the caculate_ack_packet call.
// Should find a better place to put this, but since prioritize_ack is expermental it's ok for now.
// NSF We shouldn;t need to do the same for rssa / onetouch / iaqtouch and probably rssaadapter since they don;t queue commands & programming commands.
_aqualink_data.last_packet_type = packet_buffer[PKT_CMD];
#ifdef AQ_PDA
if (isPDA_PANEL)
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, AQUAPDA);
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, ALLBUTTON);
if (_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack)
_aqualink_data.updated = process_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length);
DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"AllButton Emulation Processed packet in");
else if (packet_length > 0 && isRSSA_ENABLED && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.rssa_device_id && getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == JANDY) {
if (_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack) {
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, RSSADAPTER);
_aqualink_data.updated = process_rssadapter_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
} else {
_aqualink_data.updated = process_rssadapter_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, RSSADAPTER);
DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"SerialAdapter Emulation Processed packet in");
else if (packet_length > 0 && isONET_ENABLED && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.extended_device_id && getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == JANDY) {
if (_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack) {
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, ONETOUCH);
_aqualink_data.updated = process_onetouch_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
} else {
_aqualink_data.updated = process_onetouch_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, ONETOUCH);
DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"OneTouch Emulation Processed packet in");
else if (packet_length > 0 && isIAQT_ENABLED && packet_buffer[PKT_DEST] == _aqconfig_.extended_device_id && getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == JANDY) {
if (_aqconfig_.prioritize_ack) {
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, IAQTOUCH);
_aqualink_data.updated = process_iaqtouch_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
} else {
_aqualink_data.updated = process_iaqtouch_packet(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
caculate_ack_packet(rs_fd, packet_buffer, IAQTOUCH);
DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"AquaTouch Emulation Processed packet in");
//else if (packet_length > 0 && _aqconfig_.read_all_devices == true)
else if (packet_length > 0 && _aqconfig_.read_RS485_devmask > 0)
if (getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == JANDY)
_aqualink_data.updated = processJandyPacket(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
// Process Pentair Device Packed (pentair have to & from in message, so no need to)
else if (getProtocolType(packet_buffer) == PENTAIR && READ_RSDEV_vsfPUMP) {
_aqualink_data.updated = processPentairPacket(packet_buffer, packet_length, &_aqualink_data);
// In the future probably add code to catch device offline (ie missing reply message)
DEBUG_TIMER_STOP(_rs_packet_timer,AQUA_LOG,"Processed (readonly) packet in");
} else {
DEBUG_TIMER_CLEAR(_rs_packet_timer); // Clear timer, no need to print anything
if (_aqualink_data.updated) {
poll_net_services(packet_length>0?0:_aqconfig_.rs_poll_speed); // Don;t wait if we read something.
// NSF might want to wait if we are on a non blocking serial port.
// Any unactioned commands
if (_aqualink_data.unactioned.type != NO_ACTION)
time_t now;
if (difftime(now, _aqualink_data.unactioned.requested) > 2)
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_DEBUG, "Actioning delayed request\n");
//tcdrain(rs_fd); // Make sure buffer has been sent.
//if (_aqconfig_.debug_RSProtocol_packets) stopPacketLogger();
if (! _restart) { // Stop network if we are not restarting
// Reset and close the port.
// Clear webbrowser
if (! _restart) {
// NSF need to run through config memory and clean up.
} else {
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Waiting for process to fininish!\n");
delay(5 * 1000);
LOG(AQUA_LOG,LOG_WARNING, "Restarting!\n");
_keepRunning = true;
_restart = false;
startup(_self, _cfgFile);