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shaun feakes 2fc70a5cdd Bug Fix 2018-07-29 20:27:48 -05:00
extras Simulator Updates 2018-07-29 16:01:30 -05:00
release Bug Fix 2018-07-29 20:27:48 -05:00
web Bug Fix 2018-07-29 20:27:48 -05:00
LICENSE.md first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
Makefile Updates for Salt Water Generator support 2018-06-05 19:18:44 -05:00
README.md New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00
aq_mqtt.h Clean up a few items. 2018-07-20 12:29:13 -05:00
aq_programmer.c Bug Fix 2018-07-29 20:27:48 -05:00
aq_programmer.h Simulator update 2018-07-29 11:32:31 -05:00
aq_serial.c Simulator Updates 2018-07-29 16:01:30 -05:00
aq_serial.h Simulator Updates 2018-07-29 16:01:30 -05:00
aqualink.h New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00
aqualinkd.c Bug Fix 2018-07-29 20:27:48 -05:00
config.c updates to ui 2018-07-25 11:24:10 -05:00
config.h LArge update with new features. 2018-07-15 14:36:19 -05:00
controller.html Simulator Updates 2018-07-29 16:01:30 -05:00
domoticz.h first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
init_buttons.c first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
init_buttons.h first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
json_messages.c New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00
json_messages.h UI Updates 2018-07-22 15:21:40 -05:00
mongoose.c first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
mongoose.h first commit 2017-12-30 14:12:01 -06:00
net_services.c Simulator Updates 2018-07-29 16:01:30 -05:00
net_services.h Fixed domoticz negative temperature messages 2017-12-31 10:37:08 -06:00
serial_logger.c LArge update with new features. 2018-07-15 14:36:19 -05:00
slog.out Update for spa temp & rs485 2018-04-17 19:33:17 -05:00
utils.c New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00
utils.h New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00
version.h New Release 2018-07-29 09:31:35 -05:00



linux daemon to control Aqualink RS pool controllers. Provides web UI, MQTT client & HTTP API endpoints. So you can control your pool equiptment from any phone/tablet or computer, and should work with just about Home control systems, including Apple HomeKit, Samsung, Alexa, Google, etc home hubs.

It does not, and will never provide any layer of security. NEVER directly expose the device running this software to the outside world, only indirectly through the use of Home Automation hub's or other securty measures, e.g. VPNs.

Builtin WEB Interface(s).

Curren web UI, (soon to be deprecated)

New WEB interface

  • The layout & functionality are a from Appple HomeKit interface, only this works in any browser or mobile device.
  • Customizable tile icons & background image. (can hide any tile)
  • Thermostst, SWG & Light tiles have more options (like setting heater setpoint, light mode etc) that can be accessed with a long press
  • Support live background imags (ie poll camera for still image every X seconds)
  • Like the old UI, if you load the web page in a mobile device browser, then save to desktop an app will be created for you.

Other web Interface options

Simple :- (Just another option if you don't default)

Simulator :- (Designed to mimic AqualinkRS6 All Button keypad)

In Apple Home app.

  • (Salt Water Generator is configured as Thermostat as it's the closest homekit accessory type, so °=% and Cooling=Generating)
  • Full support for homekit scenes, so can make a "Spa scene" to turn spa on, set spa heater particular temperature, turn spa blower on, etc etc)

All Web interfaces.

Latest update in Release 1.0c

  • New Simple interface.
  • Start of a RS8 Simulator :-
    • So you can program the AqualinkRS form a web interface and not control panel.
    • Please make sure all other browsers & tabs are not using AqualinkD. it doesn't support multiple devices when in simulator mode.
  • Fixed a few bugs.
  • -- Release 1.0b --
  • NEW WEB UI !!!!!!!!!!!!! (in beta)
  • Flash buttons on/off in homekit for enabeling / disabeling / cooldown period as they do on control panel
  • Full SWG support (setting %, not just reporting current state). Also reports Salt Cell status such as (no flow, low salt, high curent, clean cell, low voltage, water temp low, check PCB)
  • Update to thermostats, colors are now correct in homekit, green=enabeled, orange=heating, blue=cooling (SWG only)
  • Light show program mode should now support most vendors lights.
  • config changes for (spa temp as pool temp / light program mode options / enable homekit button flash)
  • updated to serial_logger.
  • freeze protect, heater temperature & SWG set-points have been added to support for standard HTTP requests (MQTT & WS always had support)

TL;DR Install

  • For new install or update existing install follow the same procedures. Your configuration file will not be overriden, so on an update check you have added new config options to your config, your old config will work, you just may not have the new features enabeled. If you have modified any files in the web directory then you should back them up before upgrading.

Quick instal if you are using Raspberry PI

  • There is a chance the pre-compiled binary will run, copy the git repo and run the install.sh script from the release directory. ie from the install directory sudo ./release/install.sh
  • try to run it with :-
    • sudo aqualinkd -d -c /etc/aqualinkd.conf
    • If it runs, then start configuring it to your setup.
    • If it fails, try making the execuatable, below are some instructions.

Making & Install

  • Depends on a linux computer connected to a USB 2 RS485 adapter, that's connected to your pool controller.
  • Get a copy of the repo using git.
  • run make
  • run sudo make install
  • edit /etc/aqualinkd.conf to your setup
  • Test every works :-
    • sudo aqualinkd -d -c /etc/aqualinkd.conf
    • point a web browser to the IP of the box running aqualinkd
  • If all is good enable as service
    • sudo systemctl start aqualinkd


The install script is designed for systemd / systemctl to run as a service or daemon. If you are using init / init-d then don't run the install script, install manually and the init-d script to use is in the xtras directory. Manual install for init-d systems

  • copy ./release/aqualinkd to /usr/local/bin
  • copy ./release/aqualinkd.conf to /etc
  • copy ./release/aqualinkd.service.avahi to /etc/avahi/services/aqualinkd.service
  • copy ./extras/aqualinkd.init.d to /etc/init-d/aqualink
  • copy recuesivley ./web/* to /var/www/aqualinkd/
  • sudo update-rc.d aqualinkd defaults

New WEB interface (in beta)

  • Doesn't work in MS Edge or MS Exploder browsers. (Firefox, Chrome, Safari & mobile versions of each) all seem to be fine.
  • use http://aqualink.ip.address/hk/ to access new UI
  • look in <install_dir>/web/hk hopefully customizing icon and background images are self explanatory.
  • icons should be around 50x50 pixles and in PNG format, background any size in JPG or just delete the file if you want solid color.
  • edit <install_dir>/web/hk/index.html there are two arrays that can be modified
    • ignore_devices just lis any device you don;t want to see in there.
    • light_program If you have a programable light (and it's configured in aqualinkd.conf), then list the light modes here.

Aqualink Versions tested

This was designed for Jandy Aqualink RS, so should work with AqualinkRS and iAqualink Combo controll panels. At the moment it will not work with Aqualink PDA / AquaPalm and NON Combo iAqualink. Below are varified versions (But should work witn any AqualinkRS) :-

Version Notes
JANDY AquaLinkRS 8157 REV MMM Everything working
Jandy AquaLinkRS 8157 REV JJ Everything working
Jandy AquaLinkRS B0029223 REV T.2 Everything working
Jandy iAqualink E0260801 REV R All working, but sometimes programming is hit 'n miss. This is a combo board iAqualink & AqualinkRS
AquaLink PDA / AquaPalm Not usable, work in progress.

Please post details in issues section if you have one not listed above.


You will need a USB2RS485 adapter connected to your pool equiptmeent RS buss interface. (If you have an inside controller mounted on your wall, this is usually best place, if not the outside control panel is the next best place). Then a computer running linux connected to that USB2RS485 adapter. Code is designed & developed for raspberry pi zero w, so any computer with that as a minimum should work.

Raspberry Pi Zero is the perfect device for this software. But all Raspberry PI's are inherently unstable devices to be running 24/7/365 in default Linux configrations. This is due to the way they use CF card, a power outage will generally cause CF card coruption. My recomendation is to use what's calles a "read only root" installation of Linux. Converting Raspbian to this is quite simple, but will require some Linux knoladge. There are two methods, one uses overlayfs and if you are not knolagable in Linux this is the easiest option. There are a some downsides to this method on a PI, so my prefered method is to simply use tmpfs on it's own without overlayfs ontop, this is easier to setup initially, but will probably require a few custom things to get right as some services will fail. Once you are up and running, You should search this topic, and there are a plenty of resources, and even some scripts the will do everything for you. But below are two links that explain the process.

Good overlayfs tutorial on PI Forums

My prefered way to impliment

I have my own scripts to do this for me, and probably won't ever document or publish them, but thay are very similar to the 2nd link above.

Aqualinkd Configuration

Please see the [aqualinkd.conf] (https://github.com/sfeakes/aqualinkd/blob/master/extras/aqualinkd.conf) example in the release directory. Many things are turned off by default, and you may need to enable or configure them for your setup. Main item to configure is the Aqualink RS485 address so it doesn't conflict with any existing control panels or equiptment. By default it's set to 0x0a which is the second usable address of an allbutton control panel. Included is a serial loging tool that can let you know all information on the RS485 buss, you can use this to find a good address.

make slog    <-- will make the serial logging tool
./release/serial_logger /dev/ttyUSB0    <- is probably all you'll need to run.
--- example output ---
Notice: Logging serial information, please wait!
Notice: ID's found
Notice: ID 0x08 is in use 
Notice: ID 0x60 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x0a is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x0b is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x40 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x41 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x42 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x43 is not used 
<-- snip -->
Notice: ID 0x50 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x58 is not used 
Notice: ID 0x09 is not used  <-- can use for Aqualinkd
Notice: ID 0x88 is in use

Any address listed with Aqualinkd can be used.  This is the `device-id` address in the config file.

Other command like options for serial_ligger are :-
-d        (print out every packet)
-p 1000   (log 1000 packets, default is 200)

Specifically, make sure you configure your MQTT, Pool Equiptment Labels & Domoticz ID's in there, looking at the file it should be self explanatory.

Configuration with home automation hubs



  • Enable MQTT in Domoticz, and install a MQTT broker.
  • Create a virtual device for each piece of pool equiptment you have, eg Filter Pump, Spa Mode, Pool Light, Cleaner.
  • Place the Domoticz IDX for each device in the aqualinkd.conf file under the appropiate button. Then modify each virtual device.

Without MQTT

  • Follow generic hub setup.


Aqualinkd supports generic MQTT implimentations, as well as specific Domoticz one described above. To enable, simply configure the main topic in aqualinkd.conf.

mqtt_aq_topic = aqualinkd

Then status messages will be posted to the sub topics listed below, with appropiate information. Each button uses the standard Aqualink RS controller name, so Aux_1 might be your poool light. Note, all Temperatures will be in C, if you have your pool controler configured to F aqualinkd will automatically do the conversion.

Temperatures simply be a number posted to the topic.

Buttons will be a 1 or 0 for state. 1=on 0=off
aqualinkd/Pool_Heater               (0 off, 1 on and heating)
aqualinkd/Pool_Heater/enabeled      (0 off, 1 on but not heating - water has reached target temp)
aqualinkd/Spa_Heater                (0 off, 1 on and heating )
aqualinkd/Spa_Heater/enabeled       (0 off, 1 but not heating - water has reached target temp)
aqualinkd/SWG                       (0 off, 2 on generating salt)
aqualinkd/SWG/enabeled              (0 off, 2 on but not generating salt - SWG reported no-flow or equiv)

Other Information (Salt Water Generator)
aqualinkd/SWG/Percent/set           (set the SWG percent)
aqualinkd/SWG/Percent_f             (since we use a homekit thermostat for SWG and use degC as %, we need to pass degF for US phone)

To turn something on, or set information, simply add set to the end of the above topics, and post 1 or 0 in the message for a button, or a number for a setpoint. Topics Aqualinkd will act on.

....Aux 2-6.../set

Example that would turn on the filter pump

aqualinkd/Filter_Pump/set 1

All other hubs (excluding Apple HomeKit) Amazon,Samsung,Google etc

Create a device for each piece of pool equiptment you have, eg Filter Pump, Spa Mode, Pool Light, Cleaner. Then add the following URL to program the switching of each device


each button ie command=xxxxx uses the default Aqualink name so valid options are

  • Filter_Pump
  • Spa_Mode
  • Aux_1
  • Aux_2
  • Aux_3
  • Aux_4
  • Aux_5
  • Aux_6
  • Aux_7
  • Pool_Heater
  • Spa_Heater
  • Solar_Heater

To get status than can be passed by any smart hub use the below url, a JSON string with the state of each device and current temprature will be returned.


Apple HomeKit

For the moment, native Homekit support has been removed, it will be added back in the future under a different implimentation. Recomended option for HomeKit support is to make use of the MQTT interface and use HomeKit2MQTT to bridge between Aqualinkd and you Apple (phone/tablet/tv & hub).

  • If you don't already have an MQTT broker Installed, install one. Mosquitto is recomended, this can usually be installed with apt-get

  • Install HomeKit2MQTT. (see webpage for install)

  • Then copy the homekit2mqtt.json configuration file found in the extras directory to your homekit2mqtt storage directory.

  • If you want to run homekit2mqtt as a daemon service, there are files in the extras directory to help you do this.

    • copy [homekit2mqtt.service] to /etc/systemd/system/homekit2mqtt.service
    • copy [homekit2mqtt.defaults] to /etc/defaults/homekit2mqtt
    • create directory /var/lib/homekitmqtt
    • copy homekit2mqtt.json to /var/lib/homekitmqtt
    • edit /etc/defaults/homekit2mqtt to change and homekit2mqtt config parameters.
    • install and start service
      • sudo systemctl enable homekit2mqtt
      • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      • sudo systemctl start homekit2mqtt

You can of course use a myriad of other HomeKit bridges with the URL endpoints listed in the All other hubs section, or MQTT topics listed in the MQTT section. The majority of them (including HomeBridge the most popular) use Node and HAP-Node.JS, neither of which I am a fan of for the RaspberryPI. But HomeKit2MQTT seemed to have the least overhead of them all. So that's why the recomendation.


If you want to log/track water temps within MeteoHub, simple configure it to poll the below URL and water & air tempratures will be sent in a format native to MeteoHub.


t0 will be air temp and t1 water temp.

To use. copy the meteohub-aq-plugin.sh script from the extras directory to your meteohub box, edit the script and use your IP address in the line that makes the URL call, below.

wget -O /dev/stdout 'http://your.ip.address.here/?command=mhstatus' 2>/dev/null

In meteohub create a new weatherstation plug-in, plug-in path is the path to the above sctipt, and his save. 2 new sensors should now show up as thermo in the sensor page.


Non Commercial Project

All non commercial projects can be run using our open source code under GPLv2 licensing. As long as your project remains in this category there is no charge. See License.md for more details.