
163 lines
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Executable File

# aqualinkd.conf
# The directory where the web files are stored
# Log to file, comment out if you do not want to log to file
# Pick the highest level, and all levels below will be sent to syslog.
# your syslog settings may be set to only display messages above a certian level
# in which case make sure you use the log_file settings to capture everything
# you want when debugging
# so, NOTICE also prints WARNING & ERROR
# DEBUG_SERIAL would print everything possible
# The socket port that the daemon listens to
# If you change this from 80, remember to update aqualink.service.avahi
# The serial port the daemon access to read the Aqualink RS8
# If equiptment is in freeze protect mode some commands like pump_off / spa_on are
# ignored. You can force these to work by setting the below.
override_freeze_protect = no
# Confert Deg F to Deg C when posting to Domoticz or MQTT.
convert_mqtt_temp_to_c = yes
convert_dz_temp_to_c = yes
# default is to use pool water temp as spa water temp when spa is off (and there for not able to report water temp)
# enable below to report 0 as the spa temp when spa is off.
# This is for MQTT cnnections only, WEB socket and WEB API always report TEMP_UNKNOWN (-999) allowing the consumer to
# decide how to report.
report_zero_spa_temp = no
# default is to not report changes to pool temp when the filter pump is off or in spa mode
# enable below to report 0 as the pool temp when the filter pump is off or when in spa mode.
# This is for MQTT cnnections only, WEB socket and WEB API always report TEMP_UNKNOWN (-999) allowing the consumer to
# decide how to report.
report_zero_pool_temp = no
# mqtt stuff
#mqtt_address = localhost:1883
#mqtt_user = someusername
#mqtt_passwd = somepassword
#mqtt_dz_pub_topic = domoticz/in
#mqtt_dz_sub_topic = domoticz/out
#mqtt_aq_topic = aqualinkd
# The id of the Aqualink terminal device. Devices probed by RS8 master are:
# 08-0b, 10-13, 18-1b, 20-23, 28-2b, 30-33, 38-3b, 40-43
# Working RS ID's are 0x0a 0x0b 0x09 0x08 <- 0x08 is usually taken
# Please see forum for this, only set to yes when logging information to support
# new devices. Inflrmation will be written to /tmp/RS485.log
#debug_RSProtocol_packets = no
#Only for PDA mode
# set PDA mode
#pda_mode = yes
# Put AqualinkD to sleep when in PDA mode after inactivity.
# If you have Jandy PDA then this MUST be set to yes as the controller can only support one PDA.
# If you don't have a Jandy PDA leave this at no as AqualinkD will be a lot quicker.
# Sleep timer is around 2 mins of inactivity, then wake after 2 mins of sleep.
#pda_sleep_mode = yes
# Read status information from other devices on the RS485 bus.
# At the moment just Salt Water Generators are supported.
read_all_devices = yes
# If you have a SWG connected to the control panel, set this to yes.
# AqualinkD can only detect a SWG if it's on, so after a restart you will not see/access a SWG until the the next time the pump is on.
force_SWG = no
# Button inxed light probramming button is assigned to. (look at your button labels below)
light_programming_button = 0
# Light probramming mode. 0=safe mode, but slow.
# any number greater is seconds to wait between button presses.
# 0.4 seems to be the minimum. (workd for light modes below 10 presses)
# 0.6 seems to work about 95% of the time, but above 20 presses can be hit or miss.
# 0 will simply wait for the controler to send the response back before sending the next, so is equivelent to about 1.2
# Light programming assumes light needs to be on before sending pulse (above setting)
# If the light is off when request is made to change "light show", then the below value are used
# Turn the light off for below time before start programmig puleses.
# Everything below here, if it ends with dzidx, then that's the ID for domoticz,
# so not needed if you are not suing dooticz.
# Domoticz ID's for temps.
# Try to use labels from Control Panel.
# Labels for standard butons (shown in web UI), and domoticz idx's
button_01_label=Filter Pump
#button_01_PDA_label=FILTER PUMP
button_02_label=Spa Mode
button_05_label=Spa Blower
button_06_label=Pool Light
button_07_label=Spa Light
button_10_label=Pool Heater
#button_09_PDA_label=POOL HEAT
button_11_label=Spa Heater
#button_09_PDA_label=SPA HEAT
button_12_label=Solar Heater
#button_09_PDA_label=EXTRA AUX