/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Shaun Feakes - All rights reserved * * You may use redistribute and/or modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this license, * see . * * You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * https://github.com/sfeakes/aqualinkd */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aq_serial.h" #include "utils.h" #include "config.h" #include "packetLogger.h" //#define USE_AQ_SERIAL_OLD #ifndef USE_AQ_SERIAL_OLD // Substansial changes to core component, make sure we can role back easily static struct termios _oldtio; void send_packet(int fd, unsigned char *packet, int length); //unsigned char getProtocolType(unsigned char* packet); /* #ifdef ONETOUCH bool _onetouch_mode = false; void set_onetouch_mode(bool mode) { if (mode) logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD is using Onetouch mode\n"); _onetouch_mode = mode; } bool onetouch_mode() { return _onetouch_mode; } #endif */ bool _pda_mode = false; bool _onetouch_enabled = false; bool _extended_device_id_programming = false; void set_pda_mode(bool mode) { if (mode) logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD is using PDA mode\n"); _pda_mode = mode; } bool pda_mode() { return _pda_mode; } void set_onetouch_enabled(bool mode) { if (mode) logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD is using use ONETOUCH mode for VSP programming\n"); _onetouch_enabled = mode; } bool onetouch_enabled() { return _onetouch_enabled; } bool VSP_enabled() { // At present this is dependant on onetouch. return onetouch_enabled(); } void set_extended_device_id_programming(bool mode) { if (mode) logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD is using use ONETOUCH mode for programming (where supported)\n"); _extended_device_id_programming = mode; } bool extended_device_id_programming() { return _extended_device_id_programming; } const char* get_packet_type(unsigned char* packet , int length) { static char buf[15]; if (length <= 0 ) return ""; switch (packet[PKT_CMD]) { case CMD_ACK: return "Ack"; break; case CMD_STATUS: return "Status"; break; case CMD_MSG: return "Message"; break; case CMD_MSG_LONG: return "Lng Message"; break; case CMD_PROBE: return "Probe"; break; case CMD_GETID: return "GetID"; break; case CMD_PERCENT: return "AR %%"; break; case CMD_PPM: return "AR PPM"; break; case CMD_PDA_0x05: return "PDA Unknown"; break; case CMD_PDA_0x1B: return "PDA Init (*guess*)"; break; case CMD_PDA_HIGHLIGHT: return "PDA Hlight"; break; case CMD_PDA_CLEAR: return "PDA Clear"; break; case CMD_PDA_SHIFTLINES: return "PDA Shiftlines"; break; case CMD_PDA_HIGHLIGHTCHARS: return "PDA HlightChars"; break; case CMD_IAQ_MSG: return "iAq Message"; break; case CMD_IAQ_MENU_MSG: return "iAq Menu"; break; default: sprintf(buf, "Unknown '0x%02hhx'", packet[PKT_CMD]); return buf; break; } } // Generate and return checksum of packet. int generate_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { int i, sum, n; n = length - 3; sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += (int) packet[i]; return(sum & 0x0ff); } bool check_jandy_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { if (generate_checksum(packet, length) == packet[length-3]) return true; return false; } bool check_pentair_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { //printf("check_pentair_checksum \n"); int i, sum, n; n = packet[8] + 9; //n = packet[8] + 8; sum = 0; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { //printf("Sum 0x%02hhx\n",packet[i]); sum += (int) packet[i]; } //printf("Check High 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx\n",packet[n], packet[length-2],((sum >> 8) & 0xFF) ); //printf("Check Low 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx\n",packet[n + 1], packet[length-1], (sum & 0xFF) ); // Check against caculated length if (sum == (packet[length-2] * 256 + packet[length-1])) return true; // Check against actual # length if (sum == (packet[n] * 256 + packet[n+1])) { logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Pentair checksum is accurate but length is not\n"); return true; } return false; } void generate_pentair_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { int i, sum, n; n = packet[8] + 9; //n = packet[8] + 6; sum = 0; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { //printf("Sum 0x%02hhx\n",packet[i]); sum += (int) packet[i]; } packet[n+1] = (unsigned char) (sum & 0xFF); // Low Byte packet[n] = (unsigned char) ((sum >> 8) & 0xFF); // High Byte } protocolType getProtocolType(unsigned char* packet) { if (packet[0] == DLE) return JANDY; else if (packet[0] == PP1) return PENTAIR; return P_UNKNOWN; } /* unsigned char getProtocolType(unsigned char* packet) { if (packet[0] == DLE) return PCOL_JANDY; else if (packet[0] == PP1) return PCOL_PENTAIR; return PCOL_UNKNOWN; } */ #ifndef PLAYBACK_MODE /* Open and Initialize the serial communications port to the Aqualink RS8 device. Arg is tty or port designation string returns the file descriptor */ int init_serial_port(const char* tty) { long BAUD = B9600; long DATABITS = CS8; long STOPBITS = 0; long PARITYON = 0; long PARITY = 0; struct termios newtio; //place for old and new port settings for serial port //int fd = open(tty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); int fd = open(tty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK | O_NDELAY); if (fd < 0) { logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Unable to open port: %s\n", tty); return -1; } logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Openeded serial port %s\n",tty); int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK | O_NDELAY); newtio.c_cc[VMIN]= 0; newtio.c_cc[VTIME]= 1; logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Set serial port %s to non blocking mode\n",tty); tcgetattr(fd, &_oldtio); // save current port settings // set new port settings for canonical input processing newtio.c_cflag = BAUD | DATABITS | STOPBITS | PARITYON | PARITY | CLOCAL | CREAD; newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR; newtio.c_lflag = 0; // ICANON; newtio.c_oflag = 0; tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH); tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Set serial port %s io attributes\n",tty); return fd; } /* close tty port */ void close_serial_port(int fd) { tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &_oldtio); close(fd); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Closed serial port\n"); } // Send an ack packet to the Aqualink RS8 master device. // fd: the file descriptor of the serial port connected to the device // command: the command byte to send to the master device, NUL if no command // // NUL = '\x00' // DLE = '\x10' // STX = '\x02' // ETX = '\x03' // // masterAddr = '\x00' # address of Aqualink controller // //msg = DLE+STX+dest+cmd+args //msg = msg+self.checksum(msg)+DLE+ETX // DLE+STX+DEST+CMD+ARGS+CHECKSUM+DLE+ETX void print_hex(char *pk, int length) { int i=0; for (i=0;i <-- type to from type-> <------------------------------ data ----------------------------------------> */ void send_pentair_command(int fd, unsigned char *packet_buffer, int size) { unsigned char packet[AQ_MAXPKTLEN]; int i=0; packet[0] = NUL; packet[1] = PP1; packet[2] = PP2; packet[3] = PP3; packet[4] = PP4; //packet[i++] = 0x00; // from //packet[i++] = // to for (i=5; i-5 < size; i++) { //printf("added 0x%02hhx at position %d\n",packet_buffer[i-4],i); if (i==6) { // Replace source //packet[i] = 0x00; // Don't replace source packet[i] = packet_buffer[i-5]; } else if (i==9) { // Replace length //packet[i] = 0xFF; packet[i] = (unsigned char)size-5; } else { packet[i] = packet_buffer[i-5]; } //packet[i] = packet_buffer[i-4]; } packet[++i] = NUL; // Checksum packet[++i] = NUL; // Checksum generate_pentair_checksum(&packet[1], i); packet[++i] = NUL; //logPacket(packet, i); send_packet(fd,packet,i); } void send_jandy_command(int fd, unsigned char *packet_buffer, int size) { unsigned char packet[AQ_MAXPKTLEN]; int i=0; packet[0] = NUL; packet[1] = DLE; packet[2] = STX; for (i=3; i-3 < size; i++) { //printf("added 0x%02hhx at position %d\n",packet_buffer[i-2],i); packet[i] = packet_buffer[i-3]; } packet[++i] = DLE; packet[++i] = ETX; packet[++i] = NUL; packet[i-3] = generate_checksum(packet, i); send_packet(fd,packet,++i); } //unsigned char packet_buffer[] = {PCOL_PENTAIR, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x08, 0x0D, 0x55, 0x55, 0x5B, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; //unsigned char packet_buffer[] = {PCOL_JANDY, 0x07, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00}; void send_command(int fd, unsigned char *packet_buffer, int size) { //unsigned char packet[AQ_MAXPKTLEN]; //int i=0; if (packet_buffer[0] == PCOL_JANDY) { //logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Only Jandy protocol supported at present!\n"); send_jandy_command(fd, &packet_buffer[1], size-1); return; } if (packet_buffer[0] == PCOL_PENTAIR) { //logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Only Jandy protocol supported at present!\n"); send_pentair_command(fd, &packet_buffer[1], size-1); return; } } void send_packet(int fd, unsigned char *packet, int length) { int nwrite, i; for (i=0; i= LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL) { // Packet is padded with 0x00, so discard for logging logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Serial write %d bytes\n",length-2); logPacket(&packet[1], length-2); } } void _send_ack(int fd, unsigned char ack_type, unsigned char command) { const int length = 11; // Default null ack with checksum generated, don't mess with it, just over right unsigned char ackPacket[] = { NUL, DLE, STX, DEV_MASTER, CMD_ACK, NUL, NUL, 0x13, DLE, ETX, NUL }; // Update the packet and checksum if command argument is not NUL. if(command != NUL || ack_type != NUL) { //ackPacket[5] = 0x00 normal, 0x03 some pause, 0x01 some pause ending (0x01 = Screen Busy (also return from logn message)) ackPacket[5] = ack_type; ackPacket[6] = command; ackPacket[7] = generate_checksum(ackPacket, length-1); } //printf("***Send ACK (%s) ***\n",(ack_type==ACK_NORMAL?"Normal":(ack_type==ACK_SCREEN_BUSY?"ScreenBusy":"ScreenBusyDisplay")) ); send_packet(fd, ackPacket, length); } void send_ack(int fd, unsigned char command) { _send_ack(fd, ACK_NORMAL, command); } // ack_typ should only be ACK_PDA, ACK_NORMAL, ACK_SCREEN_BUSY, ACK_SCREEN_BUSY_DISPLAY void send_extended_ack(int fd, unsigned char ack_type, unsigned char command) { _send_ack(fd, ack_type, command); } int _get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet, bool rawlog); int get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet) { return _get_packet(fd, packet, false); } int get_packet_lograw(int fd, unsigned char* packet) { return _get_packet(fd, packet, true); } int _get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet, bool rawlog) { unsigned char byte; int bytesRead; int index = 0; bool endOfPacket = false; //bool packetStarted = FALSE; bool lastByteDLE = false; int retry = 0; bool jandyPacketStarted = false; bool pentairPacketStarted = false; //bool lastByteDLE = false; int PentairPreCnt = 0; int PentairDataCnt = -1; // Read packet in byte order below // DLE STX ........ ETX DLE // sometimes we get ETX DLE and no start, so for now just ignoring that. Seem to be more applicable when busy RS485 traffic while (!endOfPacket) { bytesRead = read(fd, &byte, 1); //if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && packetStarted == FALSE && lastByteDLE == FALSE) { if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && jandyPacketStarted == false && pentairPacketStarted == false && lastByteDLE == false) { // We just have nothing to read return 0; } else if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) { // If we are in the middle of reading a packet, keep going if (retry > 20) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read timeout\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); logPacketError(packet, index); return 0; } retry++; delay(10); #ifdef TESTING } else if (bytesRead == 0 && jandyPacketStarted == false && pentairPacketStarted == false) { // Probably set port to /dev/null for testing. //printf("Read loop return\n"); return 0; #endif } else if (bytesRead == 1) { if (rawlog) logPacketByte(&byte); if (lastByteDLE == true && byte == NUL) { // Check for DLE | NULL (that's escape DLE so delete the NULL) //printf("IGNORE THIS PACKET\n"); lastByteDLE = false; } else if (lastByteDLE == true) { if (index == 0) index++; packet[index] = byte; index++; if (byte == STX && jandyPacketStarted == false) { jandyPacketStarted = true; pentairPacketStarted = false; } else if (byte == ETX && jandyPacketStarted == true) { endOfPacket = true; } } else if (jandyPacketStarted || pentairPacketStarted) { packet[index] = byte; index++; if (pentairPacketStarted == true && index == 9) { //printf("Read 0x%02hhx %d pentair\n", byte, byte); PentairDataCnt = byte; } if (PentairDataCnt >= 0 && index - 11 >= PentairDataCnt && pentairPacketStarted == true) { endOfPacket = true; PentairPreCnt = -1; } } else if (byte == DLE && jandyPacketStarted == false) { packet[index] = byte; } // // reset index incase we have EOP before start if (jandyPacketStarted == false && pentairPacketStarted == false) { index = 0; } if (byte == DLE && pentairPacketStarted == false) { lastByteDLE = true; PentairPreCnt = -1; } else { lastByteDLE = false; if (byte == PP1 && PentairPreCnt == 0) PentairPreCnt = 1; else if (byte == PP2 && PentairPreCnt == 1) PentairPreCnt = 2; else if (byte == PP3 && PentairPreCnt == 2) PentairPreCnt = 3; else if (byte == PP4 && PentairPreCnt == 3) { pentairPacketStarted = true; jandyPacketStarted = false; PentairDataCnt = -1; packet[0] = PP1; packet[1] = PP2; packet[2] = PP3; packet[3] = byte; index = 4; } else if (byte != PP1) // Don't reset counter if multiple PP1's PentairPreCnt = 0; } } else if(bytesRead < 0) { // Got a read error. Wait one millisecond for the next byte to // arrive. logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Read error: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); if(errno == 9) { // Bad file descriptor. Port has been disconnected for some reason. // Return a -1. return -1; } delay(100); } // Break out of the loop if we exceed maximum packet // length. if (index >= AQ_MAXPKTLEN) { logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial packet too large\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; break; } } //logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Serial checksum, length %d got 0x%02hhx expected 0x%02hhx\n", index, packet[index-3], generate_checksum(packet, index)); if (jandyPacketStarted) { if (check_jandy_checksum(packet, index) != true){ logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Jandy checksum, ignoring\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } } else if (pentairPacketStarted) { if (check_pentair_checksum(packet, index) != true){ logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Pentair checksum, ignoring\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } } /* if (generate_checksum(packet, index) != packet[index-3]){ logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad checksum, ignoring\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } else*/ if (index < AQ_MINPKTLEN && (jandyPacketStarted || pentairPacketStarted) ) { //NSF. Sometimes we get END sequence only, so just ignore. logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read too small\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Serial read %d bytes\n",index); logPacket(packet, index); // Return the packet length. return index; } #else // PLAYBACKMODE #endif #else //USE_AQ_SERIAL_OLD //#define BLOCKING_MODE static struct termios _oldtio; //static struct aqconfig *_config_parameters; //static struct aqconfig *_aqualink_config; bool _pda_mode = false; void set_pda_mode(bool mode) { if (mode) logMessage(LOG_NOTICE, "AqualinkD is using PDA mode\n"); _pda_mode = mode; } bool pda_mode() { return _pda_mode; } void log_packet(int level, char *init_str, unsigned char* packet, int length) { if ( getLogLevel() < level) { //logMessage(LOG_INFO, "Send '0x%02hhx'|'0x%02hhx' to controller\n", packet[5] ,packet[6]); return; } int cnt; int i; char buff[MAXLEN * 2]; cnt = sprintf(buff, "%s", init_str); cnt += sprintf(buff+cnt, " | %8.8s",getProtocolType(packet)==JANDY?"Jandy":"Pentair"); cnt += sprintf(buff+cnt, " | HEX: "); //printHex(packet_buffer, packet_length); for (i=0;i= LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, "Sent %8.8s ", get_packet_type(ackPacket+1 , length)); log_packet(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, buf, ackPacket, length); } } void send_messaged(int fd, unsigned char destination, char *message) { const unsigned int length = 24; unsigned int i; //unsigned char ackPacket[] = { NUL, DLE, STX, DEV_MASTER, CMD_ACK, NUL, NUL, 0x13, DLE, ETX, NUL }; unsigned char msgPacket[] = { DLE,STX,DEV_MASTER,CMD_MSG,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,NUL,DLE,ETX }; //unsigned char ackPacket[] = { NUL, DLE, STX, DEV_MASTER, NUL, NUL, NUL, 0x13, DLE, ETX, NUL }; // Update the packet and checksum if command argument is not NUL. msgPacket[2] = destination; for (i=0; i < strlen(message) && i < AQ_MSGLEN; i++) msgPacket[4+i] = message[i]; msgPacket[length-3] = generate_checksum(msgPacket, length-1); #ifdef BLOCKING_MODE write(fd, msgPacket, length); #else int nwrite; for (i=0; i 20) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read timeout\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } retry++; delay(10); } else if (bytesRead == 1) { //printf("Byte 0x%02hhx\n",byte); if (lastByteDLE==TRUE && byte == NUL) { // Check for DLE | NULL (that's escape DLE so delete the NULL) //printf("IGNORE THIS PACKET\n"); lastByteDLE = FALSE; } else if (lastByteDLE==TRUE) { if (index == 0) index++; packet[index] = byte; index++; if (byte == STX && packetStarted == FALSE) { packetStarted = TRUE; } else if (byte == ETX && packetStarted == TRUE) { endOfPacket = TRUE; } } else if (packetStarted) { packet[index] = byte; index++; } else if (byte == DLE && packetStarted == FALSE) { packet[index] = byte; } // // reset index incase we have EOP before start if (packetStarted == FALSE) index=0; if (byte == DLE) { lastByteDLE = TRUE; } else { lastByteDLE = FALSE; } } else if(bytesRead < 0) { // Got a read error. Wait one millisecond for the next byte to // arrive. logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Read error: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); if(errno == 9) { // Bad file descriptor. Port has been disconnected for some reason. // Return a -1. return -1; } delay(100); } // Break out of the loop if we exceed maximum packet // length. if (index >= AQ_MAXPKTLEN) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial packet too large\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; break; } } //logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Serial checksum, length %d got 0x%02hhx expected 0x%02hhx\n", index, packet[index-3], generate_checksum(packet, index)); if (generate_checksum(packet, index) != packet[index-3]){ logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad checksum, ignoring\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } else if (index < AQ_MINPKTLEN && packetStarted) { //NSF. Sometimes we get END sequence only, so just ignore. //} else if (index < AQ_MINPKTLEN) { //NSF. Sometimes we get END sequence only, so just ignore. logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read too small\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Serial read %d bytes\n",index); // Return the packet length. return index; } bool check_jandy_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { if (generate_checksum(packet, length) == packet[length-3]) return true; return false; } bool check_pentair_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { //printf("check_pentair_checksum \n"); int i, sum, n; n = packet[8] + 9; //n = packet[8] + 8; sum = 0; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { //printf("Sum 0x%02hhx\n",packet[i]); sum += (int) packet[i]; } //printf("Check High 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx\n",packet[n], packet[length-2],((sum >> 8) & 0xFF) ); //printf("Check Low 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx = 0x%02hhx\n",packet[n + 1], packet[length-1], (sum & 0xFF) ); // Check against caculated length if (sum == (packet[length-2] * 256 + packet[length-1])) return true; // Check against actual # length if (sum == (packet[n] * 256 + packet[n+1])) { //logMessage(LOG_ERR, "Pentair checksum is accurate but length is not\n"); return true; } return false; } /* bool check_pentair_checksum_old(unsigned char* packet, int length) { int i, sum, n; n = packet[8] + 9; sum = 0; for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { sum += (int) packet[i]; } if (sum == (packet[length-2] * 256 + packet[length-1])) return true; return false; } */ int _get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet, bool rawlog); int get_packet_new_lograw(int fd, unsigned char* packet) { return _get_packet(fd, packet, true); } int get_packet_new(int fd, unsigned char* packet) { return _get_packet(fd, packet, false); } int _get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet, bool rawlog) { unsigned char byte; int bytesRead; int index = 0; bool endOfPacket = false; //bool packetStarted = FALSE; bool lastByteDLE = false; int retry = 0; bool jandyPacketStarted = false; bool pentairPacketStarted = false; //bool lastByteDLE = false; int PentairPreCnt = 0; int PentairDataCnt = -1; // Read packet in byte order below // DLE STX ........ ETX DLE // sometimes we get ETX DLE and no start, so for now just ignoring that. Seem to be more applicable when busy RS485 traffic while (!endOfPacket) { bytesRead = read(fd, &byte, 1); //if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && packetStarted == FALSE && lastByteDLE == FALSE) { if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && jandyPacketStarted == false && pentairPacketStarted == false && lastByteDLE == false) { // We just have nothing to read return 0; } else if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) { // If we are in the middle of reading a packet, keep going if (retry > 20) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read timeout\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } retry++; delay(10); } else if (bytesRead == 1) { if (rawlog) logPacketByte(&byte); if (lastByteDLE == true && byte == NUL) { // Check for DLE | NULL (that's escape DLE so delete the NULL) //printf("IGNORE THIS PACKET\n"); lastByteDLE = false; } else if (lastByteDLE == true) { if (index == 0) index++; packet[index] = byte; index++; if (byte == STX && jandyPacketStarted == false) { jandyPacketStarted = true; pentairPacketStarted = false; } else if (byte == ETX && jandyPacketStarted == true) { endOfPacket = true; } } else if (jandyPacketStarted || pentairPacketStarted) { packet[index] = byte; index++; if (pentairPacketStarted == true && index == 9) { //printf("Read 0x%02hhx %d pentair\n", byte, byte); PentairDataCnt = byte; } if (PentairDataCnt >= 0 && index - 11 >= PentairDataCnt && pentairPacketStarted == true) { endOfPacket = true; PentairPreCnt = -1; } } else if (byte == DLE && jandyPacketStarted == false) { packet[index] = byte; } // // reset index incase we have EOP before start if (jandyPacketStarted == false && pentairPacketStarted == false) { index = 0; } if (byte == DLE && pentairPacketStarted == false) { lastByteDLE = true; PentairPreCnt = -1; } else { lastByteDLE = false; if (byte == PP1 && PentairPreCnt == 0) PentairPreCnt = 1; else if (byte == PP2 && PentairPreCnt == 1) PentairPreCnt = 2; else if (byte == PP3 && PentairPreCnt == 2) PentairPreCnt = 3; else if (byte == PP4 && PentairPreCnt == 3) { pentairPacketStarted = true; jandyPacketStarted = false; PentairDataCnt = -1; packet[0] = PP1; packet[1] = PP2; packet[2] = PP3; packet[3] = byte; index = 4; } else if (byte != PP1) // Don't reset counter if multiple PP1's PentairPreCnt = 0; } } else if(bytesRead < 0) { // Got a read error. Wait one millisecond for the next byte to // arrive. logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Read error: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); if(errno == 9) { // Bad file descriptor. Port has been disconnected for some reason. // Return a -1. return -1; } delay(100); } // Break out of the loop if we exceed maximum packet // length. if (index >= AQ_MAXPKTLEN) { logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial packet too large\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; break; } } //logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "Serial checksum, length %d got 0x%02hhx expected 0x%02hhx\n", index, packet[index-3], generate_checksum(packet, index)); if (jandyPacketStarted) { if (check_jandy_checksum(packet, index) != true){ logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Jandy checksum, ignoring\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } } else if (pentairPacketStarted) { if (check_pentair_checksum(packet, index) != true){ logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Pentair checksum, ignoring\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } } /* if (generate_checksum(packet, index) != packet[index-3]){ logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad checksum, ignoring\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } else*/ if (index < AQ_MINPKTLEN && (jandyPacketStarted || pentairPacketStarted) ) { //NSF. Sometimes we get END sequence only, so just ignore. logPacketError(packet, index); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read too small\n"); //log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Serial read %d bytes\n",index); logPacket(packet, index); // Return the packet length. return index; } #else // PLAYBACK_MODE #include FILE *_fp; bool check_pentair_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length) { int i, sum, n; n = packet[8] + 9; sum = 0; //printf("Pentair "); for (i = 3; i < n; i++) { sum += (int) packet[i]; //printf("+ (0x%02hhx) %d = %d ",packet[i],(int)packet[i],sum); } //printf("\nPentair checksum %d = %d (0x%02hhx) (0x%02hhx)\n",sum, (packet[length-1] * 256 + packet[length]),packet[length-1],packet[length]); if (sum == (packet[length-1] * 256 + packet[length])) return true; return false; } int init_serial_port(char* file) { _fp = fopen ( file, "r" ); if ( _fp == NULL ) { perror ( file ); /* why didn't the file open? */ return -1; } return 0; } void close_serial_port(int fd) { fclose(_fp); } int get_packet_new(int fd, unsigned char* packet_buffer) { return get_packet(fd, packet_buffer); } int get_packet(int fd, unsigned char* packet_buffer) { int packet_length = 0; char line[256]; char hex[6]; int i; if ( fgets ( line, sizeof line, _fp ) != NULL ) /* read a line */ { packet_length=0; for (i=0; i < strlen(line); i=i+5) { strncpy(hex, &line[i], 4); hex[5] = '\0'; packet_buffer[packet_length] = (int)strtol(hex, NULL, 16); //printf("%s = 0x%02hhx = %c\n", hex, packet_buffer[packet_length], packet_buffer[packet_length]); packet_length++; } packet_length--; logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "PLAYBACK read %d bytes\n",packet_length); //printf("To 0x%02hhx, type %15.15s, length %2.2d ", packet_buffer[PKT_DEST], get_packet_type(packet_buffer, packet_length),packet_length); //fputs ( line, stdout ); if (getProtocolType(packet_buffer)==JANDY) { if (generate_checksum(packet_buffer, packet_length) != packet_buffer[packet_length-3]) { logPacketError(packet_buffer, packet_length); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Jandy checksum, ignoring\n"); } else logPacket(packet_buffer, packet_length); } else { //check_pentair_checksum(packet_buffer, packet_length); //check_pentair_checksum(packet_buffer, packet_length-1); //check_pentair_checksum(packet_buffer, packet_length+1); if (check_pentair_checksum(packet_buffer, packet_length-1) != true) { logPacketError(packet_buffer, packet_length); logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad Pentair checksum, ignoring\n"); } else logPacket(packet_buffer, packet_length); } return packet_length; } return 0; } void send_extended_ack(int fd, unsigned char ack_type, unsigned char command) {} void send_ack(int fd, unsigned char command) {} void send_messaged(int fd, unsigned char destination, char *message) {} void send_command(int fd, unsigned char destination, unsigned char b1, unsigned char b2, unsigned char b3) {} #endif // PLAYBACK_MODE // Reads the bytes of the next incoming packet, and // returns when a good packet is available in packet // fd: the file descriptor to read the bytes from // packet: the unsigned char buffer to store the bytes in // returns the length of the packet int get_packet_old(int fd, unsigned char* packet) { unsigned char byte; int bytesRead; int index = 0; int endOfPacket = FALSE; int packetStarted = FALSE; int foundDLE = FALSE; bool started = FALSE; int retry=0; while (!endOfPacket) { //printf("Read loop %d\n",++i); bytesRead = read(fd, &byte, 1); if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && started == FALSE) { // We just have nothing to read return 0; } else if (bytesRead < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) { // If we are in the middle of reading a packet, keep going if (retry > 20) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read timeout\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } retry++; delay(10); } else if (bytesRead == 1) { started = TRUE; //if (bytesRead == 1) { if (byte == DLE) { // Found a DLE byte. Set the flag, and record the byte. foundDLE = TRUE; packet[index] = byte; } else if (byte == STX && foundDLE == TRUE) { // Found the DLE STX byte sequence. Start of packet detected. // Reset the DLE flag, and record the byte. foundDLE = FALSE; packetStarted = TRUE; packet[index] = byte; } else if (byte == NUL && foundDLE == TRUE) { // Found the DLE NUL byte sequence. Detected a delimited data byte. // Reset the DLE flag, and decrement the packet index to offset the // index increment at the end of the loop. The delimiter, [NUL], byte // is not recorded. foundDLE = FALSE; //trimmed = true; index--; } else if (byte == ETX && foundDLE == TRUE) { // Found the DLE ETX byte sequence. End of packet detected. // Reset the DLE flag, set the end of packet flag, and record // the byte. foundDLE = FALSE; packetStarted = FALSE; endOfPacket = TRUE; packet[index] = byte; } else if (packetStarted == TRUE) { // Found a data byte. Reset the DLE flag just in case it is set // to prevent anomalous detections, and record the byte. foundDLE = FALSE; packet[index] = byte; } else { // Found an extraneous byte. Probably a NUL between packets. // Ignore it, and decrement the packet index to offset the // index increment at the end of the loop. index--; } // Finished processing the byte. Increment the packet index for the // next byte. index++; // Break out of the loop if we exceed maximum packet // length. if (index >= AQ_MAXPKTLEN) { break; } } else if(bytesRead < 0) { // Got a read error. Wait one millisecond for the next byte to // arrive. logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Read error: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); if(errno == 9) { // Bad file descriptor. Port has been disconnected for some reason. // Return a -1. return -1; } delay(100); } } if (generate_checksum(packet, index) != packet[index-3]){ logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read bad checksum, ignoring\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } else if (index < AQ_MINPKTLEN) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "Serial read too small\n"); log_packet(LOG_WARNING, "Bad receive packet ", packet, index); return 0; } //if (_config_parameters.debug_RSProtocol_packets || getLogLevel() >= LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL) // logPacket(packet_buffer, packet_length); logMessage(LOG_DEBUG_SERIAL, "Serial read %d bytes\n",index); // Return the packet length. return index; } #endif // USE_OLD