#ifndef AQ_SERIAL_H_ #define AQ_SERIAL_H_ #include // packet offsets #define PKT_DEST 2 #define PKT_CMD 3 #define PKT_DATA 4 #define PKT_STATUS_BYTES 5 #define DEV_MASTER 0x00 #define SWG_DEV_ID 0x50 // PACKET DEFINES #define NUL 0x00 #define DLE 0x10 #define STX 0x02 #define ETX 0x03 #define AQ_MINPKTLEN 5 #define AQ_MAXPKTLEN 64 #define AQ_PSTLEN 5 #define AQ_MSGLEN 16 #define AQ_MSGLONGLEN 128 #define AQ_TADLEN 13 /* COMMANDS */ #define CMD_PROBE 0x00 #define CMD_ACK 0x01 #define CMD_STATUS 0x02 #define CMD_MSG 0x03 #define CMD_MSG_LONG 0x04 /* ACK RETURN COMMANDS */ #define ACK_NORMAL 0x00 #define ACK_SCREEN_BUSY 0x01 // Seems to be busy but can cache a message, #define ACK_SCREEN_BUSY_BLOCK 0x03 // Seems to be don't send me shit. /* AquaRite commands */ #define CMD_GETID 0x14 // May be remote control control #define CMD_PERCENT 0x11 // Set Percent #define CMD_PPM 0x16 // Received PPM /* PDA KEY CODES */ // Just plating at the moment #define KEY_PDA_UP 0x06 #define KEY_PDA_DOWN 0x05 #define KEY_PDA_BACK 0x02 #define KEY_PDA_SELECT 0x04 #define KEY_PDA_PGUP 0x05 #define KEY_PDA_PGDN 0x05 /* KEY/BUTTON CODES */ #define KEY_PUMP 0x02 #define KEY_SPA 0x01 #define KEY_AUX1 0x05 #define KEY_AUX2 0x0a #define KEY_AUX3 0x0f #define KEY_AUX4 0x06 #define KEY_AUX5 0x0b #define KEY_AUX6 0x10 #define KEY_AUX7 0x15 #define KEY_POOL_HTR 0x12 #define KEY_SPA_HTR 0x17 #define KEY_SOLAR_HTR 0x1c #define KEY_MENU 0x09 #define KEY_CANCEL 0x0e #define KEY_LEFT 0x13 #define KEY_RIGHT 0x18 #define KEY_HOLD 0x19 #define KEY_OVERRIDE 0x1e #define KEY_ENTER 0x1d #define BTN_PUMP "Filter_Pump" #define BTN_SPA "Spa_Mode" #define BTN_AUX1 "Aux_1" #define BTN_AUX2 "Aux_2" #define BTN_AUX3 "Aux_3" #define BTN_AUX4 "Aux_4" #define BTN_AUX5 "Aux_5" #define BTN_AUX6 "Aux_6" #define BTN_AUX7 "Aux_7" #define BTN_POOL_HTR "Pool_Heater" #define BTN_SPA_HTR "Spa_Heater" #define BTN_SOLAR_HTR "Solar_Heater" #define BUTTON_LABEL_LENGTH 20 #define TOTAL_LEDS 20 // Index starting at 1 #define POOL_HTR_LED_INDEX 15 #define SPA_HTR_LED_INDEX 17 #define SOLAR_HTR_LED_INDEX 19 #define LNG_MSG_SERVICE_ACTIVE "SERVICE MODE IS ACTIVE" #define LNG_MSG_POOL_TEMP_SET "POOL TEMP IS SET TO" #define LNG_MSG_SPA_TEMP_SET "SPA TEMP IS SET TO" #define LNG_MSG_FREEZE_PROTECTION_SET "FREEZE PROTECTION IS SET TO" #define LNG_MSG_CLEANER_DELAY "CLEANER WILL TURN ON AFTER SAFETY DELAY" #define LNG_MSG_BATTERY_LOW "BATTERY LOW" #define MSG_AIR_TEMP "AIR TEMP" #define MSG_POOL_TEMP "POOL TEMP" #define MSG_SPA_TEMP "SPA TEMP" #define MSG_AIR_TEMP_LEN 8 #define MSG_POOL_TEMP_LEN 9 #define MSG_SPA_TEMP_LEN 8 #define MSG_SWG_PCT "AQUAPURE" // AquaPure 55% #define MSG_SWG_PPM "SALT" // Salt 3000 PPM #define MSG_SWG_PCT_LEN 8 #define MSG_SWG_PPM_LEN 4 /* AQUAPURE SWG */ // These are madeup. #define SWG_STATUS_OFF 0xFF #define SWG_STATUS_UNKNOWN -128 // These are actual from RS485 #define SWG_STATUS_ON 0x00 #define SWG_STATUS_NO_FLOW 0x01 // no flow 0x01 #define SWG_STATUS_LOW_SALT 0x02 // low salt 0x02 #define SWG_STATUS_VLOW_SALT 0x04 // very low salt 0x04 #define SWG_STATUS_HIGH_CURRENT 0x08 // high current 0x08 #define SWG_STATUS_TURNING_OFF 0x09 // turning off 0x09 #define SWG_STATUS_CLEAN_CELL 0x10 // clean cell 0x10 #define SWG_STATUS_LOW_VOLTS 0x20 // low voltage 0x20 #define SWG_STATUS_LOW_TEMP 0x40 // low watertemp 0x40 #define SWG_STATUS_CHECK_PCB 0x80 // check PCB 0x80 typedef enum { ON, OFF, FLASH, ENABLE, LED_S_UNKNOWN } aqledstate; typedef struct aqualinkled { //int number; aqledstate state; } aqled; // Battery Status Identifiers enum { OK = 0, LOW }; int init_serial_port(char* tty); void close_serial_port(int file_descriptor); int generate_checksum(unsigned char* packet, int length); void send_ack(int file_descriptor, unsigned char command); void send_extended_ack(int fd, unsigned char ack_type, unsigned char command); //void send_cmd(int file_descriptor, unsigned char cmd, unsigned char args); int get_packet(int file_descriptor, unsigned char* packet); //void close_serial_port(int file_descriptor, struct termios* oldtio); //void process_status(void const * const ptr); void process_status(unsigned char* ptr); const char* get_packet_type(unsigned char* packet , int length); void send_test_cmd(int fd, unsigned char destination, unsigned char b1, unsigned char b2, unsigned char b3); void send_command(int fd, unsigned char destination, unsigned char b1, unsigned char b2, unsigned char b3); void send_messaged(int fd, unsigned char destination, char *message); #endif // AQ_SERIAL_H_