/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Shaun Feakes - All rights reserved * * You may use redistribute and/or modify this code under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this license, * see . * * You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * https://github.com/sfeakes/aqualinkd */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "aqualink.h" #include "config.h" //#include "aq_programmer.h" #include "utils.h" //#include "web_server.h" #include "json_messages.h" #include "domoticz.h" //#define test_message "{\"type\": \"status\",\"version\": \"8157 REV MMM\",\"date\": \"09/01/16 THU\",\"time\": \"1:16 PM\",\"temp_units\": \"F\",\"air_temp\": \"96\",\"pool_temp\": \"86\",\"spa_temp\": \" \",\"battery\": \"ok\",\"pool_htr_set_pnt\": \"85\",\"spa_htr_set_pnt\": \"99\",\"freeze_protection\": \"off\",\"frz_protect_set_pnt\": \"0\",\"leds\": {\"pump\": \"on\",\"spa\": \"off\",\"aux1\": \"off\",\"aux2\": \"off\",\"aux3\": \"off\",\"aux4\": \"off\",\"aux5\": \"off\",\"aux6\": \"off\",\"aux7\": \"off\",\"pool_heater\": \"off\",\"spa_heater\": \"off\",\"solar_heater\": \"off\"}}" //#define test_labels "{\"type\": \"aux_labels\",\"aux1_label\": \"Cleaner\",\"aux2_label\": \"Waterfall\",\"aux3_label\": \"Spa Blower\",\"aux4_label\": \"Pool Light\",\"aux5_label\": \"Spa Light\",\"aux6_label\": \"Unassigned\",\"aux7_label\": \"Unassigned\"}" //#define test_message "{\"type\": \"status\",\"version\":\"xx\",\"time\":\"xx\",\"air_temp\":\"0\",\"pool_temp\":\"0\",\"spa_temp\":\"0\",\"pool_htr_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"spa_htr_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"frz_protect_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"temp_units\":\"f\",\"battery\":\"ok\",\"leds\":{\"Filter_Pump\": \"on\",\"Spa_Mode\": \"on\",\"Aux_1\": \"on\",\"Aux_2\": \"on\",\"Aux_3\": \"on\",\"Aux_4\": \"on\",\"Aux_5\": \"on\",\"Aux_6\": \"on\",\"Aux_7\": \"on\",\"Pool_Heater\": \"on\",\"Spa_Heater\": \"on\",\"Solar_Heater\": \"on\"}}" //{"type": "aux_labels","Pool Pump": "Pool Pump","Spa Mode": "Spa Mode","Cleaner": "Aux 1","Waterfall": "Aux 2","Spa Blower": "Aux 2","Pool Light": "Aux 4","Spa Light ": "Aux 5","Aux 6": "Aux 6","Aux 7": "Aux 7","Heater": "Heater","Heater": "Heater","Solar Heater": "Solar Heater","(null)": "(null)"} const char* getStatus(struct aqualinkdata *aqdata) { if (aqdata->active_thread.thread_id != 0) { return JSON_PROGRAMMING; } if (aqdata->last_message != NULL && strstr(aqdata->last_message, "SERVICE") != NULL ) { return JSON_SERVICE; } return JSON_READY; } int build_mqtt_status_JSON(char* buffer, int size, int idx, int nvalue, float tvalue/*char *svalue*/) { memset(&buffer[0], 0, size); int length = 0; if (tvalue == TEMP_UNKNOWN) { length = sprintf(buffer, "{\"idx\":%d,\"nvalue\":%d,\"svalue\":\"\"}", idx, nvalue); } else { length = sprintf(buffer, "{\"idx\":%d,\"nvalue\":%d,\"stype\":\"SetPoint\",\"svalue\":\"%.2f\"}", idx, nvalue, tvalue); } buffer[length] = '\0'; return strlen(buffer); } int build_aqualink_error_status_JSON(char* buffer, int size, char *msg) { //return snprintf(buffer, size, "{\"type\": \"error\",\"status\":\"%s\"}", msg); return snprintf(buffer, size, "{\"type\": \"status\",\"status\":\"%s\",\"version\":\"xx\",\"time\":\"xx\",\"air_temp\":\"0\",\"pool_temp\":\"0\",\"spa_temp\":\"0\",\"pool_htr_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"spa_htr_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"frz_protect_set_pnt\":\"0\",\"temp_units\":\"f\",\"battery\":\"ok\",\"leds\":{\"Filter_Pump\": \"off\",\"Spa_Mode\": \"off\",\"Aux_1\": \"off\",\"Aux_2\": \"off\",\"Aux_3\": \"off\",\"Aux_4\": \"off\",\"Aux_5\": \"off\",\"Aux_6\": \"off\",\"Aux_7\": \"off\",\"Pool_Heater\": \"off\",\"Spa_Heater\": \"off\",\"Solar_Heater\": \"off\"}}", msg); } int build_aqualink_status_JSON(struct aqualinkdata *aqdata, char* buffer, int size) { //strncpy(buffer, test_message, strlen(test_message)+1); //return strlen(test_message); //char buffer2[600]; memset(&buffer[0], 0, size); int length = 0; int i; length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\": \"status\""); length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"status\":\"%s\"",getStatus(aqdata) ); //length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"message\":\"%s\"",aqdata->message ); length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"version\":\"%s\"",aqdata->version );//8157 REV MMM", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"date\":\"%s\"",aqdata->date );//"09/01/16 THU", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"time\":\"%s\"",aqdata->time );//"1:16 PM", //length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"air_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->air_temp );//"96", //length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"pool_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->pool_temp );//"86", //length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"spa_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->spa_temp );//" ", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"pool_htr_set_pnt\":\"%d\"",aqdata->pool_htr_set_point );//"85", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"spa_htr_set_pnt\":\"%d\"",aqdata->spa_htr_set_point );//"99", //length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"freeze_protection":\"%s\"",aqdata->frz_protect_set_point );//"off", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"frz_protect_set_pnt\":\"%d\"",aqdata->frz_protect_set_point );//"0", if ( aqdata->air_temp == TEMP_UNKNOWN ) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"air_temp\":\" \""); else length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"air_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->air_temp ); if ( aqdata->pool_temp == TEMP_UNKNOWN ) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"pool_temp\":\" \""); else length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"pool_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->pool_temp ); if ( aqdata->spa_temp == TEMP_UNKNOWN ) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"spa_temp\":\" \""); else length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"spa_temp\":\"%d\"",aqdata->spa_temp ); if ( aqdata->temp_units == FAHRENHEIT ) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"temp_units\":\"%s\"",JSON_FAHRENHEIT ); else if ( aqdata->temp_units == CELSIUS ) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"temp_units\":\"%s\"", JSON_CELSIUS); else length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"temp_units\":\"%s\"",JSON_UNKNOWN ); if (aqdata->battery == OK) length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"battery\":\"%s\"",JSON_OK );//"ok", else length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"battery\":\"%s\"",JSON_LOW );//"ok", length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"leds\":{" ); for (i=0; i < TOTAL_BUTTONS; i++) { char *state; switch (aqdata->aqbuttons[i].led->state) { case ON: state = JSON_ON; break; case OFF: case LED_S_UNKNOWN: state = JSON_OFF; break; case FLASH: state = JSON_FLASH; break; case ENABLE: state = JSON_ENABLED; break; } length += sprintf(buffer+length, "\"%s\": \"%s\"", aqdata->aqbuttons[i].name, state); if (i+1 < TOTAL_BUTTONS) length += sprintf(buffer+length, "," ); } length += sprintf(buffer+length, "}}" ); buffer[length] = '\0'; /* buffer[length] = '\0'; strncpy(buffer2, test_message, strlen(test_message)+1); for (i=0; i < strlen(buffer); i++) { logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "buffer[%d] = '%c' | '%c'\n",i,buffer[i],buffer2[i]); } logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "JSON Size %d\n",strlen(buffer)); printf("%s\n",buffer); for (i=strlen(buffer); i > strlen(buffer)-10; i--) { logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "buffer[%d] = '%c'\n",i,buffer[i]); } for (i=10; i >= 0; i--) { logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "buffer[%d] = '%c'\n",i,buffer[i]); } //return length-1; logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "JSON Size %d\n",strlen(buffer2)); printf("%s\n",buffer2); for (i=strlen(buffer2); i > strlen(buffer2)-10; i--) { logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "buffer[%d] = '%c'\n",i,buffer2[i]); } for (i=10; i >= 0; i--) { logMessage (LOG_DEBUG, "buffer[%d] = '%c'\n",i,buffer2[i]); } //return strlen(test_message); */ //printf("Buffer = %d, JSON = %d",size ,strlen(buffer)); return strlen(buffer); } int build_aux_labels_JSON(struct aqualinkdata *aqdata, char* buffer, int size) { memset(&buffer[0], 0, size); int length = 0; int i; length += sprintf(buffer+length, "{\"type\": \"aux_labels\""); for (i=0; i < TOTAL_BUTTONS; i++) { length += sprintf(buffer+length, ",\"%s\": \"%s\"", aqdata->aqbuttons[i].name, aqdata->aqbuttons[i].label); } length += sprintf(buffer+length, "}"); return length; //printf("%s\n",buffer); //return strlen(buffer); } // WS Received '{"parameter":"SPA_HTR","value":99}' // WS Received '{"command":"KEY_HTR_POOL"}' // WS Received '{"command":"GET_AUX_LABELS"}' bool parseJSONwebrequest(char *buffer, struct JSONwebrequest *request) { int i=0; int found=0; bool reading = false; request->first.key = NULL; request->first.value = NULL; request->second.key = NULL; request->second.value = NULL; int length = strlen(buffer); while ( i < length ) { //printf ("Reading %c",buffer[i]); switch (buffer[i]) { case '{': case '"': case '}': case ':': case ',': case ' ': // Ignore space , : if reading a string if (reading == true && buffer[i] != ' ' && buffer[i] != ',' && buffer[i] != ':'){ //printf (" <- END"); reading = false; buffer[i] = '\0'; found++; } break; default: if (reading == false) { //printf (" <- START"); reading = true; switch(found) { case 0: request->first.key = &buffer[i]; break; case 1: request->first.value = &buffer[i]; break; case 2: request->second.key = &buffer[i]; break; case 3: request->second.value = &buffer[i]; break; } } break; } //printf ("\n"); if (found >= 4) break; i++; } return true; } bool parseJSONmqttrequest(const char *str, size_t len, int *idx, int *nvalue, char *svalue) { int i = 0; int found = 0; svalue[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < len && str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (str[i] == '"') { if (strncmp("\"idx\"", (char *)&str[i], 5) == 0) { i = i + 5; for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (str[i] == ':') { *idx = atoi(&str[i + 1]); found++; } } //if (*idx == 45) // printf("%s\n",str); } else if (strncmp("\"nvalue\"", (char *)&str[i], 8) == 0) { i = i + 8; for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (str[i] == ':') { *nvalue = atoi(&str[i + 1]); found++; } } } else if (strncmp("\"svalue1\"", (char *)&str[i], 9) == 0) { i = i + 9; for (; str[i] != ',' && str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (str[i] == ':') { while(str[i] == ':' || str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '"' || str[i] == '\'') i++; int j=i+1; while(str[j] != '"' && str[j] != '\'' && str[j] != ',' && str[j] != '}') j++; strncpy(svalue, &str[i], ((j-i)>DZ_SVALUE_LEN?DZ_SVALUE_LEN:(j-i))); svalue[((j-i)>DZ_SVALUE_LEN?DZ_SVALUE_LEN:(j-i))] = '\0'; // Simply force the last termination found++; } } } if (found >= 4) { return true; } } } // Just incase svalue is not found, we really don;t care for most devices. if (found >= 2) { return true; } return false; }