# # Options # # make // standard everything # make debug // Give standard binary just with debugging # make aqdebug // Compile with extra aqualink debug information like timings # make slog // Serial logger # make // not documenting # # Valid flags for AQ_FLAGS AQ_RS16 = true AQ_PDA = true AQ_ONETOUCH = true AQ_IAQTOUCH = true #AQ_MEMCMP = true // Not implimented correctly yet. # Turn off threadded net services AQ_NO_THREAD_NETSERVICE = false # Get some system information PI_OS_VERSION = $(shell cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION= | cut -d\" -f2) $(info OS: $(PI_OS_VERSION) ) GLIBC_VERSION = $(shell ldd --version | grep ldd) $(info GLIBC build with: $(GLIBC_VERSION) ) $(info GLIBC Prefered : 2.24-11+deb9u1 2.24 ) # define the C compiler to use CC = gcc #LIBS := -lpthread -lm LIBS := -l pthread -l m #LIBS := -l pthread -l m -static # Take out -static, just for dev # Standard compile flags GCCFLAGS = -Wall -O3 #GCCFLAGS = -O3 #GCCFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -Wextra #GCCFLAGS = -Wl,--gc-sections,--print-gc-sections #GCCFLAGS = -Wall -O3 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections # Standard debug flags DGCCFLAGS = -Wall -O0 -g # Aqualink Debug flags #DBGFLAGS = -g -O0 -Wall -fsanitize=address -D AQ_DEBUG -D AQ_TM_DEBUG DBGFLAGS = -g -O0 -Wall -D AQ_DEBUG -D AQ_TM_DEBUG # Mongoose flags MGFLAGS = -D MG_DISABLE_MD5 -D MG_DISABLE_HTTP_DIGEST_AUTH -D MG_DISABLE_MD5 -D MG_DISABLE_JSON_RPC # define the C source files #SRCS = aqualinkd.c utils.c config.c aq_serial.c init_buttons.c aq_programmer.c net_services.c json_messages.c pda.c pda_menu.c \ # pda_aq_programmer.c devices_jandy.c onetouch.c onetouch_aq_programmer.c packetLogger.c devices_pentair.c color_lights.c mongoose.c SRCS = aqualinkd.c utils.c config.c aq_serial.c aq_panel.c aq_programmer.c net_services.c json_messages.c rs_msg_utils.c\ devices_jandy.c packetLogger.c devices_pentair.c color_lights.c serialadapter.c aq_timer.c aq_scheduler.c web_config.c mongoose.c AQ_FLAGS = # Add source and flags depending on protocols to support. ifeq ($(AQ_PDA), true) SRCS := $(SRCS) pda.c pda_menu.c pda_aq_programmer.c AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_PDA endif ifeq ($(AQ_ONETOUCH), true) SRCS := $(SRCS) onetouch.c onetouch_aq_programmer.c AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_ONETOUCH endif ifeq ($(AQ_IAQTOUCH), true) SRCS := $(SRCS) iaqtouch.c iaqtouch_aq_programmer.c AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_IAQTOUCH endif ifeq ($(AQ_RS16), true) AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_RS16 endif ifeq ($(AQ_MEMCMP), true) AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_MEMCMP endif ifeq ($(AQ_NO_THREAD_NETSERVICE), true) AQ_FLAGS := $(AQ_FLAGS) -D AQ_NO_THREAD_NETSERVICE endif # Put all flags together. CFLAGS = $(GCCFLAGS) $(AQ_FLAGS) $(MGFLAGS) DFLAGS = $(DGCCFLAGS) $(AQ_FLAGS) $(MGFLAGS) DBG_CFLAGS = $(DBGFLAGS) $(AQ_FLAGS) $(MGFLAGS) # Other sources. #DBG_SRC = timespec_subtract.c debug_timer.c DBG_SRC = debug_timer.c SL_SRC = serial_logger.c aq_serial.c utils.c packetLogger.c rs_msg_utils.c LR_SRC = log_reader.c aq_serial.c utils.c packetLogger.c PL_EXSRC = aq_serial.c PL_EXOBJ = aq_serial_player.o PL_SRC := $(filter-out aq_serial.c, $(SRCS)) OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) DBG_OBJS = $(DBG_SRC:.c=.o) SL_OBJS = $(SL_SRC:.c=.o) LR_OBJS = $(LR_SRC:.c=.o) PL_OBJS = $(PL_SRC:.c=.o) # define the executable file MAIN = ./release/aqualinkd SLOG = ./release/serial_logger LOGR = ./release/log_reader PLAY = ./release/aqualinkd-player DEBG = ./release/aqualinkd-debug all: $(MAIN) $(info $(MAIN) has been compiled) # debug, Just change compile flags and call MAIN debug: CFLAGS = $(DFLAGS) debug: $(MAIN) $(info $(MAIN) has been compiled) $(MAIN): $(OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(MAIN) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(info $(MAIN) has been compiled) slog: $(SLOG) $(info $(SLOG) has been compiled) $(SLOG): CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS) -D SERIAL_LOGGER $(SLOG): $(SL_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(SLOG) $(SL_OBJS) #.PHONY: clean_slog_o #clean_slog_o: # $(RM) $(SL_OBJS) # #.PHONY: test #test: $(SLOG) #test: clean_slog_o #test: $(MAIN) # Shouldn't need to use any of these options unless you're developing. aqdebug: $(DEBG) $(info $(DEBG) has been compiled) $(DEBG): CFLAGS = $(DBG_CFLAGS) $(DEBG): $(OBJS) $(DBG_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(DEBG) $(OBJS) $(DBG_OBJS) $(DBGFLAGS) $(LIBS) logr: $(LOGR) $(info $(LOGR) has been compiled) $(LOGR): $(LR_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(LOGR) $(LR_OBJS) player: $(PLAY) $(info $(PLAY) has been compiled) $(PL_EXOBJ): $(PL_EXSRC) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D PLAYBACK_MODE $(INCLUDES) -c $(PL_EXSRC) -o $(PL_EXOBJ) $(PLAY): $(PL_OBJS) $(PL_EXOBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $(PLAY) $(PL_OBJS) $(PL_EXOBJ) # Fof github publishing .PHONY: git git: clean $(MAIN) $(SLOG) ./release/git_version.sh # this is a suffix replacement rule for building .o's from .c's # it uses automatic variables $<: the name of the prerequisite of # the rule(a .c file) and $@: the name of the target of the rule (a .o file) # (see the gnu make manual section about automatic variables) .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ .PHONY: clean clean: $(RM) *.o *~ $(MAIN) $(MAIN_U) $(PLAY) $(PL_EXOBJ) $(DEBG) $(RM) $(wildcard *.o) $(wildcard *~) $(MAIN) $(MAIN_U) $(PLAY) $(PL_EXOBJ) $(LOGR) $(PLAY) $(DEBG) depend: $(SRCS) makedepend $(INCLUDES) $^ install: $(MAIN) ./release/install.sh