""" PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION LICENSE VERSION 2 -------------------------------------------- 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using this software ("Python") in source or binary form and its associated documentation. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,2010 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained in Python alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or incorporates Python or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of the changes made to Python. 4. PSF is making Python available to Licensee on an "AS IS" basis. PSF MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PSF MAKES NO AND DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF PYTHON WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 5. PSF SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE OR ANY OTHER USERS OF PYTHON FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS AS A RESULT OF MODIFYING, DISTRIBUTING, OR OTHERWISE USING PYTHON, OR ANY DERIVATIVE THEREOF, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms and conditions. 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between PSF and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee, or any third party. 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python, Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. """ ############################################################################ # Changes: # Added new parameter in dialect 'replace_nulls_with' to compare it against # the value to be quoted or not. # Handle the null value if value is None or equal to # 'replace_nulls_with' then it represents the null value, so no need to # quote it. ############################################################################ __all__ = ["QUOTE_MINIMAL", "QUOTE_ALL", "QUOTE_NONNUMERIC", "QUOTE_NONE", "Error", "Dialect", "__doc__", "Excel", "ExcelTab", "field_size_limit", "Reader", "Writer", "register_dialect", "get_dialect", "list_dialects", "unregister_dialect", "__version__", "DictReader", "DictWriter"] import re import numbers from io import StringIO from csv import ( QUOTE_MINIMAL, QUOTE_ALL, QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, QUOTE_NONE, __version__, __doc__, Error, field_size_limit, ) class QuoteStrategy(object): quoting = None def __init__(self, dialect): if self.quoting is not None: assert dialect.quoting == self.quoting self.dialect = dialect self.setup() escape_pattern_quoted = r'({quotechar})'.format( quotechar=re.escape(self.dialect.quotechar or '"')) escape_pattern_unquoted = r'([{specialchars}])'.format( specialchars=re.escape(self.specialchars)) self.escape_re_quoted = re.compile(escape_pattern_quoted) self.escape_re_unquoted = re.compile(escape_pattern_unquoted) def setup(self): """Optional method for strategy-wide optimizations.""" def quoted(self, field=None, raw_field=None, only=None): """Determine whether this field should be quoted.""" raise NotImplementedError( 'quoted must be implemented by a subclass') @property def specialchars(self): """The special characters that need to be escaped.""" raise NotImplementedError( 'specialchars must be implemented by a subclass') def escape_re(self, quoted=None): if quoted: return self.escape_re_quoted return self.escape_re_unquoted def escapechar(self, quoted=None): if quoted and self.dialect.doublequote: return self.dialect.quotechar return self.dialect.escapechar def prepare(self, raw_field, only=None): field = str(raw_field if raw_field is not None else '') quoted = self.quoted(field=field, raw_field=raw_field, only=only) escape_re = self.escape_re(quoted=quoted) escapechar = self.escapechar(quoted=quoted) if escape_re.search(field): escapechar = '\\\\' if escapechar == '\\' else escapechar if escapechar: escape_replace = \ r'{escapechar}\1'.format(escapechar=escapechar) field = escape_re.sub(escape_replace, field) if quoted: field = '{quotechar}{field}{quotechar}'.format( quotechar=self.dialect.quotechar, field=field) return field class QuoteMinimalStrategy(QuoteStrategy): quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL def setup(self): self.quoted_re = re.compile(r'[{specialchars}]'.format( specialchars=re.escape(self.specialchars))) @property def specialchars(self): return ( self.dialect.lineterminator + self.dialect.quotechar + self.dialect.delimiter + (self.dialect.escapechar or '') ) def quoted(self, field, only, **kwargs): if field == self.dialect.quotechar and not self.dialect.doublequote: # If the only character in the field is the quotechar, and # doublequote is false, then just escape without outer quotes. return False return field == '' and only or bool(self.quoted_re.search(field)) class QuoteAllStrategy(QuoteStrategy): quoting = QUOTE_ALL @property def specialchars(self): return self.dialect.quotechar def quoted(self, raw_field, **kwargs): # Handle the null value if raw_field is None or equal to # replace_nulls_with then it represents the null value, so no need to # quote it. if raw_field is None or raw_field == self.dialect.replace_nulls_with: return False return True class QuoteNonnumericStrategy(QuoteStrategy): quoting = QUOTE_NONNUMERIC @property def specialchars(self): return ( self.dialect.lineterminator + self.dialect.quotechar + self.dialect.delimiter + (self.dialect.escapechar or '') ) def quoted(self, raw_field, **kwargs): # Handle the null value if raw_field is None or equal to # replace_nulls_with then it represents the null value, so no need to # quote it. if raw_field is None or raw_field == self.dialect.replace_nulls_with: return False return not isinstance(raw_field, numbers.Number) class QuoteNoneStrategy(QuoteStrategy): quoting = QUOTE_NONE @property def specialchars(self): return ( self.dialect.lineterminator + (self.dialect.quotechar or '') + self.dialect.delimiter + (self.dialect.escapechar or '') ) def quoted(self, field, only, **kwargs): if field == '' and only: raise Error('single empty field record must be quoted') return False class Writer(object): def __init__(self, fileobj, dialect='excel', **fmtparams): if fileobj is None: raise TypeError('fileobj must be file-like, not None') self.fileobj = fileobj if isinstance(dialect, str): dialect = get_dialect(dialect) try: self.dialect = Dialect.combine(dialect, fmtparams) except Error as e: raise TypeError(*e.args) strategies = { QUOTE_MINIMAL: QuoteMinimalStrategy, QUOTE_ALL: QuoteAllStrategy, QUOTE_NONNUMERIC: QuoteNonnumericStrategy, QUOTE_NONE: QuoteNoneStrategy, } self.strategy = strategies[self.dialect.quoting](self.dialect) def writerow(self, row): if row is None: raise Error('row must be an iterable') row = list(row) only = len(row) == 1 row = [self.strategy.prepare(field, only=only) for field in row] line = self.dialect.delimiter.join(row) + self.dialect.lineterminator return self.fileobj.write(line) def writerows(self, rows): for row in rows: self.writerow(row) START_RECORD = 0 START_FIELD = 1 ESCAPED_CHAR = 2 IN_FIELD = 3 IN_QUOTED_FIELD = 4 ESCAPE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD = 5 QUOTE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD = 6 EAT_CRNL = 7 AFTER_ESCAPED_CRNL = 8 class Reader(object): def __init__(self, fileobj, dialect='excel', **fmtparams): self.input_iter = iter(fileobj) if isinstance(dialect, str): dialect = get_dialect(dialect) try: self.dialect = Dialect.combine(dialect, fmtparams) except Error as e: raise TypeError(*e.args) self.fields = None self.field = None self.line_num = 0 def parse_reset(self): self.fields = [] self.field = [] self.state = START_RECORD self.numeric_field = False def parse_save_field(self): field = ''.join(self.field) self.field = [] if self.numeric_field: field = float(field) self.numeric_field = False self.fields.append(field) def parse_add_char(self, c): if len(self.field) >= field_size_limit(): raise Error('field size limit exceeded') self.field.append(c) def parse_process_char(self, c): switch = { START_RECORD: self._parse_start_record, START_FIELD: self._parse_start_field, ESCAPED_CHAR: self._parse_escaped_char, AFTER_ESCAPED_CRNL: self._parse_after_escaped_crnl, IN_FIELD: self._parse_in_field, IN_QUOTED_FIELD: self._parse_in_quoted_field, ESCAPE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD: self._parse_escape_in_quoted_field, QUOTE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD: self._parse_quote_in_quoted_field, EAT_CRNL: self._parse_eat_crnl, } return switch[self.state](c) def _parse_start_record(self, c): if c == '\0': return elif c == '\n' or c == '\r': self.state = EAT_CRNL return self.state = START_FIELD return self._parse_start_field(c) def _parse_start_field(self, c): if c == '\n' or c == '\r' or c == '\0': self.parse_save_field() self.state = START_RECORD if c == '\0' else EAT_CRNL elif (c == self.dialect.quotechar and self.dialect.quoting != QUOTE_NONE): self.state = IN_QUOTED_FIELD elif c == self.dialect.escapechar: self.state = ESCAPED_CHAR elif c == ' ' and self.dialect.skipinitialspace: pass # Ignore space at start of field elif c == self.dialect.delimiter: # Save empty field self.parse_save_field() else: # Begin new unquoted field if self.dialect.quoting == QUOTE_NONNUMERIC: self.numeric_field = True self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = IN_FIELD def _parse_escaped_char(self, c): if c == '\n' or c == '\r': self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = AFTER_ESCAPED_CRNL return if c == '\0': c = '\n' self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = IN_FIELD def _parse_after_escaped_crnl(self, c): if c == '\0': return return self._parse_in_field(c) def _parse_in_field(self, c): # In unquoted field if c == '\n' or c == '\r' or c == '\0': # End of line - return [fields] self.parse_save_field() self.state = START_RECORD if c == '\0' else EAT_CRNL elif c == self.dialect.escapechar: self.state = ESCAPED_CHAR elif c == self.dialect.delimiter: self.parse_save_field() self.state = START_FIELD else: # Normal character - save in field self.parse_add_char(c) def _parse_in_quoted_field(self, c): if c != '\0' and c == self.dialect.escapechar: self.state = ESCAPE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD elif c != '\0' and (c == self.dialect.quotechar and self.dialect.quoting != QUOTE_NONE): if self.dialect.doublequote: self.state = QUOTE_IN_QUOTED_FIELD else: self.state = IN_FIELD elif c != '\0': self.parse_add_char(c) def _parse_escape_in_quoted_field(self, c): if c == '\0': c = '\n' self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = IN_QUOTED_FIELD def _parse_quote_in_quoted_field(self, c): if (self.dialect.quoting != QUOTE_NONE and c == self.dialect.quotechar): # save "" as " self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = IN_QUOTED_FIELD elif c == self.dialect.delimiter: self.parse_save_field() self.state = START_FIELD elif c == '\n' or c == '\r' or c == '\0': # End of line = return [fields] self.parse_save_field() self.state = START_RECORD if c == '\0' else EAT_CRNL elif not self.dialect.strict: self.parse_add_char(c) self.state = IN_FIELD else: # illegal raise Error("{delimiter}' expected after '{quotechar}".format( delimiter=self.dialect.delimiter, quotechar=self.dialect.quotechar, )) def _parse_eat_crnl(self, c): if c != '\n' and c != '\r' and c == '\0': self.state = START_RECORD elif c != '\n' and c != '\r': raise Error('new-line character seen in unquoted field - do you ' 'need to open the file in universal-newline mode?') def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): self.parse_reset() while True: try: lineobj = next(self.input_iter) except StopIteration: if len(self.field) != 0 or self.state == IN_QUOTED_FIELD: if self.dialect.strict: raise Error('unexpected end of data') self.parse_save_field() if self.fields: break raise if not isinstance(lineobj, str): typ = type(lineobj) typ_name = 'bytes' if typ == bytes else typ.__name__ err_str = ('iterator should return strings, not {0}' ' (did you open the file in text mode?)') raise Error(err_str.format(typ_name)) self.line_num += 1 for c in lineobj: if c == '\0': raise Error('line contains NULL byte') self.parse_process_char(c) self.parse_process_char('\0') if self.state == START_RECORD: break fields = self.fields self.fields = None return fields next = __next__ _dialect_registry = {} def register_dialect(name, dialect='excel', **fmtparams): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('"name" must be a string') dialect = Dialect.extend(dialect, fmtparams) try: Dialect.validate(dialect) except Exception: raise TypeError('dialect is invalid') assert name not in _dialect_registry _dialect_registry[name] = dialect def unregister_dialect(name): try: _dialect_registry.pop(name) except KeyError: raise Error('"{name}" not a registered dialect'.format(name=name)) def get_dialect(name): try: return _dialect_registry[name] except KeyError: raise Error('Could not find dialect {0}'.format(name)) def list_dialects(): return list(_dialect_registry) class Dialect(object): """Describe a CSV dialect. This must be subclassed (see csv.excel). Valid attributes are: delimiter, quotechar, escapechar, doublequote, skipinitialspace, lineterminator, quoting, strict. """ _name = "" _valid = False # placeholders delimiter = None quotechar = None escapechar = None doublequote = None skipinitialspace = None lineterminator = None quoting = None strict = None def __init__(self): self.validate(self) if self.__class__ != Dialect: self._valid = True @classmethod def validate(cls, dialect): dialect = cls.extend(dialect) if not isinstance(dialect.quoting, int): raise Error('"quoting" must be an integer') if dialect.delimiter is None: raise Error('delimiter must be set') cls.validate_text(dialect, 'delimiter') if dialect.lineterminator is None: raise Error('lineterminator must be set') if not isinstance(dialect.lineterminator, str): raise Error('"lineterminator" must be a string') if dialect.quoting not in [ QUOTE_NONE, QUOTE_MINIMAL, QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, QUOTE_ALL]: raise Error('Invalid quoting specified') if dialect.quoting != QUOTE_NONE: if dialect.quotechar is None and dialect.escapechar is None: raise Error('quotechar must be set if quoting enabled') if dialect.quotechar is not None: cls.validate_text(dialect, 'quotechar') @staticmethod def validate_text(dialect, attr): val = getattr(dialect, attr) if not isinstance(val, str): if type(val) == bytes: raise Error('"{0}" must be string, not bytes'.format(attr)) raise Error('"{0}" must be string, not {1}'.format( attr, type(val).__name__)) if len(val) != 1: raise Error('"{0}" must be a 1-character string'.format(attr)) @staticmethod def defaults(): return { 'delimiter': ',', 'doublequote': True, 'escapechar': None, 'lineterminator': '\r\n', 'quotechar': '"', 'quoting': QUOTE_MINIMAL, 'skipinitialspace': False, 'strict': False, 'replace_nulls_with': None } @classmethod def extend(cls, dialect, fmtparams=None): if isinstance(dialect, str): dialect = get_dialect(dialect) if fmtparams is None: return dialect defaults = cls.defaults() if any(param not in defaults for param in fmtparams): raise TypeError('Invalid fmtparam') specified = dict( (attr, getattr(dialect, attr, None)) for attr in cls.defaults() ) specified.update(fmtparams) return type(str('ExtendedDialect'), (cls,), specified) @classmethod def combine(cls, dialect, fmtparams): """Create a new dialect with defaults and added parameters.""" dialect = cls.extend(dialect, fmtparams) defaults = cls.defaults() specified = dict( (attr, getattr(dialect, attr, None)) for attr in defaults if getattr(dialect, attr, None) is not None or attr in ['quotechar', 'delimiter', 'lineterminator', 'quoting'] ) defaults.update(specified) dialect = type(str('CombinedDialect'), (cls,), defaults) cls.validate(dialect) return dialect() def __delattr__(self, attr): if self._valid: raise AttributeError('dialect is immutable.') super(Dialect, self).__delattr__(attr) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if self._valid: raise AttributeError('dialect is immutable.') super(Dialect, self).__setattr__(attr, value) class Excel(Dialect): """Describe the usual properties of Excel-generated CSV files.""" delimiter = ',' quotechar = '"' doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = '\r\n' quoting = QUOTE_MINIMAL register_dialect("excel", Excel) class ExcelTab(Excel): """Describe the usual properties of Excel-generated TAB-delimited files.""" delimiter = '\t' register_dialect("excel-tab", ExcelTab) class UnixDialect(Dialect): """Describe the usual properties of Unix-generated CSV files.""" delimiter = ',' quotechar = '"' doublequote = True skipinitialspace = False lineterminator = '\n' quoting = QUOTE_ALL register_dialect("unix", UnixDialect) class DictReader(object): def __init__(self, f, fieldnames=None, restkey=None, restval=None, *args, **kwds): self._fieldnames = fieldnames # list of keys for the dict self.restkey = restkey # key to catch long rows self.restval = restval # default value for short rows self.dialect = kwds.get('dialect', "excel") self.reader = Reader(f, self.dialect, *args, **kwds) self.line_num = 0 def __iter__(self): return self @property def fieldnames(self): if self._fieldnames is None: try: self._fieldnames = next(self.reader) except StopIteration: pass self.line_num = self.reader.line_num return self._fieldnames @fieldnames.setter def fieldnames(self, value): self._fieldnames = value def __next__(self): if self.line_num == 0: # Used only for its side effect. self.fieldnames row = next(self.reader) self.line_num = self.reader.line_num # unlike the basic reader, we prefer not to return blanks, # because we will typically wind up with a dict full of None # values while row == []: row = next(self.reader) d = dict(zip(self.fieldnames, row)) lf = len(self.fieldnames) lr = len(row) if lf < lr: d[self.restkey] = row[lf:] elif lf > lr: for key in self.fieldnames[lr:]: d[key] = self.restval return d next = __next__ class DictWriter(object): def __init__(self, f, fieldnames, *args, **kwds): self.fieldnames = fieldnames # list of keys for the dict self.extrasaction = kwds.get('extrasaction', "raise") self.restval = kwds.get('restval', "") # for writing short dicts if self.extrasaction.lower() not in ("raise", "ignore"): raise ValueError("extrasaction (%s) must be 'raise' or 'ignore'" % self.extrasaction) dialect = kwds.get('dialect', "excel") self.Writer = Writer(f, dialect, *args, **kwds) def writeheader(self): header = dict(zip(self.fieldnames, self.fieldnames)) self.writerow(header) def _dict_to_list(self, rowdict): if self.extrasaction == "raise": wrong_fields = [k for k in rowdict if k not in self.fieldnames] if wrong_fields: raise ValueError("dict contains fields not in fieldnames: " + ", ".join([repr(x) for x in wrong_fields])) return (rowdict.get(key, self.restval) for key in self.fieldnames) def writerow(self, rowdict): return self.Writer.writerow(self._dict_to_list(rowdict)) def writerows(self, rowdicts): return self.Writer.writerows(map(self._dict_to_list, rowdicts))