########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """The main pgAdmin module. This handles the application initialisation tasks, such as setup of logging, dynamic loading of modules etc.""" import logging import os import sys from types import MethodType from collections import defaultdict from importlib import import_module from flask import Flask, abort, request, current_app, session, url_for from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException from flask_babelex import Babel, gettext from flask_login import user_logged_in, user_logged_out from flask_mail import Mail from flask_paranoid import Paranoid from flask_security import Security, SQLAlchemyUserDatastore, current_user from flask_security.utils import login_user, logout_user from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableDict from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy from werkzeug.utils import find_modules from pgadmin.model import db, Role, Server, ServerGroup, \ User, Keys, Version, SCHEMA_VERSION as CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule, driver, KeyManager from pgadmin.utils.preferences import Preferences from pgadmin.utils.session import create_session_interface, pga_unauthorised from pgadmin.utils.versioned_template_loader import VersionedTemplateLoader from datetime import timedelta from pgadmin.setup import get_version, set_version from pgadmin.utils.ajax import internal_server_error from pgadmin.utils.csrf import pgCSRFProtect from pgadmin import authenticate # If script is running under python3, it will not have the xrange function # defined winreg = None xrange = range if os.name == 'nt': import winreg class PgAdmin(Flask): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Set the template loader to a postgres-version-aware loader self.jinja_options = ImmutableDict( extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape', 'jinja2.ext.with_'], loader=VersionedTemplateLoader(self) ) self.logout_hooks = [] super(PgAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def find_submodules(self, basemodule): for module_name in find_modules(basemodule, True): if module_name in self.config['MODULE_BLACKLIST']: self.logger.info( 'Skipping blacklisted module: %s' % module_name ) continue self.logger.info('Examining potential module: %s' % module_name) module = import_module(module_name) for key in list(module.__dict__.keys()): if isinstance(module.__dict__[key], PgAdminModule): yield module.__dict__[key] @property def submodules(self): for blueprint in self.blueprints.values(): if isinstance(blueprint, PgAdminModule): yield blueprint @property def stylesheets(self): stylesheets = [] for module in self.submodules: stylesheets.extend(getattr(module, "stylesheets", [])) return set(stylesheets) @property def messages(self): messages = dict() for module in self.submodules: messages.update(getattr(module, "messages", dict())) return messages @property def exposed_endpoint_url_map(self): ############################################################# # To handle WSGI paths # If user has setup application under WSGI alias # like 'localhost/pgadmin4' then we have to append '/pgadmin4' # into endpoints ############################################################# import config is_wsgi_root_present = False if config.SERVER_MODE: pgadmin_root_path = url_for('browser.index') if pgadmin_root_path != '/browser/': is_wsgi_root_present = True wsgi_root_path = pgadmin_root_path.replace( '/browser/', '' ) def get_full_url_path(url): """ Generate endpoint URL at per WSGI alias """ if is_wsgi_root_present and url: return wsgi_root_path + url else: return url # Fetch all endpoints and their respective url for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules('static'): yield rule.endpoint, get_full_url_path(rule.rule) for module in self.submodules: for endpoint in module.exposed_endpoints: for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint): yield rule.endpoint, get_full_url_path(rule.rule) @property def javascripts(self): scripts = [] scripts_names = [] # Remove duplicate javascripts from the list for module in self.submodules: module_scripts = getattr(module, "javascripts", []) for s in module_scripts: if s['name'] not in scripts_names: scripts.append(s) scripts_names.append(s['name']) return scripts @property def panels(self): panels = [] for module in self.submodules: panels.extend(module.get_panels()) return panels @property def menu_items(self): from operator import attrgetter menu_items = defaultdict(list) for module in self.submodules: for key, value in module.menu_items.items(): menu_items[key].extend(value) menu_items = dict((key, sorted(value, key=attrgetter('priority'))) for key, value in menu_items.items()) return menu_items def register_logout_hook(self, module): if hasattr(module, 'on_logout') and \ type(getattr(module, 'on_logout')) == MethodType: self.logout_hooks.append(module) def _find_blueprint(): if request.blueprint: return current_app.blueprints[request.blueprint] current_blueprint = LocalProxy(_find_blueprint) def create_app(app_name=None): # Configuration settings import config if not app_name: app_name = config.APP_NAME # Check if app is created for CLI operations or Web cli_mode = False if app_name.endswith('-cli'): cli_mode = True # Only enable password related functionality in server mode. if config.SERVER_MODE is True: # Some times we need to access these config params where application # context is not available (we can't use current_app.config in those # cases even with current_app.app_context()) # So update these params in config itself. # And also these updated config values will picked up by application # since we are updating config before the application instance is # created. config.SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = True config.SECURITY_CHANGEABLE = True # Now we'll open change password page in alertify dialog # we don't want it to redirect to main page after password # change operation so we will open the same password change page again. config.SECURITY_POST_CHANGE_VIEW = 'browser.change_password' """Create the Flask application, startup logging and dynamically load additional modules (blueprints) that are found in this directory.""" app = PgAdmin(__name__, static_url_path='/static') # Removes unwanted whitespace from render_template function app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True app.config.from_object(config) app.config.update(dict(PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS=True)) ########################################################################## # Setup logging and log the application startup ########################################################################## # We won't care about errors in the logging system, we are more # interested in application errors. logging.raiseExceptions = False # Add SQL level logging, and set the base logging level logging.addLevelName(25, 'SQL') app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app.logger.handlers = [] # We also need to update the handler on the webserver in order to see # request. Setting the level prevents werkzeug from setting up it's own # stream handler thus ensuring all the logging goes through the pgAdmin # logger. logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') logger.setLevel(config.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL) # Set SQLITE_PATH to TEST_SQLITE_PATH while running test cases if ( 'PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE' in os.environ and os.environ['PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE'] == '1' ): config.SQLITE_PATH = config.TEST_SQLITE_PATH config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = False config.UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False if not cli_mode: # Ensure the various working directories exist from pgadmin.setup import create_app_data_directory create_app_data_directory(config) # File logging fh = logging.FileHandler(config.LOG_FILE, encoding='utf-8') fh.setLevel(config.FILE_LOG_LEVEL) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(config.FILE_LOG_FORMAT)) app.logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(fh) # Console logging ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(config.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(config.CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT)) app.logger.addHandler(ch) logger.addHandler(ch) # Log the startup app.logger.info('########################################################') app.logger.info('Starting %s v%s...', config.APP_NAME, config.APP_VERSION) app.logger.info('########################################################') app.logger.debug("Python syspath: %s", sys.path) ########################################################################## # Setup i18n ########################################################################## # Initialise i18n babel = Babel(app) app.logger.debug('Available translations: %s' % babel.list_translations()) @babel.localeselector def get_locale(): """Get the language for the user.""" language = 'en' if config.SERVER_MODE is False: # Get the user language preference from the miscellaneous module if current_user.is_authenticated: user_id = current_user.id else: user = user_datastore.get_user(config.DESKTOP_USER) if user is not None: user_id = user.id user_language = Preferences.raw_value( 'misc', 'user_language', 'user_language', user_id ) if user_language is not None: language = user_language else: # If language is available in get request then return the same # otherwise check the session or cookie data = request.form if 'language' in data: language = data['language'] or language setattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language) elif hasattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE'): language = getattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language) elif hasattr(request.cookies, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE'): language = getattr( request.cookies, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language ) return language ########################################################################## # Setup authentication ########################################################################## app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = u'sqlite:///{0}?timeout={1}' \ .format(config.SQLITE_PATH.replace(u'\\', u'/'), getattr(config, 'SQLITE_TIMEOUT', 500) ) # Create database connection object and mailer db.init_app(app) ########################################################################## # Upgrade the schema (if required) ########################################################################## with app.app_context(): # Run migration for the first time i.e. create database from config import SQLITE_PATH from pgadmin.setup import db_upgrade # If version not available, user must have aborted. Tables are not # created and so its an empty db if not os.path.exists(SQLITE_PATH) or get_version() == -1: # If running in cli mode then don't try to upgrade, just raise # the exception if not cli_mode: db_upgrade(app) else: if not os.path.exists(SQLITE_PATH): raise FileNotFoundError( 'SQLite database file "' + SQLITE_PATH + '" does not exists.') raise Exception('Specified SQLite database file is not valid.') else: schema_version = get_version() # Run migration if current schema version is greater than the # schema version stored in version table if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION >= schema_version: db_upgrade(app) # Update schema version to the latest if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version: set_version(CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION) db.session.commit() if os.name != 'nt': os.chmod(config.SQLITE_PATH, 0o600) Mail(app) # Don't bother paths when running in cli mode if not cli_mode: import pgadmin.utils.paths as paths paths.init_app(app) # Setup Flask-Security user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role) security = Security(None, user_datastore) ########################################################################## # Setup security ########################################################################## with app.app_context(): config.CSRF_SESSION_KEY = Keys.query.filter_by( name='CSRF_SESSION_KEY').first().value config.SECRET_KEY = Keys.query.filter_by( name='SECRET_KEY').first().value config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = Keys.query.filter_by( name='SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT').first().value # Update the app.config with proper security keyes for signing CSRF data, # signing cookies, and the SALT for hashing the passwords. app.config.update(dict({ 'CSRF_SESSION_KEY': config.CSRF_SESSION_KEY, 'SECRET_KEY': config.SECRET_KEY, 'SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT': config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT, 'SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN': config.SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, # CSRF Token expiration till session expires 'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT': getattr(config, 'CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', None), 'WTF_CSRF_METHODS': ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], })) security.init_app(app, user_datastore) # register custom unauthorised handler. app.login_manager.unauthorized_handler(pga_unauthorised) # Set the permanent session lifetime to the specified value in config file. app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta( days=config.SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME) if not cli_mode: app.session_interface = create_session_interface( app, config.SESSION_SKIP_PATHS ) # Make the Session more secure against XSS & CSRF when running in web mode if config.SERVER_MODE and config.ENHANCED_COOKIE_PROTECTION: paranoid = Paranoid(app) paranoid.redirect_view = 'browser.index' ########################################################################## # Load all available server drivers ########################################################################## driver.init_app(app) authenticate.init_app(app) ########################################################################## # Register language to the preferences after login ########################################################################## @user_logged_in.connect_via(app) def register_language(sender, user): # After logged in, set the language in the preferences if we get from # the login page data = request.form if 'language' in data: language = data['language'] # Set the user language preference misc_preference = Preferences.module('misc') user_languages = misc_preference.preference( 'user_language' ) if user_languages and language: language = user_languages.set(language) ########################################################################## # Register any local servers we can discover ########################################################################## @user_logged_in.connect_via(app) def on_user_logged_in(sender, user): # Keep hold of the user ID user_id = user.id # Get the first server group for the user servergroup_id = 1 servergroups = ServerGroup.query.filter_by( user_id=user_id ).order_by("id") if servergroups.count() > 0: servergroup = servergroups.first() servergroup_id = servergroup.id '''Add a server to the config database''' def add_server(user_id, servergroup_id, name, superuser, port, discovery_id, comment): # Create a server object if needed, and store it. servers = Server.query.filter_by( user_id=user_id, discovery_id=svr_discovery_id ).order_by("id") if servers.count() > 0: return svr = Server(user_id=user_id, servergroup_id=servergroup_id, name=name, host='localhost', port=port, maintenance_db='postgres', username=superuser, ssl_mode='prefer', comment=svr_comment, discovery_id=discovery_id) db.session.add(svr) db.session.commit() # Figure out what servers are present if winreg is not None: arch_keys = set() proc_arch = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'].lower() try: proc_arch64 = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'].lower() except Exception: proc_arch64 = None if proc_arch == 'x86' and not proc_arch64: arch_keys.add(0) elif proc_arch == 'x86' or proc_arch == 'amd64': arch_keys.add(winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY) arch_keys.add(winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY) for arch_key in arch_keys: for server_type in ('PostgreSQL', 'EnterpriseDB'): try: root_key = winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\" + server_type + "\\Services", 0, winreg.KEY_READ | arch_key ) for i in xrange(0, winreg.QueryInfoKey(root_key)[0]): inst_id = winreg.EnumKey(root_key, i) inst_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_key, inst_id) svr_name = winreg.QueryValueEx( inst_key, 'Display Name' )[0] svr_superuser = winreg.QueryValueEx( inst_key, 'Database Superuser' )[0] svr_port = winreg.QueryValueEx(inst_key, 'Port')[0] svr_discovery_id = inst_id svr_comment = gettext( "Auto-detected {0} installation with the data " "directory at {1}").format( winreg.QueryValueEx( inst_key, 'Display Name' )[0], winreg.QueryValueEx( inst_key, 'Data Directory' )[0]) add_server( user_id, servergroup_id, svr_name, svr_superuser, svr_port, svr_discovery_id, svr_comment ) inst_key.Close() except Exception: pass else: # We use the postgres-winreg.ini file on non-Windows from configparser import ConfigParser registry = ConfigParser() try: registry.read('/etc/postgres-reg.ini') sections = registry.sections() # Loop the sections, and get the data from any that are PG or PPAS for section in sections: if ( section.startswith('PostgreSQL/') or section.startswith('EnterpriseDB/') ): svr_name = registry.get(section, 'Description') svr_superuser = registry.get(section, 'Superuser') # getint function throws exception if value is blank. # Ex: Port= # In such case we should handle the exception and continue # to read the next section of the config file. try: svr_port = registry.getint(section, 'Port') except ValueError: continue svr_discovery_id = section description = registry.get(section, 'Description') data_directory = registry.get(section, 'DataDirectory') if hasattr(str, 'decode'): description = description.decode('utf-8') data_directory = data_directory.decode('utf-8') svr_comment = gettext(u"Auto-detected {0} installation " u"with the data directory at {1}" ).format(description, data_directory) add_server(user_id, servergroup_id, svr_name, svr_superuser, svr_port, svr_discovery_id, svr_comment) except Exception: pass @user_logged_in.connect_via(app) @user_logged_out.connect_via(app) def force_session_write(app, user): session.force_write = True @user_logged_in.connect_via(app) def store_crypt_key(app, user): # in desktop mode, master password is used to encrypt/decrypt # and is stored in the keyManager memory if config.SERVER_MODE and 'password' in request.form: current_app.keyManager.set(request.form['password']) @user_logged_out.connect_via(app) def current_user_cleanup(app, user): from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver from flask import current_app # remove key current_app.keyManager.reset() for mdl in current_app.logout_hooks: try: mdl.on_logout(user) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) _driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER) _driver.gc_own() ########################################################################## # Load plugin modules ########################################################################## for module in app.find_submodules('pgadmin'): app.logger.info('Registering blueprint module: %s' % module) app.register_blueprint(module) app.register_logout_hook(module) ########################################################################## # Handle the desktop login ########################################################################## @app.before_request def before_request(): """Login the default user if running in desktop mode""" # Check the auth key is valid, if it's set, and we're not in server # mode, and it's not a help file request. if not config.SERVER_MODE and app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY != '' and (( 'key' not in request.args or request.args['key'] != app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY) and request.cookies.get('PGADMIN_INT_KEY') != app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY and request.endpoint != 'help.static' ): abort(401) if not config.SERVER_MODE and not current_user.is_authenticated: user = user_datastore.get_user(config.DESKTOP_USER) # Throw an error if we failed to find the desktop user, to give # the sysadmin a hint. We'll continue to try to login anyway as # that'll through a nice 500 error for us. if user is None: app.logger.error( 'The desktop user %s was not found in the configuration ' 'database.' % config.DESKTOP_USER ) abort(401) login_user(user) # if the server is restarted the in memory key will be lost # but the user session may still be active. Logout the user # to get the key again when login if config.SERVER_MODE and current_user.is_authenticated and \ current_app.keyManager.get() is None and \ request.endpoint not in ('security.login', 'security.logout'): logout_user() @app.after_request def after_request(response): if 'key' in request.args: domain = dict() if config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN and \ config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN != 'localhost': domain['domain'] = config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN response.set_cookie('PGADMIN_INT_KEY', value=request.args['key'], path=config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_PATH, **domain) # X-Frame-Options for security if config.X_FRAME_OPTIONS != "" and \ config.X_FRAME_OPTIONS.lower() != "deny": response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = config.X_FRAME_OPTIONS return response ########################################################################## # Cache busting ########################################################################## # Version number to be added to all static file url requests # This is used by url_for function when generating urls # This will solve caching issues when application is upgrading # This is called - Cache Busting @app.url_defaults def add_internal_version(endpoint, values): extensions = config.APP_VERSION_EXTN # Add the internal version only if it is set if config.APP_VERSION_PARAM is not None and \ config.APP_VERSION_PARAM != '': # If there is a filename, add the version if 'filename' in values \ and values['filename'].endswith(extensions): values[config.APP_VERSION_PARAM] = config.APP_VERSION_INT else: # Sometimes there may be direct endpoint for some files # There will be only one rule for such endpoints urls = [url for url in app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint)] if len(urls) == 1 and urls[0].rule.endswith(extensions): values[config.APP_VERSION_PARAM] = \ config.APP_VERSION_INT # Strip away internal version param before sending further to app as it was # required for cache busting only @app.url_value_preprocessor def strip_version_number(endpoint, values): if values and config.APP_VERSION_PARAM in values: values.pop(config.APP_VERSION_PARAM) ########################################################################## # Minify output. Not required in desktop mode ########################################################################## if not config.DEBUG and config.SERVER_MODE: from flask_compress import Compress Compress(app) from pgadmin.misc.themes import themes themes(app) @app.context_processor def inject_blueprint(): """ Inject a reference to the current blueprint, if any. """ return { 'current_app': current_app, 'current_blueprint': current_blueprint, } @app.errorhandler(Exception) def all_exception_handler(e): current_app.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e)) # Exclude HTTPexception from above handler (all_exception_handler) # HTTPException are user defined exceptions and those should be returned # as is @app.errorhandler(HTTPException) def http_exception_handler(e): current_app.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) return e # Intialize the key manager app.keyManager = KeyManager() ########################################################################## # Protection against CSRF attacks ########################################################################## with app.app_context(): pgCSRFProtect.init_app(app) ########################################################################## # All done! ########################################################################## return app