########################################################################## # # pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools # # Copyright (C) 2013 - 2019, The pgAdmin Development Team # This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence # ########################################################################## """A blueprint module implementing the pgAdmin help system.""" from flask import url_for from flask_babelex import gettext from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule from pgadmin.utils.menu import MenuItem, Panel from pgadmin.utils.preferences import Preferences import config MODULE_NAME = 'help' class HelpModule(PgAdminModule): def get_own_menuitems(self): """Return a (set) of dicts of help menu items, with name, priority, URL, target and onclick code.""" return {'help_items': [ MenuItem(name='mnu_online_help', label=gettext('Online Help'), priority=100, target='_blank', icon='fa fa-question', url=url_for('help.static', filename='index.html')), MenuItem(name='mnu_pgadmin_website', label=gettext('pgAdmin Website'), priority=200, target='_blank', icon='fa fa-external-link', url='https://www.pgadmin.org/'), MenuItem(name='mnu_postgresql_website', label=gettext('PostgreSQL Website'), priority=300, target='_blank', icon='fa fa-external-link', url='https://www.postgresql.org/')]} def get_panels(self): return [ Panel( name='pnl_online_help', priority=100, isPrivate=True, title=gettext('Online Help'), icon='fa fa-question').__dict__, Panel( name='pnl_sql_help', priority=200, isPrivate=True, icon='fa fa-info', title=gettext('SQL Help')).__dict__] def register_preferences(self): """ register_preferences Register preferences for this module. """ # Register options for the PG and PPAS help paths self.help_preference = Preferences('paths', gettext('Paths')) self.pg_help_path = self.help_preference.register( 'help', 'pg_help_path', gettext("PostgreSQL Help Path"), 'text', 'https://www.postgresql.org/docs/$VERSION$/static/', category_label=gettext('Help'), help_str=gettext( 'Path to the PostgreSQL documentation. $VERSION$ will be ' 'replaced with the major.minor version number.' ) ) self.edbas_help_path = self.help_preference.register( 'help', 'edbas_help_path', gettext("EDB Advanced Server Help Path"), 'text', 'https://www.enterprisedb.com/docs/en/$VERSION$/pg/', category_label=gettext('Help'), help_str=gettext( 'Path to the EDB Advanced Server documentation. $VERSION$ ' 'will be replaced with the major.minor version number.' ) ) def get_exposed_url_endpoints(self): """ Returns the list of URLs exposed to the client. """ return ['help.static'] # Initialise the module blueprint = HelpModule( MODULE_NAME, __name__, static_url_path='/help', static_folder=config.HELP_PATH )