////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // // TabWindow.cpp - Implementation of the custom tab widget // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "pgAdmin4.h" // App headers #include "TabWindow.h" #include <QWebHistory> TabWindow::TabWindow(QWidget *parent) : QTabWidget(parent) { setParent(parent); setTabsClosable(false); setElideMode(Qt::ElideRight); // Get the system colours we need QPalette palette = QApplication::palette("QPushButton"); QColor activebg = palette.color(QPalette::Button); QColor activefg = palette.color(QPalette::ButtonText); QColor inactivebg = palette.color(QPalette::Dark); QColor inactivefg = palette.color(QPalette::ButtonText); QColor border = palette.color(QPalette::Mid); setStyleSheet( "QTabBar::tab { " "background-color: " + inactivebg.name() + "; " "color: " + inactivefg.name() + "; " "border: 1px solid " + border.name() + "; " "padding: 1px 0px; " "margin-left: 0px; " "margin-top: 1px; " #ifndef __APPLE__ "width: 15em; " #ifdef _WIN32 "height: 1.5em; " #else "height: 1em; " #endif #endif "} " "QTabBar::tab:selected { " "background-color: " + activebg.name() + "; " "color: " + activefg.name() + "; " "border-bottom-style: none; " "} " "QTabWidget::pane { " "border: 0; " "} " "QTabWidget::tab-bar {" "alignment: left; " "}" ); #ifdef __APPLE__ m_testTabBar = new TabBar(); setTabBar(m_testTabBar); #endif // Hide the default tab tabBar()->setVisible(false); } // Hide the close button of given index displayed on right side of tab void TabWindow::enableDisableToolButton(const int &index) { QToolButton *toolBtnPtr = NULL; WebViewWindow *webviewPtr = NULL; // Enable/disable the toolbutton based on the history QWidget *tab1 = this->widget(index); if (tab1 != NULL) { QList<QWidget*> widgetList = tab1->findChildren<QWidget*>(); foreach( QWidget* widgetPtr, widgetList ) { if (widgetPtr != NULL) webviewPtr = dynamic_cast<WebViewWindow*>(widgetPtr); } } QWidget *tab = tabBar()->tabButton(index, QTabBar::LeftSide); if (tab != NULL) { QList<QWidget*> widgetList = tab->findChildren<QWidget*>(); foreach( QWidget* widgetPtr, widgetList ) { if (widgetPtr != NULL) { toolBtnPtr = dynamic_cast<QToolButton*>(widgetPtr); if (webviewPtr != NULL && toolBtnPtr != NULL) { if (!QString::compare(toolBtnPtr->toolTip(), tr("Go back"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (webviewPtr->page()->history()->canGoBack()) toolBtnPtr->setDisabled(false); else toolBtnPtr->setDisabled(true); } if (!QString::compare(toolBtnPtr->toolTip(), tr("Go forward"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { if (webviewPtr->page()->history()->canGoForward()) toolBtnPtr->setDisabled(false); else toolBtnPtr->setDisabled(true); } } } } } } // Get the index of the pushbutton which is requested by user to close the tab int TabWindow::getButtonIndex(QPushButton *btn) { QPushButton *nextBtnPtr = NULL; int loopCount = 0; int totalTabs = this->count(); for (loopCount = 1;loopCount < totalTabs;loopCount++) { QWidget *tab = tabBar()->tabButton(loopCount, QTabBar::RightSide); if (tab != NULL) { nextBtnPtr = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(tab); if (nextBtnPtr != NULL && btn != NULL && nextBtnPtr == btn) return loopCount; } } return 0; } // Show and Hide the toolbutton once the tab is deselected depending on the option // option 0: Hide the toolButton // option 1: Show the toolButton void TabWindow::showHideToolButton(const int &index, const int &option) { QToolButton *toolBtnPtr = NULL; QWidget *tab = tabBar()->tabButton(index, QTabBar::LeftSide); if (tab != NULL) { QList<QWidget*> widgetList = tab->findChildren<QWidget*>(); foreach( QWidget* widgetPtr, widgetList ) { if (widgetPtr != NULL) { toolBtnPtr = dynamic_cast<QToolButton*>(widgetPtr); if (toolBtnPtr != NULL) { if (!option) toolBtnPtr->hide(); else toolBtnPtr->show(); } } } } } // Set the tab tool tip text void TabWindow::setTabToolTipText(const int &index, const QString &toolTipString) { tabBar()->setTabToolTip(index, toolTipString); }