.. _cast_dialog: *************** The Cast Dialog *************** Use the *Cast* dialog to define a cast. A cast specifies how to convert a value from one data type to another. The *Cast* dialog organizes the development of a cast through the following dialog tabs: *General* and *Definition*. The *SQL* tab displays the SQL code generated by dialog selections. .. image:: images/cast_general.png :alt: Cast dialog general tab Use the fields in the *General* tab to identify the cast: * The *Name* field is disabled. The name that will be displayed in the *pgAdmin* tree control is the *Source* type concatenated with the *Target* type, and is generated automatically when you make selections on the *Cast* dialog *Definition* tab. * Store notes about the cast in the *Comment* field. Click the *Definition* tab to continue. .. image:: images/cast_definition.png :alt: Cast dialog definition tab Use the fields in the *Definition* tab to define parameters: * Use the drop-down listbox next to *Source type* to select the name of the source data type of the cast. * Use the drop-down listbox next to *Target type* to select the name of the target data type of the cast. * Use the drop-down listbox next to *Function* to select the function used to perform the cast. The function's result data type must match the target type of the cast. * Move the *Context* switch to the *Implicit* position if the cast is implicit. By default, a cast can be invoked only by an explicit cast request. If the cast is marked *Implicit* then it can be invoked implicitly in any context, whether by assignment or internally in an expression. Click the *SQL* tab to continue. Your entries in the *Cast* dialog generate a SQL command (see an example below). Use the *SQL* tab for review; revisit or switch tabs to make any changes to the SQL command. **Example** The following is an example of the sql command generated by user selections in the *Cast* dialog: .. image:: images/cast_sql.png :alt: Cast dialog sql tab The cast uses a function named *int4(bigint)* to convert a biginteger data type to an integer. * Click the *Info* button (i) to access online help. View context-sensitive help in the *Tabbed browser*, where a new tab displays the PostgreSQL core documentation. * Click the *Save* button to save work. * Click the *Cancel* button to exit without saving work. * Click the *Reset* button to restore configuration parameters.