.. _menu_bar:

`Menu Bar`:index:

The pgAdmin menu bar provides drop-down menus for access to options, commands,
and utilities. The menu bar displays the following selections: *File*, *Object*,
Tools*, and *Help*. Selections may be grayed out which indicates they are
disabled for the object currently selected in the *pgAdmin* tree control.

The File Menu

.. image:: /images/file_menu.png
    :alt: pgAdmin file menu bar
    :align: center

Use the *File* menu to access the following options:

| Option                  | Action                                                                                                  |
| *Preferences*           | Click to open the :ref:`Preferences <preferences>` dialog to customize your pgAdmin settings.           |
| *Reset Layout*          | If you have modified the workspace, click to restore the default layout.                                |
| *Lock Layout*           | Click to open a submenu to select the level for locking the UI layout                                   |
|                         | This can also be changed from browser display :ref:`preferences <preferences>`                          |
| *Runtime*               | Click to open a submenu to Configure, View Log and Zoom settings. Only visible when pgAdmin4 runs in    |
|                         | desktop mode. To know more about runtime menu :ref:`click here <desktop_deployment>`                    |

The Object Menu

.. image:: /images/object_menu.png
    :alt: pgAdmin object menu bar
    :align: center

The *Object* menu is context-sensitive. Use the *Object* menu to access the
following options (in alphabetical order):

| Option                      | Action                                                                                                                   |
| *Change Password...*        | Click to open the :ref:`Change Password... <change_password_dialog>` dialog to change your password.                     |
| *Clear Saved Password*      | If you have saved the database server password, click to clear the saved password.                                       |
|                             | Enable only when password is already saved.                                                                              |
| *Clear SSH Tunnel Password* | If you have saved the ssh tunnel password, click to clear the saved password.                                            |
|                             | Enable only when password is already saved.                                                                              |
| *Connect Server*            | Click to open the :ref:`Connect to Server <connect_to_server>` dialog to establish a connection with a server.           |
| *Create*                    | Click *Create* to access a context menu that provides context-sensitive selections.                                      |
|                             | Your selection opens a *Create* dialog for creating a new object.                                                        |
| *Delete/Drop*               | Click to delete the currently selected object from the server.                                                           |
| *Disconnect from server*    | Click to disconnect from the currently selected server.                                                                  |
| *Drop Cascade*              | Click to delete the currently selected object and all dependent objects from the server.                                 |
| *Properties...*             | Click to review or modify the currently selected object's properties.                                                    |
| *Refresh*                   | Click to refresh the currently selected object.                                                                          |
| *Remove Server*             | Click to remove the currently selected server.                                                                           |
| *Scripts*                   | Click to open the :ref:`Query tool <query_tool>` to edit or view the selected script from the flyout menu.               |
| *Trigger(s)*                | Click to *Disable* or *Enable* trigger(s) for the currently selected table. Options are displayed on the flyout menu.    |
| *Truncate*                  | Click to remove all rows from a table (*Truncate*), to remove all rows from a table and its child tables                 |
|                             | (*Truncate Cascade*) or to remove all rows from a table and automatically restart sequences owned by columns             |
|                             | (*Truncate Restart Identity*). Options are displayed on the flyout menu.                                                 |
| *View Data*                 | Click to access a context menu that provides several options for viewing data (see below).                               |
| *Generate ERD*              | Click to open the ERD tool with automatically generated diagram for the database selected.                               |
|                             | This option is available only when a database is selected. Options are displayed on the flyout menu.                     |

The Tools Menu

.. image:: /images/tool_menu.png
    :alt: pgAdmin tools menu bar
    :align: center

Use the *Tools* menu to access the following options (in alphabetical order):

| Option                    | Action                                                                                                                                    |
| *ERD Tool*                | Click to open the :ref:`ERD Tool <erd_tool>` and start designing your database.                                                           |
| *Grant Wizard...*         | Click to access the :ref:`Grant Wizard <grant_wizard>` tool.                                                                              |
| *PSQL Tool*               | Click to open the :ref:`PSQL Tool <psql_tool>` and start PSQL in the current database context.                                            |
| *Query tool*              | Click to open the :ref:`Query tool <query_tool>` for the currently selected object.                                                       |
| *Schema Diff*             | Click to open the :ref:`Schema Diff <schema_diff_feature>` and start comparing two database or two schema.                                |
| *Backup Globals...*       | Click to open the :ref:`Backup Globals... <backup_globals_dialog>` dialog to backup cluster objects.                                      |
| *Backup Server...*        | Click to open the :ref:`Backup Server... <backup_server_dialog>` dialog to backup a server.                                               |
| *Backup...*               | Click to open the :ref:`Backup... <backup_dialog>` dialog to backup database objects.                                                     |
| *Restore...*              | Click to access the :ref:`Restore <restore_dialog>` dialog to restore database files from a backup.                                       |
| *Import/Export Data...*   | Click to open the :ref:`Import/Export data... <import_export_data>` dialog to import or export data from a table.                         |
| *Maintenance...*          | Click to open the :ref:`Maintenance... <maintenance_dialog>` dialog to VACUUM, ANALYZE, REINDEX, or CLUSTER.                              |
| *Search Objects...*       | Click to open the :ref:`Search Objects... <search_objects>` and start searching any kind of objects in a database.                        |
| *Add named restore point* | Click to open the :ref:`Add named restore point... <add_restore_point_dialog>` dialog to take a point-in-time snapshot of the current     |
|                           | server state.                                                                                                                             |
| *Pause replay of WAL*     | Click to pause the replay of the WAL log.                                                                                                 |
| *Resume replay of WAL*    | Click to resume the replay of the WAL log.                                                                                                |
| *Reload Configuration...* | Click to update configuration files without restarting the server.                                                                        |
| *Storage Manager*         | Click to open the :ref:`Storage Manager <storage_manager>` to upload, delete, or download the backup files.                               |

The Help Menu

.. image:: images/help_menu.png
    :alt: pgAdmin help menu bar
    :align: center

Use the options on the *Help* menu to access online help documents, or to review
information about the pgAdmin installation (in alphabetical order):

| Option               | Action                                                                                                                                  |
| *Quick Search*       | Type your keywords in the Quick Search field. Typing at least three characters will display all the matching possibilities under Menu   |
|                      | items and the relevant documents under Help articles. Click on the options under Menu items to perform action of particular             |
|                      | functionality or object. Click on any of the Help articles to open the help of that topic with highlighted text in a separate window.   |
|                      |                                                                                                                                         |
|                      | **Note**:- If any of the option under Menu items is disabled, then it will provide information via info icon.                           |
| *About pgAdmin 4*    | Click to open a window where you will find information about pgAdmin; this includes the current version and the current user.           |
| *Online Help*        | Click to open documentation support for using pgAdmin utilities, tools and dialogs.                                                     |
|                      | Navigate (in the newly opened tab?) help documents in the left browser pane or use the search bar to specify a topic.                   |
| *pgAdmin Website*    | Click to open the *pgAdmin.org* website in a browser window.                                                                            |
| *PostgreSQL Website* | Click to access the PostgreSQL core documentation hosted at the PostgreSQL site. The site also offers guides, tutorials, and resources. |