////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // // Runtime.cpp - Core of the runtime // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "pgAdmin4.h" #include "Runtime.h" #include "Server.h" #include "TrayIcon.h" #include "MenuActions.h" #include "ConfigWindow.h" #include "FloatingWindow.h" #include "Logger.h" #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include "macos.h" #endif // Must be before QT #include #include #include #include #include #include Runtime::Runtime() { } bool Runtime::go(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Before starting main application, need to set 'QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1' // to make the runtime work with IBM PPC machines. #if defined (Q_OS_LINUX) QByteArray val("1"); qputenv("QT_X11_NO_MITSHM", val); #endif // Create the QT application QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Setup look n feel setupStyling(&app); // Setup the settings management QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("pgadmin"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("pgadmin.org"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("pgadmin4"); // Interlock if (alreadyRunning()) exit(0); // Proxy config configureProxy(); // Display the spash screen QSplashScreen *splash = displaySplash(&app); // Get the port number to use quint16 port = getPort(); // Generate a random key to authenticate the client to the server QString key = QUuid::createUuid().toString(); key = key.mid(1, key.length() - 2); // Create Menu Actions MenuActions *menuActions = new MenuActions(); // Create the control object (tray icon or floating window FloatingWindow *floatingWindow = Q_NULLPTR; TrayIcon *trayIcon = Q_NULLPTR; splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("Checking for system tray...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); if (QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) trayIcon = createTrayIcon(splash, menuActions); else floatingWindow = createFloatingWindow(splash, menuActions); // Fire up the app server Server *server = startServerLoop(splash, floatingWindow, trayIcon, port, key); // Ensure we'll cleanup QObject::connect(server, SIGNAL(finished()), server, SLOT(deleteLater())); atexit(cleanup); // Generate the app server URL QString url = QString("").arg(port).arg(key); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(QString(QWidget::tr("Application Server URL: %1")).arg(url)); // Check the server is running checkServer(splash, url); // Stash the URL for any duplicate processes to open createAddressFile(url); // Go! menuActions->setAppServerUrl(url); // Enable the shutdown server menu as server started successfully. if (trayIcon != Q_NULLPTR) trayIcon->enablePostStartOptions(); if (floatingWindow != Q_NULLPTR) floatingWindow->enablePostStartOptions(); // Open the browser if needed if (m_settings.value("OpenTabAtStartup", true).toBool()) openBrowserTab(url); // Make sure the server is shutdown if the server is quit by the user QObject::connect(menuActions, SIGNAL(shutdownSignal(QUrl)), server, SLOT(shutdown(QUrl))); // Final cleanup splash->finish(Q_NULLPTR); if (floatingWindow != Q_NULLPTR) floatingWindow->show(); Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Everything works fine, successfully started pgAdmin4."); Logger::ReleaseLogger(); return app.exec(); } // Setup the styling void Runtime::setupStyling(QApplication *app) { // Setup the styling #ifndef Q_OS_LINUX QFile stylesheet; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 QSettings registry("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Themes\\Personalize", QSettings::Registry64Format); if (!registry.value("AppsUseLightTheme", true).toBool()) { qDebug( "Windows Dark Mode..." ); stylesheet.setFileName(":/qdarkstyle/style.qss"); stylesheet.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream stream(&stylesheet); app->setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()); } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (IsDarkMode()) { qDebug( "macOS Dark Mode..."); stylesheet.setFileName(":/qdarkstyle/style.qss"); stylesheet.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); QTextStream stream(&stylesheet); app->setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()); } #endif #endif // Set high DPI pixmap to display icons clear on Qt widget. QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); } // Check if we're already running. If we are, open a new browser tab. bool Runtime::alreadyRunning() { // Create a system-wide semaphore keyed by app name, exe hash and the username // to ensure instances are unique to the user and path QString userName = qgetenv("USER"); // *nix if (userName.isEmpty()) userName = qgetenv("USERNAME"); // Windows QString semaName = QString("pgadmin4-%1-%2-sema").arg(userName).arg(getExeHash()); QString shmemName = QString("pgadmin4-%1-%2-shmem").arg(userName).arg(getExeHash()); qDebug() << "Semaphore name:" << semaName; qDebug() << "Shared memory segment name:" << shmemName; QSystemSemaphore sema(semaName, 1); sema.acquire(); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN32 // We may need to clean up stale shmem segments on *nix. Attaching and detaching // should remove the segment if it is orphaned. QSharedMemory stale_shmem(shmemName); if (stale_shmem.attach()) stale_shmem.detach(); #endif m_shmem = new QSharedMemory(shmemName); bool is_running; if (m_shmem->attach()) is_running = true; else { m_shmem->create(1); is_running = false; } sema.release(); if (is_running) { QFile addressFile(getAddressFile()); addressFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); QTextStream in(&addressFile); QString url = in.readLine(); qDebug() << "Already running. Opening browser tab to: " << url << "and exiting."; openBrowserTab(url); return true; } return false; } void Runtime::configureProxy() { // In windows and linux, it is required to set application level proxy // because socket bind logic to find free port gives socket creation error // when system proxy is configured. We are also setting // "setUseSystemConfiguration"=true to use the system proxy which will // override this application level proxy. As this bug is fixed in Qt 5.9 so // need to set application proxy for Qt version < 5.9. // #if defined (Q_OS_WIN) && QT_VERSION <= 0x050800 // Give dummy URL required to find proxy server configured in windows. QNetworkProxyQuery proxyQuery(QUrl("https://www.pgadmin.org")); QNetworkProxy l_proxy; QList listOfProxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(proxyQuery); if (listOfProxies.size()) { l_proxy = listOfProxies[0]; // If host name is not empty means proxy server is configured. if (!l_proxy.hostName().isEmpty()) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy()); } } #endif #if defined (Q_OS_LINUX) && QT_VERSION <= 0x050800 QByteArray proxy_env; proxy_env = qgetenv("http_proxy"); // If http_proxy environment is defined in linux then proxy server is configured. if (!proxy_env.isEmpty()) { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy()); } #endif } // Display the splash screen QSplashScreen * Runtime::displaySplash(QApplication *app) { QSplashScreen *splash = new QSplashScreen(); splash->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/splash.png")); splash->setWindowFlags(splash->windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); splash->show(); app->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents); return splash; } // Get the port number we're going to use quint16 Runtime::getPort() { quint16 port = 0L; if (m_settings.value("FixedPort", false).toBool()) { // Use the fixed port number port = m_settings.value("PortNumber", 5050).toInt(); } else { // Find an unused port number. Essentially, we're just reserving one // here that Flask will use when we start up the server. QTcpSocket socket; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050900 socket.setProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy); #endif socket.bind(0, QTcpSocket::ShareAddress); port = socket.localPort(); } return port; } // Create a tray icon TrayIcon * Runtime::createTrayIcon(QSplashScreen *splash, MenuActions *menuActions) { TrayIcon *trayIcon = Q_NULLPTR; splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("Checking for system tray...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Checking for system tray..."); // Start the tray service trayIcon = new TrayIcon(); // Set the MenuActions object to connect to slot if (trayIcon != Q_NULLPTR) trayIcon->setMenuActions(menuActions); trayIcon->Init(); return trayIcon; } // Create a floating window FloatingWindow * Runtime::createFloatingWindow(QSplashScreen *splash, MenuActions *menuActions) { FloatingWindow *floatingWindow = Q_NULLPTR; splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("System tray not found, creating floating window...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); Logger::GetLogger()->Log("System tray not found, creating floating window..."); floatingWindow = new FloatingWindow(); if (floatingWindow == Q_NULLPTR) { QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("Unable to initialize either a tray icon or floating window.")); QMessageBox::critical(Q_NULLPTR, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(error); Logger::ReleaseLogger(); exit(1); } // Set the MenuActions object to connect to slot floatingWindow->setMenuActions(menuActions); floatingWindow->Init(); return floatingWindow; } // Server startup loop Server * Runtime::startServerLoop(QSplashScreen *splash, FloatingWindow *floatingWindow, TrayIcon *trayIcon, int port, QString key) { bool done = false; Server *server; while (!done) { server = startServer(splash, port, key); if (server == NULL) { Logger::ReleaseLogger(); QApplication::quit(); } // Check for server startup errors if (server->isFinished() || server->getError().length() > 0) { splash->finish(Q_NULLPTR); qDebug() << server->getError(); QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("An error occurred initialising the pgAdmin 4 server:\n\n%1")).arg(server->getError()); QMessageBox::critical(Q_NULLPTR, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(error); delete server; // Allow the user to tweak the Python Path if needed m_configDone = false; ConfigWindow *dlg = new ConfigWindow(); dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); dlg->show(); dlg->raise(); dlg->activateWindow(); QObject::connect(dlg, SIGNAL(closing(bool)), this, SLOT(onConfigDone(bool))); // Wait for configuration to be completed while (!m_configDone) delay(100); } else { // Startup appears successful done = true; } } return server; } // Slot called when re-configuration is done. void Runtime::onConfigDone(bool accepted) { if (accepted) m_configDone = true; else exit(0); } // Start the server Server * Runtime::startServer(QSplashScreen *splash, int port, QString key) { Server *server; splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("Starting pgAdmin4 server...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Starting pgAdmin4 server..."); QString msg = QString(QWidget::tr("Creating server object, port:%1, key:%2, logfile:%3")).arg(port).arg(key).arg(getServerLogFile()); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(msg); server = new Server(this, port, key, getServerLogFile()); Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Initializing server..."); if (!server->Init()) { splash->finish(Q_NULLPTR); qDebug() << server->getError(); QString error = QString(QWidget::tr("An error occurred initialising the pgAdmin 4 server:\n\n%1")).arg(server->getError()); QMessageBox::critical(Q_NULLPTR, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(error); Logger::ReleaseLogger(); exit(1); } Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Server initialized, starting server thread..."); server->start(); // This is a hack to give the server a chance to start and potentially fail. As // the Python interpreter is a synchronous call, we can't check for proper startup // easily in a more robust way - we have to rely on a clean startup not returning. // It should always fail pretty quickly, and take longer to start if it succeeds, so // we don't really get a visible delay here. delay(1000); return server; } // Check the server is running properly void Runtime::checkServer(QSplashScreen *splash, QString url) { // Read the server connection timeout from the registry or set the default timeout. int timeout = m_settings.value("ConnectionTimeout", 90).toInt(); // Now the server should be up, we'll attempt to connect and get a response. // We'll retry in a loop a few time before aborting if necessary. QTime endTime = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(timeout); QTime midTime1 = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(timeout/3); QTime midTime2 = QTime::currentTime().addSecs(timeout*2/3); bool alive = false; Logger::GetLogger()->Log("The server should be up. Attempting to connect and get a response."); while(QTime::currentTime() <= endTime) { alive = pingServer(QUrl(url)); if (alive) { break; } if(QTime::currentTime() >= midTime1) { if(QTime::currentTime() < midTime2) { splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("Taking longer than usual...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); } else { splash->showMessage(QString(QWidget::tr("Almost there...")), Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignCenter); } } delay(200); } // Attempt to connect one more time in case of a long network timeout while looping Logger::GetLogger()->Log("Attempt to connect one more time in case of a long network timeout while looping"); if (!alive && !pingServer(QUrl(url))) { splash->finish(Q_NULLPTR); QString error(QWidget::tr("The pgAdmin 4 server could not be contacted.")); QMessageBox::critical(Q_NULLPTR, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); Logger::ReleaseLogger(); exit(1); } } // Create the address file void Runtime::createAddressFile(QString url) { QFile addressFile(getAddressFile()); if (addressFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { addressFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner|QFile::WriteOwner); QTextStream out(&addressFile); out << url << endl; } } // Open a browser tab void Runtime::openBrowserTab(QString url) { QString cmd = m_settings.value("BrowserCommand").toString(); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { cmd.replace("%URL%", url); QProcess::startDetached(cmd); } else { if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)) { QString error(QWidget::tr("Failed to open the system default web browser. Is one installed?.")); QMessageBox::critical(Q_NULLPTR, QString(QWidget::tr("Fatal Error")), error); Logger::GetLogger()->Log(error); Logger::ReleaseLogger(); exit(1); } } } // Make a request to the Python API server QString Runtime::serverRequest(QUrl url, QString path) { QNetworkAccessManager manager; QEventLoop loop; QNetworkReply *reply; QVariant redirectUrl; url.setPath(path); QString requestUrl = url.toString(); do { reply = manager.get(QNetworkRequest(url)); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit())); loop.exec(); redirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); url = redirectUrl.toUrl(); if (!redirectUrl.isNull()) delete reply; } while (!redirectUrl.isNull()); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << "Failed to connect to the server:" << reply->errorString() << "- request URL:" << requestUrl << "."; return QString(); } QString response = reply->readAll(); qDebug() << "Server response:" << response << "- request URL:" << requestUrl << "."; return response; } // Ping the application server to see if it's alive bool Runtime::pingServer(QUrl url) { return serverRequest(url, "/misc/ping") == "PING"; } // Shutdown the application server bool Runtime::shutdownServer(QUrl url) { return serverRequest(url, "/misc/shutdown") == "SHUTDOWN"; } void Runtime::delay(int milliseconds) { QTime endTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(milliseconds); while(QTime::currentTime() < endTime) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 100); } }