.. _user_interface: *********************** `User Interface`:index: *********************** pgAdmin 4 supports all PostgreSQL features, from writing simple SQL queries to developing complex databases. It is designed to query an active database (in real-time), allowing you to stay current with modifications and implementations. Features of pgAdmin 4 include: * auto-detection and support for objects discovered at run-time * a live SQL Query Tool with direct data editing * support for administrative queries * a syntax-highlighting SQL editor * redesigned graphical interfaces * powerful management dialogs and tools for common tasks * responsive, context-sensitive behavior * supportive error messages * helpful hints * online help and information about using pgAdmin dialogs and tools. When pgAdmin opens, the interface features a menu bar and a window divided into two panes: the *Object Explorer* tree control in the left pane, and a tabbed browser in the right pane. .. image:: images/welcome.png :alt: pgAdmin4 welcome page :align: center Select an icon from the *Quick Links* panel on the *Dashboard* tab to: * Click the *Add New Server* button to open the :ref:`Register - Server dialog ` to add a new server definition. * Click the *Configure pgAdmin* button to open the :ref:`Preferences dialog ` to customize your pgAdmin client. Links in the *Getting Started* panel open a new browser tab that provide useful information for Postgres users: * Click the *PostgreSQL Documentation* link to navigate to the *Documentation* page for the PostgreSQL open-source project; once at the project site, you can review the manuals for the currently supported versions of the PostgreSQL server. * Click the *pgAdmin Website* link to navigate to the pgAdmin project website. The pgAdmin site features news about recent pgAdmin releases and other project information. * Click the *Planet PostgreSQL* link to navigate to the blog aggregator for Postgres related blogs. * Click the *Community Support* link to navigate to the *Community* page at the PostgreSQL open-source project site; this page provides information about obtaining support for PostgreSQL features.