************* Code Snippets ************* This document contains code for some of the important classes, listed as below: * PgAdminModule_ * NodeView_ * BaseDriver_ * BaseConnection_ .. _PgAdminModule: PgAdminModule ************* PgAdminModule is inherted from Flask.Blueprint module. This module defines a set of methods, properties and attributes, that every module should implement. .. code-block:: python class PgAdminModule(Blueprint): """ Base class for every PgAdmin Module. This class defines a set of method and attributes that every module should implement. """ def __init__(self, name, import_name, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('url_prefix', '/' + name) kwargs.setdefault('template_folder', 'templates') kwargs.setdefault('static_folder', 'static') self.submodules = [] super(PgAdminModule, self).__init__(name, import_name, **kwargs) def create_module_preference(): # Create preference for each module by default if hasattr(self, 'LABEL'): self.preference = Preferences(self.name, self.LABEL) else: self.preference = Preferences(self.name, None) self.register_preferences() # Create and register the module preference object and preferences for # it just before the first request self.before_app_first_request(create_module_preference) def register_preferences(self): pass def register(self, app, options, first_registration=False): """ Override the default register function to automagically register sub-modules at once. """ if first_registration: self.submodules = list(app.find_submodules(self.import_name)) super(PgAdminModule, self).register(app, options, first_registration) for module in self.submodules: app.register_blueprint(module) def get_own_stylesheets(self): """ Returns: list: the stylesheets used by this module, not including any stylesheet needed by the submodules. """ return [] def get_own_messages(self): """ Returns: dict: the i18n messages used by this module, not including any messages needed by the submodules. """ return dict() def get_own_javascripts(self): """ Returns: list: the javascripts used by this module, not including any script needed by the submodules. """ return [] def get_own_menuitems(self): """ Returns: dict: the menuitems for this module, not including any needed from the submodules. """ return defaultdict(list) def get_panels(self): """ Returns: list: a list of panel objects to add """ return [] @property def stylesheets(self): stylesheets = self.get_own_stylesheets() for module in self.submodules: stylesheets.extend(module.stylesheets) return stylesheets @property def messages(self): res = self.get_own_messages() for module in self.submodules: res.update(module.messages) return res @property def javascripts(self): javascripts = self.get_own_javascripts() for module in self.submodules: javascripts.extend(module.javascripts) return javascripts @property def menu_items(self): menu_items = self.get_own_menuitems() for module in self.submodules: for key, value in module.menu_items.items(): menu_items[key].extend(value) menu_items = dict((key, sorted(value, key=attrgetter('priority'))) for key, value in menu_items.items()) return menu_items .. _NodeView: NodeView ******** NodeView class helps exposing basic REST APIs for different operations used by pgAdmin Browser. The basic idea has been taken from the `Flask's MethodView `_ class. Because - we need a lot more operations (not, just CRUD), we can not use it directly. .. code-block:: python class NodeView(with_metaclass(MethodViewType, View)): """ A PostgreSQL Object has so many operaions/functions apart from CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete): i.e. - Reversed Engineered SQL - Modified Query for parameter while editing object attributes i.e. ALTER TABLE ... - Statistics of the objects - List of dependents - List of dependencies - Listing of the children object types for the certain node It will used by the browser tree to get the children nodes This class can be inherited to achieve the diffrent routes for each of the object types/collections. OPERATION | URL | HTTP Method | Method ---------------+-----------------------------+-------------+-------------- List | /obj/[Parent URL]/ | GET | list Properties | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | GET | properties Create | /obj/[Parent URL]/ | POST | create Delete | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | DELETE | delete Update | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | PUT | update SQL (Reversed | /sql/[Parent URL]/id | GET | sql Engineering) | SQL (Modified | /msql/[Parent URL]/id | GET | modified_sql Properties) | Statistics | /stats/[Parent URL]/id | GET | statistics Dependencies | /dependency/[Parent URL]/id | GET | dependencies Dependents | /dependent/[Parent URL]/id | GET | dependents Nodes | /nodes/[Parent URL]/ | GET | nodes Current Node | /nodes/[Parent URL]/id | GET | node Children | /children/[Parent URL]/id | GET | children NOTE: Parent URL can be seen as the path to identify the particular node. i.e. In order to identify the TABLE object, we need server -> database -> schema information. """ operations = dict({ 'obj': [ {'get': 'properties', 'delete': 'delete', 'put': 'update'}, {'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'} ], 'nodes': [{'get': 'node'}, {'get': 'nodes'}], 'sql': [{'get': 'sql'}], 'msql': [{'get': 'modified_sql'}], 'stats': [{'get': 'statistics'}], 'dependency': [{'get': 'dependencies'}], 'dependent': [{'get': 'dependents'}], 'children': [{'get': 'children'}], 'module.js': [{}, {}, {'get': 'module_js'}] }) @classmethod def generate_ops(cls): cmds = [] for op in cls.operations: idx = 0 for ops in cls.operations[op]: meths = [] for meth in ops: meths.append(meth.upper()) if len(meths) > 0: cmds.append({ 'cmd': op, 'req': (idx == 0), 'with_id': (idx != 2), 'methods': meths }) idx += 1 return cmds # Inherited class needs to modify these parameters node_type = None # This must be an array object with attributes (type and id) parent_ids = [] # This must be an array object with attributes (type and id) ids = [] @classmethod def get_node_urls(cls): assert cls.node_type is not None, \ "Please set the node_type for this class ({0})".format( str(cls.__class__.__name__)) common_url = '/' for p in cls.parent_ids: common_url += '<{0}:{1}>/'.format(str(p['type']), str(p['id'])) id_url = None for p in cls.ids: id_url = '{0}<{1}:{2}>'.format(common_url if not id_url else id_url, p['type'], p['id']) return id_url, common_url def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.cmd = kwargs['cmd'] # Check the existance of all the required arguments from parent_ids # and return combination of has parent arguments, and has id arguments def check_args(self, **kwargs): has_id = has_args = True for p in self.parent_ids: if p['id'] not in kwargs: has_args = False break for p in self.ids: if p['id'] not in kwargs: has_id = False break return has_args, has_id and has_args def dispatch_request(self, *args, **kwargs): meth = flask.request.method.lower() if meth == 'head': meth = 'get' assert self.cmd in self.operations, \ "Unimplemented command ({0}) for {1}".format( self.cmd, str(self.__class__.__name__) ) has_args, has_id = self.check_args(**kwargs) assert (self.cmd in self.operations and (has_id and len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 0 and meth in self.operations[self.cmd][0]) or (not has_id and len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 1 and meth in self.operations[self.cmd][1]) or (len(self.operations[self.cmd]) > 2 and meth in self.operations[self.cmd][2])), \ "Unimplemented method ({0}) for command ({1}), which {2} an id".format( meth, self.cmd, 'requires' if has_id else 'does not require' ) meth = self.operations[self.cmd][0][meth] if has_id else \ self.operations[self.cmd][1][meth] if has_args and \ meth in self.operations[self.cmd][1] else \ self.operations[self.cmd][2][meth] method = getattr(self, meth, None) if method is None: return make_json_response( status=406, success=0, errormsg=gettext( "Unimplemented method ({0}) for this url ({1})".format( meth, flask.request.path) ) ) return method(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def register_node_view(cls, blueprint): cls.blueprint = blueprint id_url, url = cls.get_node_urls() commands = cls.generate_ops() for c in commands: if c['with_id']: blueprint.add_url_rule( '/{0}{1}'.format( c['cmd'], id_url if c['req'] else url ), view_func=cls.as_view( '{0}{1}'.format( c['cmd'], '_id' if c['req'] else '' ), cmd=c['cmd'] ), methods=c['methods'] ) else: blueprint.add_url_rule( '/{0}'.format(c['cmd']), view_func=cls.as_view( '{0}'.format(c['cmd']), cmd=c['cmd'] ), methods=c['methods'] ) def module_js(self, **kwargs): """ This property defines (if javascript) exists for this node. Override this property for your own logic. """ return flask.make_response( flask.render_template( "{0}/js/{0}.js".format(self.node_type) ), 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/x-javascript'} ) def children(self, *args, **kwargs): """Build a list of treeview nodes from the child nodes.""" children = [] for module in self.blueprint.submodules: children.extend(module.get_nodes(*args, **kwargs)) return make_json_response(data=children) .. _BaseDriver: BaseDriver ********** .. code-block:: python class BaseDriver(object): """ class BaseDriver(object): This is a base class for different server types. Inherit this class to implement different type of database driver implementation. (For PostgreSQL/Postgres Plus Advanced Server, we will be using psycopg2) Abstract Properties: -------- ---------- * Version (string): Current version string for the database server Abstract Methods: -------- ------- * get_connection(*args, **kwargs) - It should return a Connection class object, which may/may not be connected to the database server. * release_connection(*args, **kwargs) - Implement the connection release logic * gc() - Implement this function to release the connections assigned in the session, which has not been pinged from more than the idle timeout configuration. """ @abstractproperty def Version(cls): pass @abstractmethod def get_connection(self, *args, **kwargs): pass @abstractmethod def release_connection(self, *args, **kwargs): pass @abstractmethod def gc(self): pass .. _BaseConnection: BaseConnection ************** .. code-block:: python class BaseConnection(object): """ class BaseConnection(object) It is a base class for database connection. A different connection drive must implement this to expose abstract methods for this server. General idea is to create a wrapper around the actual driver implementation. It will be instantiated by the driver factory basically. And, they should not be instantiated directly. Abstract Methods: -------- ------- * connect(**kwargs) - Define this method to connect the server using that particular driver implementation. * execute_scalar(query, params, formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to execute the given query and returns single datum result. * execute_async(query, params, formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to execute the given query asynchronously and returns result. * execute_void(query, params, formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to execute the given query with no result. * execute_2darray(query, params, formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to execute the given query and returns the result as a 2 dimensional array. * execute_dict(query, params, formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to execute the given query and returns the result as an array of dict (column name -> value) format. * connected() - Implement this method to get the status of the connection. It should return True for connected, otherwise False * reset() - Implement this method to reconnect the database server (if possible) * transaction_status() - Implement this method to get the transaction status for this connection. Range of return values different for each driver type. * ping() - Implement this method to ping the server. There are times, a connection has been lost, but - the connection driver does not know about it. This can be helpful to figure out the actual reason for query failure. * _release() - Implement this method to release the connection object. This should not be directly called using the connection object itself. NOTE: Please use BaseDriver.release_connection(...) for releasing the connection object for better memory management, and connection pool management. * _wait(conn) - Implement this method to wait for asynchronous connection to finish the execution, hence - it must be a blocking call. * _wait_timeout(conn, time) - Implement this method to wait for asynchronous connection with timeout. This must be a non blocking call. * poll(formatted_exception_msg) - Implement this method to poll the data of query running on asynchronous connection. * cancel_transaction(conn_id, did=None) - Implement this method to cancel the running transaction. * messages() - Implement this method to return the list of the messages/notices from the database server. * rows_affected() - Implement this method to get the rows affected by the last command executed on the server. """ ASYNC_OK = 1 ASYNC_READ_TIMEOUT = 2 ASYNC_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 3 ASYNC_NOT_CONNECTED = 4 ASYNC_EXECUTION_ABORTED = 5 @abstractmethod def connect(self, **kwargs): pass @abstractmethod def execute_scalar(self, query, params=None, formatted_exception_msg=False): pass @abstractmethod def execute_async(self, query, params=None, formatted_exception_msg=True): pass @abstractmethod def execute_void(self, query, params=None, formatted_exception_msg=False): pass @abstractmethod def execute_2darray(self, query, params=None, formatted_exception_msg=False): pass @abstractmethod def execute_dict(self, query, params=None, formatted_exception_msg=False): pass @abstractmethod def connected(self): pass @abstractmethod def reset(self): pass @abstractmethod def transaction_status(self): pass @abstractmethod def ping(self): pass @abstractmethod def _release(self): pass @abstractmethod def _wait(self, conn): pass @abstractmethod def _wait_timeout(self, conn, time): pass @abstractmethod def poll(self, formatted_exception_msg=True): pass @abstractmethod def status_message(self): pass @abstractmethod def rows_affected(self): pass @abstractmethod def cancel_transaction(self, conn_id, did=None): pass