.. _connect_to_server: ************************** `Connect to Server`:index: ************************** Use the *Connect to Server* dialog to authenticate with a defined server and access the objects stored on the server through the pgAdmin tree control. To access the dialog, right click on the server name in the *pgAdmin* tree control, and select *Connect Server...* from the context menu. .. image:: images/connect_to_server.png :alt: Connect to server dialog :align: center Provide authentication information for the selected server: * Use the *Password* field to provide the password of the user that is associated with the defined server. * Check the box next to *Save Password* to instruct the server to save the password for future connections; if you save the password, you will not be prompted when reconnecting to the database server with this server definition. When using SSH Tunneling, the *Connect to Server* dialog will prompt for the SSH Tunnel and Database server passwords if not already saved. .. image:: images/connect_to_tunneled_server.png :alt: Connect to server dialog :align: center Provide authentication information for the selected server: * Use the *Password* field to provide the password of the user that is associated with the defined server. * Check the box next to respective *Save Password* to instruct the server to save the password for future connections; if you save the password, you will not be prompted when reconnecting to the database server with this server definition. The pgAdmin client displays a message in a green status bar in the lower right corner when the server connects successfully. If you receive an error message while attempting a connection, verify that your network is allowing the pgAdmin host and the host of the database server to communicate. For detailed information about a specific error message, please see the :ref:`Connection Error <connect_error>` help page. To review or modify connection details, right-click on the name of the server, and select *Properties...* from the context menu.