Highlights of this patch include:
- Changes will affect SQL Editors in Create dialog boxes, SQL tab of the main screen, Query tool, History entries in the query tool, Query tool opened in New Tab/Window
- All the components of SQL editor will refer to single source of preferences which is cached in the Browser object. All other redundant ajax get preference calls are removed.
- SQL editor will not refer template JS variables anymore, once all the references are removed the template variables will also be removed.
- Code refactoring wherever possible.
- Covered JS test cases wherever possible.
it compatible with the pgAdmin 4 color combination.
Icons for the following nodes are in PNG format.
- Domain Constraint (Only the invalid icon)
- pgAgent Job Steps
- Green Plum database server
- Server (Only server.png, which is used in the create/edit dialog)
This significantly speeds up loading of the application; in an average of 3 tests, v1.6
loaded in 11.5s in the runtime on a Mac, whilst the webpacked version of the code
loaded in 5.53s.
'static' directory from 'templates' in the respective module directory:
- Server Group
- Server
- Database
- Schema
- Cast
- Event trigger
- Extension
- Foreign data wrapper
- Language
- Catalog Object
- Collation
- Domain Constraint
- Domain
- Foreign server
- FTS Configuration
- FTS Dictionary
- FTS Parser
- FTS Template
- Function
- Procedure
- Trigger Function
- Package
- Sequence
- Catalog
- Schema
- Synonym
- Table
- Type
- Materialized View
- View
- pgAgent Modules
+ Job (pga_job)
+ Schedule (pga_schedule)
+ Steps (pga_jobstep)
Added new dynanic modules for listing the supported server types, and
current user information.
NOTE: We've not yet moved the javascripts for the children of the table
Created a url_for function module to be used by different javascript
modules to use the same functionality of flask at client side.
A python module can expose the list of endpoints, used by its
javascripts, by overriding the 'get_exposed_url_endpoints(self)'
In this patch, we have modified all the browser modules to use this
function. It will allow us to move the majority of the javascript
modules of browser nodes from templates directory to the static
- Move these javascripts modules to the static directory.
- Use this function in all the applicable javascript modules.
e.g. tools, miscellaneous modules
Also - fixed few CSS specifically for the preferences dialog.
Returning the sorted preferences from the server, so that - it lists
down in correct order.
Also - includes:
* Added 'parent_id' in the 'generate_browser_node' function of the Nodes
to allow them to move around the parents objects (specially through
update/save functionality).
* Handles the issue related to adding the older object back to the
collection (DataModel).
Author: Ashesh Vashi
Reviewed by: Neel Patel, and Akshay Joshi.
connect to the database server. Also, added modified the way, we do
check the node is supported by the server.
Instead of creating separate blueprint for the server types, they will
be independently works. In order to add different variant of the
PostgreSQL, we need to extend the ServerType class, and override the
'instanceOf' function for identification using version string. Please
take a look at the ppas.py for the example.
During checking the back-end support for the node, we will also check
the server type (variant) along with the version within the range of
maximum and minimum version for the node. And, the same support added
for the schema attributes in front-end (JavaScript).
Really thankful to Khushboo Vashi for her initial work in front-end. I
took it further from there.
server connection.
The BaseDriver and BaseConnection are two abstract classes, which allows
us to replace the existing driver with the currently used. The current
implementation supports to connect the PostgreSQL and Postgres Plus
Advanced Server using the psycopg2 driver.
(lazy loading) using the require.js. This allows us to load the
javascript required for any node, only when it was loaded in the browser
tree. Also, introduced the mechanism to show/edit/create of any node in
a tab panel (wcDocker.Panel).
PostgreSQL node(s).
Browser Tree Node (PostgreSQL object) requires more than just CRUD.
- CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete)
- Reversed Engineered SQL for the object
- Modified Query in edit mode
i.e. ALTER TABLE ...
- Statistics
- List of dependents
- List of dependencies
- Children node list
This class can be inherited to achieve the different routes for each of
the object types/collections.
List | /obj/[Parent URL]/ | GET
Properties | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | GET
Create | /obj/[Parent URL]/ | POST
Delete | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | DELETE
Update | /obj/[Parent URL]/id | PUT
SQL (Reversed | /sql/[Parent URL]/id | GET
Engineering) |
SQL (Modified | /sql/[Parent URL]/id | POST
Properties) |
Statistics | /stats/[Parent URL]/id | GET
Dependencies | /deps/[Parent URL]/id | GET
Dependents | /deps/[Parent URL]/id | POST
Children Nodes | /nodes/[Parent URL]/id | GET
Parent URL can be seen as the path to identify the particular node.
In order to identify the TABLE object, we requires information
about the server -> database -> schema objects.
Hence, the Parent URL for the TABLE object will be something like
this as below:
Inherited a new classes ServerGroupView and ServerView, which are
inherited from the NodeView for the implementation of above operations.
submodules inherited from the PgAdminModule instead of regular
Blueprint. This allows us to load the module automatically from the
under the pgadmin directory, and will work to extend the pgAdmin
extension module.
PgAdminModule is inherited from the Blueprint, and bring several
- get_own_stylesheets, which returns the stylesheets used by the module
(excluding its submodules stylesheets)
- get_own_javascripts
- menu_items, which returns a dictionray mapping the old hook names
(context_items etc) to a list of MenuItem instances
For more specialized modules (as for now, any module that should be part
of the browser tree construction), one can define an abstract base class
defining additional methods.
For example, the BrowserPluginModule abstract base class defines the
following methods:
- jssnippets
- csssnipeets
- node_type
- get_nodes
This commit adds the following:
- Storage of server groups in the configuration database
- Creation of a default server group on in the database
- A mechanism for plugging in treeview node types
- A node type for server groups with:
- Treeview display
- Custom per-node javascript implementing a menu option/dialogue to add new groups
- Custom per-node CSS to style the treeview node
- JSON formatted data in response to AJAX requests, including:
- Success/failure indication
- Error message
- Extra info (e.g. stack trace)
- The original request data
- Additional return data, e.g. node ID and label etc.
A user authentication module based on flask-security is added, which
allows users to login and change/recover passwords etc. Custom templates
are included for the user/password UIs.
A new setup script will initialise the user (and later settings) DB,
adding the first user and granting them an Administrator role.
A redirects blueprint module is added to handle simple URL redirects.
A browser module is added and currently renders a skeleton page with
a menu bar, gravatar and jumbotron.
NOTE FOR LATER: Currently this code might make the nice basis for any
web app that needs user management and plugins. Hmmm....